0) list ($ip1bin, $ip2bin) = array($ip2bin, $ip1bin); // swap contents of ip1 <= ip2 $rangesubnets = array(); $netsize = 0; do { // at loop start, $ip1 is guaranteed strictly less than $ip2 (important for edge case trapping and preventing accidental binary wrapround) // which means the assignments $ip1 += 1 and $ip2 -= 1 will always be "binary-wrapround-safe" // step #1 if start ip (as shifted) ends in any '1's, then it must have a single cidr to itself (any cidr would include the '0' below it) if (substr($ip1bin, -1, 1) == '1') { // the start ip must be in a separate one-IP cidr range $new_subnet_ip = substr($ip1bin, $netsize, $bits - $netsize) . str_repeat('0', $netsize); $rangesubnets[$new_subnet_ip] = $bits - $netsize; $n = strrpos($ip1bin, '0'); //can't be all 1's $ip1bin = ($n == 0 ? '' : substr($ip1bin, 0, $n)) . '1' . str_repeat('0', $bits - $n - 1); // BINARY VERSION OF $ip1 += 1 } // step #2, if end ip (as shifted) ends in any zeros then that must have a cidr to itself (as cidr cant span the 1->0 gap) if (substr($ip2bin, -1, 1) == '0') { // the end ip must be in a separate one-IP cidr range $new_subnet_ip = substr($ip2bin, $netsize, $bits - $netsize) . str_repeat('0', $netsize); $rangesubnets[$new_subnet_ip] = $bits - $netsize; $n = strrpos($ip2bin, '1'); //can't be all 0's $ip2bin = ($n == 0 ? '' : substr($ip2bin, 0, $n)) . '0' . str_repeat('1', $bits - $n - 1); // BINARY VERSION OF $ip2 -= 1 // already checked for the edge case where end = start+1 and start ends in 0x1, above, so it's safe } // this is the only edge case arising from increment/decrement. // it happens if the range at start of loop is exactly 2 adjacent ips, that spanned the 1->0 gap. (we will have enumerated both by now) if (strcmp($ip2bin, $ip1bin) < 0) continue; // step #3 the start and end ip MUST now end in '0's and '1's respectively // so we have a non-trivial range AND the last N bits are no longer important for CIDR purposes. $shift = $bits - max(strrpos($ip1bin, '0'), strrpos($ip2bin, '1')); // num of low bits which are '0' in ip1 and '1' in ip2 $ip1bin = str_repeat('0', $shift) . substr($ip1bin, 0, $bits - $shift); $ip2bin = str_repeat('0', $shift) . substr($ip2bin, 0, $bits - $shift); $netsize += $shift; if ($ip1bin === $ip2bin) { // we're done. $new_subnet_ip = substr($ip1bin, $netsize, $bits - $netsize) . str_repeat('0', $netsize); $rangesubnets[$new_subnet_ip] = $bits - $netsize; continue; } // at this point there's still a remaining range, and either startip ends with '1', or endip ends with '0'. So repeat cycle. } while (strcmp($ip1bin, $ip2bin) < 0); // subnets are ordered by bit size. Re sort by IP ("naturally") and convert back to IPv4/IPv6 ksort($rangesubnets, SORT_STRING); $out = array(); foreach ($rangesubnets as $ip => $netmask) { if ($proto == 'ipv4') { $i = str_split($ip, 8); $out[] = implode('.', array( bindec($i[0]),bindec($i[1]),bindec($i[2]),bindec($i[3]))) . '/' . $netmask; } else $out[] = Net_IPv6::compress(Net_IPv6::_bin2Ip($ip)) . '/' . $netmask; } return $out; } ?>