portsentry 1.0 Portsentry /usr/local/pkg/portsentry.inc Portsentry
Portsentry portsentry.sh portsentry The Sentry tools provide host-level security services for the Unix platform. PortSentry protect against portscans, and detect suspicious login activity on a continuous basis. installedpackages->portsentry->config /usr/local/pkg/ 077 http://www.pfsense.com/packages/config/portsentry/portsentry.inc rowhelper Listen on port listenport Instructs portsentry to look for bogus activity on port input 25 Scan trigger value scantrigger Enter in the number of port connects you will allow before an alarm is given. The default is 0 which will react immediately.A value of 1 or 2 will reduce false alarms. Anything higher is probably not necessary. This value must always be specified, but generally can be left at 0. input 80 Block TCP blocktcp Determines if portsentry will listen on defined ports using the TCP protocol. checkbox Block UDP blockudp Determines if portsentry will listen on defined ports using the UDP protocol. checkbox Port Banner portbanner Text to ouput when client connects to a portsentry port. checkbox portsentry_custom_php_install_command(); portsentry_custom_php_deinstall_command();