"; } return $cont; } // Show Squid Logs function showSquid() { // Define log file $squid_log='/var/squid/logs/access.log'; echo "\n"; echo "".gettext("Date")."\n"; echo "".gettext("IP")."\n"; echo "".gettext("Status")."\n"; echo "".gettext("Address")."\n"; echo "".gettext("User")."\n"; echo "".gettext("Destination")."\n"; echo "\n"; // Get Data from form post $lines = $_POST['maxlines']; $filter = $_POST['strfilter']; // Get logs based in filter expression if($filter != "") { exec("tail -r -n $lines $squid_log | php -q parser_squid_log.php | grep -i ". escapeshellarg(htmlspecialchars($filter)), $logarr); } else { exec("tail -r -n $lines $squid_log | php -q parser_squid_log.php", $logarr); } // Print lines foreach ($logarr as $logent) { // Split line by space delimiter $logline = preg_split("/\s+/", $logent); // Apply date format to first line //$logline[0] = date("d.m.Y H:i:s",$logline[0]); // Word wrap the URL $logline[7] = htmlentities($logline[7]); $logline[7] = html_autowrap($logline[7]); // Remove /(slash) in destination row $logline_dest = preg_split("/\//", $logline[9]); // Apply filter and color // Need validate special chars if ($filter != "") $logline = preg_replace("/$filter/i","$filter",$logline); echo "\n"; echo "{$logline[0]} {$logline[1]}\n"; echo "{$logline[3]}\n"; echo "{$logline[4]}\n"; echo "{$logline[7]}\n"; echo "{$logline[8]}\n"; echo "{$logline_dest[1]}\n"; echo "\n"; } } // Show SquidGuard Logs function showSGuard() { // Define log file $sguard_log='/var/squidGuard/log/block.log'; echo "\n"; echo "".gettext("Date-Time")."\n"; echo "".gettext("ACL")."\n"; echo "".gettext("Address")."\n"; echo "".gettext("Host")."\n"; echo "".gettext("User")."\n"; echo "\n"; // Get Data from form post $lines = $_POST['maxlines']; $filter = $_POST['strfilter']; // Get logs based in filter expression if($filter != "") { exec("tail -r -n $lines $sguard_log | grep -i ". escapeshellarg(htmlspecialchars($filter)), $logarr); } else { exec("tail -r -n $lines $sguard_log", $logarr); } // Print lines foreach ($logarr as $logent) { // Split line by space delimiter $logline = preg_split("/\s+/", $logent); // Apply time format $logline[0] = date("d.m.Y", strtotime($logline[0])); // Word wrap the URL $logline[4] = htmlentities($logline[4]); $logline[4] = html_autowrap($logline[4]); // Apply filter color // Need validate special chars if ($filter != "") $logline = preg_replace("/$filter/","$filter",$logline); echo "\n"; echo "{$logline[0]} {$logline[1]}\n"; echo "{$logline[3]}\n"; echo "{$logline[4]}\n"; echo "{$logline[5]}\n"; echo "{$logline[6]}\n"; echo "\n"; } } ?>