<?php /* pfBlockerNG.inc pfBlockerNG Copyright (c) 2015 BBcan177@gmail.com All rights reserved. Based upon pfBlocker by Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Marcello Coutinho All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ require_once('util.inc'); require_once('functions.inc'); require_once('pkg-utils.inc'); require_once('pfsense-utils.inc'); require_once('globals.inc'); require_once('services.inc'); require_once('service-utils.inc'); require_once('/usr/local/pkg/pfblockerng/pfblockerng_extra.inc'); // 'include functions' not yet merged into pfSense global $g, $config, $pfb; $pfs_version = substr(trim(file_get_contents('/etc/version')), 0, 3); if ($pfs_version == '2.2') { $pfb['prefix'] = '/usr/pbi/pfblockerng-' . php_uname('m'); } else { $pfb['prefix'] = '/usr/local'; } // Folders $pfb['dbdir'] = "{$g['vardb_path']}/pfblockerng"; $pfb['aliasdir'] = "{$g['vardb_path']}/aliastables"; $pfb['logdir'] = "{$g['varlog_path']}/pfblockerng"; $pfb['etdir'] = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/ET"; $pfb['nativedir'] = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/native"; $pfb['denydir'] = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/deny"; $pfb['matchdir'] = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/match"; $pfb['permitdir'] = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/permit"; $pfb['origdir'] = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/original"; $pfb['dnsdir'] = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/dnsbl"; $pfb['dnsorigdir'] = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/dnsblorig"; $pfb['dnsalias'] = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/dnsblalias"; $pfb['geoipshare'] = "{$pfb['prefix']}/share/GeoIP"; $pfb['ccdir'] = "{$pfb['prefix']}/share/GeoIP/cc"; // Application Paths $pfb['grep'] = '/usr/bin/grep'; $pfb['awk'] = '/usr/bin/awk'; $pfb['cut'] = '/usr/bin/cut'; $pfb['sed'] = '/usr/bin/sed'; $pfb['cat'] = '/bin/cat'; $pfb['ls'] = '/bin/ls'; $pfb['pfctl'] = '/sbin/pfctl'; // Folder Array $pfb['folder_array'] = array( "{$pfb['dbdir']}", "{$pfb['logdir']}", "{$pfb['ccdir']}", "{$pfb['origdir']}", "{$pfb['nativedir']}", "{$pfb['denydir']}", "{$pfb['matchdir']}","{$pfb['permitdir']}", "{$pfb['aliasdir']}", "{$pfb['dnsdir']}", "{$pfb['dnsorigdir']}", "{$pfb['dnsalias']}"); // Files $pfb['errlog'] = "{$pfb['logdir']}/error.log"; $pfb['extraslog'] = "{$pfb['logdir']}/extras.log"; $pfb['log'] = "{$pfb['logdir']}/pfblockerng.log"; $pfb['dnslog'] = "{$pfb['logdir']}/dnsbl.log"; $pfb['dnserrlog'] = "{$pfb['logdir']}/dnsbl_error.log"; $pfb['master'] = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/masterfile"; $pfb['supptxt'] = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/pfbsuppression.txt"; $pfb['dnsbl_info'] = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/dnsbl_info"; $pfb['dnsbl_conf'] = '/var/unbound/pfb_dnsbl_lighty.conf'; $pfb['dnsbl_cert'] = '/var/unbound/dnsbl_cert.pem'; $pfb['script'] = '/usr/local/pkg/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.sh'; $pfb['aliasarchive'] = "{$pfb['prefix']}/etc/aliastables.tar.bz2"; // Unbound files and folders $pfb['dnsbl_file'] = '/var/unbound/pfb_dnsbl'; // Filename Extension not referenced $pfb['dnsbldir'] = '/var/unbound'; // Array definitions $pfb['continents'] = array ( 'Africa' => 'pfB_Africa', 'Antartica' => 'pfB_Antartica', 'Asia' => 'pfB_Asia', 'Europe' => 'pfB_Europe', 'North America' => 'pfB_NAmerica', 'Oceania' => 'pfB_Oceania', 'South America' => 'pfB_SAmerica', 'Top Spammers' => 'pfB_Top', 'Proxy and Satellite' => 'pfB_PS' ); // Base rule array $pfb['base_rule_reg'] = array('ipprotocol' => 'inet'); // Floating rules, base rule array $pfb['base_rule_float'] = array('quick' => 'yes', 'floating' => 'yes', 'ipprotocol' => 'inet'); // Define Arrays for managing the mastefile foreach (array('existing', 'actual') as $pftype) { $pfb[$pftype]['match'] = array('type' => 'match', 'folder' => "{$pfb['matchdir']}"); $pfb[$pftype]['permit'] = array('type' => 'permit', 'folder' => "{$pfb['permitdir']}"); $pfb[$pftype]['deny'] = array('type' => 'deny', 'folder' => "{$pfb['denydir']}"); $pfb[$pftype]['native'] = array('type' => 'native', 'folder' => "{$pfb['nativedir']}"); $pfb[$pftype]['dnsbl'] = array('type' => 'dnsbl', 'folder' => "{$pfb['dnsdir']}"); } // Default cURL options $pfb['curl_defaults'] = array( CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 Chrome/43.0.2357.65 Safari/537.36', CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST => 'TLSv1.2, TLSv1', CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => true, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => true, CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT => true, CURLOPT_FILETIME => true, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 15, ); $pfb['rfc7231'] = array(100 => '100 Continue', 101 => '101 Switching Protocols', 102 => '102 Processing', 200 => '200 OK', 201 => '201 Created', 202 => '202 Accepted', 203 => '203 Non-Authoritative Info', 204 => '204 No Content', 205 => '205 Reset Content', 206 => '206 Partial Content', 207 => '207 Multi-Status', 208 => '208 Already Reported', 226 => '226 IM Used', 300 => '300 Multiple Choices', 301 => '301 Moved Permanently', 302 => '302 Found', 303 => '303 See Other', 304 => '304 Not Modified', 305 => '305 Use Proxy', 306 => '306 Switch Proxy', 307 => '307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => '308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => '400 Bad Request', 401 => '401 Unauthorized', 402 => '402 Payment Required', 403 => '403 Forbidden', 404 => '404 Not Found', 405 => '405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => '406 Not Acceptable', 407 => '407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => '408 Request Timeout', 409 => '409 Conflict', 410 => '410 Gone', 411 => '411 Length Required', 412 => '412 Precondition Failed', 413 => '413 Request Entity Too Large', 414 => '414 Request-URI Too Long', 415 => '415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => '416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => '417 Expectation Failed', 418 => '418 Im a teapot', 419 => '419 Authentication Timeout', 420 => '420 Method Failure', 421 => '421 Misdirected Request', 422 => '422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => '423 Locked', 424 => '424 Failed Dependency', 426 => '426 Upgrade Required', 428 => '428 Precondition Required', 429 => '429 Too Many Requests', 431 => '431 Request Header Fields Large', 440 => '440 Login Timeout', 444 => '444 No Response', 449 => '449 Retry With', 450 => '450 Blocked Windows Parental Controls', 451 => '451 Unavailable Legal Reasons', 494 => '494 Request Header too Large', 495 => '495 Cert Error', 496 => '496 No Cert', 497 => '497 HTTP to HTTPS', 498 => '498 Token expired/invalid', 499 => '499 Client Closed Request', 500 => '500 Internal Server Error', 501 => '501 Not Implemented', 502 => '502 Bad Gateway', 503 => '503 Service Unavailable', 504 => '504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => '505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => '506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => '507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => '508 Loop Detected', 509 => '509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded', 510 => '510 Not Extended', 511 => '511 Network Authentication Required', 598 => '598 Network read timeout error',599 => '599 Network connect timeout error' ); // [ $pfb ] pfBlockerNG global array. This needs to be called to get the updated settings. function pfb_global() { global $g, $config, $pfb; // Create folders if not exist. foreach ($pfb['folder_array'] as $folder) { safe_mkdir("{$folder}", 0755); } // General variables $pfb['config'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng']['config'][0]; $pfb['dnsblconfig'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsblsettings']['config'][0]; $pfb['enable'] = $pfb['config']['enable_cb']; // Enable/Disable of pfBlockerNG $pfb['keep'] = $pfb['config']['pfb_keep']; // Keep blocklists on pfBlockerNG Disable $pfb['supp'] = $pfb['config']['suppression']; // Enable Suppression $pfb['logmax'] = $pfb['config']['log_maxlines']; // Max lines in pfblockerng.log file $pfb['cc'] = $pfb['config']['database_cc']; // Disable Country database CRON updates $pfb['min'] = $pfb['config']['pfb_min']; // User defined CRON start minute $pfb['hour'] = $pfb['config']['pfb_hour']; // Start hour of the scheduler $pfb['interval'] = $pfb['config']['pfb_interval']; // Hour cycle for scheduler $pfb['24hour'] = $pfb['config']['pfb_dailystart']; // Start hour of the 'Once a day' schedule $pfb['iplocal'] = $config['interfaces']['lan']['ipaddr']; // Lan IP address $pfb['dnsbl'] = $pfb['dnsblconfig']['pfb_dnsbl']; // Enabled state of DNSBL $pfb['dnsbl_port'] = $pfb['dnsblconfig']['pfb_dnsport'] ?: ''; // Lighttpd web server http port setting $pfb['dnsbl_port_ssl'] = $pfb['dnsblconfig']['pfb_dnsport_ssl']?: ''; // Lighttpd web server https port setting // Restore previous download on failure (default to 'on') $pfb['restore'] = $pfb['config']['restore_feed'] != '' ? $pfb['config']['restore_feed'] : 'on'; // Max daily download failure threshold (default to '0') $pfb['skipfeed'] = $pfb['config']['skipfeed'] != '' ? $pfb['config']['skipfeed'] : 0; if (isset($config['unbound']['enable'])) { $pfb['unbound_state'] = 'on'; } else { $pfb['unbound_state'] = ''; } // cURL - system proxy server setttings, if configured if (!empty($config['system'][proxyurl])) { $pfb['curl_defaults'][CURLOPT_PROXY] = $config['system']['proxyurl']; if (!empty($config['system'][proxyport])) { $pfb['curl_defaults'][CURLOPT_PROXYPORT] = $config['system']['proxyport']; } if (!empty($config['system']['proxyuser']) && !empty($config['system']['proxypass'])) { $pfb['curl_defaults'][CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH] = 'CURLAUTH_ANY | CURLAUTH_ANYSAFE'; $pfb['curl_defaults'][CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD] = "{$config['system']['proxyuser']}:{$config['system']['proxypass']}"; } } // Set pfBlockerNG to disabled on 're-install' if (isset($pfb['install']) && $pfb['install']) { $pfb['enable'] = $pfb['dnsbl'] = ''; $pfb['install'] = FALSE; } } pfb_global(); // DNSBL Lighttpd HTTPS Daemon (Scans Lighttpd dnsbl_error.log for requested https domain names) if ($argv[1] == 'dnsbl') { pfb_livetail($pfb['dnserrlog'], 'dnsbl'); exit; } // Set max PHP memory setting $uname = posix_uname(); if ($uname['machine'] == 'amd64') { ini_set('memory_limit', '256M'); } // Function to decode alias custom entry box. function pfbng_text_area_decode($text) { $customlist = explode("\r\n", base64_decode($text)); if (!empty($customlist)) { foreach ($customlist as $line) { if (substr(trim($line), 0, 1) != '#' && !empty($line)) { if (strpos($line, '#') !