advanced features */ $bpfbufsize = $config['installedpackages']['snortadvanced']['config'][0]['bpfbufsize']; $bpfmaxbufsize = $config['installedpackages']['snortadvanced']['config'][0]['bpfmaxbufsize']; $bpfmaxinsns = $config['installedpackages']['snortadvanced']['config'][0]['bpfmaxinsns']; /* set the snort performance model */ if($config['installedpackages']['snort']['config'][0]['performance']) $snort_performance = $config['installedpackages']['snort']['config'][0]['performance']; else $snort_performance = "ac-bnfa"; /* create a few directories and ensure the sample files are in place */ exec("/bin/mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/snort"); exec("/bin/mkdir -p /var/log/snort"); exec("/bin/mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/snort/rules"); exec("/bin/rm /usr/local/etc/snort/snort.conf-sample"); exec("/bin/rm /usr/local/etc/snort/threshold.conf-sample"); exec("/bin/rm /usr/local/etc/snort/"); exec("/bin/rm /usr/local/etc/snort/"); exec("/bin/rm /usr/local/etc/snort/classification.config-sample"); exec("/bin/rm /usr/local/etc/snort/generators-sample"); exec("/bin/rm /usr/local/etc/snort/reference.config-sample"); exec("/bin/rm /usr/local/etc/snort/"); exec("/bin/rm /usr/local/etc/snort/sid"); exec("/bin/rm -f /usr/local/etc/rc.d/snort"); $first = 0; $snortInterfaces = array(); /* -gtm */ $if_list = $config['installedpackages']['snort']['config'][0]['iface_array']; $if_array = split(',', $if_list); //print_r($if_array); if($if_array) { foreach($if_array as $iface) { $if = convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name($iface); if($config['interfaces'][$iface]['ipaddr'] == "pppoe") { $if = "ng0"; } /* build a list of user specified interfaces -gtm */ if($if){ array_push($snortInterfaces, $if); $first = 1; } } if (count($snortInterfaces) < 1) { log_error("Snort will not start. You must select an interface for it to listen on."); return; } } //print_r($snortInterfaces); /* create log directory */ $start = "/bin/mkdir -p /var/log/snort\n"; /* snort advanced features - bpf tuning */ if($bpfbufsize) $start .= "sysctl net.bpf.bufsize={$bpfbufsize}\n"; if($bpfmaxbufsize) $start .= "sysctl net.bpf.maxbufsize={$bpfmaxbufsize}\n"; if($bpfmaxinsns) $start .= "sysctl net.bpf.maxinsns={$bpfmaxinsns}\n"; /* go ahead and issue bpf changes */ if($bpfbufsize) mwexec_bg("sysctl net.bpf.bufsize={$bpfbufsize}"); if($bpfmaxbufsize) mwexec_bg("sysctl net.bpf.maxbufsize={$bpfmaxbufsize}"); if($bpfmaxinsns) mwexec_bg("sysctl net.bpf.maxinsns={$bpfmaxinsns}"); /* always stop barnyard2 before starting snort -gtm */ $start .= "/usr/bin/killall barnyard2\n"; /* start a snort process for each interface -gtm */ /* Note the sleep delay. Seems to help getting mult interfaces to start -gtm */ /* snort start options are; config file, log file, demon, interface, packet flow, alert type, quiet */ /* TODO; get snort to start under nologin shell */ foreach($snortInterfaces as $snortIf) { $start .= "sleep 4\n"; $start .= "snort -c /usr/local/etc/snort/snort.conf -l /var/log/snort -D -i {$snortIf} -q\n"; /* define snortbarnyardlog_chk */ $snortbarnyardlog_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortadvanced']['config'][0]['snortbarnyardlog']; if ($snortbarnyardlog_info_chk == on) $start .= "\nsleep 4;barnyard2 -c /usr/local/etc/barnyard2.conf -d /var/log/snort -f snort.u2 -w /usr/local/etc/snort/barnyard2.waldo -D -q\n"; } $check_if_snort_runs = "\n\tif [ \"`ls -A /usr/local/etc/snort/rules`\" ] ; then\n\techo \"rules exist\"\n\telse\n\techo \"rules DONT exist\"\n\texit 2\n\tfi \n\n\tif [ \"`pgrep -x snort`\" = \"\" ] ; then\n\t/bin/rm /tmp/\n\tfi \n\n\tif [ \"`pgrep -x snort`\" != \"\" ] ; then\n\tlogger -p -i -t SnortStartup \"Snort already running...\"\n\t/usr/local/bin/php -f /usr/local/pkg/pf/snort_dynamic_ip_reload.php\n\texit 1\n\tfi\n\n"; $if_snort_pid = "\nif ls /tmp/ > /dev/null\nthen\n echo \" is running\"\n exit 0\nelse\n echo \" is not running\"\nfi\n"; $echo_snort_sh_pid = "\necho \" run\" > /tmp/\n"; $echo_snort_sh_startup_log = "\necho \" run\" >> /tmp/snort.sh_startup.log\n"; $del_old_pids = "\nrm -f /var/run/snort_*\n"; $sample_before = "BEFORE_MEM=`top | grep Wired | awk '{print \$12}'`\n"; $sample_after = "\n\tAFTER_MEM=`top | grep Wired | awk '{print \$12}'`\n"; if ($snort_performance == "ac-bnfa") $sleep_before_final = "\necho \"Sleeping before final memory sampling...\"\nWAITSECURE=60\n"; else $sleep_before_final = "\necho \"Sleeping before final memory sampling...\"\nWAITSECURE=300\n"; $sleep_before_final .= "while [ \"\$MYSNORTLOG\" = \"\" -a \$WAITSECURE -gt 0 ] ; do\n\tsleep 2\n\tMYSNORTLOG=`/usr/sbin/clog /var/log/system.log | grep snort | tail | grep 'Snort initialization completed successfully'`\n\tWAITSECURE=`expr \$WAITSECURE - 1`\ndone\n"; $total_used_after = "TOTAL_USAGE=`top | grep snort | grep -v grep | awk '{ print \$6 }'`\n"; $echo_usage .