"; $pfb['up'] = ""; $pfb['err'] = ""; // Alternating line shading $pfb['RowOddClass'] = "style='background-color: #FFFFFF;'"; $pfb['RowEvenClass'] = "style='background-color: #F0F0F0;'"; $pfb['RowEvenClass2'] = "style='background-color: #D0D0D0;'"; $pfb['ColClass'] = "listMRr"; $pfb['global'] = &$config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngglobal']; // Define default widget customizations if (!isset($pfb['global']['widget-maxfails'])) { $pfb['global']['widget-maxfails'] = '3'; } if (!isset($pfb['global']['widget-maxpivot'])) { $pfb['global']['widget-maxpivot'] = '200'; } if (!isset($pfb['global']['widget-sortcolumn'])) { $pfb['global']['widget-sortcolumn'] = 'none'; } if (!isset($pfb['global']['widget-sortdir'])) { $pfb['global']['widget-sortdir'] = 'asc'; } if (!isset($pfb['global']['widget-popup'])) { $pfb['global']['widget-popup'] = 'on'; } // Collect variables if (is_array($pfb['global'])) { $pfb['maxfails'] = $pfb['global']['widget-maxfails']; $pfb['maxpivot'] = $pfb['global']['widget-maxpivot']; $pfb['sortcolumn'] = $pfb['global']['widget-sortcolumn']; $pfb['sortdir'] = $pfb['global']['widget-sortdir']; $pfb['popup'] = $pfb['global']['widget-popup']; } // Save widget customizations if ($_POST) { if (is_numeric($_POST['pfb_maxfails'])) { $pfb['global']['widget-maxfails'] = $_POST['pfb_maxfails']; } if (is_numeric($_POST['pfb_maxpivot'])) { $pfb['global']['widget-maxpivot'] = $_POST['pfb_maxpivot']; } if (!empty($_POST['pfb_popup'])) { $pfb['global']['widget-popup'] = $_POST['pfb_popup']; } if (!empty($_POST['pfb_sortcolumn'])) { $pfb['global']['widget-sortcolumn'] = $_POST['pfb_sortcolumn']; } if (!empty($_POST['pfb_sortdir'])) { $pfb['global']['widget-sortdir'] = $_POST['pfb_sortdir']; } write_config("pfBlockerNG: Saved Widget customizations via Dashboard"); header("Location: ../../index.php"); } // Ackwnowlege failed downloads if (isset($_POST['pfblockerngack'])) { exec("/usr/bin/sed -i '' 's/FAIL/Fail/g' {$pfb['errlog']}"); header("Location: ../../index.php"); } // Called by Ajax to update table contents if (isset($_GET['getNewCounts'])) { pfBlockerNG_get_table("js"); return; } // Sort widget table according to user configuration function pfbsort(&$array, $subkey="id", $sort_ascending=FALSE) { if (empty($array)) { return; } if (count($array)) { $temp_array[key($array)] = array_shift($array); } foreach ($array as $key => $val) { $offset = 0; $found = FALSE; foreach ($temp_array as $tmp_key => $tmp_val) { if (!$found and strtolower($val[$subkey]) > strtolower($tmp_val[$subkey])) { $temp_array = array_merge((array)array_slice($temp_array,0,$offset), array($key => $val), array_slice($temp_array,$offset)); $found = TRUE; } $offset++; } if (!$found) { $temp_array = array_merge($temp_array, array($key => $val)); } } if ($sort_ascending) { $array = array_reverse($temp_array); } else { $array = $temp_array; } return; } // Collect all pfBlockerNG statistics function pfBlockerNG_get_counts() { global $config, $pfb; $pfb_table = array(); /* Alias Table Definitions - 'update' - Last Updated Timestamp 'rule' - Total number of Firewall rules per alias 'count' - Total Line Count per alias 'packets' - Total number of pf packets per alias */ exec("/sbin/pfctl -vvsTables | grep -A4 'pfB_'", $pfb_pfctl); if (!empty($pfb_pfctl)) { foreach($pfb_pfctl as $line) { $line = trim(str_replace(array( '[', ']' ), '', $line)); if (substr($line, 0, 1) == '-') { $pfb_alias = trim(strstr($line, 'pfB', FALSE)); if (empty($pfb_alias)) { unset($pfb_alias); continue; } exec("/usr/bin/grep -cv '^1\.1\.1\.1' {$pfb['aliasdir']}/{$pfb_alias}.txt", $match); $pfb_table[$pfb_alias] = array('count' => $match[1], 'img' => $pfb['down']); exec("ls -ld {$pfb['aliasdir']}/{$pfb_alias}.txt | awk '{ print $6,$7,$8 }'", $update); $pfb_table[$pfb_alias]['update'] = $update[0]; $pfb_table[$pfb_alias]['rule'] = 0; unset($match, $update); continue; } if (isset($pfb_alias)) { if (substr($line, 0, 9) == 'Addresses') { $addr = trim(substr(strrchr($line, ':'), 1)); $pfb_table[$pfb_alias]['count'] = $addr; continue; } if (substr($line, 0, 11) == 'Evaluations') { $packets = trim(substr(strrchr($line, ':'), 1)); $pfb_table[$pfb_alias]['packets'] = $packets; unset($pfb_alias); } } } } else { // Error. No pf labels found. $pfb['pfctl'] = TRUE; } // Determine if firewall rules are defined if (is_array($config['filter']['rule'])) { foreach ($config['filter']['rule'] as $rule) { // Skip disabled rules if (isset($rule['disabled'])) { continue; } if (stripos($rule['source']['address'], "pfb_") !