Describe your package hereDescribe your package requirements hereCurrently there are no FAQ items provided.sarg1.0Services: sarg/usr/local/pkg/sarg.incsargsargsarg Report/sarg-reports/Realtime/sarg_realtime.phpXMLRPC Sync/pkg_edit.php?xml=sarg_sync.xml&id=0Help/sarg_about.phpLog SettingslisttopicProxy serverproxy_serverselectReport Optionsreport_options
If you select any option, it will be enabled on conf file.
Use CTRL + click on this field]]>select13Report to generatereport_type
Use CTRL + click on this field]]>select10User SettingslisttopicUser Sort Fielduser_sort_fieldselectExclude usersexclude_userlist
You can use indexonly to have only index.html file. Format: one user per line.]]>textarea7010base64Include usersinclude_userlistFormat: user1:user2:...:usern]]>input70Users associationusertab
If resolve_ip is active, the ip address is resolved before being looked up into this file.
That is, if you want to map the ip address, be sure to set resolv_ip to no or the resolved name will be looked into the file instead of the ip address.
Note that it can be used to resolve any ip address known to the dns and then map the unresolved ip addresses to a name found in the usertab file. Table syntax: userid name or ip address name
Eg: SirIsaac Isaac Newton
vinci Leonardo da Vinci Karol Wojtyla]]>textarea7010base64
sarg_validate_input($_POST, &$input_errors);