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<!DOCTYPE packagegui SYSTEM "../schema/packages.dtd">
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	<description>Describe your package here</description>
	<requirements>Describe your package requirements here</requirements>
	<faq>Currently there are no FAQ items provided.</faq>
	<version>1.3_1 pkg v.1.9</version>
	<title>Proxy filter SquidGuard: General settings</title>
	<!-- Installation -->
		<name>Proxy filter</name>
		<tooltiptext>Modify the proxy server's filter settings</tooltiptext>
			<text>General settings</text>
			<text>Common ACL</text>
			<text>Groups ACL</text>
			<text>Target categories</text>
                <description>Proxy server filter Service</description>
                        <description>Check this for enable squidGuard</description>
                        <fielddescr>Enable GUI log</fielddescr>
                        <description>Check this for enable GUI log.</description>
                        <fielddescr>Enable log</fielddescr>
                        <description>Check this for enable log of the proxy filter. Usually log used for testing filter settings.</description>
                        <fielddescr>Enable log rotation</fielddescr>
                        <description>Check this for enable daily rotate a log of the proxy filter. Use this option for limit log file size.</description>
                        <fielddescr>Clean Advertising</fielddescr>
                        <description>Check this to display a blank gif image instead the default block page. With this option you get a cleaner 			page.</description>
                        <name>Blacklist options</name>
                        <description>Check this for enable blacklist</description>
                        <fielddescr>Blacklist proxy</fielddescr>
                                Blacklist upload proxy - enter here, or leave blank.
                                Format: host:[port login:pass] . Default proxy port 1080.
                                Example: ' user:pass'
                        <fielddescr>Blacklist URL</fielddescr>
                        <description>Enter FTP, HTTP or LOCAL (firewall) URL blacklist archive, or leave blank.</description>
                squidguard_validate(&amp;$_POST, &amp;$input_errors);