= $sample_after . "\t" . $total_used_after . "\techo \"Ram free BEFORE starting Snort: \$BEFORE_MEM -- Ram free AFTER starting Snort: \$AFTER_MEM -- Mode " . $snort_performance . " -- Snort memory usage: \$TOTAL_USAGE\" | logger -p -i -t SnortStartup\n\n"; /* write out rc.d start/stop file */ write_rcfile(array( "file" => "", "start" => "{$check_if_snort_runs}{$if_snort_pid}{$echo_snort_sh_pid}{$echo_snort_sh_startup_log}{$del_old_pids}{$sample_before}{$start}{$sleep_before_final}{$echo_usage}", "stop" => "/usr/bin/killall snort; killall barnyard2" ) ); /* create snort configuration file */ create_snort_conf(); /* create barnyard2 configuration file */ $snortbarnyardlog_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortadvanced']['config'][0]['snortbarnyardlog']; if ($snortbarnyardlog_info_chk == on) create_barnyard2_conf(); /* snort will not start on install untill setting are set */ if ($config['installedpackages']['snort']['config'][0]['autorulesupdate7'] != "") { /* start snort service */ conf_mount_ro(); start_service("snort"); } } /* open barnyard2.conf for writing */ function create_barnyard2_conf() { global $bconfig, $bg; /* write out barnyard2_conf */ conf_mount_rw(); $barnyard2_conf_text = generate_barnyard2_conf(); $bconf = fopen("/usr/local/etc/barnyard2.conf", "w"); if(!$bconf) { log_error("Could not open /usr/local/etc/barnyard2.conf for writing."); exit; } fwrite($bconf, $barnyard2_conf_text); fclose($bconf); conf_mount_ro(); } /* open barnyard2.conf for writing" */ function generate_barnyard2_conf() { global $config, $g; conf_mount_rw(); /* define snortbarnyardlog */ /* TODO add support for the other 5 output plugins */ $snortbarnyardlog_database_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortadvanced']['config'][0]['snortbarnyardlog_database']; $snortbarnyardlog_hostname_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortadvanced']['config'][0]['snortbarnyardlog_hostname']; $snortbarnyardlog_interface_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortadvanced']['config'][0]['snortbarnyardlog_interface']; $barnyard2_conf_text = << 0) { unset($config['cron']['item'][$x]); write_config(); } configure_cron(); } } function snort_rules_up_deinstall_cron($should_install) { global $config, $g; $is_installed = false; if(!$config['cron']['item']) return; $x=0; foreach($config['cron']['item'] as $item) { if (strstr($item['command'], "snort_check_for_rule_updates.php")) { $is_installed = true; break; } $x++; } if($is_installed == true) { if($x > 0) { unset($config['cron']['item'][$x]); write_config(); } configure_cron(); } } snort_rm_blocked_deinstall_cron(""); snort_rules_up_deinstall_cron(""); /* Unset snort registers in conf.xml IMPORTANT snort will not start with out this */ /* Keep this as a last step */ unset($config['installedpackages']['snort']['config'][0]['autorulesupdate7']); unset($config['installedpackages']['snort']['config'][0]['rm_blocked']); write_config(); } function generate_snort_conf() { global $config, $g; conf_mount_rw(); /* obtain external interface */ /* XXX: make multi wan friendly */ $snort_ext_int = $config['installedpackages']['snort']['config'][0]['iface_array'][0]; $snort_config_pass_thru = $config['installedpackages']['snortadvanced']['config'][0]['configpassthru']; /* define snortalertlogtype */ $snortalertlogtype = $config['installedpackages']['snortadvanced']['config'][0]['snortalertlogtype']; if ($snortalertlogtype == fast) $snortalertlogtype_type = "output alert_fast: alert"; else $snortalertlogtype_type = "output alert_full: alert"; /* define alertsystemlog */ $alertsystemlog_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortadvanced']['config'][0]['alertsystemlog']; if ($alertsystemlog_info_chk == on) $alertsystemlog_type = "output alert_syslog: log_alert"; /* define tcpdumplog */ $tcpdumplog_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortadvanced']['config'][0]['tcpdumplog']; if ($tcpdumplog_info_chk == on) $tcpdumplog_type = "output log_tcpdump: snorttcpd.log"; /* define snortbarnyardlog_chk */ $snortbarnyardlog_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortadvanced']['config'][0]['snortbarnyardlog']; if ($snortbarnyardlog_info_chk == on) $snortbarnyardlog_type = "barnyard2 -c /usr/local/etc/barnyard2.conf -d /var/log/snort -f snort.u2 -w /usr/local/etc/snort/barnyard2.waldo -D"; /* define snortunifiedlog */ $snortunifiedlog_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortadvanced']['config'][0]['snortunifiedlog']; if ($snortunifiedlog_info_chk == on) $snortunifiedlog_type = "output unified2: filename snort.u2, limit 128"; /* define spoink */ $spoink_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snort']['config'][0]['blockoffenders7']; if ($spoink_info_chk == on) $spoink_type = "output alert_pf: /var/db/whitelist,snort2c"; /* define servers and ports snortdefservers */ /* def DNS_SERVSERS */ $def_dns_servers_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_dns_servers']; if ($def_dns_servers_info_chk == "") $def_dns_servers_type = "\$HOME_NET"; else $def_dns_servers_type = "$def_dns_servers_info_chk"; /* def DNS_PORTS */ $def_dns_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_dns_ports']; if ($def_dns_ports_info_chk == "") $def_dns_ports_type = "53"; else $def_dns_ports_type = "$def_dns_ports_info_chk"; /* def SMTP_SERVSERS */ $def_smtp_servers_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_smtp_servers']; if ($def_smtp_servers_info_chk == "") $def_smtp_servers_type = "\$HOME_NET"; else $def_smtp_servers_type = "$def_smtp_servers_info_chk"; /* def SMTP_PORTS */ $def_smtp_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_smtp_ports']; if ($def_smtp_ports_info_chk == "") $def_smtp_ports_type = "25"; else $def_smtp_ports_type = "$def_smtp_ports_info_chk"; /* def MAIL_PORTS */ $def_mail_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_mail_ports']; if ($def_mail_ports_info_chk == "") $def_mail_ports_type = "25,143,465,691"; else $def_mail_ports_type = "$def_mail_ports_info_chk"; /* def HTTP_SERVSERS */ $def_http_servers_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_http_servers']; if ($def_http_servers_info_chk == "") $def_http_servers_type = "\$HOME_NET"; else $def_http_servers_type = "$def_http_servers_info_chk"; /* def WWW_SERVSERS */ $def_www_servers_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_www_servers']; if ($def_www_servers_info_chk == "") $def_www_servers_type = "\$HOME_NET"; else $def_www_servers_type = "$def_www_servers_info_chk"; /* def HTTP_PORTS */ $def_http_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_http_ports']; if ($def_http_ports_info_chk == "") $def_http_ports_type = "80"; else $def_http_ports_type = "$def_http_ports_info_chk"; /* def SQL_SERVSERS */ $def_sql_servers_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_sql_servers']; if ($def_sql_servers_info_chk == "") $def_sql_servers_type = "\$HOME_NET"; else $def_sql_servers_type = "$def_sql_servers_info_chk"; /* def ORACLE_PORTS */ $def_oracle_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_oracle_ports']; if ($def_oracle_ports_info_chk == "") $def_oracle_ports_type = "1521"; else $def_oracle_ports_type = "$def_oracle_ports_info_chk"; /* def MSSQL_PORTS */ $def_mssql_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_mssql_ports']; if ($def_mssql_ports_info_chk == "") $def_mssql_ports_type = "1433"; else $def_mssql_ports_type = "$def_mssql_ports_info_chk"; /* def TELNET_SERVSERS */ $def_telnet_servers_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_telnet_servers']; if ($def_telnet_servers_info_chk == "") $def_telnet_servers_type = "\$HOME_NET"; else $def_telnet_servers_type = "$def_telnet_servers_info_chk"; /* def TELNET_PORTS */ $def_telnet_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_telnet_ports']; if ($def_telnet_ports_info_chk == "") $def_telnet_ports_type = "23"; else $def_telnet_ports_type = "$def_telnet_ports_info_chk"; /* def SNMP_SERVSERS */ $def_snmp_servers_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_snmp_servers']; if ($def_snmp_servers_info_chk == "") $def_snmp_servers_type = "\$HOME_NET"; else $def_snmp_servers_type = "$def_snmp_servers_info_chk"; /* def SNMP_PORTS */ $def_snmp_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_snmp_ports']; if ($def_snmp_ports_info_chk == "") $def_snmp_ports_type = "161"; else $def_snmp_ports_type = "$def_snmp_ports_info_chk"; /* def FTP_SERVSERS */ $def_ftp_servers_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_ftp_servers']; if ($def_ftp_servers_info_chk == "") $def_ftp_servers_type = "\$HOME_NET"; else $def_ftp_servers_type = "$def_ftp_servers_info_chk"; /* def FTP_PORTS */ $def_ftp_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_ftp_ports']; if ($def_ftp_ports_info_chk == "") $def_ftp_ports_type = "21"; else $def_ftp_ports_type = "$def_ftp_ports_info_chk"; /* def SSH_SERVSERS */ $def_ssh_servers_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_ssh_servers']; if ($def_ssh_servers_info_chk == "") $def_ssh_servers_type = "\$HOME_NET"; else $def_ssh_servers_type = "$def_ssh_servers_info_chk"; /* if user has defined a custom ssh port, use it */ if($config['system']['ssh']['port']) $ssh_port = $config['system']['ssh']['port']; else $ssh_port = "22"; /* def SSH_PORTS */ $def_ssh_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_ssh_ports']; if ($def_ssh_ports_info_chk == "") $def_ssh_ports_type = "{$ssh_port}"; else $def_ssh_ports_type = "$def_ssh_ports_info_chk"; /* def POP_SERVSERS */ $def_pop_servers_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_pop_servers']; if ($def_pop_servers_info_chk == "") $def_pop_servers_type = "\$HOME_NET"; else $def_pop_servers_type = "$def_pop_servers_info_chk"; /* def POP2_PORTS */ $def_pop2_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_pop2_ports']; if ($def_pop2_ports_info_chk == "") $def_pop2_ports_type = "109"; else $def_pop2_ports_type = "$def_pop2_ports_info_chk"; /* def POP3_PORTS */ $def_pop3_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_pop3_ports']; if ($def_pop3_ports_info_chk == "") $def_pop3_ports_type = "110"; else $def_pop3_ports_type = "$def_pop3_ports_info_chk"; /* def IMAP_SERVSERS */ $def_imap_servers_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_imap_servers']; if ($def_imap_servers_info_chk == "") $def_imap_servers_type = "\$HOME_NET"; else $def_imap_servers_type = "$def_imap_servers_info_chk"; /* def IMAP_PORTS */ $def_imap_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_imap_ports']; if ($def_imap_ports_info_chk == "") $def_imap_ports_type = "143"; else $def_imap_ports_type = "$def_imap_ports_info_chk"; /* def SIP_PROXY_IP */ $def_sip_proxy_ip_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_sip_proxy_ip']; if ($def_sip_proxy_ip_info_chk == "") $def_sip_proxy_ip_type = "\$HOME_NET"; else $def_sip_proxy_ip_type = "$def_sip_proxy_ip_info_chk"; /* def SIP_PROXY_PORTS */ $def_sip_proxy_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_sip_proxy_ports']; if ($def_sip_proxy_ports_info_chk == "") $def_sip_proxy_ports_type = "5060:5090,16384:32768"; else $def_sip_proxy_ports_type = "$def_sip_proxy_ports_info_chk"; /* def AUTH_PORTS */ $def_auth_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_auth_ports']; if ($def_auth_ports_info_chk == "") $def_auth_ports_type = "113"; else $def_auth_ports_type = "$def_auth_ports_info_chk"; /* def FINGER_PORTS */ $def_finger_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_finger_ports']; if ($def_finger_ports_info_chk == "") $def_finger_ports_type = "79"; else $def_finger_ports_type = "$def_finger_ports_info_chk"; /* def IRC_PORTS */ $def_irc_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_irc_ports']; if ($def_irc_ports_info_chk == "") $def_irc_ports_type = "6665,6666,6667,6668,6669,7000"; else $def_irc_ports_type = "$def_irc_ports_info_chk"; /* def NNTP_PORTS */ $def_nntp_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_nntp_ports']; if ($def_nntp_ports_info_chk == "") $def_nntp_ports_type = "119"; else $def_nntp_ports_type = "$def_nntp_ports_info_chk"; /* def RLOGIN_PORTS */ $def_rlogin_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_rlogin_ports']; if ($def_rlogin_ports_info_chk == "") $def_rlogin_ports_type = "513"; else $def_rlogin_ports_type = "$def_rlogin_ports_info_chk"; /* def RSH_PORTS */ $def_rsh_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_rsh_ports']; if ($def_rsh_ports_info_chk == "") $def_rsh_ports_type = "514"; else $def_rsh_ports_type = "$def_rsh_ports_info_chk"; /* def SSL_PORTS */ $def_ssl_ports_info_chk = $config['installedpackages']['snortdefservers']['config'][0]['def_ssl_ports']; if ($def_ssl_ports_info_chk == "") $def_ssl_ports_type = "25,443,465,636,993,995"; else $def_ssl_ports_type = "$def_ssl_ports_info_chk"; /* add auto update scripts to /etc/crontab */ // $text_ww = "*/60\t* \t 1\t *\t *\t root\t /usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/pkg/snort_check_for_rule_updates.php"; // $filenamea = "/etc/crontab"; // remove_text_from_file($filenamea, $text_ww); // add_text_to_file($filenamea, $text_ww); // exec("killall -HUP cron"); */ /* should we install a automatic update crontab entry? */ $automaticrulesupdate = $config['installedpackages']['snort']['config'][0]['automaticrulesupdate']; /* if user is on pppoe, we really want to use ng0 interface */ if($config['interfaces'][$snort_ext_int]['ipaddr'] == "pppoe") $snort_ext_int = "ng0"; /* set the snort performance model */ if($config['installedpackages']['snort']['config'][0]['performance']) $snort_performance = $config['installedpackages']['snort']['config'][0]['performance']; else $snort_performance = "ac-bnfa"; /* set the snort block hosts time IMPORTANT snort has trouble installing if snort_rm_blocked_info_ck != "" */ $snort_rm_blocked_info_ck = $config['installedpackages']['snort']['config'][0]['rm_blocked']; if ($snort_rm_blocked_info_ck == "never_b") $snort_rm_blocked_false = ""; else $snort_rm_blocked_false = "true"; if ($snort_rm_blocked_info_ck != "") { function snort_rm_blocked_install_cron($should_install) { global $config, $g; conf_mount_rw(); if ($g['booting']==true) return; $is_installed = false; if(!$config['cron']['item']) return; $x=0; foreach($config['cron']['item'] as $item) { if (strstr($item['command'], "snort2c")) { $is_installed = true; break; } $x++; } $snort_rm_blocked_info_ck = $config['installedpackages']['snort']['config'][0]['rm_blocked']; if ($snort_rm_blocked_info_ck == "1h_b") { $snort_rm_blocked_min = "*/5"; $snort_rm_blocked_hr = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_mday = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_month = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_wday = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_expire = "3600"; } if ($snort_rm_blocked_info_ck == "3h_b") { $snort_rm_blocked_min = "*/15"; $snort_rm_blocked_hr = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_mday = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_month = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_wday = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_expire = "10800"; } if ($snort_rm_blocked_info_ck == "6h_b") { $snort_rm_blocked_min = "*/30"; $snort_rm_blocked_hr = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_mday = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_month = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_wday = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_expire = "21600"; } if ($snort_rm_blocked_info_ck == "12h_b") { $snort_rm_blocked_min = "2"; $snort_rm_blocked_hr = "*/1"; $snort_rm_blocked_mday = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_month = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_wday = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_expire = "43200"; } if ($snort_rm_blocked_info_ck == "1d_b") { $snort_rm_blocked_min = "2"; $snort_rm_blocked_hr = "*/2"; $snort_rm_blocked_mday = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_month = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_wday = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_expire = "86400"; } if ($snort_rm_blocked_info_ck == "4d_b") { $snort_rm_blocked_min = "2"; $snort_rm_blocked_hr = "*/8"; $snort_rm_blocked_mday = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_month = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_wday = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_expire = "345600"; } if ($snort_rm_blocked_info_ck == "7d_b") { $snort_rm_blocked_min = "2"; $snort_rm_blocked_hr = "*/14"; $snort_rm_blocked_mday = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_month = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_wday = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_expire = "604800"; } if ($snort_rm_blocked_info_ck == "28d_b") { $snort_rm_blocked_min = "2"; $snort_rm_blocked_hr = "0"; $snort_rm_blocked_mday = "*/2"; $snort_rm_blocked_month = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_wday = "*"; $snort_rm_blocked_expire = "2419200"; } switch($should_install) { case true: if(!$is_installed) { $cron_item = array(); $cron_item['minute'] = "$snort_rm_blocked_min"; $cron_item['hour'] = "$snort_rm_blocked_hr"; $cron_item['mday'] = "$snort_rm_blocked_mday"; $cron_item['month'] = "$snort_rm_blocked_month"; $cron_item['wday'] = "$snort_rm_blocked_wday"; $cron_item['who'] = "root"; $cron_item['command'] = "/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/sbin/expiretable -t $snort_rm_blocked_expire snort2c"; $config['cron']['item'][] = $cron_item; write_config("Installed 15 minute filter reload for Time Based Rules"); conf_mount_rw(); configure_cron(); } break; case false: if($is_installed == true) { if($x > 0) { unset($config['cron']['item'][$x]); write_config(); conf_mount_rw(); } configure_cron(); } break; } } snort_rm_blocked_install_cron(""); snort_rm_blocked_install_cron($snort_rm_blocked_false); } /* set the snort rules update time */ $snort_rules_up_info_ck = $config['installedpackages']['snort']['config'][0]['autorulesupdate7']; if ($snort_rules_up_info_ck == "never_up") $snort_rules_up_false = ""; else $snort_rules_up_false = "true"; if ($snort_rules_up_info_ck != "") { function snort_rules_up_install_cron($should_install) { global $config, $g; conf_mount_rw(); if ($g['booting']==true) return; $is_installed = false; if(!$config['cron']['item']) return; $x=0; foreach($config['cron']['item'] as $item) { if (strstr($item['command'], "snort_check_for_rule_updates.php")) { $is_installed = true; break; } $x++; } $snort_rules_up_info_ck = $config['installedpackages']['snort']['config'][0]['autorulesupdate7']; if ($snort_rules_up_info_ck == "6h_up") { $snort_rules_up_min = "3"; $snort_rules_up_hr = "*/6"; $snort_rules_up_mday = "*"; $snort_rules_up_month = "*"; $snort_rules_up_wday = "*"; } if ($snort_rules_up_info_ck == "12h_up") { $snort_rules_up_min = "3"; $snort_rules_up_hr = "*/12"; $snort_rules_up_mday = "*"; $snort_rules_up_month = "*"; $snort_rules_up_wday = "*"; } if ($snort_rules_up_info_ck == "1d_up") { $snort_rules_up_min = "3"; $snort_rules_up_hr = "0"; $snort_rules_up_mday = "*/1"; $snort_rules_up_month = "*"; $snort_rules_up_wday = "*"; } if ($snort_rules_up_info_ck == "4d_up") { $snort_rules_up_min = "3"; $snort_rules_up_hr = "0"; $snort_rules_up_mday = "*/4"; $snort_rules_up_month = "*"; $snort_rules_up_wday = "*"; } if ($snort_rules_up_info_ck == "7d_up") { $snort_rules_up_min = "3"; $snort_rules_up_hr = "0"; $snort_rules_up_mday = "*/7"; $snort_rules_up_month = "*"; $snort_rules_up_wday = "*"; } if ($snort_rules_up_info_ck == "28d_up") { $snort_rules_up_min = "3"; $snort_rules_up_hr = "0"; $snort_rules_up_mday = "*/28"; $snort_rules_up_month = "*"; $snort_rules_up_wday = "*"; } switch($should_install) { case true: if(!