25, 'pfbpermitcnt' => 5, 'pfbmatchcnt' => 5, 'pfbdnscnt' => 5, 'alertrefresh' => 'on', 'hostlookup' => 'on'); $pfb['aglobal'] = &$config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngglobal']; foreach ($aglobal_array as $type => $value) { ${"$type"} = $pfb['aglobal'][$type] != '' ? $pfb['aglobal'][$type] : $value; } // Save Alerts tab customizations if (isset($_POST['save'])) { $pfb['aglobal']['alertrefresh'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['alertrefresh']) ?: 'off'; $pfb['aglobal']['hostlookup'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['hostlookup']) ?: 'off'; unset($aglobal_array['alertrefresh'], $aglobal_array['hostlookup']); foreach ($aglobal_array as $type => $value) { if (ctype_digit(htmlspecialchars($_POST[$type]))) { $pfb['aglobal'][$type] = htmlspecialchars($_POST[$type]); } } write_config('pfBlockerNG pkg: updated ALERTS tab settings.'); header('Location: /pfblockerng/pfblockerng_alerts.php'); exit; } // Define alerts log filter rollup window variable and collect widget alert pivot details if (isset($_REQUEST['rule'])) { $filterfieldsarray[0] = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['rule']); $pfbdenycnt = $pfbpermitcnt = $pfbmatchcnt = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['entries']); $pfb['filterlogentries'] = TRUE; } else { $pfb['filterlogentries'] = FALSE; } // Re-enable any Alert 'filter settings' on page refresh if (isset($_REQUEST['refresh'])) { $refresharr = unserialize(urldecode($_REQUEST['refresh'])); if (isset($refresharr)) { foreach ($refresharr as $key => $type) { $filterfieldsarray[htmlspecialchars($key)] = htmlspecialchars($type) ?: null; } } $pfb['filterlogentries'] = TRUE; } // Filter Alerts based on user defined 'filter settings' if (isset($_POST['filterlogentries_submit'])) { $pfb['filterlogentries'] = TRUE; $filterfieldsarray = array(); foreach (array( 0 => 'rule', 2 => 'int', 6 => 'proto', 7 => 'srcip', 8 => 'dstip', 9 => 'srcport', 10 => 'dstport', 90 => 'dnsbl', 99 => 'date') as $key => $type) { $type = htmlspecialchars($_POST['filterlogentries_' . "{$type}"]) ?: null; if ($key == 6) { $type = strtolower("{$type}"); } $filterfieldsarray[$key] = $type ?: null; } } if (isset($_POST['filterlogentries_clear'])) { $pfb['filterlogentries'] = FALSE; $filterfieldsarray = array(); } // Add IP to the suppression alias if (isset($_POST['addsuppress'])) { if (isset($_POST['ip'])) { $ip = htmlspecialchars($_POST['ip']); $table = htmlspecialchars($_POST['table']); $descr = htmlspecialchars($_POST['descr']); $cidr = htmlspecialchars($_POST['cidr']); // If description or CIDR field is empty, exit. if (empty($descr) || empty($cidr)) { header('Location: /pfblockerng/pfblockerng_alerts.php'); exit; } if (is_ipaddr($ip)) { $savemsg1 = "Host IP address {$ip}"; if (is_ipaddrv4($ip)) { // Explode IP into evaluation strings $ix = ip_explode($ip); if ($cidr == 32) { $pfb_pfctl = exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -t {$table} -T show | grep {$ip} 2>&1"); if (!empty($pfb_pfctl)) { $savemsg2 = ' : Removed /32 entry'; exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -t {$table} -T delete {$ip}"); } else { exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -t {$table} -T delete {$ix[5]} 2>&1", $pfb_pfctl); if (preg_grep("/1\/1 addresses deleted/", $pfb_pfctl)) { $savemsg2 = ' : Removed /24 