$ifacename) { $tmp["name"] = $ifacename; $tmp["value"] = $iface; $ospf_ifs[] = $tmp; } foreach (array('server', 'client') as $mode) { if (is_array($config['openvpn']["openvpn-{$mode}"])) { foreach ($config['openvpn']["openvpn-{$mode}"] as $id => $setting) { if (!isset($setting['disable'])) { $tmp["name"] = gettext("OpenVPN") . " ".$mode.": ".htmlspecialchars($setting['description']); $tmp["value"] = 'ovpn' . substr($mode, 0, 1) . $setting['vpnid']; $ospf_ifs[] = $tmp; } } } } return $ospf_ifs; } function quagga_ospfd_install_conf() { global $config, $pkg_login, $pkg_uid, $pkg_group, $pkg_gid, $pkg_gecos, $pkg_homedir, $pkg_shell; conf_mount_rw(); // Since we need to embed this in a string, copy to a var. Can't embed constnats. $quagga_config_base = PKG_QUAGGA_CONFIG_BASE; $noaccept = ""; // generate ospfd.conf based on the assistant if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfd']['config'])) { $ospfd_conf = &$config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfd']['config'][0]; } else { log_error("Quagga OSPFd: No config data found."); return; } if (isset($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['ospfd']) && !empty($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['ospfd'])) { // if there is a raw config specifyed in tthe config.xml use that instead of the assisted config $conffile = str_replace("\r","",base64_decode($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['ospfd'])); } else { $conffile = "# This file was created by the pfSense package manager. Do not edit!\n\n"; if ($ospfd_conf['password']) { $conffile .= "password {$ospfd_conf['password']}\n"; } if ($ospfd_conf['logging']) { $conffile .= "log syslog\n"; } /* Interface Settings */ $passive_interfaces = array(); $interface_networks = array(); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdinterfaces']['config'])) { foreach ($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdinterfaces']['config'] as $conf) { $realif = get_real_interface($conf['interface']); $conffile .= "interface {$realif}\n" ; if (!empty($conf['metric'])) { $conffile .= " ip ospf cost {$conf['metric']}\n"; } if (!empty($conf['hellointervalinseconds'])) { $conffile .= " ip ospf hello-interval {$conf['hellointervalinseconds']}\n"; } if ($conf['md5password'] && !empty($conf['password'])) { $conffile .= " ip ospf authentication message-digest\n"; $conffile .= " ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 " . substr($conf['password'], 0, 15) . "\n"; } elseif (!empty($conf['password'])) { $conffile .= " ip ospf authentication-key " . substr($conf['password'], 0, 8) . "\n"; } if (!empty($conf['routerpriorityelections'])) { $conffile .= " ip ospf priority {$conf['routerpriorityelections']}\n"; } if (!empty($conf['retransmitinterval'])) { $conffile .= " ip ospf retransmit-interval {$conf['retransmitinterval']}\n"; } if (!empty($conf['deadtimer'])) { $conffile .= " ip ospf dead-interval {$conf['deadtimer']}\n"; } if (!empty($conf['passive'])) { $passive_interfaces[] = $realif; } $interface_ip = find_interface_ip($realif); $interface_subnet = find_interface_subnet($realif); /* Cheap hack since point-to-points won't attach if /32 is used. */ if ($interface_subnet == 32) { $interface_subnet = 30; } $subnet = gen_subnet($interface_ip, $interface_subnet); if (!empty($conf['acceptfilter'])) { $noaccept .= "ip prefix-list ACCEPTFILTER deny {$subnet}/{$interface_subnet}\n"; } if (!empty($conf['interfacearea'])) { $interface_networks[] = array( "subnet" => "{$subnet}/{$interface_subnet}", "area" => $conf['interfacearea']); } else { $interface_networks[] = array( "subnet" => "{$subnet}/{$interface_subnet}", "area" => $ospfd_conf['area']); } } } $redist = ""; $noredist = ""; if (is_array($ospfd_conf['row'])) { foreach ($ospfd_conf['row'] as $redistr) { if (empty($redistr['routevalue'])) { continue; } if (isset($redistr['acceptfilter'])) { $noaccept .= "ip prefix-list ACCEPTFILTER deny {$redistr['routevalue']}\n"; } if (isset($redistr['redistribute'])) { $noredist .= " access-list dnr-list deny {$redistr['routevalue']}\n"; } else { $area = ($redistr['routearea'] == "") ? $ospfd_conf['area'] : $redistr['routearea']; $redist .= " network {$redistr['routevalue']} area {$area}\n"; } } } /* OSPF Settings */ $conffile .= "\n\nrouter ospf\n"; // Specify router id if ($ospfd_conf['routerid']) { $conffile .