== FALSE) { $custom .= trim(strstr($line, '#', TRUE)) . "\n"; } else { $custom .= $line . "\n"; } } } return $custom; } } // Manage log files line limit function pfb_log_mgmt() { global $pfb; pfb_global(); if ($pfb['logmax'] == 'nolimit') { // Skip Log mgmt } else { foreach (array('log', 'errlog', 'dnslog', 'extraslog') as $logtype) { if (file_exists($pfb[$logtype])) { exec("/usr/bin/tail -n {$pfb['logmax']} {$pfb[$logtype]} > /tmp/pfblog; /bin/mv -f /tmp/pfblog $pfb[$logtype]"); } } } } // Record log messsages to pfBlockerNG log file and/or error log file. function pfb_logger($log, $logtype) { global $g, $pfb; $now = date('m/d/y G:i:s', time()); // Only log timestamp if new if (strpos($log, 'NOW') !== FALSE) { if ($now == $pfb['pnow']) { $log = str_replace('[ NOW ]', '', "{$log}"); } else { $log = str_replace('NOW', $now, "{$log}"); } $pfb['pnow'] = "{$now}"; } if ($logtype == 2) { @file_put_contents("{$pfb['log']}", "{$log}", FILE_APPEND); @file_put_contents("{$pfb['errlog']}", "{$log}", FILE_APPEND); } elseif ($logtype == 3) { @file_put_contents("{$pfb['extraslog']}", "{$log}", FILE_APPEND); } else { @file_put_contents("{$pfb['log']}", "{$log}", FILE_APPEND); } } // Determine 'list' details function pfb_determine_list_detail($list='', $header='', $confconfig='', $key='') { global $config, $pfb, $pfbarr; $pfbarr = array(); switch($list) { case 'Deny_Both': case 'Deny_Inbound': case 'Deny_Outbound': case 'Alias_Deny': $pfbarr = array('adv' => TRUE, 'folder' => "{$pfb['denydir']}", 'orig' => "{$pfb['origdir']}", 'reuse' => "{$pfb['reuse']}"); break; case 'unbound': $pfbarr = array('adv' => FALSE, 'folder' => "{$pfb['dnsdir']}", 'orig' => "{$pfb['dnsorigdir']}", 'reuse' => "{$pfb['reuse_dnsbl']}"); break; case 'Permit_Both': case 'Permit_Inbound': case 'Permit_Outbound': case 'Alias_Permit': $pfbarr = array('adv' => FALSE, 'folder' => "{$pfb['permitdir']}", 'orig' => "{$pfb['origdir']}", 'reuse' => "{$pfb['reuse']}"); break; case 'Match_Both': case 'Match_Inbound': case 'Match_Outbound': case 'Alias_Match': $pfbarr = array('adv' => FALSE, 'folder' => "{$pfb['matchdir']}", 'orig' => "{$pfb['origdir']}", 'reuse' => "{$pfb['reuse']}"); break; case 'Alias_Native': $pfbarr = array('adv' => FALSE, 'folder' => "{$pfb['nativedir']}", 'orig' => "{$pfb['origdir']}", 'reuse' => "{$pfb['reuse']}"); break; } // Collect proper alias table description (alias only vs autorules) if (strpos($list, 'Alias') !== FALSE) { $pfbarr['descr'] = ''; } else { $pfbarr['descr'] = ' Auto '; } // Determine length of header to format log output $tabtype = strlen($header); if ($tabtype > 19) { $pfbarr['logtab'] = ''; } elseif ($tabtype > 11) { $pfbarr['logtab'] = "\t"; } elseif ($tabtype < 4) { $pfbarr['logtab'] = "\t\t\t"; } else { $pfbarr['logtab'] = "\t\t"; } if (!empty($confconfig)) { // Configure autoports/protocol and auto destination if required. $autotype = array( 'autoports' => 'aliasports', 'autodest' => 'aliasdest'); $aports = ''; $adest = ''; $pfbarr['aproto'] = $config['installedpackages'][$confconfig]['config'][$key]['autoproto']; foreach ($autotype as $akey => $atype) { if ($config['installedpackages'][$confconfig]['config'][$key][$akey] == 'on' && isset($config['aliases']['alias'])) { foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $palias) { if ($palias['name'] == $config['installedpackages'][$confconfig]['config'][$key][$atype]) { if (!empty($palias['address'])) { switch($akey) { case 'autoports': $pfbarr['aports'] = $config['installedpackages'][$confconfig]['config'][$key][$atype]; break; case 'autodest': $pfbarr['adest'] = $config['installedpackages'][$confconfig]['config'][$key][$atype]; break; } } } } } } } return $pfbarr; } // Determine if cron task requires updating function pfblockerng_cron_exists($crontask, $pfb_min, $pfb_hour) { global $config; if (isset($config['cron']['item'])) { foreach ($config['cron']['item'] as $item) { if (strpos($item['command'], $crontask) !== FALSE) { if ($item['minute'] != $pfb_min) { return FALSE; } if ($pfb_hour == 'maxmind' && !empty($item['hour'])) { // Maxmind hour is randomized. Skip comparison. return TRUE; } if ($item['hour'] != $pfb_hour) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } // Calculate the cron task base hour setting function pfb_cron_base_hour() { global $pfb; switch($pfb['interval']) { case 1: return; break; case 2: $j = 11; $k = 2; break; case 3: $j = 7; $k = 3; break; case 4: $j = 5; $k = 4; break; case 6: $j = 3; $k = 6; break; case 8: $j = 2; $k = 8; break; case 12: $j = 1; $k = 12; break; case 24: return array($pfb['24hour']); break; default: $pfb['interval'] = 1; return; } $shour = intval(substr($pfb['hour'], 0, 2)); $sch = strval($shour); for ($i=0; $i < $j; $i++) { $shour += $k; if ($shour >= 24) { $shour -= 24; } $sch .= ',' . strval($shour); } $sch = explode(',', $sch); sort($sch); return $sch; } // Create suppression alias function pfb_create_suppression_alias() { global $config; // Reload config.xml to get any recent changes $config = parse_config(true); // Collect existing pfSense alias(es) if (isset($config['aliases']['alias'])) { $new_aliases = &$config['aliases']['alias']; } // Create new pfBlockerNGSuppress alias $new_aliases[] = array( 'name' => 'pfBlockerNGSuppress', 'address' => '', 'descr' => 'pfBlockerNG Suppression List (24|32 CIDR only)', 'type' => 'network', 'detail' => '' ); write_config('pfBlockerNG: saving suppression alias'); } // Create suppression file from alias function pfb_create_suppression_file() { global $config, $pfb; // Find pfBlockerNGSuppress array ID number $pfbfound = FALSE; if (isset($config['aliases']['alias'])) { foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $key => $alias) { if ($alias['name'] == 'pfBlockerNGSuppress') { $pfbfound = TRUE; break; } } if ($pfbfound) { $pfb_suppress = str_replace(' ', "\n", $config['aliases']['alias'][$key]['address']); if (!empty($pfb_suppress)) { @file_put_contents("{$pfb['supptxt']}", $pfb_suppress, LOCK_EX); } else { unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['supptxt']}"); } } else { // Delete suppression file if alias is empty. unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['supptxt']}"); } } // Call function to create suppression alias. if (!$pfbfound) { pfb_create_suppression_alias(); } } // Create DNSBL VIP and NAT rules, lighttpd conf and services function pfb_create_dnsbl($mode) { global $config, $pfb; // Reload config.xml to get any recent changes $config = parse_config(true); $new_nat = $new_vip = $pfb_ex_nat = $pfb_ex_vip = $dnsbl_ex_nat = $dnsbl_ex_vip = array(); $pfb['dnsbl_vip_changed'] = $pfbupdate = FALSE; if ((!empty($pfb['dnsbl_port']) && !empty($pfb['dnsbl_port_ssl']) && !empty($pfb['dnsbl_vip']) && $mode == 'enable') || $mode == 'disable') { // DNSBL NAT rules generation $pfbfound = FALSE; // Collect existing pfSense NAT rules if (isset($config['nat']['rule'])) { foreach ($config['nat']['rule'] as $ex_nat) { if (strpos($ex_nat['descr'], 'pfB DNSBL') !== FALSE) { // Collect DNSBL NAT rules $dnsbl_ex_nat[] = $ex_nat; $pfbfound = TRUE; } else { // Collect all 'other' NAT rules $pfb_ex_nat[] = $ex_nat; } } } if ($mode == 'enable') { // Generate new DNSBL NAT per DNSBL listening ports $selected_ports = array("{$pfb['dnsbl_port']}" => '80', "{$pfb['dnsbl_port_ssl']}" => '443'); foreach ($selected_ports as $port => $lport) { $dnsbl_new_nat[] = array ( 'source' => array('any' => ''), 'destination' => array('address' => "{$pfb['dnsbl_vip']}", 'port' => "{$lport}"), 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'target' => '', 'local-port' => "{$port}", 'interface' => "{$pfb['dnsbl_iface']}", 'descr' => 'pfB DNSBL - DO NOT EDIT', 'associated-rule-id' => '', 'natreflection' => 'purenat' ); } // Compare existing to new and if they are not identical update if ($dnsbl_ex_nat !== $dnsbl_new_nat) { $pfbupdate = TRUE; $new_nat = array_merge($pfb_ex_nat, $dnsbl_new_nat); } else { $new_nat = array_merge($pfb_ex_nat, $dnsbl_ex_nat); } } else { $new_nat = array_merge($pfb_ex_nat, $new_nat); // Update when DNSBL NAT found but is now disabled. if ($pfbfound) { $pfbupdate = TRUE; } } // DNSBL VIP generation $dnsbl_new_vip[] = array ( 'mode' => 'ipalias', 'interface' => "{$pfb['dnsbl_iface']}", 'descr' => 'pfB DNSBL - DO NOT EDIT', 'type' => 'single', 'subnet_bits' => '32', 'subnet' => "{$pfb['dnsbl_vip']}" ); $pfbfound = FALSE; // Collect existing pfSense VIPs if (isset($config['virtualip']['vip'])) { foreach ($config['virtualip']['vip'] as $ex_vip) { if (strpos($ex_vip['descr'], 'pfB DNSBL') !== FALSE) { // Collect DNSBL VIP $dnsbl_ex_vip[] = $ex_vip; $pfbfound = TRUE; } else { // Collect all 'other' VIPs $pfb_ex_vip[] = $ex_vip; } } } if ($mode == 'enable') { // Compare existing to new and if they are not identical update if ($dnsbl_ex_vip !== $dnsbl_new_vip) { $pfb['dnsbl_vip_changed'] = TRUE; $pfbupdate = TRUE; $new_vip = array_merge($pfb_ex_vip, $dnsbl_new_vip); } else { $new_vip = array_merge($pfb_ex_vip, $dnsbl_ex_vip); } } else { $new_vip = array_merge($pfb_ex_vip, $new_vip); // Update when DNSBL NAT found but is now disabled. if ($pfbfound) { $pfbupdate = TRUE; } } // Only create DNSBL lighttpd conf file if not exists, or listening port changed if (!file_exists($pfb['dnsbl_conf']) && $mode == 'enable' || $pfbupdate && $mode == 'enable') { // Create Lighttpd conf file for DNSBL $pfb_conf = <<<EOF # #pfBlockerNG Lighttpd DNSBL configuration file # server.bind = "" server.port = "{$pfb['dnsbl_port']}" server.event-handler = "freebsd-kqueue" server.network-backend = "freebsd-sendfile" server.dir-listing = "disable" server.document-root = "/usr/local/www/pfblockerng/www/" server.errorlog = "/var/log/pfblockerng/dnsbl_error.log" server.pid-file = "/var/run/dnsbl.pid" server.modules = ( "mod_access", "mod_fastcgi", "mod_rewrite" ) server.indexfiles = ( "index.php" ) mimetype.assign = ( ".html" => "text/html", ".gif" => "image/gif" ) url.access-deny = ( "~", ".inc" ) fastcgi.server = ( ".php" => ( "localhost" => ( "socket" => "/var/run/php-fpm.socket", "broken-scriptfilename" => "enable" ) ) ) debug.log-condition-handling = "enable" \$HTTP["host"] =~ ".*" { url.rewrite-once = ( ".*" => "index.php" ) } \$SERVER["socket"] == "{$pfb['dnsbl_port_ssl']}" { ssl.engine = "enable" ssl.pemfile = "{$pfb['dnsbl_cert']}" ssl.use-sslv2 = "disable" ssl.use-sslv3 = "disable" ssl.honor-cipher-order = "enable" ssl.cipher-list = "AES128+EECDH:AES256+EECDH:AES128+EDH:AES256+EDH:AES128-SHA:AES256-SHA:!aNULL:!eNULL:!DSS" \$HTTP["host"] =~ ".*" { url.rewrite-once = ( ".