<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE packagegui SYSTEM "./schema/packages.dtd"> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="./xsl/package.xsl"?> <packagegui> <copyright> <![CDATA[ /* $Id$ */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* siproxd.xml part of pfSense (http://www.pfSense.com) Copyright (C) 2008 Scott Ullrich All rights reserved. */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* ========================================================================== */ ]]> </copyright> <description>Describe your package here</description> <requirements>Describe your package requirements here</requirements> <faq>Currently there are no FAQ items provided.</faq> <name>siproxdsettings</name> <version>0.5.13_pfs2</version> <title>siproxd: Settings</title> <include_file>/usr/local/pkg/siproxd.inc</include_file> <aftersaveredirect>/pkg_edit.php?xml=siproxd.xml&id=0</aftersaveredirect> <menu> <name>siproxd</name> <tooltiptext>Modify siproxd users and settings.</tooltiptext> <section>Services</section> <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=siproxd.xml&id=0</url> </menu> <service> <name>siproxd</name> <rcfile>siproxd.sh</rcfile> <executable>siproxd</executable> </service> <tabs> <tab> <text>Settings</text> <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=siproxd.xml&id=0</url> <active/> </tab> <tab> <text>Users</text> <url>/pkg.php?xml=siproxdusers.xml</url> </tab> </tabs> <additional_files_needed> <prefix>/usr/local/pkg/</prefix> <chmod>077</chmod> <item>http://www.pfsense.com/packages/config/siproxdusers.xml</item> </additional_files_needed> <additional_files_needed> <prefix>/usr/local/pkg/</prefix> <chmod>077</chmod> <item>http://www.pfsense.com/packages/config/siproxd.inc</item> </additional_files_needed> <fields> <field> <fielddescr>Inbound interface</fielddescr> <fieldname>if_inbound</fieldname> <description>Select the inbound interface.</description> <type>interfaces_selection</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Outbound interface</fielddescr> <fieldname>if_outbound</fieldname> <description>Select the outbound interface.</description> <type>interfaces_selection</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Listening port</fielddescr> <fieldname>port</fieldname> <description>Enter the port on which to listen for SIP traffic (default 5060). Do not change this unless you know what you're doing.</description> <type>input</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Enable RTP proxy</fielddescr> <fieldname>rtpenable</fieldname> <description>Enable or disable the RTP proxy. (default is enabled)</description> <type>select</type> <options> <option> <name>Enable</name> <value>1</value> </option> <option> <name>Disable</name> <value>0</value> </option> </options> </field> <field> <fielddescr>RTP port range (lower)</fielddescr> <fieldname>rtplower</fieldname> <description>Enter the bottom edge of the port range siproxd will allocate for incoming RTP traffic. This range must be one not blocked by the firewall (default 7070).</description> <type>input</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>RTP port range (upper)</fielddescr> <fieldname>rtpupper</fieldname> <description>Enter the top edge of the port range siproxd will allocate for incoming RTP traffic. This range must be one not blocked by the firewall (default 7079).</description> <type>input</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>RTP stream timeout</fielddescr> <fieldname>rtptimeout</fieldname> <description>After this number of seconds, an RTP stream is considered dead and proxying it will be stopped (default 300sec).</description> <type>input</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Default expiration timeout</fielddescr> <fieldname>defaulttimeout</fieldname> <description>If a REGISTER request dose not contain an Expires header or expires= parameter, this number of seconds will be used and reported back to the UA in the answer.</description> <type>input</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Enable proxy authentication</fielddescr> <fieldname>authentication</fieldname> <description>If this is checked, clients will be forced to authenticate themselves at the proxy (for registration only).</description> <type>checkbox</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Outbound proxy hostname</fielddescr> <fieldname>outboundproxyhost</fieldname> <description>Enter the hostname of an outbound proxy to send all traffic to. This is only useful if you have multiple masquerading firewalls to cross.</description> <type>input</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Outbound proxy port</fielddescr> <fieldname>outboundproxyport</fieldname> <description>Enter the port of the outbound proxy to send all traffic to. This is only useful if you have multiple masquerading firewalls to cross.</description> <type>input</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Expedited Forwarding</fielddescr> <fieldname>expeditedforwarding</fieldname> <description>This service is designed to allow ISPs to offer a service with attributes similar to a "leased line". This service offers the ULTIMATE IN LOW LOSS, LOW LATENCY AND LOW JITTER by ensuring that there is always sufficient room in output queues for the contracted expedited forwarding traffic. </description> <type>checkbox</type> </field> </fields> <custom_php_global_functions> </custom_php_global_functions> <custom_add_php_command> sync_package_siproxd(); </custom_add_php_command> <custom_php_resync_config_command> </custom_php_resync_config_command> <filter_rules_needed>siproxd_generate_rules</filter_rules_needed> </packagegui>