= " ospf router-id {$ospfd_conf['routerid']}\n"; } if ($ospfd_conf['updatefib']) { $conffile .= " area {$ospfd_conf['area']} stub\n"; } if ($ospfd_conf['logging'] && $ospfd_conf['adjacencylog']) { $conffile .= " log-adjacency-changes detail\n"; } if ($ospfd_conf['redistributeconnectedsubnets']) { $conffile .= " redistribute connected\n"; } if ($ospfd_conf['redistributestatic']) { $conffile .= " redistribute static\n"; } if ($ospfd_conf['redistributekernel']) { $conffile .= " redistribute kernel\n"; } if ($ospfd_conf['redistributedefaultroute']) { $conffile .= " default-information originate\n"; } if ($ospfd_conf['spfholdtime'] || $ospfd_conf['spfdelay']) { $spf_minhold = ($ospfd_conf['spfholdtime']) ? $ospfd_conf['spfholdtime'] : 1000; $spf_maxhold = $spf_minhold * 10; $spf_delay = ($ospfd_conf['spfdelay']) ? $ospfd_conf['spfdelay'] : 200; $conffile .= " timers throttle spf {$spf_delay} {$spf_minhold} {$spf_maxhold}\n"; } if ($ospfd_conf['rfc1583']) { $conffile .= " ospf rfc1583compatibility\n"; } if (is_array($passive_interfaces)) { foreach ($passive_interfaces as $pint) $conffile .= " passive-interface {$pint}\n"; } if (is_array($interface_networks)) { foreach ($interface_networks as $ifn) { if (is_subnet($ifn['subnet'])) { $conffile .= " network {$ifn['subnet']} area {$ifn['area']}\n"; } } } if ($conf['md5password'] && !empty($conf['password']) && !empty($conf['interfacearea'])) { $conffile .= " area {$conf['interfacearea']} authentication message-digest\n"; } elseif ($conf['md5password'] && !empty($conf['password']) && empty($conf['interfacearea'])) { $conffile .= " area authentication message-digest\n"; } if ($conf['password'] && empty($conf['md5password']) && !empty($conf['interfacearea'])) { $conffile .= " area {$conf['interfacearea']} authentication\n"; } elseif ($conf['password'] && empty($conf['md5password']) && empty($conf['interfacearea'])) { $conffile .= " area authentication\n"; } if (!empty($redist)) { $conffile .= $redist; } if (!empty($noredist)) { $conffile .= " distribute-list dnr-list out connected\n"; $conffile .= " distribute-list dnr-list out kernel\n"; $conffile .= " distribute-list dnr-list out static\n"; //$conffile .= " distribute-list dnr-list out ospf\n"; $conffile .= $noredist; $conffile .= " access-list dnr-list permit any\n"; } } safe_mkdir($quagga_config_base); $fd = fopen("{$quagga_config_base}/ospfd.conf", "w"); // Write out the configuration file fwrite($fd, $conffile); // Close file handle fclose($fd); /* Make zebra config */ if (isset($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['zebra']) && !empty($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['zebra'])) { // if there is a raw config specifyed in tthe config.xml use that instead of the assisted config $zebraconffile = str_replace("\r", "", base64_decode($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdraw']['config'][0]['zebra'])); } else { $zebraconffile = "# This file was created by the pfSense package manager. Do not edit!\n\n"; if ($ospfd_conf['password']) { $zebraconffile .= "password {$ospfd_conf['password']}\n"; } if ($ospfd_conf['logging']) { $zebraconffile .= "log syslog\n"; } if (!empty($noaccept)) { $zebraconffile .= $noaccept; $zebraconffile .= "ip prefix-list ACCEPTFILTER permit any\n"; $zebraconffile .= "route-map ACCEPTFILTER permit 10\n"; $zebraconffile .= "match ip address prefix-list ACCEPTFILTER\n"; $zebraconffile .= "ip protocol ospf route-map ACCEPTFILTER\n"; } } $fd = fopen("{$quagga_config_base}/zebra.conf", "w"); fwrite($fd, $zebraconffile); fclose($fd); $carp_ip_status_check = ""; if (is_ipaddr($ospfd_conf['carpstatusip'])) { $pfs_version = substr(trim(file_get_contents("/etc/version")),0,3); switch ($pfs_version) { case "2.0": case "2.1": /* Check for 2.1 and before */ $carpcheckinterface = trim(find_carp_interface($ospfd_conf['carpstatusip'])); $carp_ip_status_check = <<&1 | /usr/bin/grep -c "pw: unknown group"` -gt 0 ]; then /usr/sbin/pw groupadd {$pkg_group} -g {$pkg_gid} fi if [ `/usr/sbin/pw usershow {$pkg_login} 2>&1 | /usr/bin/grep -c "pw: no such user"` -gt 0 ]; then /usr/sbin/pw useradd {$pkg_login} -u {$pkg_uid} -g {$pkg_gid} -c "{$pkg_gecos}" -d {$pkg_homedir} -s {$pkg_shell} fi /usr/sbin/chown -R quagga:quagga {$quagga_config_base} /usr/sbin/chown -R quagga:quagga /var/run/quagga /usr/sbin/chown -R quagga:quagga /var/log/quagga # Ensure no other copies