*" => "index.php" ) } } EOF; $log = "\nSaving new DNSBL web server configuration to port [ {$pfb['dnsbl_port']} & {$pfb['dnsbl_port_ssl']} ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); $pfbupdate = TRUE; @file_put_contents($pfb['dnsbl_conf'], $pfb_conf, LOCK_EX); unset($pfb_conf); } // Update config.xml, if changes required if ($pfbupdate) { $log = "Saving pfSense config...\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); $config['nat']['rule'] = $new_nat; $config['virtualip']['vip'] = $new_vip; write_config('pfBlockerNG: saving DNSBL changes'); // Execute ifconfig to enable VIP address $iface = get_real_interface("{$pfb['dnsbl_iface']}"); if (!empty($iface) && !empty($pfb['dnsbl_vip'])) { mwexec('/sbin/ifconfig ' . escapeshellarg($iface) . ' inet '. escapeshellarg("{$pfb['dnsbl_vip']}") . '/32 alias'); $log = "VIP address configured. Widget Packet statistics reset.\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); filter_configure(); } else { $log = "DNSBL ifconfig error : Interface:{$iface}, VIP:{$pfb['dnsbl_iface']}\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } } } // Save settings, restart services as required if ($mode == 'enable') { // Remove any existing and create link for DNSBL lighttpd executable unlink_if_exists('/usr/local/sbin/lighttpd_pfb'); link('/usr/local/sbin/lighttpd', '/usr/local/sbin/lighttpd_pfb'); // Create DNSBL SSL certificate if (!file_exists ("{$pfb['dnsbl_cert']}")) { $log = "New DNSBL Cert Created.\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); exec("/usr/bin/openssl req -new -x509 -keyout {$pfb['dnsbl_cert']} -out {$pfb['dnsbl_cert']} -days 3650 -nodes"); } if ($pfbupdate || !is_service_running ('dnsbl')) { $log = "Restarting Service DNSBL...\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); restart_service('dnsbl'); } } else { // Determine if VIP exists if (isset($config['virtualip']['vip'])) { foreach ($config['virtualip']['vip'] as $ex_vip) { if (strpos($ex_vip['descr'], 'pfB DNSBL') !== FALSE) { // Execute ifconfig to remove VIP address $iface = get_real_interface("{$pfb['dnsbl_iface']}"); if (!empty($iface) && !empty($pfb['dnsbl_vip'])) { mwexec('/sbin/ifconfig ' . escapeshellarg($iface) . ' delete ' . escapeshellarg("{$pfb['dnsbl_vip']}")); filter_configure(); } } } } if (is_service_running('dnsbl')) { pfb_logger("Stop Service DNSBL\n", 1); stop_service('dnsbl'); } } } // Define DNSBL Unbound include settings function pfb_unbound_dnsbl($mode) { global $config, $pfb; // Reload config.xml to get any recent changes $config = parse_config(true); $pfbupdate = FALSE; $unbound_include = "server:include: {$pfb['dnsbl_file']}.conf"; // Collect Unbound custom option pfSense conf line $pfb['unboundconfig'] = &$config['unbound']['custom_options']; if (!empty($pfb['unboundconfig'])) { $unbound_custom = base64_decode($pfb['unboundconfig']); } else { $unbound_custom = ''; } // Determine if DNSBL include line exists if (!empty($unbound_custom)) { // Append DNSBL Unbound pfSense conf integration if (!strstr($unbound_custom, 'pfb_dnsbl.conf')) { if ($mode == 'enabled') { $pfbupdate = TRUE; $unbound_custom .= "\n{$unbound_include}"; $log = "\nDNSBL - Adding to existing Unbound custom options\n"; } } else { // Remove DNSBL Unbound pfSense conf integration when disabled if ($mode == 'disabled') { $custom = explode ("\n", $unbound_custom); foreach ($custom as $key => $line) { if (strpos($line, 'pfb_dnsbl.conf') !== FALSE) { $pfbupdate = TRUE; $log = "\nDNSBL - Removing DNSBL Unbound custom options\n"; unset($custom[$key]); } } $unbound_custom = implode("\n", $custom); } } } else { // Add DNSBL Unbound pfSense conf integration if ($mode == 'enabled') { $pfbupdate = TRUE; $unbound_custom = "{$unbound_include}"; $log = "\nDNSBL - Adding Unbound custom 'include' option\n"; } } // Update config.xml, if changes required if ($pfbupdate) { pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); $unbound_custom = base64_encode(str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $unbound_custom)); $pfb['unboundconfig'] = "{$unbound_custom}"; write_config('pfBlockerNG: saving Unbound config'); } } // Validate Unbound conf function pfb_validate_unbound($mode) { global $g, $pfb; if ($mode == 'enabled') { $ext = '.bk'; } else { $ext = '.*'; // Remove all DNSBL Unbound files } pfb_logger(" completed\nValidating database...", 1); exec("/usr/local/sbin/unbound-checkconf {$pfb['dnsbldir']}/unbound.tmp 2>&1", $result); pfb_logger(" completed [ NOW ]\n", 1); if (preg_grep("/unbound-checkconf: no errors/", $result)) { @rename("{$pfb['dnsbldir']}/unbound.tmp", "{$pfb['dnsbldir']}/unbound.conf"); // Reload Unbound Service if (is_service_running('unbound')) { pfb_logger('Restarting Unbound ...', 1); $cache_dumpfile = '/var/tmp/unbound_cache'; unlink_if_exists("{$cache_dumpfile}"); $chroot_cmd = "chroot -u unbound -g unbound / /usr/local/sbin/unbound-control -c {$g['unbound_chroot_path']}/unbound.conf"; exec("{$chroot_cmd} dump_cache > $cache_dumpfile"); exec("{$chroot_cmd} reload"); if (file_exists($cache_dumpfile) && filesize($cache_dumpfile) > 0) { exec("{$chroot_cmd} load_cache < $cache_dumpfile"); } } else { pfb_logger('Starting Unbound Service...', 1); // Code from services_unbound.php 'apply' $retval = services_unbound_configure(); if ($retval == 0) { clear_subsystem_dirty('unbound'); } system_resolvconf_generate(); // Update resolv.conf system_dhcpleases_configure(); // Start or restart dhcpleases } exec("/usr/local/sbin/unbound-control -c {$pfb['dnsbldir']}/unbound.conf status", $result); if (preg_grep("/is running.../", $result)) { pfb_logger(" completed\n", 1); } else { pfb_logger(" Not completed.\n", 1); } $final_cnt = exec("{$pfb['grep']} -c ^ {$pfb['dnsbldir']}/pfb_dnsbl.conf"); $log = "DNSBL update [ {$final_cnt} ]... completed [ NOW ]\n------------------------------------------"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); // When pfBlockerNG is disabled and 'keep blocklists' is disabled. if ($pfb['enable'] == '' && $pfb['keep'] == '' && !$pfb['install']) { unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dnsbl_file']}{$ext}"); } // Persist/remove Unbound adv. custom options from pfSense conf file pfb_unbound_dnsbl($mode); } else { // Revert to previous DNSBL database if ($mode == 'enabled') { $log = "\nDNSBL {$mode} FAIL - restoring Unbound conf\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 2); $log = htmlspecialchars(implode("\n", $result)); pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); if (file_exists("{$pfb['dnsbl_file']}.bk")) { @rename("{$pfb['dnsbl_file']}.bk", "{$pfb['dnsbl_file']}.conf"); } } else { $log = "\nDNSBL {$mode} - Unbound conf update FAIL\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } } } // Process Alexa database function pfblockerng_alexa() { global $pfb; if (empty($pfb['dnsbl_alexa_inc'])) { pfb_logger("\n Alexa: No TLD Inclusions found.\n", 1); return; } // Array of TLDs to include in Whitelist $pfb_include = array_flip(explode(',', $pfb['dnsbl_alexa_inc'])); if (($handle = fopen("{$pfb['dbdir']}/top-1m.csv", 'r')) !== FALSE) { $pfb_output = fopen("{$pfb['dbdir']}/pfbalexawhitelist.txt", 'w'); for ($x=1; $x <= $pfb['dnsbl_alexa_cnt']; ++$x) { $aline = fgetcsv($handle); // Collect Domain TLD $tld = array_pop(explode('.', $aline[1])); if (isset($pfb_include[$tld])) { // Whitelist both 'www.example.com' and 'example.com' if (substr($aline[1], 0, 4) == 'www.') { $aline[1] = substr($aline[1], 4); } fwrite($pfb_output, "local-data: \"www." . $aline[1] . " 60 IN A {$pfb['dnsbl_vip']}\"\n"); fwrite($pfb_output, "local-data: \"" . $aline[1] . " 60 IN A {$pfb['dnsbl_vip']}\"\n"); } else { // Re-Increment $i count $x = @max(0, --$x); } } } else { $log = "\nAlexa conversion Failed. File: top-1m.csv, not found.\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 2); } fclose($handle); fclose($pfb_output); } // Function to remove any leading zeros in octets and to exclude private/reserved addresses. function sanitize_ipaddr($ipaddr, $custom) { global $pfb; list ($subnet, $mask) = explode('/', $ipaddr); $iparr = explode('.', $subnet); foreach ($iparr as $key => $octet) { // Remove any leading zeros in octets if ($octet == 0) { $ip[$key] = 0; } else { $ip[$key] = ltrim($octet, '0'); } // Remove 'loopback', '', and IPs ending with '255' if ($ip[0] == 127 || $ip[0] == 0 || empty($ip[0]) || $ip[3] == 255) { return; } if ($key == 3) { // If mask is not defined and 4th octet is '0', set mask to '24' if ($octet == 0 && empty($mask)) { $mask = 24; } // If mask is '24', force 4th octet to '0' if ($mask == 24 && $octet != 0) { $ip[$key] = 0; } } } $mask = str_replace('32', '', $mask); // Strip '/32' mask $ip_final = implode('.', $ip); // Exclude private/reserved IPs when suppression is enabled (bypass exclusion for custom lists) if ($pfb['supp'] == 'on' && !$custom) { if (!filter_var($ip_final, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE | FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE) !== FALSE) { return; } } if (!empty($mask)) { return "{$ip_final}/{$mask}"; } return "{$ip_final}"; } // Validate IPv4 IP addresses function validate_ipv4($ipaddr) { if (strpos($ipaddr, '/') !== FALSE) { return is_subnetv4($ipaddr); } return is_ipaddrv4($ipaddr); } // Function to check for loopback addresses (IPv4 range:, excluding IPv6) function FILTER_FLAG_NO_LOOPBACK_RANGE($value) { // http://www.php.net/manual/en/filter.filters.flags.php return filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) ? $value : (((ip2long($value) & 0xff000000) == 0x7f000000) ? FALSE : $value); } // Explode IP for evaluations function ip_explode($ip) { $ix = explode('.', $ip); foreach ($ix as $key => $octet) { if ($key != 3) { $ix1 .= "{$octet}."; } } array_unshift($ix, $ip); $ix[] = "{$ix1}0/24"; $ix[] = "{$ix1}"; return $ix; } // Determine the header which Alerted an IP address and return the header name function find_reported_header($ip, $pfbfolder, $exclude=FALSE) { if (substr_count($ip, ':') > 1) { $query = strstr($ip, ':', true); // IPv6 Prefix $type = 6; } else { $query = strstr($ip, '.', true); // IPv4 Octet #1 $type = 4; } $arr = $cidrs = array(); // Exclude MaxMind files for Alerts tab query; however include for Download failure queries. $exclusion = "--exclude='pfB_*'"; if ($exclude) { $exclusion = ''; } exec("/usr/bin/grep '^{$query}\.' {$exclusion} {$pfbfolder}", $result); if (!empty($result)) { foreach ($result as $line) { $rx = explode('.txt:', $line); $arr[$rx[1]][0] = substr(strrchr($rx[0], '/'), 1); // Capture IP and header if ($rx[1] == $ip) { return array('', $arr[$rx[1]][0], TRUE); // Return header on exact IP Match } // Collect all CIDRs for analysis if Alert is from a CIDR if (strpos($rx[1], '/') !