<?php /* $Id$ */ /* squid.inc Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Scott Ullrich Copyright (C) 2006 Fernando Lemos Copyright (C) 2012 Martin Fuchs Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Marcello Coutinho Copyright (C) 2013 Gekkenhuis All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ require_once('globals.inc'); require_once('config.inc'); require_once('util.inc'); require_once('pfsense-utils.inc'); require_once('pkg-utils.inc'); require_once('service-utils.inc'); if(!function_exists("filter_configure")) require_once("filter.inc"); $shortcut_section = "squid"; $pf_version=substr(trim(file_get_contents("/etc/version")),0,3); if ($pf_version > 2.0) define('SQUID_LOCALBASE', '/usr/pbi/squid-' . php_uname("m")); else define('SQUID_LOCALBASE','/usr/local'); define('SQUID_CONFBASE', SQUID_LOCALBASE .'/etc/squid'); define('SQUID_CONFFILE', SQUID_CONFBASE . '/squid.conf'); define('SQUID_BASE', '/var/squid/'); define('SQUID_ACLDIR', '/var/squid/acl'); define('SQUID_PASSWD', '/var/etc/squid.passwd'); define('SQUID_LIB','/var/squid/lib'); define('SQUID_SSL_DB','/var/squid/lib/ssl_db'); $valid_acls = array(); $uname=posix_uname(); if ($uname['machine']=='amd64') ini_set('memory_limit', '250M'); function sq_text_area_decode($text){ return preg_replace('/\r\n/', "\n",base64_decode($text)); } function squid_get_real_interface_address($iface) { global $config; $iface = convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name($iface); $line = trim(shell_exec("ifconfig $iface | grep inet | grep -v inet6")); list($dummy, $ip, $dummy2, $netmask) = explode(" ", $line); return array($ip, long2ip(hexdec($netmask))); } function squid_chown_recursive($dir, $user, $group) { chown($dir, $user); chgrp($dir, $group); $handle = opendir($dir) ; while (($item = readdir($handle)) !== false) { if (($item != ".") && ($item != "..")) { $path = "$dir/$item"; // Recurse unless it's the cache dir, that is slow and rarely necessary. if (is_dir($path) && (basename($dir) != "cache")) squid_chown_recursive($path, $user, $group); elseif (is_file($path)) { chown($path, $user); chgrp($path, $group); } } } } function squid_check_clamav_user($user) { exec("/usr/sbin/pw usershow {$user}",$sq_ex_output,$sq_ex_return); $user_arg=($sq_ex_return == 0?"mod":"add"); exec("/usr/sbin/pw user{$user_arg} {$user} -G wheel -u 9595 -s /sbin/nologin",$sq_ex_output,$sq_ex_return); if ($sq_ex_return != 0) log_error("Squid - Could not change clamav user settings. ".serialize($sq_ex_output)); } /* setup cache */ function squid_dash_z($cache_action='none') { global $config; //Do nothing if there is no cache config if (!is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidcache']['config'])) return; $settings = $config['installedpackages']['squidcache']['config'][0]; // If the cache system is null, there is no need to initialize the (irrelevant) cache dir. if ($settings['harddisk_cache_system'] == "null") return; $cachedir =($settings['harddisk_cache_location'] ? $settings['harddisk_cache_location'] : '/var/squid/cache'); if ($cache_action=="clean"){ rename ($cachedir,"{$cachedir}.old"); mwexec_bg("/bin/rm -rf {$cachedir}.old"); } if(!is_dir($cachedir.'/')) { log_error("Creating Squid cache dir $cachedir"); @mkdir($cachedir, 0755, true); // Double check permissions here, should be safe to recurse cache dir if it's small here. mwexec("/usr/sbin/chown -R proxy:proxy $cachedir"); } if(!is_dir($cachedir.'/00/')) { log_error("Creating squid cache subdirs in $cachedir"); mwexec(SQUID_LOCALBASE. "/sbin/squid -k shutdown -f " . SQUID_CONFFILE); sleep(5); mwexec(SQUID_LOCALBASE. "/sbin/squid -k kill -f " . SQUID_CONFFILE); // Double check permissions here, should be safe to recurse cache dir if it's small here. mwexec("/usr/sbin/chown -R proxy:proxy $cachedir"); mwexec(SQUID_LOCALBASE. "/sbin/squid -z -f " . SQUID_CONFFILE); } if(file_exists("/var/squid/cache/swap.state")) { chown("/var/squid/cache/swap.state", "proxy"); chgrp("/var/squid/cache/swap.state", "proxy"); exec("chmod a+rw /var/squid/cache/swap.state"); } } function squid_is_valid_acl($acl) { global $valid_acls; if(!is_array($valid_acls)) return; return in_array($acl, $valid_acls); } function squid_install_command() { global $config; global $g; update_status("Checking if there is configuration to migrate... One moment please..."); /* migrate existing csv config fields */ if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidauth']['config'])) $settingsauth = $config['installedpackages']['squidauth']['config'][0]; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidcache']['config'])) $settingscache = $config['installedpackages']['squidcache']['config'][0]; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidnac']['config'])) $settingsnac = $config['installedpackages']['squidnac']['config'][0]; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squid']['config'])) $settingsgen = $config['installedpackages']['squid']['config'][0]; if (file_exists("/usr/local/pkg/check_ip.php")) rename("/usr/local/pkg/check_ip.php",SQUID_LOCALBASE . "/libexec/squid/check_ip.php"); /* Set storage system */ if ($g['platform'] == "nanobsd") { $config['installedpackages']['squidcache']['config'][0]['harddisk_cache_system'] = 'null'; } /* migrate auth settings */ if (!empty($settingsauth['no_auth_hosts'])) { if(strstr($settingsauth['no_auth_hosts'], ",")) { $settingsauth['no_auth_hosts'] = base64_encode(implode("\n", explode(",", $settingsauth['no_auth_hosts']))); $config['installedpackages']['squidauth']['config'][0]['no_auth_hosts'] = $settingsauth['no_auth_hosts']; } } /* migrate cache settings */ if (!empty($settingscache['donotcache'])) { if(strstr($settingscache['donotcache'], ",")) { $settingscache['donotcache'] = base64_encode(implode("\n", explode(",", $settingscache['donotcache']))); $config['installedpackages']['squidcache']['config'][0]['donotcache'] = $settingscache['donotcache']; } } /* migrate nac settings */ if(! empty($settingsnac['allowed_subnets'])) { if(strstr($settingsnac['allowed_subnets'], ",")) { $settingsnac['allowed_subnets'] = base64_encode(implode("\n", explode(",", $settingsnac['allowed_subnets']))); $config['installedpackages']['squidnac']['config'][0]['allowed_subnets'] = $settingsnac['allowed_subnets']; } } if(! empty($settingsnac['banned_hosts'])) { if(strstr($settingsnac['banned_hosts'], ",")) { $settingsnac['banned_hosts'] = base64_encode(implode("\n", explode(",", $settingsnac['banned_hosts']))); $config['installedpackages']['squidnac']['config'][0]['banned_hosts'] = $settingsnac['banned_hosts']; } } if(! empty($settingsnac['banned_macs'])) { if(strstr($settingsnac['banned_macs'], ",")) { $settingsnac['banned_macs'] = base64_encode(implode("\n", explode(",", $settingsnac['banned_macs']))); $config['installedpackages']['squidnac']['config'][0]['banned_macs'] = $settingsnac['banned_macs']; } } if(! empty($settingsnac['unrestricted_hosts'])) { if(strstr($settingsnac['unrestricted_hosts'], ",")) { $settingsnac['unrestricted_hosts'] = base64_encode(implode("\n", explode(",", $settingsnac['unrestricted_hosts']))); $config['installedpackages']['squidnac']['config'][0]['unrestricted_hosts'] = $settingsnac['unrestricted_hosts']; } } if(! empty($settingsnac['unrestricted_macs'])) { if(strstr($settingsnac['unrestricted_macs'], ",")) { $settingsnac['unrestricted_macs'] = base64_encode(implode("\n", explode(",", $settingsnac['unrestricted_macs']))); $config['installedpackages']['squidnac']['config'][0]['unrestricted_macs'] = $settingsnac['unrestricted_macs']; } } if(! empty($settingsnac['whitelist'])) { if(strstr($settingsnac['whitelist'], ",")) { $settingsnac['whitelist'] = base64_encode(implode("\n", explode(",", $settingsnac['whitelist']))); $config['installedpackages']['squidnac']['config'][0]['whitelist'] = $settingsnac['whitelist']; } } if(! empty($settingsnac['blacklist'])) { if(strstr($settingsnac['blacklist'], ",")) { $settingsnac['blacklist'] = base64_encode(implode("\n", explode(",", $settingsnac['blacklist']))); $config['installedpackages']['squidnac']['config'][0]['blacklist'] = $settingsnac['blacklist']; } } if(! empty($settingsnac['block_user_agent'])) { if(strstr($settingsnac['block_user_agent'], ",")) { $settingsnac['block_user_agent'] = base64_encode(implode("\n", explode(",", $settingsnac['block_user_agent']))); $config['installedpackages']['squidnac']['config'][0]['block_user_agent'] = $settingsnac['block_user_agent']; } } if(! empty($settingsnac['block_reply_mime_type'])) { if(strstr($settingsnac['block_reply_mime_type'], ",")) { $settingsnac['block_reply_mime_type'] = base64_encode(implode("\n", explode(",", $settingsnac['block_reply_mime_type']))); $config['installedpackages']['squidnac']['config'][0]['block_reply_mime_type'] = $settingsnac['block_reply_mime_type']; } } /*Migrate reverse settings*/ if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidreverse'])){ $old_reverse_settings=$config['installedpackages']['squidreverse']['config'][0]; //Settings if (!is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidreversegeneral'])){ $config['installedpackages']['squidreversegeneral']['config'][0]=$old_reverse_settings; unset ($config['installedpackages']['squidreversegeneral']['config'][0]['reverse_cache_peer']); unset ($config['installedpackages']['squidreversegeneral']['config'][0]['reverse_uri']); unset ($config['installedpackages']['squidreversegeneral']['config'][0]['reverse_acl']); } //PEERS if (!is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidreversepeer'])){ foreach (explode("\n",sq_text_area_decode($old_reverse_settings['reverse_cache_peer'])) as $cache_peers) foreach (explode(";",$cache_peers) as $cache_peer) $config['installedpackages']['squidreversepeer']['config'][]=array('description'=>'migrated', 'enable'=> 'on', 'name'=> $cache_peer[0], 'port'=> $cache_peer[1], 'protocol' => $cache_peer[2]); } //MAPPINGS if (!is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidreverseuri'])){ foreach (explode("\n",sq_text_area_decode($old_reverse_settings['reverse_acl'])) as $acls){ foreach (explode(";",$acls) as $acl) array_push(${'peer_'.$acl[0]},$acl[1]); } foreach (explode("\n",sq_text_area_decode($old_reverse_settings['reverse_uri'])) as $uris) foreach (explode(";",$uris) as $uri){ $peer_list=(is_array(${'peer_'.$uri[0]})?implode(",",${'peer_'.