entry, added 254 addr'; for ($k=0; $k <= 255; $k++) { if ($k != $ix[4]) { exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -t {$table} -T add {$ix[6]}{$k}"); } } } else { $savemsg = gettext("Not Suppressed. Host IP address {$ip} is blocked by a CIDR other than /24"); header('Location: /pfblockerng/pfblockerng_alerts.php'); exit; } } } else { $cidr = 24; $savemsg2 = ' : Removed /24 entry'; exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -t {$table} -T delete {$ix[5]} 2>&1", $pfb_pfctl); if (!preg_grep("/1\/1 addresses deleted/", $pfb_pfctl)) { $savemsg2 = ' : Removed all entries'; // Remove 0-255 IP address from alias table for ($j=0; $j <= 255; $j++) { exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -t {$table} -T delete {$ix[6]}{$j}"); } } } } elseif (is_ipaddrv6($ip)) { $cidr = ''; $savemsg2 = ' : Removed entry'; exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -t {$table} -T delete {$ip}"); } // Collect pfBlockerNGSuppress alias contents $pfbfound = $pfbupdate = FALSE; if (isset($config['aliases']['alias'])) { foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $pfb_key => $alias) { if ($alias['name'] == 'pfBlockerNGSuppress') { $slist = array(explode(' ', $alias['address']), explode('||', $alias['detail'])); $pfbfound = TRUE; break; } } } // Call function to create suppression alias if not found. if (!$pfbfound) { $pfb_key = @max($pfb_key, 0) ? ++$pfb_key : 0; pfb_create_suppression_alias(); } // Save new suppress IP to pfBlockerNGSuppress alias if (in_array("{$ix[5]}", $slist[0]) || in_array("{$ip}/32", $slist[0])) { $savemsg = gettext("Host IP address {$ip} already exists in the pfBlockerNG suppress table."); } else { if ($cidr == 24) { $slist[0][] = "{$ix[5]}"; } elseif ($cidr == 32) { $slist[0][] = "{$ip}/32"; } else { $slist[0][] = "{$ip}"; } $slist[1][] = $descr; // Sort suppress list and save array_multisort($slist[0], SORT_ASC, SORT_NUMERIC, $slist[1]); $config['aliases']['alias'][$pfb_key]['address'] = implode(' ', $slist[0]); $config['aliases']['alias'][$pfb_key]['detail'] = implode('||', $slist[1]); $savemsg = gettext($savemsg1) . gettext($savemsg2) . gettext(' and added Host to the pfBlockerNG Suppress Table.'); $pfbupdate = TRUE; } if ($pfbupdate) { // Save Suppress alias changes to pfSense config file write_config("pfBlockerNG: Added {$ip} to IP Suppress List"); } } } } // Add domain to the suppression list if (isset($_POST['addsuppressdom'])) { $domain = htmlspecialchars($_POST['domain']); $domainparse = str_replace('.', '\.', $domain); $pfb['dsupp'] = &$config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsblsettings']['config'][0]['suppression']; // Collect existing suppression list $dnssupp_ex = collectsuppression(); // Query for domain in Unbound DNSBL file. $dnsbl_query = exec("/usr/bin/grep -Hm1 ' \"{$domain} 60 IN A' {$pfb['dnsbl_file']}.conf"); // Save new suppress domain to suppress list. if (empty($dnsbl_query)) { $savemsg = gettext("Domain: [ {$domain} ] does not exist in the Unbound Resolver DNSBL"); exec("/usr/local/sbin/unbound-control -c {$pfb['dnsbldir']}/unbound.conf flush {$domain}."); } else { // Remove domain from Unbound resolver pfb_dnsbl.conf file exec("{$pfb['sed']} -i '' '/ \"{$domain} 60 IN A/d' {$pfb['dnsbl_file']}.conf"); $cache_dumpfile = '/var/tmp/unbound_cache'; unlink_if_exists("{$cache_dumpfile}"); $chroot_cmd = "chroot -u unbound -g unbound / /usr/local/sbin/unbound-control -c {$g['unbound_chroot_path']}/unbound.conf"; exec("{$chroot_cmd} dump_cache > $cache_dumpfile"); exec("{$chroot_cmd} reload"); if (file_exists($cache_dumpfile) && filesize($cache_dumpfile) > 0) { exec("{$chroot_cmd} load_cache < $cache_dumpfile"); } exec("/usr/local/sbin/unbound-control -c {$pfb['dnsbldir']}/unbound.conf flush {$domain}"); if (!in_array($domain, $dnssupp_ex)) { $dnssupp_ex[] = $domain; $dnssupp_new = base64_encode(implode("\n", $dnssupp_ex)); $pfb['dsupp'] = "{$dnssupp_new}"; write_config("pfBlockerNG: Added {$domain} to DNSBL suppress list"); } $savemsg = gettext("Removed Domain: [ {$domain} ] from Unbound Resolver DNSBL. You may need to flush your browsers DNS Cache"); } } // Collect pfBlockerNG rule names and tracker ids $rule_list = array(); exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -vv -sr | {$pfb['grep']} 'pfB_'", $results); if (!empty($results)) { foreach ($results as $result) { // Find rule tracker ids $id = strstr($result, '(', FALSE); $id = ltrim(strstr($id, ')', TRUE), '('); // Find rule descriptions $descr = ltrim(stristr($result, '= 24) { $pfb_local = array_merge(subnetv4_expand("{$list['subnet']}/{$list['subnet_bits']}"), $pfb_local); } else { $pfb_localsub[] = "{$list['subnet']}/{$list['subnet_bits']}"; } // Collect VIP for Alerts hostlookup $local_hosts[$list['subnet']] = strtolower("{$list['descr']}"); } } } // Collect NAT IP addresses for inbound/outbound list matching if (isset($config['nat']['rule'])) { foreach ($config['nat']['rule'] as $natent) { $pfb_local[] = $natent['target']; // Collect NAT for Alerts hostlookup $local_hosts[$natent['target']] = strtolower("{$natent['descr']}"); } } // Collect 1:1 NAT IP addresses for inbound/outbound list matching if (isset($config['nat']['onetoone'])) { foreach ($config['nat']['onetoone'] as $onetoone) { $pfb_local[] = $onetoone['source']['address']; } } // Convert any 'Firewall Aliases' to IP address format if (isset($config['aliases']['alias'])) { for ($cnt = 0; $cnt <= count($pfb_local); $cnt++) { foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $i=> $alias) { if (isset($alias['name']) && isset($pfb_local[$cnt])) { if ($alias['name'] == $pfb_local[$cnt]) { $pfb_local[$cnt] = $alias['address']; } } } } } // Collect all interface addresses for inbound/outbound list matching if (isset($config['interfaces'])) { foreach ($config['interfaces'] as $int) { if ($int['ipaddr'] != 'dhcp') { if (!empty($int['ipaddr']) && !empty($int['subnet'])) { if ($int['subnet'] >= 24) { $pfb_local = array_merge(subnetv4_expand("{$int['ipaddr']}/{$int['subnet']}"), $pfb_local); } else { $pfb_localsub[] = "{$int['ipaddr']}/{$int['subnet']}"; } // Collect DNSBL Interfaces $dnsbl_int[] = array("{$int['ipaddr']}/{$int['subnet']}", "{$int['descr']}"); } } } } // Remove any duplicate IPs $pfb_local = array_unique($pfb_local); $pfb_localsub = array_unique($pfb_localsub); // Collect DHCP hostnames/IPs $local_hosts = array(); // Collect dynamic DHCP hostnames/IPs $leasesfile = "{$g['dhcpd_chroot_path']}/var/db/dhcpd.leases"; if (file_exists("{$leasesfile}")) { $leases = file("{$leasesfile}"); if (!empty($leases)) { foreach ($leases as $line) { if (strpos($line, '{') !== FALSE) { $end = FALSE; $data = explode(' ', $line); $ip = $data[1]; } if (strpos($line, 'client-hostname') !