$is_installed) { $cron_item = array(); $cron_item['minute'] = "$snort_rules_up_min"; $cron_item['hour'] = "$snort_rules_up_hr"; $cron_item['mday'] = "$snort_rules_up_mday"; $cron_item['month'] = "$snort_rules_up_month"; $cron_item['wday'] = "$snort_rules_up_wday"; $cron_item['who'] = "root"; $cron_item['command'] = "/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/bin/php -f /usr/local/pkg/snort_check_for_rule_updates.php >> /usr/local/etc/snort_bkup/snort_update.log"; $config['cron']['item'][] = $cron_item; write_config("Installed 15 minute filter reload for Time Based Rules"); conf_mount_rw(); configure_cron(); } break; case false: if($is_installed == true) { if($x > 0) { unset($config['cron']['item'][$x]); write_config(); conf_mount_rw(); } configure_cron(); } break; } } snort_rules_up_install_cron(""); snort_rules_up_install_cron($snort_rules_up_false); } /* Be sure we're really rw before writing */ conf_mount_rw(); /* open snort2c's whitelist for writing */ $whitelist = fopen("/var/db/whitelist", "w"); if(!$whitelist) { log_error("Could not open /var/db/whitelist for writing."); return; } /* build an interface array list */ $int_array = array('lan'); for ($j = 1; isset ($config['interfaces']['opt' . $j]); $j++) if(isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $j]['enable'])) if(!$config['interfaces']['opt' . $j]['gateway']) $int_array[] = "opt{$j}"; /* iterate through interface list and write out whitelist items * and also compile a home_net list for snort. */ foreach($int_array as $int) { /* calculate interface subnet information */ $ifcfg = &$config['interfaces'][$int]; $subnet = gen_subnet($ifcfg['ipaddr'], $ifcfg['subnet']); $subnetmask = gen_subnet_mask($ifcfg['subnet']); if($subnet == "pppoe" or $subnet == "dhcp") { $subnet = find_interface_ip("ng0"); if($subnet) $home_net .= "{$subnet} "; } else { if ($subnet) if($ifcfg['subnet']) $home_net .= "{$subnet}/{$ifcfg['subnet']} "; } } /* add all WAN ips to the whitelist */ $wan_if = get_real_wan_interface(); $ip = find_interface_ip($wan_if); if($ip) $home_net .= "{$ip} "; /* Add Gateway on WAN interface to whitelist (For RRD graphs) */ $int = convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name("WAN"); $gw = get_interface_gateway($int); if($gw) $home_net .= "{$gw} "; /* Add DNS server for WAN interface to whitelist */ $dns_servers = get_dns_servers(); foreach($dns_servers as $dns) { if($dns) $home_net .= "{$dns} "; } /* Add loopback to whitelist (ftphelper) */ $home_net .= " "; /* iterate all vips and add to whitelist */ if($config['virtualip']) foreach($config['virtualip']['vip'] as $vip) if($vip['subnet']) $home_net .= $vip['subnet'] . " "; if($config['installedpackages']['snortwhitelist']) foreach($config['installedpackages']['snortwhitelist']['config'] as $snort) if($snort['ip']) $home_net .= $snort['ip'] . " "; /* write out whitelist, convert spaces to carriage returns */ $whitelist_home_net = str_replace(" ", " ", $home_net); $whitelist_home_net = str_replace(" ", "\n", $home_net); /* make $home_net presentable to snort */ $home_net = trim($home_net); $home_net = str_replace(" ", ",", $home_net); $home_net = "[{$home_net}]"; /* foreach through whitelist, writing out to file */ $whitelist_split = split("\n", $whitelist_home_net); foreach($whitelist_split as $wl) if(trim($wl)) fwrite($whitelist, trim($wl) . "\n"); /* should we whitelist vpns? */ $whitelistvpns = $config['installedpackages']['snort']['config'][0]['whitelistvpns']; /* grab a list of vpns and whitelist if user desires added by nestorfish 954 */ if($whitelistvpns) { $vpns_list = get_vpns_list(); $whitelist_vpns = split(" ", $vpns_list); foreach($whitelist_vpns as $wl) if(trim($wl)) fwrite($whitelist, trim($wl) . "\n"); } /* close file */ fclose($whitelist); /* Be sure we're really rw before writing */ conf_mount_rw(); /* open snort's threshold.conf for writing */ $threshlist = fopen("/usr/local/etc/snort/threshold.conf", "w"); if(!$threshlist) { log_error("Could not open /usr/local/etc/snort/threshold.conf for writing."); return; } /* list all entries to new lines */ if($config['installedpackages']['snortthreshold']) foreach($config['installedpackages']['snortthreshold']['config'] as $snortthreshlist) if($snortthreshlist['threshrule']) $snortthreshlist_r .= $snortthreshlist['threshrule'] . "\n"; /* foreach through threshlist, writing out to file */ $threshlist_split = split("\n", $snortthreshlist_r); foreach($threshlist_split as $wl) if(trim($wl)) fwrite($threshlist, trim($wl) . "\n"); /* close snort's threshold.conf file */ fclose($threshlist); /* generate rule sections to load */ $enabled_rulesets = $config['installedpackages']['snort']['rulesets']; if($enabled_rulesets) { $selected_rules_sections = ""; $enabled_rulesets_array = split("\|\|", $enabled_rulesets); foreach($enabled_rulesets_array as $enabled_item) $selected_rules_sections .