$uri[0]}):""); $config['installedpackages']['squidreverseuri']['config'][]=array('description'=>'migrated', 'enable'=> 'on', 'name'=> $uri[0], 'uri'=> $uri[1], 'vhost' => $uri[2], 'peers'=>$peer_list); } } } update_status("Writing configuration... One moment please..."); write_config(); /* create cache */ update_status("Creating squid cache pools... One moment please..."); squid_dash_z(); /* make sure pinger is executable */ if(file_exists(SQUID_LOCALBASE. "/libexec/squid/pinger")) exec("/bin/chmod a+x ". SQUID_LOCALBASE. "/libexec/squid/pinger"); if(file_exists("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/squid")) exec("/bin/rm /usr/local/etc/rc.d/squid"); squid_write_rcfile(); if(file_exists("/usr/local/pkg/swapstate_check.php")) exec("/bin/chmod a+x /usr/local/pkg/swapstate_check.php"); write_rcfile(array( "file" => "sqp_monitor.sh", "start" => "/usr/local/pkg/sqpmon.sh &", "stop" => "ps awux | grep \"sqpmon\" | grep -v \"grep\" | grep -v \"php\" | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs kill")); foreach (array( SQUID_CONFBASE, SQUID_ACLDIR, SQUID_BASE, SQUID_LIB, SQUID_SSL_DB ) as $dir) { @mkdir($dir, 0755, true); squid_chown_recursive($dir, 'proxy', 'proxy'); } /* kill any running proxy alarm scripts */ update_status("Checking for running processes... One moment please..."); log_error("Stopping any running proxy monitors"); mwexec("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/sqp_monitor.sh stop"); sleep(1); if (!file_exists(SQUID_CONFBASE . '/mime.conf') && file_exists(SQUID_CONFBASE . '/mime.conf.default')) copy(SQUID_CONFBASE . '/mime.conf.default', SQUID_CONFBASE . '/mime.conf'); update_status("Checking cache... One moment please..."); squid_dash_z(); if (!is_service_running('squid')) { update_status("Starting... One moment please..."); log_error("Starting Squid"); mwexec_bg(SQUID_LOCALBASE. "/sbin/squid -f " . SQUID_CONFFILE); } else { update_status("Reloading Squid for configuration sync... One moment please..."); log_error("Reloading Squid for configuration sync"); mwexec_bg(SQUID_LOCALBASE. "/sbin/squid -k reconfigure -f " . SQUID_CONFFILE); } /* restart proxy alarm scripts */ log_error("Starting a proxy monitor script"); mwexec_bg("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/sqp_monitor.sh start"); update_status("Reconfiguring filter... One moment please..."); filter_configure(); } function squid_deinstall_command() { global $config, $g; $plswait_txt = "This operation may take quite some time, please be patient. Do not press stop or attempt to navigate away from this page during this process."; squid_install_cron(false); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidcache'])) $settings = $config['installedpackages']['squidcache']['config'][0]; else $settings = array(); $cachedir =($settings['harddisk_cache_location'] ? $settings['harddisk_cache_location'] : '/var/squid/cache'); $logdir = ($settings['log_dir'] ? $settings['log_dir'] : '/var/squid/logs'); update_status("Removing cache ... One moment please..."); update_output_window("$plswait_txt"); mwexec_bg('rm -rf $cachedir'); mwexec('rm -rf $logdir'); update_status("Finishing package cleanup."); mwexec("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/sqp_monitor.sh stop"); mwexec('rm -f /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sqp_monitor.sh'); mwexec("ps awux | grep \"squid\" | grep -v \"grep\" | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs kill"); mwexec("ps awux | grep \"dnsserver\" | grep -v \"grep\" | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs kill"); mwexec("ps awux | grep \"unlinkd\" | grep -v \"grep\" | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs kill"); update_status("Reloading filter..."); filter_configure(); } function squid_before_form_general(&$pkg) { $values = get_dir(SQUID_CONFBASE . '/errors/'); // Get rid of '..' and '.' and ... array_shift($values); array_shift($values); array_shift($values); array_shift($values); $name = array(); foreach ($values as $value) $names[] = implode(" ", explode("_", $value)); $i = 0; foreach ($pkg['fields']['field'] as $field) { if ($field['fieldname'] == 'error_language') break; $i++; } $field = &$pkg['fields']['field'][$i]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($values) - 1; $i++) $field['options']['option'][] = array('name' => $names[$i], 'value' => $values[$i]); } function squid_validate_general($post, &$input_errors) { global $config; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squid'])) $settings = $config['installedpackages']['squid']['config'][0]; else $settings = array(); $port = ($settings['proxy_port'] ? $settings['proxy_port'] : 3128); $port = $post['proxy_port'] ? $post['proxy_port'] : $port; $icp_port = trim($post['icp_port']); if (!empty($icp_port) && !is_port($icp_port)) $input_errors[] = 'You must enter a valid port number in the \'ICP port\' field'; if (substr($post['log_dir'], -1, 1) == '/') $input_errors[] = 'You may not end log location with an / mark'; if ($post['log_dir']{0} != '/') $input_errors[] = 'You must start log location with a / mark'; if (strlen($post['log_dir']) <= 3) $input_errors[] = "That is not a valid log location dir"; $log_rotate = trim($post['log_rotate']); if (!empty($log_rotate) && (!is_numeric($log_rotate) or ($log_rotate < 1))) $input_errors[] = 'You must enter a valid number of days in the \'Log rotate\' field'; $webgui_port = $config['system']['webgui']['port']; if(($config['system']['webgui']['port'] == "") && ($config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] == "http")) { $webgui_port = 80; } if(($config['system']['webgui']['port'] == "") && ($config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] == "https")) { $webgui_port = 443; } if (($post['transparent_proxy'] != 'on') && ($port == $webgui_port)) { $input_errors[] = "You can not run squid on the same port as the webgui"; } if (($post['ssl_proxy'] == 'on') && ( $post['dca'] == '')) { $input_errors[] = "SSL interception cannot be enabled without a CA."; } foreach (array('defined_ip_proxy_off') as $hosts) { foreach (explode(";", $post[$hosts]) as $host) { $host = trim($host); if (!empty($host) && !is_ipaddr($host) && !is_alias($host) && !is_hostname($host) && !is_subnet($host)) $input_errors[] = "The entry '$host' is not a valid IP address, hostname, or alias"; } } foreach (array('defined_ip_proxy_off_dest') as $hosts) { foreach (explode(";", $post[$hosts]) as $host) { $host = trim($host); if (!empty($host) && !is_ipaddr($host) && !is_alias($host) && !is_hostname($host) && !is_subnet($host)) $input_errors[] = "The entry '$host' is not a valid IP address, hostname, or alias"; } } if(!empty($post['dns_nameservers'])) { $altdns = explode(";", ($post['dns_nameservers'])); foreach ($altdns as $dnssrv) { if (!is_ipaddr($dnssrv)) $input_errors[] = 'You must enter a valid IP address in the \'Alternate DNS servers\' field'; break; }} } function squid_validate_upstream($post, &$input_errors) { if ($post['enabled'] == 'on') { $addr = trim($post['proxyaddr']); if (empty($addr)) $input_errors[] = 'The field \'Hostname\' is required'; else { if (!is_ipaddr($addr) && !is_domain($addr)) $input_errors[] = 'You must enter a valid IP address or host name in the \'Proxy hostname\' field'; } foreach (array('proxyport' => 'TCP port', 'icpport' => 'ICP port') as $field => $name) { $port = trim($post[$field]); if (empty($port)) $input_errors[] = "The field '$name' is required"; else { if (!is_port($port)) $input_errors[] = "The field '$name' must contain a valid port number, between 0 and 65535"; } } } } function squid_validate_cache($post, &$input_errors) { $num_fields = array( 'harddisk_cache_size' => 'Hard disk cache size', 'memory_cache_size' => 'Memory cache size', 'maximum_object_size' => 'Maximum object size', ); foreach ($num_fields as $field => $name) { $value = trim($post[$field]); if (!is_numeric($value) || ($value < 0)) $input_errors[] = "You must enter a valid value for '$field'"; } $value = trim($post['minimum_object_size']); if (!is_numeric($value) || ($value < 0)) $input_errors[] = 'You must enter a valid value for \'Minimum object size\''; if (!empty($post['cache_swap_low'])) { $value = trim($post['cache_swap_low']); if (!is_numeric($value) || ($value > 100)) $input_errors[] = 'You must enter a valid value for \'Low-water-mark\''; } if (!empty($post['cache_swap_high'])) { $value = trim($post['cache_swap_high']); if (!is_numeric($value) || ($value > 100)) $input_errors[] = 'You must enter a valid value for \'High-water-mark\''; } if ($post['donotcache'] != "") { foreach (split("\n", $post['donotcache']) as $host) { $host = trim($host); if (!is_ipaddr($host) && !is_domain($host)) $input_errors[] = "The host '$host' is not a valid IP or host name"; } } squid_dash_z(); } function squid_validate_nac($post, &$input_errors) { $allowed_subnets = explode("\n", $post['allowed_subnets']); foreach ($allowed_subnets as $subnet) { $subnet = trim($subnet); if (!empty($subnet) && !is_subnet($subnet)) $input_errors[] = "The subnet '$subnet' is not a valid CIDR range"; } foreach (array( 'unrestricted_hosts', 'banned_hosts') as $hosts) { if (preg_match_all("@([0-9.]+)(/[0-9.]+|)@",$_POST[$hosts],$matches)){ for ($x=0;$x < count($matches[1]);$x++){ if ($matches[2][$x] == ""){ if (!is_ipaddr($matches[1][$x])) $input_errors[] = "'{$matches[1][$x]}' is not a valid IP address"; } else{ if (!is_subnet($matches[0][$x])) $input_errors[] = "The subnet '{$matches[0][$x]}' is not a valid CIDR range"; } } } } foreach (array('unrestricted_macs', 'banned_macs') as $macs) { foreach (explode("\n", $post[$macs]) as $mac) { $mac = trim($mac); if (!empty($mac) && !is_macaddr($mac)) $input_errors[] = "The mac '$mac' is not a valid MAC address"; } } foreach (explode(",", $post['timelist']) as $time) { $time = trim($time); if (!empty($time) && !squid_is_timerange($time)) $input_errors[] = "The time range '$time' is not a valid time range"; } if(!empty($post['ext_cachemanager'])) { $extmgr = explode(";", ($post['ext_cachemanager'])); foreach ($extmgr as $mgr) { if (!is_ipaddr($mgr)) $input_errors[] = 'You must enter a valid IP address in the \'External Cache Manager\' field'; }} } function squid_validate_traffic($post, &$input_errors) { $num_fields = array( 'max_download_size' => 'Maximum download size', 'max_upload_size' => 'Maximum upload size', 'perhost_throttling' => 'Per-host bandwidth throttling', 'overall_throttling' => 'Overall bandwidth throttling', ); foreach ($num_fields as $field => $name) { $value = trim($post[$field]); if (!is_numeric($value) || ($value < 0)) $input_errors[] = "The field '$name' must contain a positive number"; } if (!empty($post['quick_abort_min'])) { $value = trim($post['quick_abort_min']); if (!is_numeric($value)) $input_errors[] = "The field 'Finish when remaining KB' must contain a positive number"; } if (!empty($post['quick_abort_max'])) { $value = trim($post['quick_abort_max']); if (!is_numeric($value)) $input_errors[] = "The field 'Abort when remaining KB' must contain a positive number"; } if (!empty($post['quick_abort_pct'])) { $value = trim($post['quick_abort_pct']); if (!is_numeric($value) || ($value > 100)) $input_errors[] = "The field 'Finish when remaining %' must contain a percentage"; } } function squid_validate_reverse($post, &$input_errors) { if(!empty($post['reverse_ip'])) { $reverse_ip = explode(";", ($post['reverse_ip'])); foreach ($reverse_ip as $reip) { if (!is_ipaddr(trim($reip))) $input_errors[] = 'You must enter a valid IP address in the \'User-defined reverse-proxy IPs\' field'.' -> \''.