Describe your package requirements here Currently there are no FAQ items provided. squidguarddefault none Proxy filter SquidGuard: Common Access Control List (ACL) /usr/local/pkg/ General settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard.xml&id=0 Common ACL /pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard_default.xml&id=0 Groups ACL /pkg.php?xml=squidguard_acl.xml Target categories /pkg.php?xml=squidguard_dest.xml Times /pkg.php?xml=squidguard_time.xml Rewrites /pkg.php?xml=squidguard_rewr.xml Blacklist /squidGuard/squidguard_blacklist.php Log /squidGuard/squidguard_log.php XMLRPC Sync /pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard_sync.xml Target Rules dest input 100 Do not allow IP-Addresses in URL notallowingip checkbox Proxy Denied Error deniedmessage "Request denied by $g['product_name'] proxy"]]> textarea 65 2 Redirect mode redirect_mode Select redirect mode here. <br> Note: if you use 'transparent proxy', then 'int' redirect mode will not accessible. <br> Options: <A title="To 'url' will added special client information;" > <span style="background-color: #dddddd;" >ext url err page</span></A> , <A title="Client view 'url' content without any notification about;" > <span style="background-color: #dddddd;" > ext url redirect</span></A> , <A title="Client will moved to specified url with displaying url in addres bar;" > <span style="background-color: #dddddd;" > ext url as 'move'</span></A> , <A title="Client will moved to specified url with showing progress(only!) in status bar;" > <span style="background-color: #dddddd;" > ext url as 'found'.</span></A> </u> select rmod_none Redirect info redirect textarea 65 2 Use SafeSearch engine safesearch At the moment it is supported by Google, Yandex, Yahoo, MSN, Live Search and Bing. Make sure that the search engines can be accessed. It is recommended to prohibit access to others.
Note: This option overrides 'Rewrite' setting. ]]>
Rewrite rewrite select Log enablelog checkbox
squidguard_validate_acl(&$_POST, &$input_errors); squidguard_before_form_acl(&$pkg, false); squidGuard_print_javascript(); // squidguard_resync();