== FALSE) { $data = explode(' ', $line); $hostname = str_replace(array('"', ';'), '', $data[3]); } if (strpos($line, '}') !== FALSE) { $end = TRUE; } if ($end) { if (!empty($ip) && !empty($hostname)) { $local_hosts[$ip] = $hostname; } $ip = $hostname = ''; } } } } // Collect static DHCP hostnames/IPs if (isset($config['dhcpd'])) { foreach ($config['dhcpd'] as $dhcp) { if (isset($dhcp['staticmap'])) { foreach ($dhcp['staticmap'] as $smap) { $local_hosts[$smap['ipaddr']] = strtolower("{$smap['hostname']}"); } } } } // Collect Unbound Host overrides $hosts = $config['unbound']['hosts']; if (isset($hosts)) { foreach ($hosts as $host) { $local_hosts[$host['ip']] = strtolower("{$host['descr']}"); } } // Collect configured pfSense interfaces $pf_int = get_configured_ip_addresses(); if (isset($pf_int)) { $local_hosts = array_merge($local_hosts, array_flip(array_filter($pf_int))); } $pf_int = get_configured_ipv6_addresses(); if (isset($pf_int)) { $local_hosts = array_merge($local_hosts, array_flip(array_filter($pf_int))); } // FUNCTION DEFINITIONS // Collect existing suppression list function collectsuppression() { global $pfb; $dnssupp_ex = array(); $custom_list = pfbng_text_area_decode($pfb['dnsblconfig']['suppression']); if (!empty($custom_list)) { $dnssupp_ex = array_filter( explode("\n", pfbng_text_area_decode($pfb['dnsblconfig']['suppression']))); } return ($dnssupp_ex); } // Host resolve function lookup function getpfbhostname($type = 'src', $hostip, $countme = 0, $host) { global $local_hosts; $hostnames['src'] = $hostnames['dst'] = ''; $hostnames[$type] = "
"; // Report DHCP hostnames if found. if (isset($local_hosts[$host])) { if ($type == 'src') { $hostnames['dst'] = $local_hosts[$host]; } else { $hostnames['src'] = $local_hosts[$host]; } } return $hostnames; } // Function to Filter Alerts report on user defined input function pfb_match_filter_field($flent, $fields) { if (isset($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { if (empty($field)) { continue; } if (strpos($field, '!') !== FALSE) { $field = substr($field, 1); $field_regex = str_replace('/', '\/', str_replace('\/', '/', $field)); if (@preg_match("/{$field_regex}/i", $flent[$key])) { return FALSE; } } else { $field_regex = str_replace('/', '\/', str_replace('\/', '/', $field)); if (!@preg_match("/{$field_regex}/i", $flent[$key])) { return FALSE; } } } } return TRUE; } // For subnet addresses - Determine if alert host 'dest' is within a local IP range. function ip_in_pfb_localsub($subnet) { global $pfb_localsub; if (!empty($pfb_localsub)) { foreach ($pfb_localsub as $line) { if (ip_in_subnet($subnet, $line)) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } // Parse filter log for pfBlockerNG alerts function conv_log_filter_lite($logfile, $nentries, $tail, $pfbdenycnt, $pfbpermitcnt, $pfbmatchcnt) { global $pfb, $rule_list, $filterfieldsarray; $fields_array = array(); $denycnt = $permitcnt = $matchcnt = 0; $logarr = ''; if (file_exists($logfile)) { // Collect filter.log entries exec("/usr/local/sbin/clog {$logfile} | {$pfb['grep']} -v '\"CLOG\"\|\"\033\"' | {$pfb['grep']} 'filterlog:' | /usr/bin/tail -r -n {$tail}", $logarr); } else { return; } if (!empty($logarr) && !empty($rule_list['id'])) { foreach ($logarr as $logent) { $pfbalert = array(); $flog = explode(' ', $logent); // Remove 'extra space' from single