== FALSE) { $cidrs[] = array($rx[1], $arr[$rx[1]][0]); } } // Determine which CIDR alerted the IP address if (!empty($cidrs)) { foreach ($cidrs as $line) { // Determine which CIDR alerted the IP address $validate = FALSE; if ($type == 4) { list($addr, $mask) = explode('/', $line[0]); $mask = (0xffffffff << (32 - $mask)) & 0xffffffff; $validate = ((ip2long($ip) & $mask) == (ip2long($addr) & $mask)); } else { $validate = (Net_IPv6::isInNetmask($ip, $line[0])); } if ($validate) { // Mark all CIDRs except /24 as 'FALSE' $line[2] = FALSE; if (strpos($line[0], '/24') !== FALSE) { $line[2] = TRUE; } return $line; // Return header on CIDR match } } } } if ($exclude) { return; // Return null to Download failure function } // Query for any active pfBlockerNG CRON jobs exec('/bin/ps -wax', $result_cron); if (preg_grep("/pfblockerng[.]php\s+?(cron|update)/", $result_cron)) { return array('updating..', 'CRON Task'); } return array('', 'no match', FALSE); } // Function to download feeds function pfb_download($list_url, $file_dwn, $pflex=FALSE, $header, $format, $logtype, $vtype, $timeout=300) { global $pfb; $http_status = ''; // Download RSYNC format if ($format == 'rsync') { $result = exec("/usr/local/bin/rsync --timeout=5 {$list_url} {$file_dwn}.raw"); if ($result == 0) { $http_status = '200 OK'; } else { $log = "\n RSYNC Failed...\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", "{$logtype}"); return FALSE; } } elseif ($format == 'whois') { // Convert a Domain name/AS into its respective IP addresses exec("{$pfb['script']} whoisconvert {$header} {$vtype} {$list_url} {$elog}"); return TRUE; } else { // Determine if URL is a localfile $host = @parse_url("{$list_url}"); if (in_array($host['host'], array('', $pfb['iplocal'], ''))) { $lof = 'local'; } else { $lof = ''; } // Download localfile format if ($lof == 'local') { if (!$file_data = @file_get_contents($list_url)) { $error = error_get_last(); $log = "\n[ {$header} ] {$error['message']}\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", "{$logtype}"); return FALSE; } else { // Save original downloaded file @file_put_contents("{$file_dwn}.raw", $file_data, LOCK_EX); $http_status = '200 OK'; } } // Download using cURL else { if (($fhandle = fopen("{$file_dwn}.raw", 'w')) !== FALSE) { if (!($ch = curl_init($list_url))) { $log = "\nFailed to create cURL resource... Exiting...\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", "{$logtype}"); return FALSE; } curl_setopt_array($ch, $pfb['curl_defaults']); // Load curl default settings curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fhandle); // Add $fhandle setting to cURL curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout); // Set cURL download timeout curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'gzip'); // Request 'gzip' encoding from server if available // Attempt 3 Downloads before failing. for ($retries = 1; $retries <= 3; $retries++) { if (curl_exec($ch)) { // Collect remote timestamp. $remote_stamp = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_FILETIME); break; // Break on success } $curl_error = curl_errno($ch); if ($logtype != 3) { pfb_logger(" cURL Error: {$curl_error}\n", 1); } else { pfb_logger(" {$header}\t\tcURL Error: {$curl_error}\n\n", 3); } /* 'Flex' Downgrade cURL errors - [ 35 - GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 ] [ 51 - NO alternative certificate ] [ 60 - Local Issuer Certificate Subject ] */ // Allow downgrade of cURL settings 'Flex' after 1st failure, if user configured. if ($retries == 1 && $pflex && in_array($curl_error, array( '35', '51', '60'))) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST, 'TLSv1.2, TLSv1, SSLv3'); $log = "\n[ ! ] Downgrading SSL settings (Flex) "; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } else { $log = curl_error($ch) . " Retry in 5 seconds...\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", "{$logtype}"); sleep(5); pfb_logger('.', "{$logtype}"); } } // Collect RFC7231 http status code $http_status = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if (isset($pfb['rfc7231'][$http_status])) { if ($logtype != 3) { pfb_logger(". {$pfb['rfc7231'][$http_status]}", 1); } else { pfb_logger(" {$header}\t\t{$pfb['rfc7231'][$http_status]}\n", 3); } } else { if ($logtype != 3) { pfb_logger(". unknown http status code ", 2); } else { pfb_logger(". unknown http status code ", 3); } } curl_close($ch); } fclose($fhandle); } } if ($http_status == '200 OK') { // Collect file mime-type $file_type = exec("/usr/bin/file -b --mime-type {$file_dwn}.raw"); unset($retval); // Decompress file if required if ($file_type == 'application/x-gzip') { if ($logtype == 3) { // Extras - MaxMind downloads @rename("{$file_dwn}.raw", strstr("{$file_dwn}.raw", '.raw', TRUE)); exec("/usr/bin/gunzip -dfq {$file_dwn} {$pfb['geoipshare']}"); return TRUE; } else { pfb_logger('.', 1); $pfb_output = fopen("{$file_dwn}.orig", 'w'); if (($fhandle = gzopen("{$file_dwn}.raw", 'r')) !== FALSE) { if (($fhandle = gzopen("{$file_dwn}.raw", 'r')) !== FALSE) { while (($line = gzgets($fhandle, 1024)) !== FALSE) { fwrite($pfb_output, $line); } } $retval = 0; } gzclose($fhandle); fclose($pfb_output); } } elseif ($file_type == 'application/x-bzip2') { pfb_logger('.', 1); exec("/usr/bin/bzip2 -dkc {$file_dwn}.raw > {$file_dwn}.orig", $output, $retval); } elseif ($file_type == 'application/zip') { if ($logtype == 3) { // Extras - MaxMind/Alexa downloads exec("/usr/bin/tar -xOf {$file_dwn}.raw > {$header}"); unlink_if_exists("{$file_dwn}.raw"); return TRUE; } pfb_logger('.', 1); // Check if ZIP archive contains xlsx files $xlsxtest = exec("/usr/bin/tar -tf {$file_dwn}.raw"); if (strpos($xlsxtest, '.xlsx') !== FALSE) { unlink_if_exists("{$file_dwn}.orig"); exec("{$pfb['script']} xlsx {$header} {$elog}"); if (file_exists("{$file_dwn}.orig")) { $retval = 0; } } else { // Process ZIP file exec("/usr/bin/tar -xOf {$file_dwn}.raw | tr ',' '\n' > {$file_dwn}.orig", $output, $retval); } } else { // Uncompressed file format. if ($logtype == 3) { // Extras - MaxMind/Alexa downloads @rename("{$file_dwn}.raw", "{$header}"); return TRUE; } else { // Rename file to 'orig' format @rename("{$file_dwn}.raw", "{$file_dwn}.orig"); $retval = 0; } } if ($retval == 0) { // Set downloaded file timestamp to remote timestamp if (isset($remote_stamp)) { if ($remote_stamp != -1 && file_exists("{$file_dwn}.orig")) { @touch("{$file_dwn}.orig", $remote_stamp); } else { $log = "\n Remote timestamp missing "; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } } // Process Emerging Threats IQRisk if required if (strpos($list_url, 'iprepdata.txt') !== FALSE) { exec("{$pfb['script']} et {$header} x x x x x {$pfb['etblock']} {$pfb['etmatch']} {$elog}"); } return TRUE; } else { $log = " Decompression Failed\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 2); return FALSE; } } else { // Download failed unlink_if_exists("{$file_dwn}.raw"); } return FALSE; } // Determine reason for download failure function pfb_download_failure($alias, $header, $pfbfolder, $vtype, $list_url) { global $pfb; $pfbfound = FALSE; // Determine if URL is a localfile $host = @parse_url("{$list_url}"); if (in_array($host['host'], array('', $pfb['iplocal'], ''))) { $lof = 'local'; } else { $lof = ''; } // Log FAILED downloads and check if firewall or Snort/Suricata is blocking host $log = "\n\n [ {$alias} - {$header} ] Download FAIL [ NOW ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 2); // Only perform these checks if they are not 'localfiles' if ($lof == 'local') { $log = " Local File Failure\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 2); } else { // Determine if Firewall/IPS/DNSBL is blocking download. $ip = @gethostbyname($host['host']); if (!empty($ip)) { // Query Firewall aliastables $result = find_reported_header($ip, "{$pfbfolder}/*", TRUE); if (!empty($result)) { $log = " [ {$ip} ] Firewall IP block found in: [ {$result} ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 2); $pfbfound = TRUE; } // Determine if Host is listed in DNSBL if ($ip == $pfb['dnsbl_vip']) { $log = " [ {$host['host']} ] Domain listed in DNSBL\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 2); $pfbfound = TRUE; } // Query Snort/Suricata snort2c IP block table $result = exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -t snort2c -T show | {$pfb['grep']} {$ip} 2>&1"); if (!empty($result)) { $log = " [ {$ip} ] IDS IP block found!\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 2); $pfbfound = TRUE; } } else { $log = " Could not determine IP address of host.\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 2); } if (!$pfbfound) { $log = " Firewall and/or IDS are not blocking download.\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 2); } } // On download failure, create file marker for subsequent download attempts if ($pfb['restore'] == 'on' && $pfb['skipfeed'] != 0) { // Call function to get all previous download fails pfb_failures(); if ($pfb['failed'][$header] <= $pfb['skipfeed']) { touch("{$pfbfolder}/{$header}.fail"); return; } } unlink_if_exists("{$pfbfolder}/{$header}.fail"); return; } // Collect all previously failed daily download notices function pfb_failures() { global $pfb; $pfb['failed'] = array(); if (file_exists("{$pfb['errlog']}")) { exec("{$pfb['grep']} 'FAIL' {$pfb['errlog']} | {$pfb['grep']} $(date +%m/%d/%y)", $results); if (!empty($results)) { foreach ($results as $result) { $header = explode(' ', $result); $pfb['failed'][$header[4]] += 1; } } } return; } // Convert alias name (via ascii table number) and return a 10 digit tracker id function pfb_tracker($alias) { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($alias); $i++) { $pfbtracker += @ord($alias[$i]); } return '177' . str_pad($pfbtracker, 7, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } // Define firewall rule settings function pfb_firewall_rule($action, $pfb_alias, $vtype='', $pfb_log, $adest='', $aports='', $aproto='', $anot='') { global $pfb; $rule = array(); switch ($action) { case 'Deny_Both': case 'Deny_Outbound': $rule = $pfb['base_rule']; $rule['tracker'] = pfb_tracker("{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}deny_out"); $rule['type'] = "{$pfb['deny_action_outbound']}"; if ($vtype == '_v6') { $rule['ipprotocol'] = 'inet6'; } if ($pfb['float'] == 'on') { $rule['direction'] = 'any'; } $rule['descr'] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}{$pfb['suffix']}"; $rule['source'] = array('any' => ''); $rule['destination'] = array('address' => "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"); if ($pfb['config']['enable_log'] == 'on' || $pfb_log == 'enabled') { $rule['log'] = ''; } $rule['created'] = array('time' => (int)microtime(true), 'username' => 'Auto'); $pfb['deny_outbound'][] = $rule; if ($action != 'Deny_Both') { break; } case 'Deny_Inbound': $rule = $pfb['base_rule']; $rule['tracker'] = pfb_tracker("{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}deny_in"); $rule['type'] = "{$pfb['deny_action_inbound']}"; if ($vtype == '_v6') { $rule['ipprotocol'] = 'inet6'; } if ($pfb['float'] == 'on') { $rule['direction'] = 'any'; } $rule['descr'] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}{$pfb['suffix']}"; $rule['source'] = array('address' => "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"); if (!empty($adest) && !empty($aports)) { $rule['destination'] = array('address' => "{$adest}", 'port' => "{$aports}"); } elseif (!empty($adest) && empty($aports)) { $rule['destination'] = array('address' => "{$adest}"); } elseif (empty($adest) && !empty($aports)) { $rule['destination'] = array('any' => '', 'port' => "{$aports}"); } else { $rule['destination'] = array('any' => ''); } if (!empty($adest) && $anot == 'on') { $rule['destination']['not'] = ''; } if (!empty($aproto)) { $rule['protocol'] = "{$aproto}"; } if ($pfb['config']['enable_log'] == 'on' || $pfb_log == 'enabled') { $rule['log'] = ''; } $rule['created'] = array('time' => (int)microtime(true), 'username' => 'Auto'); $pfb['deny_inbound'][] = $rule; break; case 'Permit_Both': case 'Permit_Outbound': $rule = $pfb['base_rule']; $rule['type'] = 'pass'; $rule['tracker'] = pfb_tracker("{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}permit_out"); if ($vtype == '_v6') { $rule['ipprotocol'] = 'inet6'; } if ($pfb['float'] == 'on') { $rule['direction'] = 'any'; } $rule['descr'] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}{$pfb['suffix']}"; $rule['source'] = array('any' => ''); $rule['destination'] = array('address' => "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"); if ($pfb['config']['enable_log'] == 'on' || $pfb_log == 'enabled') { $rule['log'] = ''; } $rule['created'] = array('time' => (int)microtime(true), 'username' => 'Auto'); $pfb['permit_outbound'][] = $rule; if ($action != 'Permit_Both') { break; } case 'Permit_Inbound': $rule = $pfb['base_rule']; $rule['tracker'] = pfb_tracker("{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}permit_in"); $rule['type'] = 'pass'; if ($vtype == '_v6') { $rule['ipprotocol'] = 'inet6'; } if ($pfb['float'] == 'on') { $rule['direction'] = 'any'; } $rule['descr'] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}{$pfb['suffix']}"; $rule['source'] = array('address' => "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"); if (!empty($adest) && !empty($aports)) { $rule['destination'] = array('address' => "{$adest}", 'port' => "{$aports}"); } elseif (!empty($adest) && empty($aports)) { $rule['destination'] = array('address' => "{$adest}"); } elseif (empty($adest) && !empty($aports)) { $rule['destination'] = array('any' => '', 'port' => "{$aports}"); } else { $rule['destination'] = array('any' => ''); } if (!empty($adest) && $anot == 'on') { $rule['destination']['not'] = ''; } if (!empty($aproto)) { $rule['protocol'] = "{$aproto}"; } if ($pfb['config']['enable_log'] == 'on' || $pfb_log == 'enabled') { $rule['log'] = ''; } $rule['created'] = array('time' => (int)microtime(true), 'username' => 'Auto'); $pfb['permit_inbound'][] = $rule; break; case 'Match_Both': case 'Match_Outbound': $rule = $pfb['base_rule_float']; $rule['tracker'] = pfb_tracker("{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}match_out"); $rule['type'] = 'match'; if ($vtype == '_v6') { $rule['ipprotocol'] = 'inet6'; } $rule['direction'] = 'any'; $rule['descr'] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}{$pfb['suffix']}"; $rule['source'] = array('any' => ''); $rule['destination'] = array('address' => "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"); if ($pfb['config']['enable_log'] == 'on' || $pfb_log == 'enabled') { $rule['log'] = ''; } $rule['created'] = array('time' => (int)microtime(true), 'username' => 'Auto'); $rule['match_outbound'][] = $rule; if ($action != 'Match_Both') { break; } case 'Match_Inbound': $rule = $pfb['base_rule_float']; $rule['tracker'] = pfb_tracker("{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}match_in"); $rule['type'] = 'match'; if ($vtype == '_v6') { $rule['ipprotocol'] = 'inet6'; } $rule['direction'] = 'any'; $rule['descr'] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}{$pfb['suffix']}"; $rule['source'] = array('address' => "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"); if (!empty($adest) && !empty($aports)) { $rule['destination'] = array('address' => "{$adest}", 'port' => "{$aports}"); } elseif (!empty($adest) && empty($aports)) { $rule['destination'] = array('address' => "{$adest}"); } elseif (empty($adest) && !empty($aports)) { $rule['destination'] = array('any' => '', 'port' => "{$aports}"); } else { $rule['destination'] = array('any' => ''); } if (!empty($adest) && $anot == 'on') { $rule['destination']['not'] = ''; } if (!empty($aproto)) { $rule['protocol'] = "{$aproto}"; } if ($pfb['config']['enable_log'] == 'on' || $pfb_log == 'enabled') { $rule['log'] = ''; } $rule['created'] = array('time' => (int)microtime(true), 'username' => 'Auto'); $pfb['match_inbound'][] = $rule; break; } return; } // Archive aliastables for NanoBSD and RAMDisk installations function pfb_aliastables($mode) { global $g, $config, $pfb; $earlyshellcmd = '/usr/local/pkg/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.sh aliastables'; $msg = ''; // Only execute function if platform is NanoBSD or Ramdisks are used. if (($g['platform'] != 'pfSense') || isset($config['system']['use_mfs_tmpvar'])) { conf_mount_rw(); if ($mode == 'update') { // Archive aliastable folder exec("cd {$pfb['aliasdir']}; ls -A pfB_*.txt && /usr/bin/tar -jcvf {$pfb['aliasarchive']} pfB_*.txt >/dev/null 2>&1"); pfb_logger("\n\nArchiving Aliastable folder\n", 1); } elseif ($mode == 'conf') { // Reload config.xml to get any recent changes $config = parse_config(true); // Check conf file for earlyshellcmd if (isset($config['system']['earlyshellcmd'])) { $a_earlyshellcmd = &$config['system']['earlyshellcmd']; if (!preg_grep("/pfblockerng.sh aliastables/", $a_earlyshellcmd)) { $a_earlyshellcmd[] = "{$earlyshellcmd}"; $msg = "\n** Adding earlyshellcmd **\n"; } } else { $config['system']['earlyshellcmd'] = "{$earlyshellcmd}"; $msg = "\n** Adding earlyshellcmd **\n"; } } conf_mount_ro(); } else { if (file_exists("{$pfb['aliasarchive']}")) { // Remove aliastables archive if found. conf_mount_rw(); @unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['aliasarchive']}"); conf_mount_ro(); } // Remove earlyshellcmd if found. if (isset($config['system']['earlyshellcmd'])) { $a_earlyshellcmd = &$config['system']['earlyshellcmd']; if (preg_grep("/pfblockerng.sh aliastables/", $a_earlyshellcmd)) { $a_earlyshellcmd = preg_grep("/pfblockerng.sh aliastables/", $a_earlyshellcmd, PREG_GREP_INVERT); $msg = "\n** Removing earlyshellcmd **\n"; } } } if (!empty($msg)) { pfb_logger("{$msg}", 1); write_config('pfBlockerNG: saving earlyshellcmd'); } } // Read logfile in realtime (livetail) // Reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3218895/php-how-to-read-a-file-live-that-is-constantly-being-written-to function pfb_livetail($logfile, $mode) { global $pfb; if (!file_exists("{$logfile}")) { touch("{$logfile}"); } // Start at EOF $lastpos_old = ''; $len = filesize("{$logfile}"); if ($mode == 'view') { // Start at EOF ( - 15000) if ($len > 15000) { $lastpos = ($len - 15000); } else { $lastpos = 0; } } else { $lastpos = $len; } while (true) { usleep(300000); //0.3s clearstatcache(false, "{$logfile}"); $len = filesize("{$logfile}"); if ($len < $lastpos) { //file deleted or reset $lastpos = $len; } else { $f = fopen("{$logfile}", 'rb+'); if ($f === false) { break; } fseek($f, $lastpos); // 'Force Update/Cron/Reload' if ($mode == 'force' || $mode == 'view') { while (!feof($f)) { $pfb_buffer = fread($f, 2048); $pfb_output .= str_replace( array ("\r", "\")"), '', $pfb_buffer); // Refresh on new lines only. This allows Scrolling. if ($lastpos != $lastpos_old) { pfbupdate_output($pfb_output); } $lastpos_old = $lastpos; ob_flush(); flush(); } $lastpos = ftell($f); fclose($f); // Capture remaining output if ($mode != 'view' && strpos($pfb_output, 'UPDATE PROCESS ENDED') !== FALSE) { $f = fopen($pfb['log'], 'rb'); fseek($f, $lastpos); $pfb_buffer = fread($f, 2048); $pfb_output .= str_replace( "\r", '', $pfb_buffer); pfbupdate_output($pfb_output); clearstatcache(false, $pfb['log']); ob_flush(); flush(); fclose($f); // Call log mgmt function pfb_log_mgmt(); break; } } else { // DNSBL Lighttpd 'dnsbl_error.log' conditional log parser while (($pfb_buffer = fgets($f, 1024)) !== FALSE) { if (strpos($pfb_buffer, 'HTTPhost') !== FALSE) { $checkpos = 0; } if ($checkpos == 3 && strpos($pfb_buffer, 'HTTP["host"]') !== FALSE) { $line = strstr($pfb_buffer, ' ) compare', TRUE); $line = ltrim(strstr($line, '] ( ', FALSE), '] ( '); if (!empty($line)) { $log = "DNSBL Reject HTTPS," . date('M d G:i:s', time()) . ",{$line}\n"; @file_put_contents($pfb['dnslog'], $log, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); // Query DNSBL Alias for Domain list. $query = str_replace('.', '\.', $line); exec("/usr/bin/grep -l ' \"{$query} 60 IN A' {$pfb['dnsalias']}/*", $match); $pfb_query = strstr($match[0], 'DNSBL', FALSE); if (!empty($pfb_query)) { // Increment DNSBL Alias counter if (($handle = fopen("{$pfb['dnsbl_info']}", 'r')) !== FALSE) { flock($handle, LOCK_EX); $pfb_output = fopen("{$pfb['dnsbl_info']}.bk", 'w'); flock($pfb_output, LOCK_EX); // Find line with corresponding DNSBL Aliasname while (($line = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE) { if ($line[0] == $pfb_query) { $line[3] += 1; } fputcsv($pfb_output, $line); } fclose($pfb_output); fclose($handle); @rename ("{$pfb['dnsbl_info']}.bk", "{$pfb['dnsbl_info']}"); } } } } $checkpos++; ob_flush(); flush(); } // Delete parsed logfile contents clearstatcache(false, "{$logfile}"); $tlen = filesize("{$logfile}"); if ($tlen > $lastpos) { $tlen = $tlen - $lastpos; ftruncate($f, $tlen); fclose($f); $lastpos = $tlen; } } } } } // Main pfBlockerNG function function sync_package_pfblockerng($cron='') { global $g, $config, $pfb, $pfbarr; pfb_global(); $pfb['conf_mod'] = FALSE; // Flag to check for mods to the config.xml file. ('$pfb_config' array to hold changes) // Detect boot process or package installation if (platform_booting() || $g['pfblockerng_install']) { // Create DNSBL NAT, VIP, Lighttpd service and certs if required on reboot. if ($pfb['dnsbl'] == 'on') { pfb_create_dnsbl('enable'); } log_error('[pfBlockerNG] Sync terminated during boot process.'); return; } syslog(LOG_NOTICE, '[pfBlockerNG] Starting sync process.'); // Reloads existing lists without downloading new lists when defined 'on' $pfb['reuse'] = $pfb['config']['pfb_reuse']; $pfb['reuse_dnsbl'] = ''; // Define update process (update or reload) switch ($cron) { case 'noupdates': // Force update - Set 'save' variable when 'No updates' found. $pfb['save'] = TRUE; break; case 'cron': if ($pfb['reuse'] == 'on') { $pfb['reuse_dnsbl'] = 'on'; unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dbdir']}/masterfile"); unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dbdir']}/mastercat"); } break; case 'updatednsbl': $pfb['reuse'] = ''; $pfb['reuse_dnsbl'] = 'on'; break; case 'updateip': $pfb['reuse'] = 'on'; $pfb['reuse_dnsbl'] = ''; unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dbdir']}/masterfile"); unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dbdir']}/mastercat"); break; } // Start of pfBlockerNG logging to 'pfblockerng.log' if ($pfb['enable'] == 'on' && !