0 && $snortlogdirsizeKB > $snortloglimitsizeKB) { log_error(gettext("[Snort] Log directory size exceeds configured limit of " . number_format($snortloglimitsize) . " MB set on Global Settings tab. All Snort log files will be truncated.")); conf_mount_rw(); // Truncate the Rules Update Log file if it exists if (file_exists(RULES_UPD_LOGFILE)) { log_error(gettext("[Snort] Truncating the Rules Update Log file...")); @file_put_contents(RULES_UPD_LOGFILE, ""); } // Clean-up the logs for each configured Snort instance foreach ($config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['rule'] as $value) { $if_real = get_real_interface($value['interface']); $snort_uuid = $value['uuid']; $snort_log_dir = SNORTLOGDIR . "/snort_{$if_real}{$snort_uuid}"; log_error(gettext("[Snort] Truncating logs for {$value['descr']} ({$if_real})...")); snort_post_delete_logs($snort_uuid); // Truncate the alert log file if it exists if (file_exists("{$snort_log_dir}/alert")) { @file_put_contents("{$snort_log_dir}/alert", ""); } // This is needed if snort is run as snort user mwexec('/bin/chmod 660 {$snort_log_dir}/*', true); // Soft-restart Snort process to resync logging if (file_exists("{$g['varrun_path']}/snort_{$if_real}{$snort_uuid}.pid")) { log_error(gettext("[Snort] Restarting logging on {$value['descr']} ({$if_real})...")); mwexec("/bin/pkill -HUP -F {$g['varrun_path']}/snort_{$if_real}{$snort_uuid}.pid -a"); } } conf_mount_ro(); log_error(gettext("[Snort] Automatic clean-up of Snort logs completed.")); } } /************************* * Start of main code * *************************/ // If firewall is booting, do nothing if ($g['booting'] == true) return; // If no interfaces defined, there is nothing to clean up if (!is_array($config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['rule'])) return; // Check unified2 archived log retention in the interface logging directories if enabled foreach ($config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['rule'] as $value) { $if_real = get_real_interface($value['interface']); $snort_log_dir = SNORTLOGDIR . "/snort_{$if_real}{$value['uuid']}"; if (is_dir("{$snort_log_dir}/barnyard2/archive") && $value['u2_archived_log_retention'] > 0) { $now = time(); $files = glob("{$snort_log_dir}/barnyard2/archive/snort_{$value['uuid']}_{$if_real}.u2.*"); $prune_count = 0; foreach ($files as $f) { if (($now - filemtime($f)) > ($value['u2_archived_log_retention'] * 3600)) { $prune_count++; unlink_if_exists($f); } } unset($files); if ($prune_count > 0) log_error(gettext("[Snort] Barnyard2 archived logs cleanup job removed {$prune_count} file(s)...")); } } // Check the overall log directory limit (if enabled) and prune if necessary if ($config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['snortloglimit'] == 'on') snort_check_dir_size_limit($config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['snortloglimitsize']); return; ?>