of the daemons are running or it breaks. /usr/bin/killall -9 zebra 2>/dev/null /usr/bin/killall -9 ospfd 2>/dev/null sleep 1 {$carp_ip_status_check} /usr/local/sbin/zebra -d -f {$quagga_config_base}/zebra.conf /usr/local/sbin/ospfd -d -f {$quagga_config_base}/ospfd.conf EOF; write_rcfile(array( "file" => "quagga.sh", "start" => $rc_file_start, "stop" => $rc_file_stop ) ); // Ensure files have correct permissions mwexec("/bin/chmod a+rx /usr/local/etc/rc.d/quagga.sh"); mwexec("/bin/chmod u+rw,go-rw {$quagga_config_base}/ospfd.conf"); mwexec("/bin/chmod u+rw,go-rw {$quagga_config_base}/zebra.conf"); // Kick off newly created rc.d script if (is_ipaddr($ospfd_conf['carpstatusip'])) { $status = quagga_get_carp_status_by_ip($ospfd_conf['carpstatusip']); switch (strtoupper($status)) { // Stop the service if the VIP is in BACKUP or INIT state. case "BACKUP": case "INIT": mwexec("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/quagga.sh stop"); break; // Start the service if the VIP is MASTER state. case "MASTER": // Assume it's up if the status can't be determined. default: mwexec("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/quagga.sh restart"); break; } } else { mwexec("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/quagga.sh restart"); } // Back to RO mount for NanoBSD and friends conf_mount_ro(); } function quagga_ospfd_validate_interface() { global $config, $id, $input_errors; if ($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdinterfaces']['config']) { foreach ($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdinterfaces']['config'] as $index => $conf) { if ($index == 0) { continue; } if ($id != $index && $conf['interface'] == $_POST['interface']) { $input_errors[] = "Interface {$_POST['interface']} is already configured."; } } } if ($_POST['md5password'] && empty($_POST['password'])) { $input_errors[] = "Please input a password."; } } function quagga_ospfd_validate_input() { global $config, $input_errors; if ($_POST['password'] <> "" && (strpos($_POST['password'], "'") !== false)) { $input_errors[] = "Password cannot contain a single quote (')"; } if (!empty($_POST['routerid']) && !is_ipaddr($_POST['routerid'])) { $input_errors[] = "Router ID must be an address."; } if (!is_ipaddr($_POST['area'])) { $input_errors[] = "Area needs to be a valid ip_address."; } if ($_POST['spfholdtime'] <> "" && ($_POST['spfholdtime'] < 1 || $_POST['spfholdtime'] > 5)) { $input_errors[] = "SPF holdtime needs to be between 1 and 5."; } if ($_POST['spfdelay'] <> "" && ($_POST['spfdelay'] < 1 || $_POST['spfdelay'] > 10)) { $input_errors[] = "SPF delay needs to be between 1 and 10."; } if (!$config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfdinterfaces']['config']) { $input_errors[] = "Please select an interface to use for Quagga OSPFd."; } } function quagga_get_carp_status_by_ip($ipaddr) { $iface = trim(find_carp_interface($ipaddr)); if ($iface) { $status = get_carp_interface_status($iface); // If there is no status for that interface, return null. if (!$status) { $status = null; } } else { // If there is no VIP by that IP, return null. $status = null; } return $status; } function quagga_ospfd_plugin_carp($pluginparams) { global $config; require_once("service-utils.inc"); // Called when a CARP interface changes state // $pluginparams['event'] either 'rc.carpmaster' or 'rc.carpbackup' // $pluginparams['interface'] contains the affected interface /* If there is no OSPF config, then stop */ if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfd']['config'])) { $ospfd_conf = &$config['installedpackages']['quaggaospfd']['config'][0]; } else { return null; } /* If there is no properly configured CARP status check IP, then stop */ if (!is_ipaddr($ospfd_conf['carpstatusip'])) { return null; } list($vhid, $iface) = explode("@", trim($pluginparams['interface'])); $friendly = convert_real_interface_to_friendly_interface_name($iface); $carp_iface = "{$friendly}_vip${vhid}"; /* If this CARP transition is not from the IP address to check, then stop. */ if (get_interface_ip($carp_iface) != $ospfd_conf['carpstatusip']) { return null; } /* Start or stop the service as needed based on the CARP transition. */ if ($pluginparams['event'] == "rc.carpmaster") { start_service("Quagga OSPFd"); } elseif ($pluginparams['event'] == "rc.carpbackup") { stop_service("Quagga OSPFd"); } } ?>