$reip.'\' is invalid.'; }} $fqdn = trim($post['reverse_external_fqdn']); if (!empty($fqdn) && !is_domain($fqdn)) $input_errors[] = 'The field \'external FQDN\' must contain a valid domain name'; $port = trim($post['reverse_http_port']); if (!empty($port) && !is_port($port)) $input_errors[] = 'The field \'reverse HTTP port\' must contain a valid port number'; $port = trim($post['reverse_https_port']); if (!empty($port) && !is_port($port)) $input_errors[] = 'The field \'reverse HTTPS port\' must contain a valid port number'; if ($post['reverse_ssl_cert'] == 'none') $input_errors[] = 'A valid certificate for the external interface must be selected'; if (($post['reverse_https'] != 'on') && ($post['reverse_owa'] == 'on')) { $input_errors[] = "You have to enable reverse HTTPS before enabling OWA support."; } if(!empty($post['reverse_owa_ip'])) { $reverse_owa_ip = explode(";", ($post['reverse_owa_ip'])); foreach ($reverse_owa_ip as $reowaip) { if (!is_ipaddr(trim($reowaip))) $input_errors[] = 'You must enter a valid IP address in the \'CAS-Array / OWA frontend IP address\' field'.' -> \''.$reowaip.'\' is invalid.'; }} $contents = $post['reverse_cache_peer']; if(!empty($contents)) { $defs = explode("\r\n", ($contents)); foreach ($defs as $def) { $cfg = explode(";",($def)); if (!is_ipaddr($cfg[1])) $input_errors[] = "please choose a valid IP in the cache peer configuration."; if (!is_port($cfg[2])) $input_errors[] = "please choose a valid port in the cache peer configuration."; if (($cfg[3] != 'HTTPS') && ($cfg[3] != 'HTTP')) $input_errors[] = "please choose HTTP or HTTPS in the cache peer configuration."; }} } function squid_validate_auth($post, &$input_errors) { $num_fields = array( array('auth_processes', 'Authentication processes', 1), array('auth_ttl', 'Authentication TTL', 0), ); foreach ($num_fields as $field) { $value = trim($post[$field[0]]); if (!empty($value) && (!is_numeric($value) || ($value < $field[2]))) $input_errors[] = "The field '{$field[1]}' must contain a valid number greater than {$field[2]}"; } $auth_method = $post['auth_method']; if (($auth_method != 'none') && ($auth_method != 'local') && ($auth_method != 'cp')) { $server = trim($post['auth_server']); if (empty($server)) $input_errors[] = 'The field \'Authentication server\' is required'; else if (!is_ipaddr($server) && !is_domain($server)) $input_errors[] = 'The field \'Authentication server\' must contain a valid IP address or domain name'; $port = trim($post['auth_server_port']); if (!empty($port) && !is_port($port)) $input_errors[] = 'The field \'Authentication server port\' must contain a valid port number'; switch ($auth_method) { case 'ldap': $user = trim($post['ldap_user']); if (empty($user)) $input_errors[] = 'The field \'LDAP server user DN\' is required'; else if (!$user) $input_errors[] = 'The field \'LDAP server user DN\' must be a valid domain name'; break; case 'radius': $secret = trim($post['radius_secret']); if (empty($secret)) $input_errors[] = 'The field \'RADIUS secret\' is required'; break; case 'msnt': foreach (explode(",", trim($post['msnt_secondary'])) as $server) { if (!empty($server) && !is_ipaddr($server) && !is_domain($server)) $input_errors[] = "The host '$server' is not a valid IP address or domain name"; } break; } $no_auth = explode("\n", $post['no_auth_hosts']); foreach ($no_auth as $host) { $host = trim($host); if (!empty($host) && !is_subnet($host)) $input_errors[] = "The host '$host' is not a valid CIDR range"; } } } function squid_install_cron($should_install) { global $config, $g; if($g['booting']==true) return; $rotate_is_installed = false; $swapstate_is_installed = false; if(!$config['cron']['item']) return; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidcache'])) $settings = $config['installedpackages']['squidcache']['config'][0]; else $settings = array(); $x=0; $rotate_job_id=-1; $swapstate_job_id=-1; $cron_cmd=($settings['clear_cache']=='on' ? "/usr/local/pkg/swapstate_check.php clean; " : ""); $cron_cmd .= SQUID_LOCALBASE."/sbin/squid -k rotate -f " . SQUID_CONFFILE; $need_write = false; foreach($config['cron']['item'] as $item) { if(strstr($item['task_name'], "squid_rotate_logs")) { $rotate_job_id = $x; if ($item['command'] != $cron_cmd){ $config['cron']['item'][$x]['command']=$cron_cmd; $need_write = true; } } elseif(strstr($item['task_name'], "squid_check_swapstate")) { $swapstate_job_id = $x; } $x++; } switch($should_install) { case true: $cachedir =($settings['harddisk_cache_location'] ? $settings['harddisk_cache_location'] : '/var/squid/cache'); if($rotate_job_id < 0) { $cron_item['command']=($settings['clear_cache']=='on' ? "/usr/local/pkg/swapstate_check.php clean; " : ""); $cron_item = array(); $cron_item['task_name'] = "squid_rotate_logs"; $cron_item['minute'] = "0"; $cron_item['hour'] = "0"; $cron_item['mday'] = "*"; $cron_item['month'] = "*"; $cron_item['wday'] = "*"; $cron_item['who'] = "root"; $cron_item['command'] .= $cron_cmd; /* Add this cron_item as a new entry at the end of the item array. */ $config['cron']['item'][] = $cron_item; $need_write = true; } if($swapstate_job_id < 0) { $cron_item = array(); $cron_item['task_name'] = "squid_check_swapstate"; $cron_item['minute'] = "*/15"; $cron_item['hour'] = "*"; $cron_item['mday'] = "*"; $cron_item['month'] = "*"; $cron_item['wday'] = "*"; $cron_item['who'] = "root"; $cron_item['command'] = "/usr/local/pkg/swapstate_check.php"; /* Add this cron_item as a new entry at the end of the item array. */ $config['cron']['item'][] = $cron_item; $need_write = true; } if ($need_write) { parse_config(true); write_config("Adding Squid Cron Jobs"); } break; case false: if($rotate_job_id >= 0) { unset($config['cron']['item'][$rotate_job_id]); $need_write = true; } if($swapstate_job_id >= 0) { unset($config['cron']['item'][$swapstate_job_id]); $need_write = true; } if ($need_write) { parse_config(true); write_config("Removing Squid Cron Jobs"); } break; } configure_cron(); } function squid_check_ca_hashes(){ global $config,$g; #check certificates $cert_count=0; if (is_dir(SQUID_LOCALBASE. '/share/certs')) if ($handle = opendir(SQUID_LOCALBASE.'/share/certs')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) if (preg_match ("/\d+.0/",$file)) $cert_count++; } closedir($handle); if ($cert_count < 10){ conf_mount_rw(); #create ca-root hashes from ca-root-nss package log_error("Creating root certificate bundle hashes from the Mozilla Project"); $cas=file(SQUID_LOCALBASE.'/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crt'); $cert=0; foreach ($cas as $ca){ if (preg_match("/--BEGIN CERTIFICATE--/",$ca)) $cert=1; if ($cert == 1) $crt.=$ca; if (preg_match("/-END CERTIFICATE-/",$ca)){ file_put_contents("/tmp/cert.pem",$crt, LOCK_EX); $cert_hash=array(); exec("/usr/bin/openssl x509 -hash -noout -in /tmp/cert.pem",$cert_hash); file_put_contents(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/share/certs/".$cert_hash[0].".0",$crt,LOCK_EX); $crt=""; $cert=0; } } } } function squid_resync_general() { global $g, $config, $valid_acls; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squid'])) $settings = $config['installedpackages']['squid']['config'][0]; else $settings=array(); $conf = "# This file is automatically generated by pfSense\n"; $conf .= "# Do not edit manually !\n\n"; #Check ssl interception if (($settings['ssl_proxy'] == 'on')) { squid_check_ca_hashes(); $srv_cert = lookup_ca($settings["dca"]); if ($srv_cert != false) { if(base64_decode($srv_cert['prv'])) { #check if ssl_db was initilized by squid if (! file_exists("/var/squid/lib/ssl_db/serial")){ if (is_dir("/var/squid/lib/ssl_db")){ mwexec("/bin/rm -rf /var/squid/lib/ssl_db"); } mwexec(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/libexec/squid/ssl_crtd -c -s /var/squid/lib/ssl_db/"); } #force squid user permission on /var/squid/lib/ssl_db/ squid_chown_recursive("/var/squid/lib/ssl_db/", 'proxy', 'proxy'); # cert, key, version, cipher,options, clientca, cafile, capath, crlfile, dhparams,sslflags, and sslcontext $crt_pk=SQUID_CONFBASE."/serverkey.pem"; $crt_capath=SQUID_LOCALBASE."/share/certs/"; file_put_contents($crt_pk,base64_decode($srv_cert['prv']).base64_decode($srv_cert['crt'])); $sslcrtd_children= ($settings['sslcrtd_children'] ? $settings['sslcrtd_children'] : 5); $ssl_interception.="ssl-bump generate-host-certificates=on dynamic_cert_mem_cache_size=".($sslcrtd_children*2)."MB cert={$crt_pk} capath={$crt_capath}\n"; $interception_checks = "sslcrtd_program ".SQUID_LOCALBASE."/libexec/squid/ssl_crtd -s /var/squid/lib/ssl_db -M 4MB -b 2048\n"; $interception_checks .= "sslcrtd_children {$sslcrtd_children}\n"; $interception_checks .= "sslproxy_capath {$crt_capath}\n"; if (preg_match("/sslproxy_cert_error/",$settings["interception_checks"])) $interception_checks.="sslproxy_cert_error allow all\n"; if (preg_match("/sslproxy_flags/",$settings["interception_checks"])) $interception_checks.="sslproxy_flags DONT_VERIFY_PEER\n"; if ($settings["interception_adapt"] != ""){ foreach (explode(",",$settings["interception_adapt"]) as $adapt) $interception_checks.="sslproxy_cert_adapt {$adapt} all\n"; } } } } $port = ($settings['proxy_port'] ? $settings['proxy_port'] : 3128); $ssl_port = ($settings['ssl_proxy_port'] ? $settings['ssl_proxy_port'] : 3127); #Read assigned interfaces $real_ifaces = array(); if($settings['active_interface']) $proxy_ifaces = explode(",", $settings['active_interface']); else $proxy_ifaces=array("lan"); if ($settings['transparent_proxy']=="on"){ $transparent_ifaces = explode(",", $settings['transparent_active_interface']); foreach ($transparent_ifaces as $t_iface){ $t_iface_ip = squid_get_real_interface_address($t_iface); if($t_iface_ip[0]) $real_ifaces[]=$t_iface_ip; } } else{ $transparent_ifaces=array(); } if ($settings['ssl_proxy']=="on"){ $ssl_ifaces = explode(",", $settings['ssl_active_interface']); foreach ($ssl_ifaces as $s_iface){ $s_iface_ip = squid_get_real_interface_address($s_iface); if($s_iface_ip[0]) $real_ifaces[]=$s_iface_ip; } } else{ $ssl_ifaces=array(); } #check all proxy interfaces selected foreach ($proxy_ifaces as $iface) { $iface_ip = squid_get_real_interface_address($iface); if($iface_ip[0]) { $real_ifaces[]=$iface_ip; if (in_array($iface,$ssl_ifaces)) $conf .= "http_port {$iface_ip[0]}:{$port} {$ssl_interception}\n"; else $conf .= "http_port {$iface_ip[0]}:{$port}\n"; } } if (($settings['transparent_proxy'] == 'on')) { if ($settings['ssl_proxy'] == "on" && count($ssl_ifaces)>0){ $conf .= "http_port{$port} intercept {$ssl_interception}\n"; $conf .= "https_port{$ssl_port} intercept {$ssl_interception}\n"; } else{ $conf .