squidremote 0.3.5 Proxy Server: Remote Proxy Settings /usr/local/pkg/squid.inc General /pkg_edit.php?xml=squid.xml&id=0 Remote Cache /pkg.php?xml=squid_upstream.xml Local Cache /pkg_edit.php?xml=squid_cache.xml&id=0 Antivirus /pkg_edit.php?xml=squid_antivirus.xml&id=0 ACLs /pkg_edit.php?xml=squid_nac.xml&id=0 Traffic Mgmt /pkg_edit.php?xml=squid_traffic.xml&id=0 Authentication /pkg_edit.php?xml=squid_auth.xml&id=0 Users /pkg.php?xml=squid_users.xml Real time /squid_monitor.php Sync /pkg_edit.php?xml=squid_sync.xml Status enable Name proxyaddr Port proxyport ICP icpport Peer Type hierarchy Method peermethod General Settings listtopic Enable enable This option enables the proxy server to forward requests to an upstream/neighbor server. checkbox Hostname proxyaddr Enter the IP address or host name of the upstream proxy here. input 35 Name proxyname Note: Name is required if you have multiple peers on the same host but different ports. ]]> input 35 TCP Port proxyport Enter the port to use to connect to the upstream proxy here. input 5 3128 General Options (Allow Miss/No Tproxy/Proxy Only) allowmiss allow-miss - Disable Squid's use of only-if-cached when forwarding requests to siblings. This is primarily useful when icp_hit_stale is used by the sibling.
no-tproxy - Do not use the client-spoof TPROXY support when forwarding requests to this peer. Use normal address selection instead.
proxy-only - Objects fetched from the peer will not be stored locally.

Note: Use CTRL + click to select multiple options. ]]>
select allow-miss 4
Peer Settings listtopic info cache_peer directive documentation for detailed description of the settings below.
Hierarchy hierarchy Specify remote caches hierarchy. select parent Select Method peermethod Please see cache_peer directive documentation for details.

default - Parent cache which can be used as a "last-resort" if a peer cannot be located by any of the peer-selection methods.
round-robin - Load-Balance parents which should be used in a round-robin fashion in the absence of any ICP queries.
weighted-round-robin - Load-Balance parents which should be used in a round-robin fashion with the frequency of each parent being based on the round trip time.
carp - Load-Balance parents which should be used as a CARP array.
userhash -Load-Balance parents based on the client proxy_auth or ident username.
sourcehash - Load-balance parents based on the client source IP.
multicast-siblings - To be used only for cache peers of type "multicast".
select round-robin
Weight weight Note: The weight must be an integer; larger weights are favored more.

Default: 1 ]]>
input 5 1
Basetime basetime It is subtracted before division by weight in calculating which parent to fetch from. If the RTT is less than the base time, the RTT is set to a minimal value. ]]> input 5 1 TTL ttl Note: Because we don't accept ICP replies from random hosts, you must configure other group members as peers with the 'multicast-responder' option. ]]> input 5 1 No Delay nodelay checkbox ICP Settings listtopic ICP Port icpport Hint: Use port number 7 to disable ICP communication between the proxies. ]]> input 5 7 ICP Options icpoptions Note: You MUST also set 'ICP Port' explicitly when using these options. The defaults will prevent peer traffic using ICP.
Please see cache_peer directive documentation for details.

no-query - Disable ICP queries to this neighbor.
multicast-responder - Indicates the named peer is a member of a multicast group.
closest-only - Indicates that, for ICP_OP_MISS replies, we'll only forward CLOSEST_PARENT_MISSes and never FIRST_PARENT_MISSes.
background-ping - To only send ICP queries to this neighbor infrequently.
select no-query
Auth Settings listtopic Username username If the upstream proxy requires a username, specify it here. input Password password If the upstream proxy requires a password, specify it here. password Authentication Options authoption cache_peer directive documentation for details.

login=user:password - If this is a personal/workgroup proxy and your parent requires proxy authentication.
login=PASSTHRU - Send login details received from client to this peer. Authentication is not required by Squid for this to work.
login=PASS - Send login details received from client to this peer. Authentication is not required by this option.
login=*:password - Send the username to the upstream cache, but with a fixed password.
login=NEGOTIATE - If this is a personal/workgroup proxy and your parent requires a secure proxy authentication.
login=NEGOTIATE:principal_name - If this is a personal/workgroup proxy and your parent requires a secure proxy authentication.
connection-auth=on - Peer does support Microsoft connection oriented authentication, and any such challenges received from there should be ignored.
connection-auth=off - Peer does not support Microsoft connection oriented authentication, and any such challenges received from there should be ignored.
select login=*:password
squid_validate_upstream($_POST, $input_errors); squid_resync();