== FALSE) { $pfb_table[$rule['source']['address']]['img'] = $pfb['up']; $pfb_table[$rule['source']['address']]['rule'] += 1; } if (stripos($rule['destination']['address'], "pfb_") !== FALSE) { $pfb_table[$rule['destination']['address']]['img'] = $pfb['up']; $pfb_table[$rule['destination']['address']]['rule'] += 1; } } } // Collect packet fence rule numbers exec("/sbin/pfctl -vv -sr | grep 'pfB_'", $pfrules); if (!empty($pfrules)) { foreach ($pfrules as $result) { // Sample : @112(0) block return in log quick on em1 from any to label "USER_RULE: pfB_PRI1" if (preg_match("/@(\d+)\(\d+\).*\<(pfB_\w+):\d+\>/", $result, $rule)) { $pfb_table[$rule[2]]['rules'] .= $rule[1] . '|'; } } } // Sort tables per sort customization if ($pfb['sortcolumn'] != "none") { if ($pfb['sortdir'] == "asc") { pfbsort($pfb_table, $pfb['sortcolumn'], TRUE); } else { pfbsort($pfb_table, $pfb['sortcolumn'], FALSE); } } return $pfb_table; } // Called on initial load and Ajax to update table contents function pfBlockerNG_get_table($mode="") { global $pfb; $counter = 0; $dcounter = 1; $response = ''; $pfb_table = pfBlockerNG_get_counts(); if (!empty($pfb_table)) { foreach ($pfb_table as $pfb_alias => $values) { // Add firewall rules count associated with alias $values['img'] = $values['img'] . "({$values['rule']})"; // If packet fence errors found, display error. if ($pfb['pfctl']) { $values['img'] = $pfb['err']; } // Alias table popup if ($values['count'] > 0 && $pfb['popup'] == "on") { $alias_popup = rule_popup($pfb_alias, '', '', ''); $alias_span = $alias_popup['src']; $alias_span_end = $alias_popup['src_end']; } else { $alias_span = ''; $alias_span_end = ''; } // Packet column pivot to Alerts Tab if ($values['packets'] > 0) { $rules = rtrim($values['rules'], '|'); if ($values['packets'] > $pfb['maxpivot']) { $aentries = $pfb['maxpivot']; } else { $aentries = $values['packets']; } $packets = " " . $alias_span . $pfb_alias . $alias_span_end . " {$values['count']} {$packets} {$values['update']} {$values['img']} "); } } } } // Status indicator if pfBlockerNG is enabled/disabled if ("{$pfb['enable']}" == "on") { $pfb_status = "/themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_pass.gif"; $pfb_msg = "pfBlockerNG is Active."; } else { $pfb_status = "/themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_block.gif"; $pfb_msg = "pfBlockerNG is Disabled."; } // Collect total IP/Cidr counts $dcount = exec("cat {$pfb['denydir']}/*.txt | grep -cv '^#\|^$\|^1\.1\.1\.1'"); $pcount = exec("cat {$pfb['permitdir']}/*.txt | grep -cv '^#\|^$\|^1\.1\.1\.1'"); $mcount = exec("cat {$pfb['matchdir']}/*.txt | grep -cv '^#\|^$\|^1\.1\.1\.1'"); $ncount = exec("cat {$pfb['nativedir']}/*.txt | grep -cv '^#\|^$\|^1\.1\.1\.1'"); // Collect number of suppressed hosts if (file_exists("{$pfb['supptxt']}")) { $pfbsupp_cnt = exec ("/usr/bin/grep -c ^ {$pfb['supptxt']}"); } else { $pfbsupp_cnt = 0; } // Collect any failed downloads exec("grep $(date +%m/%d/%y) {$pfb['errlog']} | grep 'FAIL'", $results); $results = array_reverse($results); ?>
     " . $dcount . "") ?> " . $pcount . "") ?> " . $mcount . ""); ?> " . $ncount . ""); ?> " . $pfbsupp_cnt . ""); ?>    " alt="" /> 
"); $counter++; if ($counter > $pfb['maxfails']) { // To many errors stop displaying echo(" "); break; } } } ?>
" . $result . "
" . (count($results) - $pfb['maxfails']) . " more error(s)...