squidauth 0.3.5 Proxy Server: Authentication /usr/local/pkg/squid.inc General /pkg_edit.php?xml=squid.xml&id=0 Remote Cache /pkg.php?xml=squid_upstream.xml Local Cache /pkg_edit.php?xml=squid_cache.xml&id=0 Antivirus /pkg_edit.php?xml=squid_antivirus.xml&id=0 ACLs /pkg_edit.php?xml=squid_nac.xml&id=0 Traffic Mgmt /pkg_edit.php?xml=squid_traffic.xml&id=0 Authentication /pkg_edit.php?xml=squid_auth.xml&id=0 Users /pkg.php?xml=squid_users.xml Real Time /squid_monitor.php Sync /pkg_edit.php?xml=squid_sync.xml Squid Authentication General Settings listtopic Authentication Method auth_method Select an authentication method. This will allow users to be authenticated by local or external services. select none on_auth_method_changed() Authentication Server auth_server Enter the IP or hostname of the server that will perform the authentication here. input 60 Authentication server port auth_server_port Leave this field blank to use the authentication method's default port. ]]> input 60 Authentication Prompt auth_prompt This string will be displayed at the top of the authentication request window. input Please enter your credentials to access the proxy Authentication Processes auth_processes The number of authenticator processes to spawn. If many authentications are expected within a short timeframe, increase this number accordingly. input 5 5 Authentication TTL auth_ttl When the TTL expires, the user will be prompted for credentials again.
Default value: 5. ]]>
input 5 5
Require Authentication for Unrestricted Hosts unrestricted_auth If enabled, even users tagged as unrestricted through access control are required to authenticate to use the proxy. checkbox Subnets That Don't Need Authentication no_auth_hosts Example (subnet):
Example (single host):

Note: Put each entry on a separate line. ]]>
textarea 50 5 base64
Squid Authentication LDAP Settings listtopic LDAP version ldap_version Select LDAP protocol version. select 2 LDAP Server User DN ldap_user Enter the user DN to use to connect to the LDAP server here. input 60 LDAP Password ldap_pass Enter the password to use to connect to the LDAP server here. password 20 LDAP Base Domain ldap_basedomain Enter the base domain of the LDAP server here. input 60 LDAP Username DN Attribute ldap_userattribute Enter LDAP username DN attibute here. input 20 uid LDAP Search Filter ldap_filter Enter LDAP search filter here. input 40 (&(objectClass=person)(uid=%s)) Squid Authentication NT Domain Settings listtopic NT Domain auth_ntdomain Enter the NT domain here. input 60 Secondary NT Servers msnt_secondary Enter comma-separated list of secondary servers to be used for NT domain authentication here. input 60 Squid Authentication RADIUS Settings listtopic RADIUS Secret radius_secret Enter the RADIUS secret for RADIUS authentication here. password 20
squid_validate_auth($_POST, $input_errors); squid_print_javascript_auth2(); squid_resync(); squid_print_javascript_auth2();