date entry (days 1-9) if (empty($flog[1])) { array_splice($flog, 1, 1); } $rule_data = explode(',', $flog[5]); // Skip alert if rule is not a pfBNG alert if (!in_array($rule_data[3], $rule_list['id'])) { continue; } $pfbalert[0] = $rule_data[3]; // Rulenum $pfbalert[1] = $rule_data[4]; // Realint $pfbalert[3] = $rule_data[6]; // Act $pfbalert[4] = $rule_data[8]; // Version if ($pfbalert[4] == 4) { $pfbalert[5] = $rule_data[15]; // Protocol ID $pfbalert[6] = $rule_data[16]; // Protocol $pfbalert[7] = $rule_data[18]; // SRC IP $pfbalert[8] = $rule_data[19]; // DST IP $pfbalert[9] = $rule_data[20]; // SRC Port $pfbalert[10] = $rule_data[21]; // DST Port $pfbalert[11] = $rule_data[23]; // TCP Flags } else { $pfbalert[5] = $rule_data[13]; // Protocol ID $pfbalert[6] = $rule_data[12]; // Protocol $pfbalert[7] = $rule_data[15]; // SRC IP $pfbalert[8] = $rule_data[16]; // DST IP $pfbalert[9] = $rule_data[17]; // SRC Port $pfbalert[10] = $rule_data[18]; // DST Port $pfbalert[11] = $rule_data[20]; // TCP Flags } if ($pfbalert[5] == 6 || $pfbalert[5] == 17) { // skip } else { $pfbalert[9] = $pfbalert[10] = $pfbalert[11] = ''; } $pfbalert[99] = "{$flog[0]} {$flog[1]} {$flog[2]}"; // Date/Timestamp // Skip repeated alerts if ("{$pfbalert[1]}{$pfbalert[3]}{$pfbalert[7]}{$pfbalert[8]}{$pfbalert[10]}" == $previous_alert) { continue; } $pfbalert[2] = convert_real_interface_to_friendly_descr($rule_data[4]); // Friendly Interface Name $pfbalert[6] = str_replace('TCP', 'TCP-', strtoupper($pfbalert[6]), $pfbalert[6]) . $pfbalert[11]; // Protocol Flags // If alerts filtering is selected, process filters as required. if ($pfb['filterlogentries'] && !pfb_match_filter_field($pfbalert, $filterfieldsarray)) { continue; } if ($pfbalert[3] == 'block') { if ($denycnt < $pfbdenycnt) { $fields_array['Deny'][] = $pfbalert; $denycnt++; } } elseif ($pfbalert[3] == 'pass') { if ($permitcnt < $pfbpermitcnt) { $fields_array['Permit'][] = $pfbalert; $permitcnt++; } } elseif ($pfbalert[3] == 'unkn(%u)') { if ($matchcnt < $pfbmatchcnt) { $fields_array['Match'][] = $pfbalert; $matchcnt++; } } // Exit function if sufficinet matches found. if ($denycnt >= $pfbdenycnt && $permitcnt >= $pfbpermitcnt && $matchcnt >= $pfbmatchcnt) { unset($pfbalert, $logarr); return $fields_array; } // Collect details for repeated alert comparison $previous_alert = "{$pfbalert[1]}{$pfbalert[3]}{$pfbalert[7]}{$pfbalert[8]}{$pfbalert[10]}"; } unset($pfbalert, $logarr); return $fields_array; } } $pgtitle = gettext('pfBlockerNG: Alerts'); include_once('head.inc'); ?>
\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } } if ($savemsg) { print_info_box($savemsg); } $skipcount = $counter = $resolvecounter = 0; ?>
"> "> "{$pfb['denydir']}/* {$pfb['nativedir']}/*", 'DNSBL' => "{$pfb['dnsdir']}", 'Permit' => "{$pfb['permitdir']}/* {$pfb['nativedir']}/*", 'Match' => "{$pfb['matchdir']}/* {$pfb['nativedir']}/*" ) as $type => $pfbfolder ): switch($type) { case 'Deny': $rtype = 'block'; $pfbentries = "{$pfbdenycnt}"; break; case 'Permit': $rtype = 'pass'; $pfbentries = "{$pfbpermitcnt}"; break; case 'Match': $rtype = 'unkn(%u)'; $pfbentries = "{$pfbmatchcnt}"; break; case 'DNSBL': $pfbentries = "{$pfbdnscnt}"; } // Skip table output if $pfbentries is zero. if ($pfbentries == 0 && $skipcount != 3) { $skipcount++; continue; } // Print alternating line shading $alertRowEvenClass = "style='background-color: #D8D8D8;'"; $alertRowOddClass = "style='background-color: #E8E8E8;'"; ?>