= "http_port{$port} intercept\n"; } } $icp_port = ($settings['icp_port'] ? $settings['icp_port'] : 0); $dns_v4_first= ($settings['dns_v4_first'] == "on" ? "on" : "off" ); $pidfile = "{$g['varrun_path']}/squid.pid"; $language = ($settings['error_language'] ? $settings['error_language'] : 'en'); $icondir = SQUID_CONFBASE . '/icons'; $hostname = ($settings['visible_hostname'] ? $settings['visible_hostname'] : 'localhost'); $email = ($settings['admin_email'] ? $settings['admin_email'] : 'admin@localhost'); $logdir = ($settings['log_dir'] ? $settings['log_dir'] : '/var/squid/logs'); if (! is_dir($logdir)){ @mkdir($logdir, 0755, true); squid_chown_recursive($logdir, 'proxy', 'proxy'); } $logdir_cache = $logdir . '/cache.log'; $logdir_access = ($settings['log_enabled'] == 'on' ? $logdir . '/access.log' : '/dev/null'); $pinger_helper = ($settings['disable_pinger']) =='on' ? 'off' : 'on'; $pinger_program=SQUID_LOCALBASE."/libexec/squid/pinger"; $conf .= <<< EOD icp_port {$icp_port} dns_v4_first {$dns_v4_first} pid_filename {$pidfile} cache_effective_user proxy cache_effective_group proxy error_default_language {$language} icon_directory {$icondir} visible_hostname {$hostname} cache_mgr {$email} access_log {$logdir_access} cache_log {$logdir_cache} cache_store_log none netdb_filename {$logdir}/netdb.state pinger_enable {$pinger_helper} pinger_program {$pinger_program} {$interception_checks} EOD; // Per squid docs, setting logfile_rotate to 0 is safe and causes a simple close/reopen. $rotate = empty($settings['log_rotate']) ? 0 : $settings['log_rotate']; $conf .= "logfile_rotate {$rotate}\n"; $conf .= "debug_options rotate={$rotate}\n"; squid_install_cron(true); $conf .= <<< EOD shutdown_lifetime 3 seconds EOD; if ($settings['allow_interface'] == 'on') { $src = ''; foreach ($real_ifaces as $iface) { list($ip, $mask) = $iface; $ip = long2ip(ip2long($ip) & ip2long($mask)); $mask = 32-log((ip2long($mask) ^ ip2long(''))+1,2); if (!preg_match("@$ip/$mask@",$src)) $src .= " $ip/$mask"; } $conf .= "# Allow local network(s) on interface(s)\n"; $conf .= "acl localnet src $src\n"; $valid_acls[] = 'localnet'; } if ($settings['disable_xforward']) $conf .= "forwarded_for off\n"; if ($settings['disable_via']) $conf .= "via off\n"; if ($settings['disable_squidversion']) $conf .= "httpd_suppress_version_string on\n"; if (!empty($settings['uri_whitespace'])) $conf .= "uri_whitespace {$settings['uri_whitespace']}\n"; else $conf .= "uri_whitespace strip\n"; //only used for first run if(!empty($settings['dns_nameservers'])) { $altdns = explode(";", ($settings['dns_nameservers'])); $conf .= "dns_nameservers "; foreach ($altdns as $dnssrv) { $conf .= $dnssrv." "; } // $conf .= "\n"; //Kill blank line after DNS-Servers } return $conf; } function squid_resync_cache() { global $config, $g; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidcache'])) $settings = $config['installedpackages']['squidcache']['config'][0]; else $settings = array(); //apply cache settings $cachedir =($settings['harddisk_cache_location'] ? $settings['harddisk_cache_location'] : '/var/squid/cache'); $disk_cache_size = ($settings['harddisk_cache_size'] ? $settings['harddisk_cache_size'] : 100); $level1 = ($settings['level1_subdirs'] ? $settings['level1_subdirs'] : 16); $memory_cache_size = ($settings['memory_cache_size'] ? $settings['memory_cache_size'] : 8); $max_objsize = ($settings['maximum_object_size'] ? $settings['maximum_object_size']." KB" : "10 KB"); $min_objsize = ($settings['minimum_object_size'] ? $settings['minimum_object_size'] : 0); $max_objsize_in_mem = ($settings['maximum_objsize_in_mem'] ? $settings['maximum_objsize_in_mem'] : 32); $cache_policy = ($settings['cache_replacement_policy'] ? $settings['cache_replacement_policy'] : 'heap LFUDA'); $memory_policy = ($settings['memory_replacement_policy'] ? $settings['memory_replacement_policy'] : 'heap GDSF'); $offline_mode = ($settings['enable_offline'] == 'on' ? 'on' : 'off'); $conf = ''; if (!isset($settings['harddisk_cache_system'])) { if ($g['platform'] == "nanobsd" || !is_array ($config['installedpackages']['squidcache']['config'])) $disk_cache_system = 'null'; else $disk_cache_system = 'ufs'; } else{ $disk_cache_system = $settings['harddisk_cache_system']; } #'null' storage type dropped. In-memory cache is always present. Remove all cache_dir options to prevent on-disk caching. if ($disk_cache_system != "null") { $disk_cache_opts = "cache_dir {$disk_cache_system} {$cachedir} {$disk_cache_size} {$level1} 256"; } //check dynamic content if(empty($settings['cache_dynamic_content'])){ $conf.='acl dynamic urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?'."\n"; $conf.="cache deny dynamic\n"; } else{ if(preg_match('/youtube/',$settings['refresh_patterns'])){ // Broken (Bug #3847) and not working (http://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples/DynamicContent/YouTube#Discussion) /* $conf.=<<< EOC # Break HTTP standard for flash videos. Keep them in cache even if asked not to. refresh_pattern -i \.flv$ 10080 90% 999999 ignore-no-cache override-expire ignore-private # Let the clients favorite video site through with full caching acl youtube dstdomain .youtube.com cache allow youtube EOC; */ } if(preg_match('/windows/',$settings['refresh_patterns'])){ $conf.=<<< EOC # Windows Update refresh_pattern range_offset_limit -1 refresh_pattern -i microsoft.com/.*\.(cab|exe|ms[i|u|f]|asf|wm[v|a]|dat|zip) 4320 80% 43200 reload-into-ims refresh_pattern -i windowsupdate.com/.*\.(cab|exe|ms[i|u|f]|asf|wm[v|a]|dat|zip) 4320 80% 43200 reload-into-ims refresh_pattern -i windows.com/.*\.(cab|exe|ms[i|u|f]|asf|wm[v|a]|dat|zip) 4320 80% 43200 reload-into-ims EOC; } if(preg_match('/symantec/',$settings['refresh_patterns'])){ $conf.=<<< EOC # Symantec refresh_pattern range_offset_limit -1 refresh_pattern liveupdate.symantecliveupdate.com/.*\.(cab|exe|dll|msi) 10080 100% 43200 reload-into-ims refresh_pattern symantecliveupdate.com/.*\.(cab|exe|dll|msi) 10080 100% 43200 reload-into-ims EOC; } if(preg_match('/avast/',$settings['refresh_patterns'])){ $conf.=<<< EOC # Avast refresh_pattern range_offset_limit -1 refresh_pattern avast.com/.*\.(vpu|cab|stamp|exe) 10080 100% 43200 reload-into-ims EOC; } if(preg_match('/avira/',$settings['refresh_patterns'])){ $conf.=<<< EOC # Avira refresh_pattern range_offset_limit -1 refresh_pattern personal.avira-update.com/.*\.(cab|exe|dll|msi|gz) 10080 100% 43200 reload-into-ims EOC; } $refresh_conf=<<< EOC # Add any of your own refresh_pattern entries above these. refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080 refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440 refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0% 0 refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320 EOC; } If ($settings['custom_refresh_patterns'] !="") $conf .= sq_text_area_decode($settings['custom_refresh_patterns'])."\n"; $conf .= <<< EOD cache_mem $memory_cache_size MB maximum_object_size_in_memory {$max_objsize_in_mem} KB memory_replacement_policy {$memory_policy} cache_replacement_policy {$cache_policy} minimum_object_size {$min_objsize} KB maximum_object_size {$max_objsize} $disk_cache_opts offline_mode {$offline_mode} EOD; if (!empty($settings['cache_swap_low'])) $conf .= "cache_swap_low {$settings['cache_swap_low']}\n"; if (!empty($settings['cache_swap_high'])) $conf .= "cache_swap_high {$settings['cache_swap_high']}\n"; $donotcache = sq_text_area_decode($settings['donotcache']); if (!empty($donotcache)) { file_put_contents(SQUID_ACLDIR . '/donotcache.acl', $donotcache); $conf .= 'acl donotcache dstdomain "' . SQUID_ACLDIR . "/donotcache.acl\"\n"; $conf .= "cache deny donotcache\n"; } elseif (file_exists(SQUID_ACLDIR . '/donotcache.acl')) { unlink(SQUID_ACLDIR . '/donotcache.acl'); } $conf .= "cache allow all\n"; return $conf.$refresh_conf; } function squid_resync_upstream() { global $config; $conf = "\n#Remote proxies\n"; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidremote']['config'])) foreach ($config['installedpackages']['squidremote']['config'] as $settings){ if ($settings['enable'] == 'on') { $conf .= "cache_peer {$settings['proxyaddr']} {$settings['hierarchy']} {$settings['proxyport']} "; if ($settings['icpport'] == '7') $conf .= "{$settings['icpport']} {$settings['icpoptions']} {$settings['peermethod']} {$settings['allowmiss']} "; else $conf .= "{$settings['icpport']} "; #auth settings if (!empty($settings['username']) && !empty($settings['password'])){ $conf .= " login={$settings['username']}:{$settings['password']}"; } else{ $conf .= "{$settings['authoption']} "; } #other options settings if (!empty($settings['weight'])) $conf .= "weight={$settings['weight']} "; if (!empty($settings['basetime'])) $conf .= "basetime={$settings['basetime']} "; if (!empty($settings['ttl'])) $conf .= "ttl={$settings['ttl']} "; if (!empty($settings['nodelay'])) $conf .= "no-delay"; } $conf .= "\n"; } return $conf; } function squid_resync_redirector() { global $config; $httpav_enabled = ($config['installedpackages']['clamav']['config'][0]['scan_http'] == 'on'); if ($httpav_enabled) { $conf = "url_rewrite_program /usr/local/bin/squirm\n"; } else { $conf = "# No redirector configured\n"; } return $conf; } function squid_resync_nac() { global $config, $valid_acls; $port = ($settings['proxy_port'] ? $settings['proxy_port'] : 3128); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidnac'])) $settings = $config['installedpackages']['squidnac']['config'][0]; else $settings = array(); $webgui_port = $config['system']['webgui']['port']; $addtl_ports = $settings['addtl_ports']; $addtl_sslports = $settings['addtl_sslports']; $port = ($settings['proxy_port'] ? $settings['proxy_port'] : 3128); $ssl_port = ($settings['ssl_proxy_port'] ? $settings['ssl_proxy_port'] : 3127); $conf = <<< EOD # Setup some default acls # From 3.2 further configuration cleanups have been done to make things easier and safer. The manager, localhost, and to_localhost ACL definitions are now built-in. # acl localhost src acl allsrc src all acl safeports port 21 70 80 210 280 443 488 563 591 631 777 901 $webgui_port $port $ssl_port 1025-65535 $addtl_ports acl sslports port 443 563 $webgui_port $addtl_sslports # From 3.2 further configuration cleanups have been done to make things easier and safer. The manager, localhost, and to_localhost ACL definitions are now built-in. #acl manager proto cache_object acl purge method PURGE acl connect method CONNECT # Define protocols used for redirects acl HTTP proto HTTP acl HTTPS proto HTTPS EOD; $allowed_subnets = preg_replace("/\s+/"," ",sq_text_area_decode($settings['allowed_subnets'])); #$allowed = ""; #foreach ($allowed_subnets as $subnet) { # if(!empty($subnet)) { # $subnet = trim($subnet); # $allowed .= "$subnet "; # } #} if (!empty($allowed_subnets)) { $conf .= "acl allowed_subnets src $allowed_subnets\n"; $valid_acls[] = 'allowed_subnets'; } $options = array( 'unrestricted_hosts' => 'src', 'banned_hosts' => 'src', 'whitelist' => 'dstdom_regex -i', 'blacklist' => 'dstdom_regex -i', 'block_user_agent' => 'browser -i', 'block_reply_mime_type' => 'rep_mime_type -i', ); foreach ($options as $option => $directive) { $contents = sq_text_area_decode($settings[$option]); if (!empty($contents)) { file_put_contents(SQUID_ACLDIR . "/$option.acl", $contents); $conf .