Shellcmd Settings1.0Shellcmd Settings/usr/local/pkg/[shellcmd] Successfully created/modified custom (early)shellcmd.[shellcmd] Successfully deleted custom (early)shellcmd.Settings/pkg.php?xml=shellcmd.xml/usr/local/pkg/ TypecmdtypeDescriptiondescriptionAdd a new (early)shellcmd entryEdit this (early)shellcmd entryDelete this (early)shellcmd entrylisttopicnoneShellcmd ConfigurationCommandcmdinput60Enter the command to run.Shellcmd Typecmdtypeselect shellcmd will run the command specified towards the end of the boot process. earlyshellcmd will run the command specified at the beginning of the boot process.
See Executing commands at boot time for detailed explanation.
DescriptiondescriptionEnter a description for this command.input(This is for your reference only.)60
shellcmd_validate_input($_POST, $input_errors);