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	<description><![CDATA[Describe your package here]]></description>
	<requirements>Describe your package requirements here</requirements>
	<faq>Currently there are no FAQ items provided.</faq>
	<title>Proxy filter SquidGuard: Groups Access Control List (ACL)</title>
	<delete_string>A proxy server user has been deleted.</delete_string>
	<addedit_string>A proxy server user has been created/modified.</addedit_string>
			<text>General settings</text>
			<text>Common ACL</text>
			<text>Groups ACL</text>
			<text>Target categories</text>
			<text>XMLRPC Sync</text>
						<description><![CDATA[Check this to disable this ACL rule.]]></description>
								Enter a unique name of this rule here.<br>
								The name must consist between 2 and 15 symbols [a-Z_0-9]. The first one must be a letter.<br>
								Select the new position for this ACL item. ACLs are evaluated on a first-match source basis.<br>
								Search for a suitable ACL by field 'source' will occur before the first match. If you want to define an exception for some sources (IP) from the IP range, put them on first of the list.<br>
								ACL with single (or short range) source ip must be placed before ACL with more large ip range<br>
						<fielddescr>Client (source)</fielddescr>
								Enter client's IP address or domain or "username" here. To separate them use space.<br>
								<b>IP:</b> - <b>Subnet:</b> or - <b>IP-Range:</b><br>
								<b>Domain:</b> foo.bar matches foo.bar or *.foo.bar<br>
								<b>Username:</b> 'user1' <br>
                                                                <b>Ldap search (Ldap filter must be enabled in General Settings):</b> <br>
                                                                ldapusersearch "ldap://,DC=com?sAMAccountName?sub?(&(sAMAccountName=%s)(memberOf=CN=it%2cCN=Users%2cDC=domain%2cDC=com))"<br>
                                                                <i>Attention: these line don't have break line, all on one line and use double quotes ("") in ldap expression</i>
						<description><![CDATA[Select the time in which 'Target Rules' will operate or leave 'none' for rules without time restriction. If this option is set then in off-time the second ruleset will operate.]]></description>
						<fielddescr>Target Rules</fielddescr>
						<fielddescr>Do not allow IP-Addresses in URL</fielddescr>
						<description><![CDATA[To make sure that people do not bypass the URL filter by simply using the IP-Addresses instead of the FQDN you can check this option. This option has no effect on the whitelist.]]></description>
						<fielddescr>Redirect mode</fielddescr>
								Select redirect mode here.
								&lt;br&gt; Note: if you use 'transparent proxy', then 'int' redirect mode will not accessible.
<!--								&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt; int size limit  :&lt;/b&gt;    if content size 0 or > 'size limit', then client moved to 'blank image' page; -->
								&lt;br&gt; Options:
								&lt;A title="To 'url' will added special client information;" &gt;
								&lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt;ext url err page&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt; ,
								&lt;A title="Client view 'url' content without any notification about;" &gt;
								&lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt; ext url redirect&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt; ,
								&lt;A title="Client will moved to specified url with displaying url in addres bar;" &gt;
								&lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt; ext url as 'move'&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt; ,
								&lt;A title="Client will moved to specified url with showing progress(only!) in status bar;" &gt;
								&lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt; ext url as 'found'.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt;
								<option><name>none</name>										<value>rmod_none</value></option>
								<option><name>int error page (enter error message)</name>		<value>rmod_int</value></option>
								<option><name>int blank page </name>							<value>rmod_int_bpg</value></option>
<!--								<option><name>int blank image</name>							<value>rmod_int_bim</value></option> -->
<!--								<option><name>int size limit (enter size in bytes)</name>		<value>rmod_int_szl</value></option> -->
								<option><name>ext url err page (enter URL)</name>				<value>rmod_ext_err</value></option>
								<option><name>ext url redirect (enter URL)</name>				<value>rmod_ext_rdr</value></option>
								<option><name>ext url move  (enter URL)</name>					<value>rmod_ext_mov</value></option>
								<option><name>ext url found (enter URL)</name>					<value>rmod_ext_fnd</value></option>
						<description><![CDATA[Enter the external redirection URL, error message or size (bytes) here.]]></description>
<!-- not need now
						<fielddescr>Redirect for off-time</fielddescr>
						    Enter external redirection URL, error message or size (bytes) here.
						<fielddescr>Use SafeSearch engine</fielddescr>
								To protect your children from adult content you can use the protected mode of search engines.<br>
								At the moment it is supported by Google, Yandex, Yahoo, MSN, Live Search and Bing. Make sure that the search engines can be accessed. It is recommended to prohibit access to others.<br>
								<b>Note:</b> This option overrides 'Rewrite' setting.
						<description><![CDATA[Enter the rewrite condition name for this rule or leave it blank.]]></description>
						<fielddescr>Rewrite for off-time</fielddescr>
						<description><![CDATA[Enter the rewrite condition name for this rule or leave it blank.]]></description>
						<description><![CDATA[You may enter any description here for your reference.]]></description>
						<description><![CDATA[Check this option to enable logging for this ACL.]]></description>
				squidguard_validate_acl(&amp;$_POST, &amp;$input_errors);