$pfb['save']) { $log = " UPDATE PROCESS START [ NOW ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } else { if ($cron != 'noupdates') { $log = "\n**Saving configuration [ NOW ] ...\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } } // Call function for NanoBSD/Ramdisk processes. pfb_aliastables('conf'); // If table limit not defined, set default to 2M if (empty($config['system']['maximumtableentries'])) { $config['system']['maximumtableentries'] = '2000000'; write_config('pfBlockerNG: save max Firewall table entries limit'); } $pfb['table_limit'] = $config['system']['maximumtableentries']; // Collect local web gui configuration $pfb['weblocal'] = $config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] ?: 'http'; $pfb['port'] = $config['system']['webgui']['port']; if (empty($pfb['port'])) { if ($config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] == 'http') { $pfb['port'] = '80'; } else { $pfb['port'] = '443'; } } $pfb['weblocal'] .= "://{$pfb['port']}/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.php"; // Define Inbound/Outbound action is not user selected. $pfb['deny_action_inbound'] = $pfb['config']['inbound_deny_action'] ?: 'block'; $pfb['deny_action_outbound'] = $pfb['config']['outbound_deny_action'] ?: 'reject'; $pfb['openvpn'] = $pfb['config']['openvpn_action']; // Enable OpenVPN autorules $pfb['float'] = $pfb['config']['enable_float']; // Enable/Disable floating autorules $pfb['dup'] = $pfb['config']['enable_dup']; // Enable remove of duplicate IPs utilizing grepcidr $pfb['agg'] = $pfb['config']['enable_agg']; // Enable aggregation of CIDRs $pfb['order'] = $pfb['config']['pass_order']; // Order of the autorules $pfb['suffix'] = $pfb['config']['autorule_suffix']; // Suffix used for autorules $pfb['kstates'] = $pfb['config']['killstates']; // Firewall states removal // DNSBL settings $pfb['dnsbl_vip'] = $pfb['dnsblconfig']['pfb_dnsvip'] ?: ''; // Virtual IP local address $pfb['dnsbl_iface'] = $pfb['dnsblconfig']['dnsbl_interface']?: 'lan'; // VIP Local Interface setting $pfb['dnsbl_ip'] = $pfb['dnsblconfig']['action'] ?: 'Disabled'; // Enable/Disable IP blocking from DNSBL lists $pfb['dnsbl_rule'] = $pfb['dnsblconfig']['pfb_dnsbl_rule'] ?: 'Disabled'; // Auto create a Floating Pass Rule for other Lan subnets $pfb['dnsbl_alexa'] = $pfb['dnsblconfig']['alexa_enable'] ?: 'Disabled'; // Enable Alexa whitelist $pfb['dnsbl_alexa_cnt'] = $pfb['dnsblconfig']['alexa_count'] ?: '1000'; // Alexa whitelist domain setting $pfb['dnsbl_alexa_inc'] = $pfb['dnsblconfig']['alexa_inclusion'] ?: ''; // Alexa TLDs inclusions for whitelisting // Reputation variables $pfb['config_rep'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngreputation']['config'][0]; $pfb['rep'] = $pfb['config_rep']['enable_rep']; // Enable/Disable 'Max' Reputation $pfb['prep'] = $pfb['config_rep']['enable_pdup']; // Enable/Disable 'pRep' Reputation $pfb['drep'] = $pfb['config_rep']['enable_dedup'] ?: 'x'; // Enable/Disable 'dRep' Reputation $pfb['etupdate']= $pfb['config_rep']['et_update']; // Perform a Force Update on ET categories $pfb['ccwhite'] = $pfb['config_rep']['ccwhite']; // Action for whitelist Country category $pfb['ccblack'] = $pfb['config_rep']['ccblack']; // Action for blacklist Country category $pfb['etblock'] = $pfb['config_rep']['etblock'] ?: 'x'; // Emerging Threats IQRisk block categories $pfb['etmatch'] = $pfb['config_rep']['etmatch'] ?: 'x'; // Emerging Threats IQRisk match categories $pfb['max'] = $pfb['config_rep']['p24_max_var'] ?: 'x'; // 'Max' variable setting for Reputation $pfb['dmax'] = $pfb['config_rep']['p24_dmax_var'] ?: 'x'; // 'dMax' variable setting for Reputation $pfb['pmax'] = $pfb['config_rep']['p24_pmax_var'] ?: 'x'; // 'pMax' variable setting for Reputation $pfb['ccexclude']= $pfb['config_rep']['ccexclude'] ?: 'x'; // List of Countries to whitelist // Starting variable to skip Reputation functions, if no changes are required $pfb['repcheck'] = FALSE; // $pfb['save'] is used to determine if user pressed "save" button to avoid collision with CRON, defined in each pfBlockerNG XML file. // For 'script' calls using exec() (used to shorten length of line) $elog = ">> {$pfb['log']} 2>&1"; ################################# # Configure ARRAYS # ################################# $new_aliases = array(); // An array of aliases (full details) $new_aliases_list = array(); // An array of alias names $pfb_alias_lists = array(); // An array of aliases that have updated lists via CRON/force update. ('Reputation' disabled) $pfb_alias_lists_all = array(); // An array of all active aliases. ('Reputation' enabled) ######################################### # Configure Rule Suffix # ######################################### // Discover if any rules are autorules (If no autorules found, $pfb['autorules'] is FALSE, skip rules re-order ) // To configure auto rule suffix. pfBlockerNG must be disabled to change suffix and to avoid duplicate rules $pfb['autorules'] = FALSE; $action = array('Deny_Both', 'Deny_Inbound', 'Deny_Outbound', 'Match_Both', 'Match_Inbound', 'Match_Outbound', 'Permit_Both', 'Permit_Inbound', 'Permit_Outbound'); foreach ($pfb['continents'] as $continent => $pfb_alias) { if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $continent))]['config'])) { $continent_config = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $continent))]['config'][0]; if ($continent_config['action'] != 'Disabled' && in_array($continent_config['action'], $action)) { $pfb['autorules'] = TRUE; break; } } } if (!$pfb['autorules']) { $list_type = array('pfblockernglistsv4', 'pfblockernglistsv6'); foreach ($list_type as $ip_type) { if (isset($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'])) { foreach($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'] as $list) { if ($list['action'] != 'Disabled' && in_array($list['action'], $action)) { $pfb['autorules'] = TRUE; break; } } } } } // Configure auto rule suffix. pfBlockerNG must be disabled to change suffix and to avoid duplicate rules $pfbfound = FALSE; if (isset($config['filter']['rule'])) { foreach ($config['filter']['rule'] as $rule) { // Collect any pre-existing suffix if (preg_match('/pfB_\w+(\s.*)/', $rule['descr'], $pfb_suffix_real) && $count == 0) { $pfb_suffix_match = $pfb_suffix_real[1]; } // Query for existing pfB rules if (strpos($rule['descr'], 'pfB_') !== FALSE && $rule['descr'] != 'pfB_DNSBL_Allow_access_to_VIP') { $pfbfound = TRUE; break; } } } // Change suffix only if no pfB rules found and autorules are enabled. if ($pfb['autorules'] && !$pfbfound) { switch ($pfb['suffix']) { case 'autorule': $pfb['suffix'] = ' auto rule'; break; case 'standard': $pfb['suffix'] = ''; break; case 'ar': $pfb['suffix'] = ' AR'; break; } } else { if ($pfb['autorules']) { // Use existing suffix match $pfb['suffix'] = $pfb_suffix_match; } else { // Leave rule suffix 'blank' $pfb['suffix'] = ''; } } ######################################################### # Configure INBOUND/OUTBOUND INTERFACES # ######################################################### // Collect pfSense interface order $ifaces = get_configured_interface_list(); $interface_types = array('inbound' => 'inbound_interface', 'outbound' => 'outbound_interface'); foreach ($interface_types as $pftype => $int_type) { $int_type_s = "{$int_type}s"; // Add trailing 's' to variable name. // Define empty variable/array $pfb["{$pftype}_interfaces_float"] = ''; $pfb[$int_type_s] = array(); if (!empty($pfb['config'][$int_type])) { // Sort interface array to match pfSense interface order to allow floating rules to populate. $selected_interfaces = explode(',', $pfb['config'][$int_type]); // Sort pfBlockerNG interface order to pfSense interface order $sort_interfaces = array_intersect($ifaces, $selected_interfaces); // If OpenVPN interfaces are not in pfB interface dropdown menu if ($pfb['openvpn'] == 'on' && $pftype == 'outbound') { if ($config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'] || $config['openvpn']['openvpn-client']) { if (!in_array('openvpn', $sort_interfaces)) { array_push($sort_interfaces, 'openvpn'); } } } $implode_interfaces = ltrim(implode(',', $sort_interfaces), ','); $pfb["{$pftype}_interfaces_float"] = explode(' ', $implode_interfaces); // CSV string for inbound interfaces for 'pfB_' match rules $pfb["{$pftype}_floating"] = $implode_interfaces; // Assign base rule/interfaces if ($pfb['float'] == 'on') { // Define base firewall floating rules settings $pfb['base_rule'] = $pfb['base_rule_float']; $pfb[$int_type_s] = $pfb["{$pftype}_interfaces_float"]; } else { // Define base firewall rules settings $pfb['base_rule'] = $pfb['base_rule_reg']; $pfb[$int_type_s] = explode(',', $pfb['config'][$int_type]); // If OpenVPN interfaces are not in pfB interface dropdown menu if ($pfb['openvpn'] == 'on' && $pftype == 'outbound') { if ($config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'] || $pfb['openvpn'] == 'on' && $config['openvpn']['openvpn-client']) { if (!in_array('openvpn', $sort_interfaces)) { array_push($pfb["{$pftype}_interfaces"], 'openvpn'); } } } } } } ################################################# # Clear Removed Lists from Masterfiles # ################################################# // Process to keep Masterfiles in sync with valid Lists from config.conf file. $pfb['sync_master'] = TRUE; // Don't execute this function when pfBlockerNG is disabled and 'keep blocklists' is enabled. if ($pfb['enable'] == '' && $pfb['keep'] == 'on') { $pfb['sync_master'] = FALSE; } if ($pfb['sync_master']) { $m_action = array('Match_Both', 'Match_Inbound', 'Match_Outbound', 'Alias_Match'); $p_action = array('Permit_Both', 'Permit_Inbound', 'Permit_Outbound', 'Alias_Permit'); // Find all enabled Continents lists foreach ($pfb['continents'] as $continent => $pfb_alias) { if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $continent))]['config']) && $pfb['enable'] == 'on') { $continent_config = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $continent))]['config'][0]; if ($continent_config['action'] != 'Disabled') { $cont_type = array('countries4' => '_v4', 'countries6' => '_v6'); foreach ($cont_type as $c_type => $vtype) { if (!empty($continent_config[$c_type])) { // Set parameters for 'Match', 'Permit', 'Native' and 'Deny' actions. if (in_array($continent_config['action'], $m_action)) { $pfb['existing']['match'][] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"; } elseif (in_array($continent_config['action'], $p_action)){ $pfb['existing']['permit'][] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"; } elseif ($continent_config['action'] == 'Alias_Native') { $pfb['existing']['native'][] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"; } else { $pfb['existing']['deny'][] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype},"; // Add Trailing ',' } } } } } } // Find all enabled IPv4/IPv6 lists and DNSBL lists // Find all enabled IPv4 'Custom List' header names and check if 'Emerging Threats Update' and 'Custom List Update' needs force updating $list_type = array('pfblockernglistsv4' => '_v4', 'pfblockernglistsv6' => '_v6', 'pfblockerngdnsbl' => '_v4', 'pfblockerngdnsbleasylist' => '_v4'); foreach ($list_type as $ip_type => $vtype) { if (!empty($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config']) && $pfb['enable'] == 'on') { foreach ($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'] as $key => $list) { if (isset($list['row']) && $list['action'] != 'Disabled') { foreach ($list['row'] as $row) { if ($vtype == '_v4') { $header = "{$row['header']}"; } else { $header = "{$row['header']}_v6"; } // Collect enabled lists if (!empty($row['url']) && $row['state'] != 'Disabled') { if (in_array($list['action'], $m_action)) { $pfb['existing']['match'][] = "{$header}"; } elseif (in_array($list['action'], $p_action)) { $pfb['existing']['permit'][] = "{$header}"; } elseif ($list['action'] == 'Alias_Native') { $pfb['existing']['native'][] = "{$header}"; } elseif ($list['action'] == 'unbound') { $pfb['existing']['dnsbl'][] = "{$header}"; } else { $pfb['existing']['deny'][] = "{$header},"; // Add Trailing ',' } // Check if 'Emerging Threats' needs updating. if ($pfb['etupdate'] == 'enabled' && strpos($row['url'], 'iprepdata.txt') !== FALSE) { unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['denydir']}/{$header}.txt"); $pfb_config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngreputation']['config'][0]['et_update'] = 'disabled'; $pfb['conf_mod'] = TRUE; } } } } // Collect custom list box aliases if (!empty($list['custom'])) { if ($vtype == '_v4') { $pfb_custom = "{$list['aliasname']}_custom"; } else { $pfb_custom = "{$list['aliasname']}_custom_v6"; } // Determine folder location for 'list' if (in_array($list['action'], $m_action)) { $pfb['existing']['match'][] = "{$pfb_custom}"; $pfbfolder = "{$pfb['matchdir']}"; } elseif (in_array($list['action'], $p_action)) { $pfb['existing']['permit'][] = "{$pfb_custom}"; $pfbfolder = "{$pfb['permitdir']}"; } elseif ($list['action'] == 'Alias_Native') { $pfb['existing']['native'][] = "{$pfb_custom}"; $pfbfolder = "{$pfb['nativedir']}"; } elseif ($list['action'] == 'unbound') { $pfb['existing']['dnsbl'][] = "{$pfb_custom}"; $pfbfolder = "{$pfb['dnsdir']}"; } else { $pfb['existing']['deny'][] = "{$pfb_custom},"; // Add Trailing ',' $pfbfolder = "{$pfb['denydir']}"; } // Determine if 'Custom List' needs force updating before next CRON event. if ($list['custom_update'] == 'enabled') { unlink_if_exists("{$pfbfolder}/{$pfb_custom}.txt"); // Uncheck 'enabled' in list 'custom_update' setting $pfb_config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'][$key]['custom_update'] = 'disabled'; $pfb['conf_mod'] = TRUE; } } } } } // Collect all .txt file names for each list type $list_types = array( 'match' => $pfb['matchdir'], 'permit' => $pfb['permitdir'], 'deny' => $pfb['denydir'], 'native' => $pfb['nativedir'], 'dnsbl' => $pfb['dnsdir']); foreach ($list_types as $pftype => $pfbfolder) { $pfb_files = glob("$pfbfolder/*.txt"); foreach ($pfb_files as $pfb_list) { $pfb_file = basename($pfb_list, '.txt'); if ($pftype == 'deny') { $pfb['actual'][$pftype][] = "{$pfb_file},"; // Add Trailing ',' } else { $pfb['actual'][$pftype][] = "{$pfb_file}"; } } } $pfb['remove'] = FALSE; // Flag to execute pfctl and rules ordering or reload of DNSBL domains $pfb['summary'] = FALSE; // Execute final summary as a list was removed // Process to remove lists from Masterfile/DB folder if they do not exist if (isset($pfb['existing'])) { foreach ($pfb['existing'] as $pfb_exist) { $existing_type = $pfb_exist['type']; $pfbfolder = $pfb_exist['folder']; foreach ($pfb['actual'] as $pfb_act) { $actual_type = $pfb_act['type']; if ($existing_type == $actual_type) { switch ($existing_type) { case 'deny': $results = array_diff($pfb_act, $pfb_exist); $f_result = implode($results); if (!empty($f_result)) { $log = "[ Removing List(s) : {$f_result} ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); // Script to Remove un-associated Lists exec("{$pfb['script']} remove x x x {$f_result} {$elog}"); $pfb['summary'] = $pfb['remove'] = TRUE; } break; case 'match': case 'permit': case 'native': $results = array_diff($pfb_act, $pfb_exist); // This variable ($f_result) used in next section below. $f_result = implode($results); if (!empty($results)) { foreach ($results as $pfb_result) { $log = "[ Removing List(s) : {$pfb_result} ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); unlink_if_exists("{$pfbfolder}/{$pfb_result}.txt"); } $pfb['summary'] = $pfb['remove'] = TRUE; } break; case 'dnsbl': $dresults = array_diff($pfb_act, $pfb_exist); if (!empty($dresults)) { foreach ($dresults as $pfb_result) { $log = "[ Removing List(s) : {$pfb_result} ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['dnsdir']}"); safe_mkdir("{$pfb['dnsdir']}"); } // Query for any active pfBlockerNG CRON jobs $result_cron = array(); exec('/bin/ps -wax', $result_cron); if (preg_grep("/pfblockerng[.]php\s+?(cron|update)/", $result_cron)) { $log = "\n ** DNSBL Reload Terminated due to active pfBlockerNG cron process\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } else { if ($pfb['enable'] == 'on' && $pfb['dnsbl'] == 'on') { pfb_logger("\n ** Running Background Reload Task\n", 1); // Clear any existing pfBlockerNG Cron Jobs to avoid collision install_cron_job('pfblockerng.php cron', false); $cmd = "/usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.php"; mwexec_bg("${cmd} updatednsbl >> {$pfb['log']} 2>&1"); } } } } // Allow rebuilding of changed Alias to purge 'SKIP' Lists (when pfBlockerNG is enabled) if (!empty($results) && $pfb['enable'] == 'on') { $list_type = array('pfblockernglistsv4' => '_v4', 'pfblockernglistsv6' => '_v6'); foreach ($list_type as $ip_type => $vtype) { foreach ($results as $removed_header) { if (isset($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'])) { foreach ($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'] as $list) { $alias = 'pfB_' . preg_replace("/\W/", '', $list['aliasname']); if (!empty($list['row'])) { foreach ($list['row'] as $row) { $removed = rtrim($removed_header, ','); if ($row['header'] == $removed) { $pfb['summary'] = $pfb['remove'] = TRUE; // Add Alias to update array $pfb_alias_lists[] = "{$alias}"; $pfb_alias_lists_all[] = "{$alias}"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } ######################################################### # Clear Match/Pass/ET/Original Files/Folders # ######################################################### // When pfBlockerNG is Disabled and 'Keep Blocklists' is Disabled. if ($pfb['enable'] == '' && $pfb['keep'] == '' && !$pfb['install']) { $log = "\n Removing DB Files/Folders \n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dbdir']}/masterfile"); unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dbdir']}/mastercat"); unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['supptxt']}"); unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dnsbl_info']}"); rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['origdir']}"); rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['matchdir']}"); rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['permitdir']}"); rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['denydir']}"); rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['nativedir']}"); rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['etdir']}"); rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['dnsdir']}"); rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['dnsorigdir']}"); rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['dnsalias']}"); } ################################################# # Create IP Suppression Txt File # ################################################# if ($pfb['enable'] == 'on' && $pfb['supp'] == 'on') { pfb_create_suppression_file(); } ######################################### # DNSBL - Processes # ######################################### if ($pfb['dnsbl'] == 'on' && !$pfb['save']) { // Terminate if DNSBL VIP is empty $dnsbl_error = FALSE; if (empty($pfb['dnsbl_vip']) || empty($pfb['dnsbl_port']) || empty($pfb['dnsbl_port_ssl'])) { $log = "\n\n===[ DNSBL Virtual IP and/or Ports are not defined. Exiting ]======\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); $dnsbl_error = TRUE; } } if ($pfb['dnsbl'] == 'on' && !$pfb['save'] && !$dnsbl_error) { $log = "\n===[ DNSBL Process ]================================================\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsbl']['config']) || isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsbleasylist']['config'])) { // Collect existing DNSBL alias statistics // CSV file format [ alias name , updated timestamp , total domain count, total blocked count ] if (file_exists("{$pfb['dnsbl_info']}")) { $dnsbl_info = array_map('str_getcsv', @file("{$pfb['dnsbl_info']}")); } else { $dnsbl_info = array(); } // Rebuild DNSBL database or DNSBL statistics if files are not found if (!file_exists("{$pfb['dnsbl_file']}.conf") || !file_exists($pfb['dnsbl_info'])) { $log = "Missing DNSBL stats and/or Unbound DNSBL conf file - Rebuilding\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); $pfb['reuse_dnsbl'] = 'on'; } // Collect suppression list $pfb_dnssupp = array(); if (!empty($pfb['dnsblconfig']['suppression'])) { $pfb_dnssupp = explode("\n", pfbng_text_area_decode($pfb['dnsblconfig']['suppression'])); } // Call Alexa whitelist process if ($pfb['dnsbl_alexa'] == 'on') { // Check if Alexa database exists if (!file_exists("{$pfb['dbdir']}/top-1m.csv")) { // Check if Alexa download already in progress exec('/bin/ps -wax', $result_cron); if (!preg_grep("/pfblockerng[.]php\s+al/", $result_cron)) { $log = "\nAlexa Database downloading ( approx 21M ) ... Please wait ...