' . $pgtitle . '

'; ?>
'; if($savemsg) print_info_box_np("{$savemsg}"); else { print_info_box_np(gettext( 'The Snort configuration has changed for one or more interfaces.
' . 'You must apply the changes in order for them to take effect.
' )); } } ?>
"; echo ($no_rules) ? " " : ""; } else echo strtoupper("disabled"); ?> "; } else echo strtoupper("disabled"); ?>  

" border="0"> " onclick="return confirm('Do you really want to delete the selected Snort mapping?')">

Snort Menu where you can see an over ' . 'view of all your interface settings. ' . 'Please visit the Global Settings tab before adding ' . 'an interface.'); ?>

Click on the "> icon to add an interface.   "> "> icons will show current snort and barnyard2 status.
Click on the "> icon to edit an interface and settings.   Click on the status icons to toggle snort and barnyard2 status.
Click on the "> icon to delete an interface and settings.