Describe your package hereDescribe your package requirements hereCurrently there are no FAQ items provided.squidguarddestnoneProxy filter SquidGuard: Target categories/usr/local/pkg/squidguard.incA proxy server user has been deleted.A proxy server user has been created/modified.General settings/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard.xml&id=0Common ACL/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard_default.xml&id=0Groups ACL/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_acl.xmlTarget categories/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_dest.xmlTimes/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_time.xmlRewrites/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_rewr.xmlBlacklist/squidGuard/squidguard_blacklist.phpLog/squidGuard/squidguard_log.phpNamenameRedirectredirectDescriptiondescriptionNamename
Enter the unique name here.
Name must consist of minimum 2 symbols, first from which letter. <br>
All other symbols must be [a-Z_0-9].
input100Domains listdomains
Enter destination domains or IP-address here. For separate use ' '(space).
<p> <b>Example:</b> '' .
textarea6010URLs listurls
Enter url's here.
For separate urls's use ' '(space).
<p> <b>Example:</b> '' .
Enter word fragments, what may be contains in destinations URL path.
For separate expression words use '|'.
<p> <b>Example:</b> 'mail|casino|game' .
textarea6010Redirect moderedirect_mode
Select redirect mode here.
<br> Note: if you use 'transparent proxy', then 'int' redirect mode will not accessible.
<br> Options:
<A title="To 'url' will added special client information;" >
<span style="background-color: #dddddd;" >ext url err page</span></A> ,
<A title="Client view 'url' content without any notification about;" >
<span style="background-color: #dddddd;" > ext url redirect</span></A> ,
<A title="Client will moved to specified url with displaying url in addres bar;" >
<span style="background-color: #dddddd;" > ext url as 'move'</span></A> ,
<A title="Client will moved to specified url with showing progress(only!) in status bar;" >
<span style="background-color: #dddddd;" > ext url as 'found'.</span></A>
Enter external redirection URL, error message or size (bytes) here.
textarea602LogenablelogcheckboxCheck this for log this item.DescriptiondescriptionYou may enter a description here for your reference (not parsed).input90
squidguard_validate_destination($_POST, &$input_errors);