= "acl $option $directive \"" . SQUID_ACLDIR . "/$option.acl\"\n"; $valid_acls[] = $option; } elseif (file_exists(SQUID_ACLDIR . "/$option.acl")) { unlink(SQUID_ACLDIR . "/$option.acl"); } } $conf .= <<< EOD http_access allow manager localhost EOD; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidcache'])){ $settings_ch = $config['installedpackages']['squidcache']['config'][0]; if(!empty($settings_ch['ext_cachemanager'])) { $extmgr = explode(";", ($settings_ch['ext_cachemanager'])); $conf .= "\n# Allow external cache managers\n"; foreach ($extmgr as $mgr) { $conf .= "acl ext_manager src {$mgr}\n"; } $conf .= "http_access allow manager ext_manager\n"; } } $conf .= <<< EOD http_access deny manager http_access allow purge localhost http_access deny purge http_access deny !safeports http_access deny CONNECT !sslports # Always allow localhost connections # From 3.2 further configuration cleanups have been done to make things easier and safer. # The manager, localhost, and to_localhost ACL definitions are now built-in. # http_access allow localhost EOD; return $conf; } function squid_resync_antivirus(){ global $config; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidantivirus'])) $antivirus_config = $config['installedpackages']['squidantivirus']['config'][0]; else $antivirus_config = array(); if ($antivirus_config['enable']=="on"){ switch ($antivirus_config['client_info']){ case "both": default: $icap_send_client_ip="on"; $icap_send_client_username="on"; break; case "IP": $icap_send_client_ip="on"; $icap_send_client_username="off"; break; case "username": $icap_send_client_ip="off"; $icap_send_client_username="on"; break; case "none": $icap_send_client_ip="off"; $icap_send_client_username="off"; break; } if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squid'])) $squid_config=$config['installedpackages']['squid']['config'][0]; $clwarn="clwarn.cgi.en_EN"; if (preg_match("/de/i",$squid_config['error_language'])) $clwarn="clwarn.cgi.de_DE"; if (preg_match("/ru/i",$squid_config['error_language'])) $clwarn="clwarn.cgi.ru_RU"; if (preg_match("/fr/i",$squid_config['error_language'])) $clwarn="clwarn.cgi.fr_FR"; if (preg_match("/pt_br/i",$squid_config['error_language'])) $clwarn="clwarn.cgi.pt_BR"; $clwarn_file="/usr/local/www/clwarn.cgi"; copy(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/libexec/squidclamav/{$clwarn}",$clwarn_file); #fix perl path on clwarn.cgi $clwarn_file_new=file_get_contents($clwarn_file); $c_pattern[]="@/usr/\S+/perl@"; $c_replacement[]=SQUID_LOCALBASE."/bin/perl"; /*$c_pattern[]="@redirect \S+/clwarn.cgi@"; $gui_proto=$config['system']['webgui']['protocol']; $gui_port=$config['system']['webgui']['port']; if($gui_port == "") { $gui_port($gui_proto == "http"?"80":"443"); } $c_replacement[]=SQUID_LOCALBASE."redirect {$gui_proto}://{$gui_port}/clwarn.cgi"; */ $clwarn_file_new=preg_replace($c_pattern, $c_replacement,$clwarn_file_new); file_put_contents($clwarn_file, $clwarn_file_new,LOCK_EX); #fix clwarn.cgi file permission chmod($clwarn_file,0755); $conf = <<< EOF icap_enable on icap_send_client_ip {$icap_send_client_ip} icap_send_client_username {$icap_send_client_username} icap_client_username_encode off icap_client_username_header X-Authenticated-User icap_preview_enable on icap_preview_size 1024 icap_service service_req reqmod_precache bypass=0 icap:// icap_service service_resp respmod_precache bypass=0 icap:// adaptation_access service_req allow all adaptation_access service_resp allow all EOF; #check if icap is enabled on rc.conf.local if (file_exists("/etc/rc.conf.local")){ $rc_old_file=file("/etc/rc.conf.local"); foreach ($rc_old_file as $rc_line){ if (preg_match("/^(c_icap_enable|clamav_clamd_enable)/",$rc_line,$matches)){ $rc_file.=$matches[1].'="YES"'."\n"; ${$matches[1]}="ok"; } else $rc_file.=$rc_line; } } if (!isset($c_icap_enable)) $rc_file.='c_icap_enable="YES"'."\n"; if (!isset($clamav_clamd_enable)) $rc_file.='clamav_clamd_enable="YES"'."\n"; file_put_contents("/etc/rc.conf.local",$rc_file,LOCK_EX); squid_check_clamav_user('clamav'); #patch sample files to pfsense dirs #squidclamav.conf if (!file_exists(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/etc/c-icap/squidclamav.conf.sample")) if (file_exists(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/etc/c-icap/squidclamav.conf.default")){ $sample_file=file_get_contents(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/etc/c-icap/squidclamav.conf.default"); $clamav_m[0]="@/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl@"; $clamav_r[0]="/var/run/clamav/clamd.sock"; file_put_contents(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/etc/c-icap/squidclamav.conf.sample",preg_replace($clamav_m,$clamav_r,$sample_file),LOCK_EX); } #c-icap.conf if (!file_exists(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/etc/c-icap/c-icap.conf.sample")) if (file_exists(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/etc/c-icap/c-icap.conf.default")){ $sample_file=file_get_contents(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/etc/c-icap/c-icap.conf.default"); if (! preg_match ("/squidclamav/")) $sample_file.="\nService squidclamav squidclamav.so\n"; file_put_contents(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/etc/c-icap/c-icap.conf.sample",$sample_file,LOCK_EX); } $loadsample=0; if ($antivirus_config['squidclamav'] =="" && file_exists(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/etc/c-icap/squidclamav.conf.sample")){ $config['installedpackages']['squidantivirus']['config'][0]['squidclamav']=base64_encode(file_get_contents(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/etc/c-icap/squidclamav.conf.sample")); $loadsample++; } if ($antivirus_config['c-icap_conf'] =="" && file_exists(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/etc/c-icap/c-icap.conf.sample")){ $config['installedpackages']['squidantivirus']['config'][0]['c-icap_conf']=base64_encode(file_get_contents(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/etc/c-icap/c-icap.conf.sample")); $loadsample++; } if ($antivirus_config['squidclamav'] =="" && file_exists(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/etc/c-icap/c-icap.magic.default")){ $config['installedpackages']['squidantivirus']['config'][0]['c-icap_magic']=base64_encode(file_get_contents(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/etc/c-icap/c-icap.magic.default")); $loadsample++; } if($loadsample > 0){ write_config(); $antivirus_config = $config['installedpackages']['squidantivirus']['config'][0]; } #check dirs $dirs=array("/var/run/c-icap" => "clamav", "/var/log/c-icap" => "clamav", "/var/log/clamav" => "clamav", "/var/run/clamav" => "clamav", "/var/db/clamav" => "clamav"); foreach ($dirs as $dir_path => $dir_user){ if (!is_dir($dir_path)) @mkdir($dir_path, 0755, true); squid_chown_recursive($dir_path, $dir_user, "wheel"); } #Check clamav database if (count(glob("/var/db/clamav/*d"))==0){ log_error("Squid - Missing /var/db/clamav/*.cvd or *.cld files. Running freshclam on background."); mwexec_bg(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/bin/freshclam"); } #check startup scripts on pfsense > 2.1 if (preg_match("/usr.pbi/",SQUID_LOCALBASE)){ $rcd_files = scandir(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/etc/rc.d"); foreach($rcd_files as $rcd_file) if (!file_exists("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/{$rcd_file}")) symlink (SQUID_LOCALBASE."/etc/rc.d/{$rcd_file}","/usr/local/etc/rc.d/{$rcd_file}"); } #write advanced icap config files file_put_contents(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/etc/c-icap/squidclamav.conf",base64_decode($antivirus_config['squidclamav']),LOCK_EX); file_put_contents(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/etc/c-icap/c-icap.conf",base64_decode($antivirus_config['c-icap_conf']),LOCK_EX); file_put_contents(SQUID_LOCALBASE."/etc/c-icap/c-icap.magic",base64_decode($antivirus_config['c-icap_magic']),LOCK_EX); #check antivirus daemons #check icap if (is_process_running("c-icap")){ mwexec_bg('/bin/echo -n "reconfigure" > /var/run/c-icap/c-icap.ctl'); } else{ #check c-icap user on startup file $c_icap_rcfile="/usr/local/etc/rc.d/c-icap"; if (file_exists($c_icap_rcfile)){ $sample_file=file_get_contents($c_icap_rcfile); $cicapm[0]="@c_icap_user=.*}@"; $cicapr[0]='c_icap_user="clamav"}'; file_put_contents($c_icap_rcfile,preg_replace($cicapm,$cicapr,$sample_file),LOCK_EX); } mwexec_bg("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/c-icap start"); } #check clamav if (is_process_running("clamd")) mwexec_bg("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/clamav-clamd reload"); else mwexec_bg("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/clamav-clamd start"); } return $conf; } function squid_resync_traffic() { global $config, $valid_acls; if(!is_array($valid_acls)) return; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidtraffic'])) $settings = $config['installedpackages']['squidtraffic']['config'][0]; else $settings = array(); $conf = ''; if (!empty($settings['quick_abort_min']) || ($settings['quick_abort_min']) == "0") $conf .= "quick_abort_min {$settings['quick_abort_min']} KB\n"; if (!empty($settings['quick_abort_max']) || ($settings['quick_abort_max']) == "0") $conf .= "quick_abort_max {$settings['quick_abort_max']} KB\n"; if (!empty($settings['quick_abort_pct'])) $conf .= "quick_abort_pct {$settings['quick_abort_pct']}\n"; $up_limit = ($settings['max_upload_size'] ? $settings['max_upload_size'] : 0); $down_limit = ($settings['max_download_size'] ? $settings['max_download_size'] : 0); $conf .= "request_body_max_size $up_limit KB\n"; if ($down_limit != 0) $conf .= 'reply_body_max_size ' . $down_limit . " KB allsrc \n"; // Only apply throttling past 10MB // XXX: Should this really be hardcoded? $threshold = 10 * 1024 * 1024; $overall = $settings['overall_throttling']; if (!isset($overall) || ($overall == 0)) $overall = -1; else $overall *= 1024; $perhost = $settings['perhost_throttling']; if (!isset($perhost) || ($perhost == 0)) $perhost = -1; else $perhost *= 1024; $conf .= <<< EOD delay_pools 1 delay_class 1 2 delay_parameters 1 $overall/$overall $perhost/$perhost delay_initial_bucket_level 100 EOD; if(! empty($settings['unrestricted_hosts'])) { foreach (array('unrestricted_hosts') as $item) { if (in_array($item, $valid_acls)) $conf .= "# Do not throttle unrestricted hosts\n"; $conf .= "delay_access 1 deny $item\n"; } } if ($settings['throttle_specific'] == 'on') { $exts = array(); $binaries = 'bin,cab,sea,ar,arj,tar,tgz,gz,tbz,bz2,zip,7z,exe,com'; $cdimages = 'iso,bin,mds,nrg,gho,bwt,b5t,pqi'; $multimedia = 'aiff?,asf,avi,divx,mov,mp3,mp4,wmv,mpe?g,qt,ra?m'; foreach (array( 'throttle_binaries' => $binaries, 'throttle_cdimages' => $cdimages, 'throttle_multimedia' => $multimedia) as $field => $set) { if ($settings[$field] == 'on') $exts = array_merge($exts, explode(",", $set)); } foreach (explode(",", $settings['throttle_others']) as $ext) { if (!empty($ext)) $exts[] = $ext; } $contents = ''; foreach ($exts as $ext) $contents .