= "include \$RULE_PATH/{$enabled_item}\n"; } conf_mount_ro(); /* build snort configuration file */ /* TODO; feed back from pfsense users to reduce false positives */ $snort_conf_text = << \ cmd_validity STRU < char FRP > \ cmd_validity ALLO < int [ char R int ] > \ cmd_validity TYPE < { char AE [ char NTC ] | char I | char L [ number ] } > \ cmd_validity MDTM < [ date nnnnnnnnnnnnnn[.n[n[n]]] ] string > \ cmd_validity PORT < host_port > preprocessor ftp_telnet_protocol: ftp client default \ max_resp_len 256 \ bounce yes \ telnet_cmds yes ##################### # # SMTP preprocessor # # ##################### preprocessor SMTP: \ ports { 25 465 691 } \ inspection_type stateful \ normalize cmds \ valid_cmds { MAIL RCPT HELP HELO ETRN EHLO EXPN VRFY ATRN SIZE BDAT DEBUG EMAL ESAM ESND ESOM EVFY IDENT NOOP RSET SEND SAML SOML AUTH TURN ETRN PIPELINING \ CHUNKING DATA DSN RSET QUIT ONEX QUEU STARTTLS TICK TIME TURNME VERB X-EXPS X-LINK2STATE XADR XAUTH XCIR XEXCH50 XGEN XLICENSE XQUEU XSTA XTRN XUSR } \ normalize_cmds { MAIL RCPT HELP HELO ETRN EHLO EXPN VRFY ATRN SIZE BDAT DEBUG EMAL ESAM ESND ESOM EVFY IDENT NOOP RSET SEND SAML SOML AUTH TURN ETRN \ PIPELINING CHUNKING DATA DSN RSET QUIT ONEX QUEU STARTTLS TICK TIME TURNME VERB X-EXPS X-LINK2STATE XADR XAUTH XCIR XEXCH50 XGEN XLICENSE XQUEU XSTA XTRN XUSR } \ max_header_line_len 1000 \ max_response_line_len 512 \ alt_max_command_line_len 260 { MAIL } \ alt_max_command_line_len 300 { RCPT } \ alt_max_command_line_len 500 { HELP HELO ETRN EHLO } \ alt_max_command_line_len 255 { EXPN VRFY ATRN SIZE BDAT DEBUG EMAL ESAM ESND ESOM EVFY IDENT NOOP RSET } \ alt_max_command_line_len 246 { SEND SAML SOML AUTH TURN ETRN PIPELINING CHUNKING DATA DSN RSET QUIT ONEX } \ alt_max_command_line_len 246 { QUEU STARTTLS TICK TIME TURNME VERB X-EXPS X-LINK2STATE XADR } \ alt_max_command_line_len 246 { XAUTH XCIR XEXCH50 XGEN XLICENSE XQUEU XSTA XTRN XUSR } \ xlink2state { enable } ################ # # sf Portscan # # ################ preprocessor sfportscan: scan_type { all } \ proto { all } \ memcap { 10000000 } \ sense_level { medium } \ ignore_scanners { \$HOME_NET } ############################ # # OLD # # preprocessor dcerpc: \ # # autodetect \ # # max_frag_size 3000 \ # # memcap 100000 # # ############################ ############### # # NEW # # DCE/RPC 2 # # ############### preprocessor dcerpc2: memcap 102400, events [smb, co, cl] preprocessor dcerpc2_server: default, policy WinXP, \ detect [smb [139,445], tcp 135, udp 135, rpc-over-http-server 593], \ autodetect [tcp 1025:, udp 1025:, rpc-over-http-server 1025:], \ smb_max_chain 3 #################### # # DNS preprocessor # # #################### preprocessor dns: \ ports { 53 } \ enable_rdata_overflow ############################## # # NEW # # Ignore SSL and Encryption # # ############################## preprocessor ssl: ports { 443 465 563 636 989 992 993 994 995 }, trustservers, noinspect_encrypted ##################### # # Snort Output Logs # # ##################### $snortalertlogtype_type $alertsystemlog_type $tcpdumplog_type $snortmysqllog_info_chk $snortunifiedlog_type $spoink_type ################# # # Misc Includes # # ################# include /usr/local/etc/snort/reference.config include /usr/local/etc/snort/classification.config include /usr/local/etc/snort/threshold.conf # Snort user pass through configuration {$snort_config_pass_thru} ################### # # Rules Selection # # ################### {$selected_rules_sections} EOD; conf_mount_ro(); return $snort_conf_text; } /* check downloaded text from to make sure that an error did not occur * for example, if you are not a premium subscriber you can only download rules * so often, etc. */ function check_for_common_errors($filename) { global $snort_filename, $snort_filename_md5, $console_mode; ob_flush(); $contents = file_get_contents($filename); if(stristr($contents, "You don't have permission")) { if(!$console_mode) { update_all_status("An error occured while downloading {$filename}."); hide_progress_bar_status(); } else { log_error("An error occured. Scroll down to inspect it's contents."); echo "An error occured. Scroll down to inspect it's contents."; } if(!$console_mode) { update_output_window(strip_tags("$contents")); } else { $contents = strip_tags($contents); log_error("Error downloading snort rules: {$contents}"); echo "Error downloading snort rules: {$contents}"; } scroll_down_to_bottom_of_page(); exit; } } /* force browser to scroll all the way down */ function scroll_down_to_bottom_of_page() { global $snort_filename, $console_mode; ob_flush(); if(!$console_mode) echo "\n"; } /* ensure downloaded file looks sane */ function verify_downloaded_file($filename) { global $snort_filename, $snort_filename_md5, $console_mode; ob_flush(); if(filesize($filename)<9500) { if(!$console_mode) { update_all_status("Checking {$filename}..."); check_for_common_errors($filename); } } update_all_status("Verifying {$filename}..."); if(!file_exists($filename)) { if(!