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<!DOCTYPE packagegui SYSTEM "../schema/packages.dtd">
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    <description>Describe your package here</description>
    <requirements>Describe your package requirements here</requirements>
    <faq>Currently there are no FAQ items provided.</faq>

	<title>Proxy Content filter SquidGuard: Times</title>

	<delete_string>A proxy server user has been deleted.</delete_string>
	<addedit_string>A proxy server user has been created/modified.</addedit_string>

			<text>General settings</text>

			       Enter the unique name here.
                   Name must consist of minimum 2 symbols, first from which letter. &lt;br&gt;
                   All other symbols must be [a-Z_0-9].
					<fielddescr>Time type</fielddescr>
  					<fielddescr>Date or Date range</fielddescr>
  					<fielddescr>Time range</fielddescr>
			<description>You may enter a description here for your reference (not parsed). &lt;br&gt;
                &lt;b&gt; Note: &lt;/b&gt; &lt;br&gt;
				Field &lt;b&gt;'Date or date range'&lt;/b&gt; have format 'yyyy.mm.dd'; 'yyyy.mm.dd-yyyy.mm.dd'; or use '*' in format. &lt;br&gt;
				Example: '2007.05.01'; '2007.04.14-2007.04.17'; '*.12.24'; '2007.*.01'; &lt;br&gt;
				Field &lt;b&gt;'Time range'&lt;/b&gt; have format 'hh:mm-hh:mm'. Example: '08:00-18:00';

		squidguard_validate_times(&amp;$_POST, &amp;$input_errors);
//		squidguard_resync_time();