0) { $rules_map = snort_load_rules_map("{$snortdir}/snort_{$snort_uuid}_{$if_real}/rules/{$flowbit_rules_file}"); } else $savemsg = gettext("There are no flowbit-required rules necessary for the current enforcing rule set."); } else $input_errors[] = gettext("Auto-Flowbit rule generation is disabled for this interface!"); if ($_POST['addsuppress'] && is_numeric($_POST['sid']) && is_numeric($_POST['gid'])) { $descr = snort_get_msg($rules_map[$_POST['gid']][$_POST['sid']]['rule']); $suppress = gettext("## -- This rule manually suppressed from the Auto-Flowbits list. -- ##\n"); if (empty($descr)) $suppress .= "suppress gen_id {$_POST['gid']}, sig_id {$_POST['sid']}\n"; else $suppress .= "# {$descr}\nsuppress gen_id {$_POST['gid']}, sig_id {$_POST['sid']}\n"; if (!is_array($config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['suppress'])) $config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['suppress'] = array(); if (!is_array($config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['suppress']['item'])) $config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['suppress']['item'] = array(); $a_suppress = &$config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['suppress']['item']; $found_list = false; if (empty($a_nat[$id]['suppresslistname']) || $a_nat[$id]['suppresslistname'] == 'default') { $s_list = array(); $s_list['uuid'] = uniqid(); $s_list['name'] = $a_nat[$id]['interface'] . "suppress" . "_" . $s_list['uuid']; $s_list['descr'] = "Auto-generated list for Alert suppression"; $s_list['suppresspassthru'] = base64_encode($suppress); $a_suppress[] = $s_list; $a_nat[$id]['suppresslistname'] = $s_list['name']; $found_list = true; } else { /* If we get here, a Suppress List is defined for the interface so see if we can find it */ foreach ($a_suppress as $a_id => $alist) { if ($alist['name'] == $a_nat[$id]['suppresslistname']) { $found_list = true; if (!empty($alist['suppresspassthru'])) { $tmplist = base64_decode($alist['suppresspassthru']); $tmplist .= "\n{$suppress}"; $alist['suppresspassthru'] = base64_encode($tmplist); $a_suppress[$a_id] = $alist; } else { $alist['suppresspassthru'] = base64_encode($suppress); $a_suppress[$a_id] = $alist; } } } } if ($found_list) { write_config(); $rebuild_rules = false; sync_snort_package_config(); snort_reload_config($a_nat[$id]); $savemsg = gettext("An entry to suppress the Alert for 'gen_id {$_POST['gid']}, sig_id {$_POST['sid']}' has been added to Suppress List '{$a_nat[$id]['suppresslistname']}'."); } else { /* We did not find the defined list, so notify the user with an error */ $input_errors[] = gettext("Suppress List '{$a_nat[$id]['suppresslistname']}' is defined for this interface, but it could not be found!"); } } /* Load up an array with the current Suppression List GID,SID values */ $supplist = snort_load_suppress_sigs($a_nat[$id]); $if_friendly = convert_friendly_interface_to_friendly_descr($a_nat[$id]['interface']); $pgtitle = gettext("Snort: Interface {$if_friendly} - Flowbit Rules"); include_once("head.inc"); ?>