$console_mode) { update_all_status("Could not fetch snort rules ({$filename}). Check oinkid key and dns and try again."); hide_progress_bar_status(); } else { log_error("Could not fetch snort rules ({$filename}). Check oinkid key and dns and try again."); echo "Could not fetch snort rules ({$filename}). Check oinkid key and dns and try again."; } exit; } update_all_status("Verifyied {$filename}."); } /* extract rules */ function extract_snort_rules_md5($tmpfname) { global $snort_filename, $snort_filename_md5, $console_mode; conf_mount_rw(); ob_flush(); if(!$console_mode) { $static_output = gettext("Extracting snort rules..."); update_all_status($static_output); } if(!is_dir("/usr/local/etc/snort/rules/")) mkdir("/usr/local/etc/snort/rules/"); $cmd = "/usr/bin/tar xzf {$tmpfname}/{$snort_filename} -C /usr/local/etc/snort/ rules/"; $handle = popen("{$cmd} 2>&1", 'r'); while(!feof($handle)) { $buffer = fgets($handle); update_output_window($buffer); } pclose($handle); if(!$console_mode) { $static_output = gettext("Snort rules extracted."); update_all_status($static_output); } else { log_error("Snort rules extracted."); echo "Snort rules extracted."; } conf_mount_ro(); } /* verify MD5 against downloaded item */ function verify_snort_rules_md5($tmpfname) { global $snort_filename, $snort_filename_md5, $console_mode; ob_flush(); if(!$console_mode) { $static_output = gettext("Verifying md5 signature..."); update_all_status($static_output); } $md555 = file_get_contents("{$tmpfname}/{$snort_filename_md5}"); $md5 = `/bin/echo "{$md555}" | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $4 }'`; $file_md5_ondisk = `/sbin/md5 {$tmpfname}/{$snort_filename} | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $4 }'`; if($md5 == $file_md5_ondisk) { if(!$console_mode) { $static_output = gettext("snort rules: md5 signature of rules mismatch."); update_all_status($static_output); hide_progress_bar_status(); } else { log_error("snort rules: md5 signature of rules mismatch."); echo "snort rules: md5 signature of rules mismatch."; } exit; } } /* hide progress bar */ function hide_progress_bar_status() { global $snort_filename, $snort_filename_md5, $console_mode; ob_flush(); if(!$console_mode) echo "\n"; } /* unhide progress bar */ function unhide_progress_bar_status() { global $snort_filename, $snort_filename_md5, $console_mode; ob_flush(); if(!$console_mode) echo "\n"; } /* update both top and bottom text box during an operation */ function update_all_status($status) { global $snort_filename, $snort_filename_md5, $console_mode; ob_flush(); if(!$console_mode) { update_status($status); update_output_window($status); } } /* obtain alert description for an ip address */ function get_snort_alert($ip) { global $snort_alert_file_split, $snort_config; if(!file_exists("/var/log/snort/alert")) return; if(!$snort_config) $snort_config = read_snort_config_cache(); if($snort_config[$ip]) return $snort_config[$ip]; if(!$snort_alert_file_split) $snort_alert_file_split = split("\n", file_get_contents("/var/log/snort/alert")); foreach($snort_alert_file_split as $fileline) { if (preg_match("/\[\*\*\] (\[.*\]) (.*) (\[\*\*\])/", $fileline, $matches)) $alert_title = $matches[2]; if (preg_match("/(\b(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b)/", $fileline, $matches)) $alert_ip = $matches[0]; if($alert_ip == $ip) { if(!$snort_config[$ip]) $snort_config[$ip] = $alert_title; return $alert_title; } } return "n/a"; } function make_clickable($buffer) { global $config, $g; /* if clickable urls is disabled, simply return buffer back to caller */ $clickablalerteurls = $config['installedpackages']['snort']['config'][0]['oinkmastercode']; if(!$clickablalerteurls) return $buffer; $buffer = eregi_replace("(^|[ \n\r\t])((http(s?)://)(www\.)?([a-z0-9_-]+(\.[a-z0-9_-]+)+)(/[^/ \n\r]*)*)","\\1\\2", $buffer); $buffer = eregi_replace("(^|[ \n\r\t])((ftp://)(www\.)?([a-z0-9_-]+(\.[a-z0-9_-]+)+)(/[^/ \n\r]*)*)","\\1\\2", $buffer); $buffer = eregi_replace("([a-z_-][a-z0-9\._-]*@[a-z0-9_-]+(\.[a-z0-9_-]+)+)","\\1", $buffer); $buffer = eregi_replace("(^|[ \n\r\t])(www\.([a-z0-9_-]+(\.[a-z0-9_-]+)+)(/[^/ \n\r]*)*)","\\1\\2", $buffer); $buffer = eregi_replace("(^|[ \n\r\t])(ftp\.([a-z0-9_-]+(\.[a-z0-9_-]+)+)(/[^/ \n\r]*)*)","\\1\\2", $buffer); return $buffer; } function read_snort_config_cache() { global $g, $config, $snort_config; if($snort_config) return $snort_config; if(file_exists($g['tmp_path'] . '/snort_config.cache')) { $snort_config = unserialize(file_get_contents($g['tmp_path'] . '/snort_config.cache')); return $snort_config; } return; } function write_snort_config_cache($snort_config) { global $g, $config; conf_mount_rw(); $configcache = fopen($g['tmp_path'] . '/snort_config.cache', "w"); if(!$configcache) { log_error("Could not open {$g['tmp_path']}/snort_config.cache for writing."); return false; } fwrite($configcache, serialize($snort_config)); fclose($configcache); conf_mount_ro(); return true; } function snort_advanced() { global $g, $config; sync_package_snort(); } function snort_define_servers() { global $g, $config; sync_package_snort(); } ?>