<?php function phpsysinfo_install_deinstall() { conf_mount_rw(); exec("cd /var/db/pkg/ && pkg_delete `ls | grep mbmon`"); exec("rm -d -R /usr/local/www/phpsysinfo"); conf_mount_ro(); } function phpsysinfo_install_config() { global $config, $g; conf_mount_rw(); exec("cd .."); exec("tar -zxovf /usr/local/pkg/phpsysinfo-2.5.4.tar.gz"); exec("mv phpsysinfo /usr/local/www/phpsysinfo"); // link shared libraries // if ((!file_exists("/lib/libm.so.4")) AND (file_exists("/lib/libm.so.5"))) { // exec("ln -s /lib/libm.so.5 /lib/libm.so.4"); // } /* lines need in config.php */ $default_lng = en; $default_template= pfSense; $hide_picklist = "false"; $show_vhostname = "false"; $sensor_program = '""'; $show_mount_point = "false"; $show_inodes = "false"; $hide_mounts = "array()"; $hide_fstypes = "array()"; $loadbar = "false"; $showerrors = "false"; $temperatureformat = '"c-f"'; $hide_picklist = $config['installedpackages']['phpsysinfo']['config'][0]['hidepicklist']; if($hide_picklist) $hide_picklist = "true"; else $hide_picklist = "false"; $sensor_program = $config['installedpackages']['phpsysinfo']['config'][0]['sensorprogram']; if($sensor_program) $sensor_program= "mbmon"; else $sensor_program = '""'; $show_mount_point = $config['installedpackages']['phpsysinfo']['config'][0]['showmountpoint']; if($show_mount_point) $show_mount_point = "true"; else $show_mount_point = "false"; $hide_fstypes = $config['installedpackages']['phpsysinfo']['config'][0]['hidefstypes']; if($hide_fstypes) $hide_fstypes = "$hide_fstypes"; $show_inodes = $config['installedpackages']['phpsysinfo']['config'][0]['showinodes']; if($show_inodes) $show_inodes = "true"; else $show_inodes = "false"; $loadbar = $config['installedpackages']['phpsysinfo']['config'][0]['loadbar']; if($loadbar) $loadbar = "true"; else $loadbar = "false"; $showerrors = $config['installedpackages']['phpsysinfo']['config'][0]['showerrors']; if($showerrors) $showerrors = "true"; else $showerrors = "false"; $hf = fopen("/usr/local/www/phpsysinfo/config.php","w"); if(!$hf) { log_error("could not open /usr/local/www/phpsysinfo/config.php for writing"); exit; } fwrite($hf, '<?php'); fwrite($hf, "\n"); // webpath but not used fwrite($hf, '$webpath = "";'); fwrite($hf, "\n"); // define the default lang and template here fwrite($hf, '$default_lng='); fwrite($hf, "'"); fwrite($hf, $default_lng); fwrite($hf, "'"); fwrite($hf, ';'); fwrite($hf, "\n"); fwrite($hf, '$default_template='); fwrite($hf, "'"); fwrite($hf, $default_template); fwrite($hf, "'"); fwrite($hf, ';'); fwrite($hf, "\n"); // hide language and template picklist // false = display picklist // true = do not display picklist fwrite($hf, '$hide_picklist = '); fwrite($hf, $hide_picklist); fwrite($hf, ';'); fwrite($hf, "\n"); // display the virtual host name and address // default is canonical host name and address fwrite($hf, '$show_vhostname = '); fwrite($hf, $show_vhostname); fwrite($hf, ';'); fwrite($hf, "\n"); // define the motherboard monitoring program here fwrite($hf, '$sensor_program = '); fwrite($hf, $sensor_program); fwrite($hf, ';'); fwrite($hf, "\n"); // show mount point fwrite($hf, '$show_mount_point = '); fwrite($hf, $show_mount_point); fwrite($hf, ';'); fwrite($hf, "\n"); // show bind fwrite($hf, '$show_bind = false;'); fwrite($hf, "\n"); // show inode usage fwrite($hf, '$show_inodes = '); fwrite($hf, $show_inodes); fwrite($hf, ';'); fwrite($hf, "\n"); // show inode usage fwrite($hf, '$hide_mounts = '); fwrite($hf, $hide_mounts); fwrite($hf, ';'); fwrite($hf, "\n"); // Hide filesystem typess. Example: 'tmpfs', 'usbfs' fwrite($hf, '$hide_fstypes = array('); fwrite($hf, $hide_fstypes); fwrite($hf, ');'); fwrite($hf, "\n"); // show a graph for current cpuload fwrite($hf, '$loadbar = '); fwrite($hf, $loadbar); fwrite($hf, ';'); fwrite($hf, "\n"); // e.g. $addpaths = array('/opt/bin', '/opt/sbin'); fwrite($hf, '$addpaths = array();'); fwrite($hf, "\n"); // display error messages at the top of the page fwrite($hf, '$showerrors = '); fwrite($hf, $showerrors); fwrite($hf, ';'); fwrite($hf, "\n"); // format in which temperature is displayed fwrite($hf, '$temperatureformat = '); fwrite($hf, $temperatureformat); fwrite($hf, ';'); fwrite($hf, "\n"); // The end of the config file fwrite($hf, '?>'); fwrite($hf, "\n"); fclose($hf); conf_mount_ro(); } ?>