= "\.$ext\$\n"; file_put_contents(SQUID_ACLDIR . '/throttle_exts.acl', $contents); $conf .= "# Throttle extensions matched in the url\n"; $conf .= "acl throttle_exts urlpath_regex -i \"" . SQUID_ACLDIR . "/throttle_exts.acl\"\n"; $conf .= "delay_access 1 allow throttle_exts\n"; $conf .= "delay_access 1 deny allsrc\n"; } else $conf .= "delay_access 1 allow allsrc\n"; return $conf; } function squid_get_server_certs() { global $config; $cert_arr = array(); $cert_arr[] = array('refid' => 'none', 'descr' => 'none'); foreach ($config['cert'] as $cert) { $cert_arr[] = array('refid' => $cert['refid'], 'descr' => $cert['descr']); } return $cert_arr; } #squid reverse include('/usr/local/pkg/squid_reverse.inc'); function squid_resync_auth() { global $config, $valid_acls; $write_config=0; if (!is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidauth']['config'])){ $config['installedpackages']['squidauth']['config'][]=array('auth_method'=> "none"); $write_config++; } $settings = $config['installedpackages']['squidauth']['config'][0]; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidnac']['config'])) $settingsnac = $config['installedpackages']['squidnac']['config'][0]; else $settingsnac = array(); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squid']['config'])) $settingsconfig = $config['installedpackages']['squid']['config'][0]; else $settingsconfig = array(); if ($write_config > 0) write_config(); $conf = ''; // SSL interception acl options part 1 if ($settingsconfig['ssl_proxy'] == "on" && ! empty($settingsnac['whitelist'])){ $conf .= "always_direct allow whitelist\n"; $conf .= "ssl_bump none whitelist\n"; } // Package integration if(!empty($settingsconfig['custom_options'])){ $co_preg[0]='/;/'; $co_rep[0]="\n"; $co_preg[1]="/redirect_program/"; $co_rep[1]="url_rewrite_program"; $co_preg[2]="/redirector_bypass/"; $co_rep[2]="url_rewrite_bypass"; $conf.="# Package Integration\n".preg_replace($co_preg,$co_rep,$settingsconfig['custom_options'])."\n\n"; } // Custom User Options before authentication acls $conf .= "# Custom options before auth\n".sq_text_area_decode($settingsconfig['custom_options_squid3'])."\n\n"; // Deny the banned guys before allowing the good guys if(! empty($settingsnac['banned_hosts'])) { if (squid_is_valid_acl('banned_hosts')) { $conf .= "# These hosts are banned\n"; $conf .= "http_access deny banned_hosts\n"; } } if(! empty($settingsnac['banned_macs'])) { if (squid_is_valid_acl('banned_macs')) { $conf .= "# These macs are banned\n"; $conf .= "http_access deny banned_macs\n"; } } // Unrestricted hosts take precedence over blacklist if(! empty($settingsnac['unrestricted_hosts'])) { if (squid_is_valid_acl('unrestricted_hosts') && $settings['unrestricted_auth']!= "on") { $conf .= "# These hosts do not have any restrictions\n"; $conf .= "http_access allow unrestricted_hosts\n"; } } if(! empty($settingsnac['unrestricted_macs'])) { if (squid_is_valid_acl('unrestricted_macs')) { $conf .= "# These hosts do not have any restrictions\n"; $conf .= "http_access allow unrestricted_macs\n"; } } // Whitelist and blacklist also take precedence over other allow rules if(! empty($settingsnac['whitelist'])) { if (squid_is_valid_acl('whitelist')) { $conf .= "# Always allow access to whitelist domains\n"; $conf .= "http_access allow whitelist\n"; } } if(! empty($settingsnac['blacklist'])) { if (squid_is_valid_acl('blacklist')) { $conf .= "# Block access to blacklist domains\n"; $conf .= "http_access deny blacklist\n"; } } if(! empty($settingsnac['block_user_agent'])) { if (squid_is_valid_acl('block_user_agent')) { $conf .= "# Block access with user agents and browsers\n"; $conf .= "http_access deny block_user_agent\n"; } } if(! empty($settingsnac['block_reply_mime_type'])) { if (squid_is_valid_acl('block_reply_mime_type')) { $conf .= "# Block access with mime type in the reply\n"; $conf .= "http_reply_access deny block_reply_mime_type\n"; } } // SSL interception acl options part 2 /*if ($settingsconfig['ssl_proxy'] == "on"){ $conf .= "always_direct allow all\n"; $conf .= "ssl_bump server-first all\n"; }*/ // Include squidguard denied acl log in squid if ($settingsconfig['log_sqd']) $conf .= "acl sglog url_regex -i sgr=ACCESSDENIED\n"; $transparent_proxy = ($settingsconfig['transparent_proxy'] == 'on'); if ($transparent_proxy){ if (preg_match ("/(none|cp)/",$settings['auth_method'])) $auth_method=$settings['auth_method']; else $auth_method="none"; } else{ $auth_method=$settings['auth_method']; } // Allow the remaining ACLs if no authentication is set if ($auth_method == 'none' || $auth_method == 'cp') { // Include squidguard denied acl log in squid if ($settingsconfig['log_sqd']) $conf .="http_access deny sglog\n"; } if ($auth_method == 'none' ) { $conf .="# Setup allowed acls\n"; $allowed = array('allowed_subnets'); if ($settingsconfig['allow_interface'] == 'on') { $conf .= "# Allow local network(s) on interface(s)\n"; $allowed[] = "localnet"; } $allowed = array_filter($allowed, 'squid_is_valid_acl'); foreach ($allowed as $acl) $conf .= "http_access allow $acl\n"; } else { $noauth = implode(' ', explode("\n", base64_decode($settings['no_auth_hosts']))); if (!empty($noauth)) { $conf .= "acl noauth src $noauth\n"; $valid_acls[] = 'noauth'; } // Set up the external authentication programs $auth_ttl = ($settings['auth_ttl'] ? $settings['auth_ttl'] : 5); $processes = ($settings['auth_processes'] ? $settings['auth_processes'] : 5); $prompt = ($settings['auth_prompt'] ? $settings['auth_prompt'] : 'Please enter your credentials to access the proxy'); switch ($auth_method) { case 'local': $conf .= 'auth_param basic program '.SQUID_LOCALBASE.'/libexec/squid/basic_ncsa_auth ' . SQUID_PASSWD . "\n"; break; case 'ldap': $port = (isset($settings['auth_server_port']) ? ":{$settings['auth_server_port']}" : ''); $password = (isset($settings['ldap_pass']) ? "-w {$settings['ldap_pass']}" : ''); $conf .= "auth_param basic program " . SQUID_LOCALBASE . "/libexec/squid/basic_ldap_auth -v {$settings['ldap_version']} -b {$settings['ldap_basedomain']} -D {$settings['ldap_user']} $password -f \"{$settings['ldap_filter']}\" -u {$settings['ldap_userattribute']} -P {$settings['auth_server']}$port\n"; break; case 'radius': $port = (isset($settings['auth_server_port']) ? "-p {$settings['auth_server_port']}" : ''); $conf .= "auth_param basic program ". SQUID_LOCALBASE . "/libexec/squid/basic_radius_auth -w {$settings['radius_secret']} -h {$settings['auth_server']} $port\n"; break; case 'cp': $conf .= "external_acl_type check_cp children-startup={$processes} ttl={$auth_ttl} %SRC ". SQUID_LOCALBASE . "/libexec/squid/check_ip.php\n"; $conf .= "acl password external check_cp\n"; break; case 'msnt': $conf .= "auth_param basic program ". SQUID_LOCALBASE . "/libexec/squid/basic_msnt_auth\n"; squid_resync_msnt(); break; } if ($auth_method != 'cp'){ $conf .= <<< EOD auth_param basic children $processes auth_param basic realm $prompt auth_param basic credentialsttl $auth_ttl minutes acl password proxy_auth REQUIRED EOD; } // Custom User Options after authentication definition $conf .= "# Custom options after auth\n".sq_text_area_decode($settingsconfig['custom_options2_squid3'])."\n\n"; // SSL interception acl options part 2 if ($settingsconfig['ssl_proxy'] == "on"){ $conf .= "always_direct allow all\n"; $conf .= "ssl_bump server-first all\n"; } // Onto the ACLs $password = array('localnet', 'allowed_subnets'); $passwordless = array('unrestricted_hosts'); if ($settings['unrestricted_auth'] == 'on') { // Even the unrestricted hosts should authenticate $password = array_merge($password, $passwordless); $passwordless = array(); } $passwordless[] = 'noauth'; $password = array_filter($password, 'squid_is_valid_acl'); $passwordless = array_filter($passwordless, 'squid_is_valid_acl'); // Allow the ACLs that don't need to authenticate foreach ($passwordless as $acl) $conf .= "http_access allow $acl\n"; //if ($auth_method != 'cp'){ // Include squidguard denied acl log in squid if ($settingsconfig['log_sqd']) $conf .="http_access deny password sglog\n"; // Allow the other ACLs as long as they authenticate foreach ($password as $acl) $conf .= "http_access allow password $acl\n"; // } } $conf .= "# Default block all to be sure\n"; $conf .= "http_access deny allsrc\n"; return $conf; } function squid_resync_users() { global $config; $users = $config['installedpackages']['squidusers']['config']; $contents = ''; if (is_array($users)) { foreach ($users as $user) $contents .= $user['username'] . ':' . crypt($user['password'], base64_encode($user['password'])) . "\n"; } file_put_contents(SQUID_PASSWD, $contents); chown(SQUID_PASSWD, 'proxy'); chmod(SQUID_PASSWD, 0600); } function squid_resync_msnt() { global $config; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidauth'])) $settings = $config['installedpackages']['squidauth']['config'][0]; else $settings = array(); $pdcserver = $settings['auth_server']; $bdcserver = str_replace(',',' ',$settings['msnt_secondary']); $ntdomain = $settings['auth_ntdomain']; file_put_contents(SQUID_CONFBASE."/msntauth.conf","server {$pdcserver} {$bdcserver} {$ntdomain}"); chown(SQUID_CONFBASE."/msntauth.conf", 'proxy'); chmod(SQUID_CONFBASE."/msntauth.conf", 0600); } function squid_resync($via_rpc="no") { global $config; # detect boot process if (is_array($_POST)){ if (preg_match("/\w+/",$_POST['__csrf_magic'])) unset($boot_process); else $boot_process="on"; } log_error("[Squid] - Squid_resync function call pr:".is_process_running('squid')." bp:".isset($boot_process)." rpc:".$via_rpc); if (is_process_running('squid') && isset($boot_process) && $via_rpc=="no") return; conf_mount_rw(); foreach (array( SQUID_CONFBASE, SQUID_ACLDIR, SQUID_BASE, SQUID_LIB, SQUID_SSL_DB ) as $dir) { @mkdir($dir, 0755, true); chown($dir, 'proxy'); chgrp($dir, 'proxy'); squid_chown_recursive($dir, 'proxy', 'proxy'); } $conf = squid_resync_general() . "\n"; $conf .= squid_resync_cache() . "\n"; $conf .= squid_resync_redirector() . "\n"; $conf .= squid_resync_upstream() . "\n"; $conf .= squid_resync_nac() . "\n"; $conf .= squid_resync_traffic() . "\n"; $conf .= squid_resync_reverse() . "\n"; $conf .= squid_resync_auth()."\n"; $conf .= squid_resync_antivirus(); squid_resync_users(); squid_write_rcfile(); if(!isset($boot_process) || $via_rpc="yes") squid_sync_on_changes(); #write config file file_put_contents(SQUID_CONFBASE . '/squid.conf', $conf); /* make sure pinger is executable */ if(file_exists(SQUID_LOCALBASE . "/libexec/squid/pinger")) exec("chmod a+x " . SQUID_LOCALBASE . "/libexec/squid/pinger"); $log_dir=""; #check if squid is enabled if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squid']['config'])){ if ($config['installedpackages']['squid']['config'][0]['active_interface']!