sargschedule 0.6.5 Status: Sarg Schedules /usr/local/pkg/ General /pkg_edit.php?xml=sarg.xml&id=0 Users /pkg_edit.php?xml=sarg_users.xml&id=0 Schedule /pkg.php?xml=sarg_schedule.xml&id=0 View Report /sarg_reports.php Realtime /sarg_realtime.php XMLRPC Sync /pkg_edit.php?xml=sarg_sync.xml&id=0 Help /sarg_about.php Status enable Update Frequency frequency Additional Args args Gzip gzip Post Action action Description description on listtopic temp Schedule Options Enable enable checkbox Enable this schedule. Description description Enter a description for this schedule. input 50 Sarg Args args To force Sarg to create a report only for specific days, use:

TODAY:  -d `date +%d/%m/%Y`
YESTERDAY:  -d `date -v-1d +%d/%m/%Y`
WEEKAGO:  -d `date -v-1w +%d/%m/%Y`-`date -v-1d +%d/%m/%Y`
MONTHAGO:  -d `date -v-1m +01/%m/%Y`-`date -v-1m +31/%m/%Y` ]]>
input 50
Frequency frequency input 5 Valid options are: minutes(m), hours(h), days(d)
Example: To update every hour, use 1h

Action After Sarg action Choose an action to run after Sarg finishes. select none listtopic temp Compress Options Enable Compression gzip Enable this option to compress Sarg HTML report files using gzip. Reduces reports size. checkbox Compression Level gziplevel select Choose gzip compression level. Find Limit find input 60 5 If your reports take long time to be created, increase this value.
Default: 60 (minutes). ]]>
sarg_validate_input($_POST, $input_errors); sync_package_sarg(); sarg_resync();