', ''); ?> ', ''); ?> ', ''); ?> ', ''); ?> />  /> 
', '');?>
" onclick="enable_showFilter();" />  

', '');?> 

" title="" />  " title="" />  " onclick="enable_hideFilter();" title="" />
Unknown'; $line[4] = ' Not available for HTTPS alerts'; } // Remove duplicate domain/srcips if (("{$line[2]}{$line[3]}") != $pdomain) { $final[] = $line; } $pdomain = "{$line[2]}{$line[3]}"; } } fclose($handle); if (!empty($final)) { $dns_array = array_slice(array_reverse($final), 0, $pfbentries); } } if (!empty($dns_array)) { $supp_dom_txt = "Clicking this Suppression icon, will immediately remove the blocked domain from Unbound Resolver.\n\n"; $supp_dom_txt .= "To manually add Domain(s), edit the 'Domain Suppression' list in the DNSBL tab.\n"; $supp_dom_txt .= "Manual entries will not immediatelty remove existing blocked hosts."; foreach ($dns_array as $aline) { // Determine interface name based on Source IP address $pfbalertdnsbl[1] = 'LAN'; // Define LAN Interface as 'default' if (!empty($dnsbl_int)) { foreach ($dnsbl_int as $subnet) { if (strpos($aline[3], 'Unknown') !== FALSE) { $pfbalertdnsbl[1] = 'Unknown'; break; } elseif (ip_in_subnet($aline[3], $subnet[0])) { $pfbalertdnsbl[1] = "{$subnet[1]}"; break; } } } $pfbalertdnsbl[99] = $aline[1]; // Timestamp // SRC IP Address and Hostname if (isset($local_hosts[$aline[3]])) { $pfbalertdnsbl[7] = "{$aline[3]}
{$local_hosts[$aline[3]]}"; } else { $pfbalertdnsbl[7] = $aline[3]; } $pfbalertdnsbl[8] = $aline[2]; // Blocked Domain $pfbalertdnsbl[90] = $aline[4]; // DNSBL URL // Add 'https' icon to Domains as required. $pfb_https = ''; if (strpos($aline[4], 'https://') !== FALSE || strpos($aline[4], 'Not available for HTTPS alerts') !== FALSE) { $pfb_https = ""; } // If alerts filtering is selected, process filters as required. if ($pfb['filterlogentries'] && !pfb_match_filter_field($pfbalertdnsbl, $filterfieldsarray)) { continue; } // Collect the list that contains the blocked domain $domain = str_replace('.', '\.', $aline[2]); $sed_cmd = "{$pfb['sed']} -e 's/^.*[a-zA-Z]\///' -e 's/:.*//' -e 's/\..*/ /'"; $pfb_query = exec("{$pfb['grep']} -Hm1 ' \"{$domain} 60 IN A' {$pfb['dnsdir']}/* | {$sed_cmd}"); $pfb_alias = exec("{$pfb['grep']} -Hm1 ' \"{$domain} 60 IN A' {$pfb['dnsalias']}/* | {$sed_cmd}"); if (empty($pfb_query)) { $pfb_query = 'no match'; } // Truncate long list names $pfb_matchtitle = "The DNSBL Feed and Alias that blocked the indicated Domain."; if (strlen($pfb_query) >= 17 || strlen($pfb_alias) >= 25) { $pfb_matchtitle = "Feed: {$pfb_query} | Alias: {$pfb_alias}"; $pfb_query = substr($pfb_query, 0, 16) . '...'; $pfb_alias = substr($pfb_alias, 0, 24) . '...'; } // Print alternating line shading $alertRowClass = $counter % 2 ? $alertRowEvenClass : $alertRowOddClass; $alert_dom = " "; // Collect existing suppression list $dnssupp_ex = collectsuppression(); if (!in_array($pfbalertdnsbl[8], $dnssupp_ex)) { $supp_dom = " "; } else { $supp_dom = " "; } // Truncate long URLs $url_title = ''; if (strlen($pfbalertdnsbl[90]) >= 72) { $url_title = "{$pfbalertdnsbl[90]}"; $pfbalertdnsbl[90] = substr(str_replace(array('?', '-'), '', $pfbalertdnsbl[90]), 0, 69) . '...'; } echo ""; $counter++; } } } if ($type != 'DNSBL') { ?> ({$rulenum})"; $host = $fields[7]; $alert_ip = " "; if ($pfb_query != 'Country' && $rtype == 'block' && $pfb['supp'] == 'on') { $supp_ip = ""; } if ($rtype == 'block' && $hostlookup == 'on') { $hostname = getpfbhostname('src', $fields[7], $counter, $fields[8]); } else { $hostname = ''; } $src_icons_1 = "{$alert_ip} {$supp_ip} "; $src_icons_2 = "{$alert_ip} "; $dst_icons_1 = ''; $dst_icons_2 = ''; } else { // Outbound $rule = "{$rule_list[$rulenum]['name']}