= "") $log_dir = $config['installedpackages']['squid']['config'][0]['log_dir'].'/'; } #check if squidreverse is enabled else if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidreversegeneral']['config'])){ if ($config['installedpackages']['squidreversegeneral']['config'][0]['reverse_interface'] != "") $log_dir="/var/squid/logs/"; } #do not start squid if there is no log dir if ($log_dir != ""){ if(!is_dir($log_dir)) { log_error("Creating squid log dir $log_dir"); @mkdir($log_dir, 0755, true); squid_chown_recursive($log_dir, 'proxy', 'proxy'); } squid_dash_z(); if (!is_service_running('squid')) { log_error("Starting Squid"); mwexec(SQUID_LOCALBASE . "/sbin/squid -f " . SQUID_CONFFILE); } else { if (!isset($boot_process)){ log_error("Reloading Squid for configuration sync"); mwexec(SQUID_LOCALBASE . "/sbin/squid -k reconfigure -f " . SQUID_CONFFILE); } } // Sleep for a couple seconds to give squid a chance to fire up fully. for ($i=0; $i < 10; $i++) { if (!is_service_running('squid')) sleep(1); } filter_configure(); } conf_mount_ro(); } function squid_print_javascript_auth() { global $config; $transparent_proxy = ($config['installedpackages']['squid']['config'][0]['transparent_proxy'] == 'on'); // No authentication for transparent proxy if ($transparent_proxy and preg_match("/(local|ldap|radius|msnt|ntlm)/",$config['installedpackages']['squidauth']['config'][0]['auth_method'])) { $javascript = <<< EOD <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function on_auth_method_changed() { document.iform.auth_method.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_server.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_ntdomain.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_server_port.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_user.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_version.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_userattribute.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_filter.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_pass.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_basedomain.disabled = 1; document.iform.radius_secret.disabled = 1; document.iform.msnt_secondary.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_prompt.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_processes.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_ttl.disabled = 1; document.iform.unrestricted_auth.disabled = 1; document.iform.no_auth_hosts.disabled = 1; } --> </script> EOD; } else { $javascript = <<< EOD <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function on_auth_method_changed() { var field = document.iform.auth_method; var auth_method = field.options[field.selectedIndex].value; if (auth_method == 'none') { document.iform.auth_server.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_server_port.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_ntdomain.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_user.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_version.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_userattribute.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_filter.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_pass.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_basedomain.disabled = 1; document.iform.radius_secret.disabled = 1; document.iform.msnt_secondary.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_prompt.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_processes.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_ttl.disabled = 1; document.iform.unrestricted_auth.disabled = 1; document.iform.no_auth_hosts.disabled = 1; } else { document.iform.auth_prompt.disabled = 0; document.iform.auth_processes.disabled = 0; document.iform.auth_ttl.disabled = 0; document.iform.unrestricted_auth.disabled = 0; document.iform.no_auth_hosts.disabled = 0; } switch (auth_method) { case 'local': document.iform.auth_server.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_server_port.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_ntdomain.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_user.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_pass.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_version.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_userattribute.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_filter.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_basedomain.disabled = 1; document.iform.radius_secret.disabled = 1; document.iform.msnt_secondary.disabled = 1; break; case 'ldap': document.iform.auth_server.disabled = 0; document.iform.auth_server_port.disabled = 0; document.iform.ldap_user.disabled = 0; document.iform.ldap_pass.disabled = 0; document.iform.ldap_version.disabled = 0; document.iform.ldap_userattribute.disabled = 0; document.iform.ldap_filter.disabled = 0; document.iform.ldap_basedomain.disabled = 0; document.iform.radius_secret.disabled = 1; document.iform.msnt_secondary.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_ntdomain.disabled = 1; break; case 'radius': document.iform.auth_server.disabled = 0; document.iform.auth_server_port.disabled = 0; document.iform.ldap_user.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_pass.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_version.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_userattribute.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_filter.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_basedomain.disabled = 1; document.iform.radius_secret.disabled = 0; document.iform.msnt_secondary.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_ntdomain.disabled = 1; break; case 'msnt': document.iform.auth_server.disabled = 0; document.iform.auth_server_port.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_ntdomain.disabled = 0; document.iform.ldap_user.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_pass.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_version.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_userattribute.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_filter.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_basedomain.disabled = 1; document.iform.radius_secret.disabled = 1; document.iform.msnt_secondary.disabled = 0; break; case 'cp': document.iform.auth_server.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_server_port.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_ntdomain.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_user.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_version.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_userattribute.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_filter.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_pass.disabled = 1; document.iform.ldap_basedomain.disabled = 1; document.iform.radius_secret.disabled = 1; document.iform.msnt_secondary.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_prompt.disabled = 1; document.iform.auth_processes.disabled = 0; document.iform.auth_ttl.disabled = 0; document.iform.unrestricted_auth.disabled = 1; document.iform.no_auth_hosts.disabled = 1; break; } } --> </script> EOD; } print($javascript); } function squid_print_javascript_auth2() { print("<script language=\"JavaScript\">on_auth_method_changed()</script>\n"); } function squid_generate_rules($type) { global $config,$pf_version; $squid_conf = $config['installedpackages']['squid']['config'][0]; //check captive portal option $cp_file='/etc/inc/captiveportal.inc'; $pfsense_version=preg_replace("/\s/","",file_get_contents("/etc/version")); $port = ($settings['proxy_port'] ? $settings['proxy_port'] : 3128); $cp_inc = file($cp_file); $new_cp_inc=""; $found_rule=0; foreach ($cp_inc as $line){ $new_line=$line; //remove applied squid patch if (preg_match('/skipto 65314 ip/',$line)){ $found_rule++; $new_line =""; } if (substr($pfsense_version,0,3) > 2.0){ if (preg_match('/',$line) && $squid_conf['patch_cp']){ $found_rule++; $new_line .= "\n\t".'$cprules .= "add {$rulenum} skipto 65314 ip from any to {$ips} '.$port.' in\n";'."\n"; $new_line .= "\t".'$cprules .= "add {$rulenum} skipto 65314 ip from {$ips} '.$port.' to any out\n";'."\n"; } } else{ //add squid patch option based on current config if (preg_match('/set 1 pass ip from any to/',$line) && $squid_conf['patch_cp']){ $found_rule++; $new_line = "\t".'$cprules .= "add {$rulenum} set 1 skipto 65314 ip from any to {$ips} '.$port.' in\n";'."\n"; $new_line .= $line; } if (preg_match('/set 1 pass ip from {/',$line) && $squid_conf['patch_cp']){ $found_rule++; $new_line = "\t".'$cprules .= "add {$rulenum} set 1 skipto 65314 ip from {$ips} '.$port.' to any out\n";'."\n"; $new_line .= $line; } } $new_cp_inc .= $new_line; } if (!file_exists('/root/'.$pfsense_version.'.captiveportal.inc.backup')) { copy ($cp_file,'/root/'.$pfsense_version.'.captiveportal.inc.backup'); } if($found_rule > 0){ file_put_contents($cp_file,$new_cp_inc, LOCK_EX); } //normal squid rule check if (($squid_conf['transparent_proxy'] != 'on') || ($squid_conf['allow_interface'] != 'on')) { return; } if (!is_service_running('squid')) { log_error("SQUID is installed but not started. Not installing \"{$type}\" rules."); return; } #Read assigned interfaces $proxy_ifaces = explode(",", $squid_conf['active_interface']); $proxy_ifaces = array_map('convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name', $proxy_ifaces); if ($squid_conf['transparent_proxy']=="on"){ $transparent_ifaces = explode(",", $squid_conf['transparent_active_interface']); $transparent_ifaces = array_map('convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name', $transparent_ifaces); } else{ $transparent_ifaces=array(); } if ($squid_conf['ssl_proxy'] == "on"){ $ssl_ifaces = explode(",", $squid_conf['ssl_active_interface']); $ssl_ifaces = array_map('convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name', $ssl_ifaces); } else{ $ssl_ifaces=array(); } $port = ($squid_conf['proxy_port'] ? $squid_conf['proxy_port'] : 3128); $ssl_port = ($squid_conf['ssl_proxy_port'] ? $squid_conf['ssl_proxy_port'] : 3127); $fw_aliases = filter_generate_aliases(); if(strstr($fw_aliases, "pptp =")) $PPTP_ALIAS = "\$pptp"; else $PPTP_ALIAS = "\$PPTP"; if(strstr($fw_aliases, "PPPoE =")) $PPPOE_ALIAS = "\$PPPoE"; else $PPPOE_ALIAS = "\$pppoe"; #define ports based on transparent options and ssl filtering $pf_rule_port=($squid_conf['ssl_proxy'] == "on" ? "{80,443}" : "80"); switch($type) { case 'nat': $rules .= "\n# Setup Squid proxy redirect\n"; if ($squid_conf['private_subnet_proxy_off'] == 'on') { foreach ($transparent_ifaces as $iface) { $pf_transparent_rule_port=(in_array($iface,$ssl_ifaces) ? "{80,443}" : "80"); $rules .