softflowd 0.9.8 softflowd: Settings pkg_edit.php?xml=softflowd.xml&id=0 softflowd Modify softflowd settings.
softflowd.xml /pkg_edit.php?xml=softflowd.xml&id=0
softflowd softflowd installedpackages->package->$packagename->configuration->settings Interface interface interfaces_selection Pick an interface from which to collect netflow data. A separate instance of softflowd will be launched for each interface. Host host Specify the host to which datagrams will be sent. input Port port Enter the port to which datagrams will be sent. input Max Flows maxflows Specify the maximum number of flows to concurrently track before older flows are expired. Default: 8192. input Netflow version version Select the desired version of the NetFlow protocol. select "", "start" => $start, "stop" => "/usr/bin/killall -9 softflowd" ) ); restart_service("softflowd"); } conf_mount_ro(); config_unlock(); } function validate_form_softflowd($post, $input_errors) { if (($post['host'] == "") || !is_ipaddr($post['host'])) $input_errors[] = 'You must specify a valid ip address in the \'Host\' field'; if (($post['port'] == "") || !is_port($post['port'])) $input_errors[] = 'You must specify a valid port number in the \'Port\' field'; } function cleanup_config_softflowd() { global $a_pkg; $pffconf = array(); if (is_array($a_pkg)) { foreach($a_pkg as $cf) { if ($cf['host'] != "") { $pffconf = $cf; } } } $a_pkg = array(); $a_pkg[0] = $pffconf; } ]]> sync_package_softflowd(); validate_form_softflowd($_POST, &$input_errors); cleanup_config_softflowd();