({$rulenum})"; $host = $fields[8]; $alert_ip = " "; if ($pfb_query != 'Country' && $rtype == 'block' && $pfb['supp'] == 'on') { $supp_ip = ""; } if ($rtype == 'block' && $hostlookup == 'on') { $hostname = getpfbhostname('dst', $fields[8], $counter, $fields[7]); } else { $hostname = ''; } $src_icons_1 = ''; $src_icons_2 = ''; $dst_icons_1 = "{$alert_ip} {$supp_ip} "; $dst_icons_2 = "{$alert_ip} "; } // Determine Country code of host if (is_ipaddrv4($host)) { $country = substr(exec("{$pathgeoip} -f {$pathgeoipdat} {$host}"), 23, 2); } else { $country = substr(exec("{$pathgeoip6} -f {$pathgeoipdat6} {$host}"), 26, 2); } // Find the header which alerted this host if ($pfb_query != 'Country') { if (strpos($rule, 'pfB_DNSBLIP') !== FALSE) { $pfb_match[1] = 'DNSBLIP'; // Default pfB_DNSBLIP $pfb_match[2] = ''; } else { // Report specific ET IQRisk details if ($pfb['et_header'] && strpos($pfb_query, "{$et_header}") !== FALSE) { $pfbfolder = "{$pfb['etdir']}/*"; } $pfb_query = find_reported_header($host, $pfbfolder, FALSE); // Split list column into two lines. $pfb_match[1] = "{$pfb_query[1]}"; $pfb_match[2] = "{$pfb_query[0]}"; // Remove Suppression Icon for 'no match' and all subnets except for '/32 & /24'. if ($pfb_query[2]) { $src_icons = $src_icons_1; $dst_icons = $dst_icons_1; } else { $src_icons = $src_icons_2; $dst_icons = $dst_icons_2; } } } else { $pfb_match[1] = 'Country'; $pfb_match[2] = ''; $src_icons = $src_icons_2; // Remove 'suppress icon' $dst_icons = $dst_icons_2; } // Add []'s to IPv6 addresses and add a zero-width space as soft-break opportunity after each colon if we have an IPv6 address (from Snort) if ($fields[4] == '6') { $fields[97] = '[' . str_replace(':', ':​', $fields[7]) . ']'; $fields[98] = '[' . str_replace(':', ':​', $fields[8]) . ']'; } else { $fields[97] = $fields[7]; $fields[98] = $fields[8]; } // Truncate long list names $pfb_matchtitle = "Country Block rules cannot be Suppressed.\n\n To allow a particular Country IP, either remove the particular Country or add the host\nto a Permit Alias in the Firewall tab.\n\nIf the IP is not listed beside the list, this means that the block is a /32 entry.\nOnly /32 or /24 CIDR hosts can be suppressed.\n\nIf (Duplication) Checking is not enabled. You may see /24 and /32 CIDR blocks for a given blocked host"; if (strlen($pfb_match[1]) >= 17) { $pfb_matchtitle = $pfb_match[1]; $pfb_match[1] = substr($pfb_match[1], 0, 16) . '...'; } // Print alternating line shading $alertRowClass = $counter % 2 ? $alertRowEvenClass : $alertRowOddClass; echo ""; $counter++; if ($rtype == 'block') { $resolvecounter = $counter; } } } } ?> Found {$counter} Alert Entries {$msg}"); $counter = 0; $msg = ''; ?>
{$pfbalertdnsbl[99]} {$pfbalertdnsbl[1]} {$pfbalertdnsbl[7]} {$alert_dom} {$supp_dom}{$pfbalertdnsbl[8]} {$pfb_https}
{$fields[99]} {$fields[2]} {$rule} {$fields[6]} {$src_icons}{$fields[97]}{$srcport}
{$country} {$pfb_match[1]}