= "no rdr on $iface proto tcp from any to {,, } port {$pf_transparent_rule_port}\n"; } /* Handle PPPOE case */ if(($config['pppoe']['mode'] == "server" && $config['pppoe']['localip']) || (function_exists("is_pppoe_server_enabled") && is_pppoe_server_enabled())) { $rules .= "no rdr on $PPPOE_ALIAS proto tcp from any to {,, } port {$pf_rule_port}\n"; } /* Handle PPTP case */ if($config['pptpd']['mode'] == "server" && $config['pptpd']['localip']) { $rules .= "no rdr on $PPTP_ALIAS proto tcp from any to {,, } port {$pf_rule_port}\n"; } } if (!empty($squid_conf['defined_ip_proxy_off'])) { $defined_ip_proxy_off = explode(";", $squid_conf['defined_ip_proxy_off']); $exempt_ip = ""; foreach ($defined_ip_proxy_off as $ip_proxy_off) { if(!empty($ip_proxy_off)) { $ip_proxy_off = trim($ip_proxy_off); if (is_alias($ip_proxy_off)) $ip_proxy_off = '$'.$ip_proxy_off; $exempt_ip .= ", $ip_proxy_off"; } } $exempt_ip = substr($exempt_ip,2); foreach ($transparent_ifaces as $iface) { $pf_transparent_rule_port=(in_array($iface,$ssl_ifaces) ? "{80,443}" : "80"); $rules .= "no rdr on $iface proto tcp from { $exempt_ip } to any port {$pf_transparent_rule_port}\n"; } /* Handle PPPOE case */ if(($config['pppoe']['mode'] == "server" && $config['pppoe']['localip']) || (function_exists("is_pppoe_server_enabled") && is_pppoe_server_enabled())) { $rules .= "no rdr on $PPPOE_ALIAS proto tcp from { $exempt_ip } to any port {$pf_rule_port}\n"; } /* Handle PPTP case */ if($config['pptpd']['mode'] == "server" && $config['pptpd']['localip']) { $rules .= "no rdr on $PPTP_ALIAS proto tcp from { $exempt_ip } to any port {$pf_rule_port}\n"; } } if (!empty($squid_conf['defined_ip_proxy_off_dest'])) { $defined_ip_proxy_off_dest = explode(";", $squid_conf['defined_ip_proxy_off_dest']); $exempt_dest = ""; foreach ($defined_ip_proxy_off_dest as $ip_proxy_off_dest) { if(!empty($ip_proxy_off_dest)) { $ip_proxy_off_dest = trim($ip_proxy_off_dest); if (is_alias($ip_proxy_off_dest)) $ip_proxy_off_dest = '$'.$ip_proxy_off_dest; $exempt_dest .= ", $ip_proxy_off_dest"; } } $exempt_dest = substr($exempt_dest,2); foreach ($transparent_ifaces as $iface) { $pf_transparent_rule_port=(in_array($iface,$ssl_ifaces) ? "{80,443}" : "80"); $rules .= "no rdr on $iface proto tcp from any to { $exempt_dest } port {$pf_transparent_rule_port}\n"; } /* Handle PPPOE case */ if(($config['pppoe']['mode'] == "server" && $config['pppoe']['localip']) || (function_exists("is_pppoe_server_enabled") && is_pppoe_server_enabled())) { $rules .= "no rdr on $PPPOE_ALIAS proto tcp from any to { $exempt_dest } port {$pf_rule_port}\n"; } /* Handle PPTP case */ if($config['pptpd']['mode'] == "server" && $config['pptpd']['localip']) { $rules .= "no rdr on $PPTP_ALIAS proto tcp from any to { $exempt_dest } port {$pf_rule_port}\n"; } } foreach ($transparent_ifaces as $t_iface) { $pf_transparent_rule_port=(in_array($t_iface,$ssl_ifaces) ? "{80,443}" : "80"); $rules .= "rdr on $t_iface proto tcp from any to !($t_iface) port 80 -> port {$port}\n"; if (in_array($t_iface,$ssl_ifaces)) $rules .= "rdr on $t_iface proto tcp from any to !($t_iface) port 443 -> port {$ssl_port}\n"; } /* Handle PPPOE case */ if(($config['pppoe']['mode'] == "server" && $config['pppoe']['localip']) || (function_exists("is_pppoe_server_enabled") && is_pppoe_server_enabled())) { $rules .= "rdr on $PPPOE_ALIAS proto tcp from any to ! port {$pf_rule_port} -> port {$port}\n"; } /* Handle PPTP case */ if($config['pptpd']['mode'] == "server" && $config['pptpd']['localip']) { $rules .= "rdr on $PPTP_ALIAS proto tcp from any to ! port {$pf_rule_port} -> port {$port}\n"; } $rules .= "\n"; break; case 'filter': case 'rule': foreach ($transparent_ifaces as $iface) { $pf_transparent_rule_port=(in_array($iface,$ssl_ifaces) ? "{80,443,{$port},{$ssl_port}}" : "{80,{$port}}"); $rules .= "# Setup squid pass rules for proxy\n"; $rules .= "pass in quick on $iface proto tcp from any to !($iface) port {$pf_transparent_rule_port} flags S/SA keep state\n"; #$rules .= "pass in quick on $iface proto tcp from any to !($iface) port {$port} flags S/SA keep state\n"; $rules .= "\n"; }; if($config['pppoe']['mode'] == "server" && $config['pppoe']['localip']) { $rules .= "pass in quick on $PPPOE_ALIAS proto tcp from any to ! port {$port} flags S/SA keep state\n"; } if($config['pptpd']['mode'] == "server" && $config['pptpd']['localip']) { $rules .= "pass in quick on $PPTP_ALIAS proto tcp from any to ! port {$port} flags S/SA keep state\n"; } break; default: break; } return $rules; } function squid_write_rcfile() { /* Declare a variable for the SQUID_CONFFILE constant. */ /* Then the variable can be referenced easily in the Heredoc text that generates the rc file. */ $squid_conffile_var = SQUID_CONFFILE; $squid_local_base = SQUID_LOCALBASE; $rc = array(); $rc['file'] = 'squid.sh'; $rc['start'] = <<<EOD if [ -z "`ps auxw | grep "[s]quid "|awk '{print $2}'`" ];then {$squid_local_base}/sbin/squid -f {$squid_conffile_var} fi EOD; $rc['stop'] = <<<EOD {$squid_local_base}/sbin/squid -k shutdown -f {$squid_conffile_var} # Just to be sure... sleep 5 if [ -f /usr/bin/ipcs ];then # http://man.chinaunix.net/newsoft/squid/Squid_FAQ/FAQ-22.html#ss22.8 ipcs | grep '^[mq]' | awk '{printf "ipcrm -%s %s\\n", $1, $2}' | /bin/sh fi killall -9 squid 2>/dev/null killall pinger 2>/dev/null EOD; $rc['restart'] = <<<EOD if [ -z "`ps auxw | grep "[s]quid "|awk '{print $2}'`" ];then {$squid_local_base}/sbin/squid -f {$squid_conffile_var} else {$squid_local_base}/sbin/squid -k reconfigure -f {$squid_conffile_var} fi EOD; conf_mount_rw(); write_rcfile($rc); conf_mount_ro(); } /* Uses XMLRPC to synchronize the changes to a remote node */ function squid_sync_on_changes() { global $config, $g; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['squidsync']['config'])){ $squid_sync=$config['installedpackages']['squidsync']['config'][0]; $synconchanges = $squid_sync['synconchanges']; $synctimeout = $squid_sync['synctimeout']; switch ($synconchanges){ case "manual": if (is_array($squid_sync[row])){ $rs=$squid_sync[row]; } else{ log_error("[squid] xmlrpc sync is enabled but there is no hosts to push on squid config."); return; } break; case "auto": if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['carpsettings']) && is_array($config['installedpackages']['carpsettings']['config'])){ $system_carp=$config['installedpackages']['carpsettings']['config'][0]; $rs[0]['ipaddress']=$system_carp['synchronizetoip']; $rs[0]['username']=$system_carp['username']; $rs[0]['password']=$system_carp['password']; } else{ log_error("[squid] xmlrpc sync is enabled but there is no system backup hosts to push squid config."); return; } break; default: return; break; } if (is_array($rs)){ log_error("[squid] xmlrpc sync is starting."); foreach($rs as $sh){ $sync_to_ip = $sh['ipaddress']; $password = $sh['password']; if($sh['username']) $username = $sh['username']; else $username = 'admin'; if($password && $sync_to_ip) squid_do_xmlrpc_sync($sync_to_ip, $username, $password,$synctimeout); } log_error("[squid] xmlrpc sync is ending."); } } } /* Do the actual XMLRPC sync */ function squid_do_xmlrpc_sync($sync_to_ip, $username, $password, $synctimeout) { global $config, $g; if(!$username) return; if(!$password) return; if(!$sync_to_ip) return; if(!$synctimeout) $synctimeout=250; $xmlrpc_sync_neighbor = $sync_to_ip; if($config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] != "") { $synchronizetoip = $config['system']['webgui']['protocol']; $synchronizetoip .= "://"; } $port = $config['system']['webgui']['port']; /* if port is empty lets rely on the protocol selection */ if($port == "") { if($config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] == "http") $port = "80"; else $port = "443"; } $synchronizetoip .= $sync_to_ip; /* xml will hold the sections to sync */ $xml = array(); $xml['squid'] = $config['installedpackages']['squid']; $xml['squidupstream'] = $config['installedpackages']['squidupstream']; $xml['squidcache'] = $config['installedpackages']['squidcache']; $xml['squidantivirus'] = $config['installedpackages']['squidantivirus']; $xml['squidnac'] = $config['installedpackages']['squidnac']; $xml['squidtraffic'] = $config['installedpackages']['squidtraffic']; $xml['squidreversegeneral'] = $config['installedpackages']['squidreversegeneral']; $xml['squidreversepeer'] = $config['installedpackages']['squidreversepeer']; $xml['squidreverseuri'] = $config['installedpackages']['squidreverseuri']; $xml['squidauth'] = $config['installedpackages']['squidauth']; $xml['squidusers'] = $config['installedpackages']['squidusers']; /* assemble xmlrpc payload */ $params = array( XML_RPC_encode($password), XML_RPC_encode($xml) ); /* set a few variables needed for sync code borrowed from filter.inc */ $url = $synchronizetoip; log_error("[Squid] Beginning squid XMLRPC sync to {$url}:{$port}."); $method = 'pfsense.merge_installedpackages_section_xmlrpc'; $msg = new XML_RPC_Message($method, $params); $cli = new XML_RPC_Client('/xmlrpc.php', $url, $port); $cli->setCredentials($username, $password); if($g['debug']) $cli->setDebug(1); /* send our XMLRPC message and timeout after defined sync timeout value*/ $resp = $cli->send($msg, $synctimeout); if(!$resp) { $error = "A communications error occurred while attempting squid XMLRPC sync with {$url}:{$port}."; log_error($error); file_notice("sync_settings", $error, "squid Settings Sync", ""); } elseif($resp->faultCode()) { $cli->setDebug(1); $resp = $cli->send($msg, $synctimeout); $error = "An error code was received while attempting squid XMLRPC sync with {$url}:{$port} - Code " . $resp->faultCode() . ": " . $resp->faultString(); log_error($error); file_notice("sync_settings", $error, "squid Settings Sync", ""); } else { log_error("[Squid] XMLRPC sync successfully completed with {$url}:{$port}."); } /* tell squid to reload our settings on the destination sync host. */ $method = 'pfsense.exec_php'; $execcmd = "require_once('/usr/local/pkg/squid.inc');\n"; $execcmd .= "squid_resync('yes');"; /* assemble xmlrpc payload */ $params = array( XML_RPC_encode($password), XML_RPC_encode($execcmd) ); log_error("[Squid] XMLRPC reload data {$url}:{$port}."); $msg = new XML_RPC_Message($method, $params); $cli = new XML_RPC_Client('/xmlrpc.php', $url, $port); $cli->setCredentials($username, $password); $resp = $cli->send($msg, $synctimeout); if(!$resp) { $error = "A communications error occurred while attempting squid XMLRPC sync with {$url}:{$port} (pfsense.exec_php)."; log_error($error); file_notice("sync_settings", $error, "squid Settings Sync", ""); } elseif($resp->faultCode()) { $cli->setDebug(1); $resp = $cli->send($msg, $synctimeout); $error = "[Squid] An error code was received while attempting squid XMLRPC sync with {$url}:{$port} - Code " . $resp->faultCode() . ": " . $resp->faultString(); log_error($error); file_notice("sync_settings", $error, "squid Settings Sync", ""); } else { log_error("squid XMLRPC reload data success with {$url}:{$port} (pfsense.exec_php)."); } } ?>