\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); exec("/usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.php al"); } else { $log = "\nAlexa download already in process...\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } } // Process Alexa database pfblockerng_alexa(); } // Collect feeds and custom list configuration and format into one array ($lists). $lists = array(); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsbl']['config'])) { foreach ($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsbl']['config'] as $list) { // If only the 'customlist' is defined. Remove the 'List row' data. if (empty($list['row'][0]['url'])) { unset($list['row']); } if (!empty($list['custom'])) { $list['row'][] = array( 'header' => preg_replace("/\W/", '', $list['aliasname']) . '_custom', 'custom' => $list['custom'], 'state' => 'Enabled', 'update' => $list['custom_update'], 'url' => 'custom' ); } $lists[] = $list; } } // Add DNSBL EasyList to '$lists array' if (!empty($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsbleasylist']['config'])) { foreach($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsbleasylist']['config'] as $list) { $lists[] = $list; } } // Define DNSBL arrays and variables $alias_dnsbl_all = array(); // Array of all DNSBL aliases $pfb['domain_update'] = FALSE; // Flag to signal update Unbound foreach ($lists as $list) { // Reset variables once per alias $lists_dnsbl_current = array(); // Array of all active Lists in current alias $pfb['aliasupdate'] = FALSE; // Flag to signal changes to alias $pfb['updateip'] = FALSE; // Flag to signal updates to DNSBL IP lists $alias_cnt = 0; if ($list['action'] != 'Disabled' && isset($list['row'])) { $alias = 'DNSBL_' . preg_replace("/\W/", '', $list['aliasname']); $alias_dnsbl_all[] = "{$alias}"; foreach ($list['row'] as $key => $row) { if (!empty($row['url']) && $row['state'] != 'Disabled') { $header = "{$row['header']}"; $liteparser = FALSE; // Minimal DNSBL Parser $domain_data_ip = array(); // Array of IPs found in feed $domain_data = ''; // List of Domains found in feed // If row is a custom_list, set flag. if (isset($row['custom'])) { $custom = TRUE; } else { $custom = FALSE; } // EasyList - collect enabled EasyList categories if (isset($list['easycat']) && !isset($easylist)) { $easylist = explode(',', $list['easycat']); } // Determine 'list' details (return array $pfbarr) pfb_determine_list_detail($list['action'], $header, 'pfblockerngdnsblsettings', '0'); $pfbadv = $pfbarr['adv']; $pfbfolder = $pfbarr['folder']; $pfborig = $pfbarr['orig']; $pfbreuse = $pfbarr['reuse']; $logtab = $pfbarr['logtab']; $aports = $pfbarr['aports']; $adest = $pfbarr['adest']; $aproto = $pfbarr['aproto']; // Empty header field validation check if (empty($header)) { $log = "\n[ {$row['url']} ]{$logtab} Header Field cannot be empty. *Skipping* \n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 2); continue; } if (file_exists("{$pfbfolder}/{$header}.txt") && $pfbreuse == '') { if ($row['state'] == 'Hold') { $log = "\n[ {$header} ]{$logtab} static hold. [ NOW ]"; } else { $log = "\n[ {$header} ]{$logtab} exists. [ NOW ]"; } pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); // Collect existing list stats $lists_dnsbl_all[] = "{$row['header']}"; $lists_dnsbl_current[] = "{$row['header']}"; $list_cnt = exec("{$pfb['grep']} -c ^ {$pfbfolder}/{$header}.txt"); $alias_cnt = $alias_cnt + $list_cnt; } else { if ($pfbreuse == 'on' && file_exists("{$pfborig}/{$header}.orig")) { $log = "\n[ {$header} ]{$logtab} Reload [ NOW ]"; } else { $log = "\n[ {$header} ]{$logtab} Downloading update [ NOW ]"; } pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); $file_dwn = "{$pfborig}/{$header}"; if (!$custom) { pfb_logger(' .', 1); // Allow cURL SSL downgrade 'Flex' if user configured. $pflex = FALSE; if ($row['state'] == 'Flex') { $pflex = TRUE; } // Determine if list needs to be downloaded or reuse previously downloaded file. if ($pfbreuse == 'on' && file_exists("{$file_dwn}.orig")) { // File exists/reuse pfb_logger(' completed .', 1); } else { // Download file if (!pfb_download($row['url'], $file_dwn, $pflex, $header, $row['format'], 1, '')) { // Determine reason for download failure pfb_download_failure($alias, $header, $pfbfolder, $list['vtype'], $row['url']); // Utilize previously download file (If 'fail' marker exists) if (file_exists("{$pfbfolder}/{$header}.fail") && file_exists("{$file_dwn}.orig")) { pfb_logger("\n Restoring previously downloaded file\n ", 2); } else { continue; } } else { // Clear any previous download fail marker unlink_if_exists("{$pfbfolder}/{$header}.fail"); } } } else { // Collect custom list data. $custom_list = pfbng_text_area_decode($row['custom']); @file_put_contents("{$file_dwn}.orig", $custom_list, LOCK_EX); unset($custom_list); $liteparser = TRUE; } // Parse downloaded file for Domain names $e_skip = $e_found = FALSE; // Variables for Easylists $fail_list = ''; $csvfail = $ipcount = $ip_cnt = 0; if (($fhandle = fopen("{$file_dwn}.orig", 'r')) !== FALSE) { while (($line = fgets($fhandle, 3072)) !== FALSE) { // On 'category match', parse EasyList feed if (isset($easylist)) { if (substr($line, 24, 19) == 'easylist_adservers.' || substr($line, 27, 28) == 'easyprivacy_trackingservers.') { $e_found = TRUE; } } else { if (strpos($line, '[Adblock Plus ') !== FALSE) { pfb_logger("\n\n Terminated - Easylists can not be used.\n", 1); break; } } // Skip unuseable EasyList lines if (isset($easylist) && !$e_found) { continue; } // Remove any '^M' characters if (strpos($line, "\r") !== FALSE) { $line = preg_replace(array("/\^M\s+/", "/\^M/"), '', $line); } // If 'tab' character found, replace with whitespace if (strpos($line, "\x09") !== FALSE) { $line = str_replace("\x09", ' ', $line); } // If '%20' found, remove. if (strpos($line, '%20') !== FALSE) { $line = str_replace('%20', '', $line); } // If 'http(s)://' found, remove. if (strpos($line, 'http://') !== FALSE || strpos($line, 'https://') !== FALSE) { $line = preg_replace("(^https?://)", '', $line); } // Remove any leading/trailing whitespaces $line = trim($line); // Remove blank lines if (empty($line)) { continue; } // Remove comment lines and special format considerations if (substr($line, 0, 1) == '#') { // Exit (hpHosts) when end of domain names found. if (strpos($line, 'Append critical updates below') !== FALSE) { break; } // Spamhaus format validation if (strpos($line, 'The Spamhaus Project Ltd') !== FALSE) { $liteparser = TRUE; } continue; } // Convert CSV line into array if (!isset($easylist) && substr_count($line, ',') >= 2) { $csvline = str_getcsv($line, ',', '', '"'); } else { $csvline = ''; } // CSV parser if (!isset($easylist) && count($csvline) >= 2) { // Parse Phishtank CSV if (strpos($csvline[2], 'www.phishtank.com/phish_detail.php') !== FALSE) { $liteparser = TRUE; if (count($csvline) == 8) { $host = parse_url($csvline[1]); $line = $host['host']; } else { //Record Failed attemps $csvfail++; $fail_list .= $line . '|'; continue; } } // Parse Bambenek Consulting domain list elseif (strpos($csvline[3], 'osint.bambenekconsulting.com') !== FALSE) { $liteparser = TRUE; if (count($csvline) == 4) { $line = $csvline[0]; } else { //Record Failed attemps $csvfail++; $fail_list .= $line . '|'; continue; } } // Parse ET IQRisk IPRep domain list elseif (!strpos($csvline[2], 'www.phishtank.com/phish_detail.php')){ if (strpos($csvline[1], '.') !== FALSE && (int)$csvline[1] != 0 && count($csvline) == 3) { $liteparser = TRUE; $line = $csvline[0]; } } } $line = trim($line); // Parser for EasyList, enable collect of selected EasyList categories if (isset($easylist) && strpos($line, '! *** easylist:') !== FALSE) { // Skip all previous Easylist entries // Collect EasyList feed if (substr($line, 24, 19) == 'easylist_adservers.') { if (in_array('ea', $easylist) ? $e_skip = FALSE : $e_skip = TRUE); } elseif (substr($line, 24, 25) == 'easylist_adservers_popup.') { if (in_array('eap', $easylist) ? $e_skip = FALSE : $e_skip = TRUE); } elseif (substr($line, 30, 16) == 'adult_adservers.') { if (in_array('aa', $easylist) ? $e_skip = FALSE : $e_skip = TRUE); } elseif (substr($line, 30, 22) == 'adult_adservers_popup.') { if (in_array('aap', $easylist) ? $e_skip = FALSE : $e_skip = TRUE); } // Collect EasyPrivacy feed elseif (substr($line, 27, 28) == 'easyprivacy_trackingservers.') { if (in_array('epts', $easylist) ? $e_skip = FALSE : $e_skip = TRUE); } elseif (substr($line, 27, 42) == 'easyprivacy_trackingservers_international.') { if (in_array('epti', $easylist) ? $e_skip = FALSE : $e_skip = TRUE); } // End of useable EasyList feed elseif (substr($line, 24, 20) == 'easylist_thirdparty.') { break; } // End of useable EasyPrivacy feed elseif (substr($line, 27, 23) == 'easyprivacy_thirdparty.') { break; } } // Parse EasyList line if (isset($easylist)) { if (!$e_skip) { if (substr($line, 0, 2) != '||') { continue; } if (strpos($line, '^$') !== FALSE) { $line = trim(str_replace('|', '', strstr($line, '^$', TRUE))); } elseif (strpos($line, '^*') !== FALSE) { $line = trim(str_replace('|', '', strstr($line, '^*', TRUE))); } else { continue; } if (strpos($line, '/') !== FALSE) { $line = strstr($line, '/', TRUE); } if (strpos($line, '*.') !== FALSE) { $line = substr(strrchr($line, '*.'), 2); } $liteparser = TRUE; } else { continue; } } // Parser for all other domain feeds (Initial line preparation) if (!$liteparser) { // If 'space' character found, remove characters before space if (strpos($line, ' ') !== FALSE) { $line = strstr($line, ' ', FALSE); } // If '#' character found, remove characters after '#' if (strpos($line, '#') !== FALSE) { $line = strstr($line, '#', TRUE); } // Remove any leading/trailing whitespaces $line = trim($line); // If 'space' character found, remove characters after space if (strpos($line, ' ') !== FALSE) { $line = strstr($line, ' ', TRUE); } // If '/' character found, remove characters after '/' if (strpos($line, '/') !== FALSE) { $line = strstr($line, '/', TRUE); } } else { // If 'space' character found, remove characters after space if (strpos($line, ' ') !== FALSE) { $line = strstr($line, ' ', TRUE); } // Remove any leading/trailing whitespaces $line = trim($line); } // If special characters found, parse line for host if ((strpos($line, ';') !== FALSE || strpos($line, '&') !== FALSE || strpos($line, '?') !== FALSE || strpos($line, ":") !== FALSE)) { $host = parse_url($line); $line = $host['host']; } // Collect any IPs found in domain feed if (is_ipaddrv4($line)) { if ($pfb['dnsbl_ip'] != 'Disabled') { $parsed = sanitize_ipaddr($line, $custom); if (validate_ipv4($parsed)) { $domain_data_ip[] = $parsed; $pfb['updateip'] = TRUE; $ipcount++; } } continue; } // Remove invalid domains if (strpos($line, '.') === FALSE || substr($line, -1) == '.' || substr($line, 0, 1) == '.' || strpos($line, '..') !== FALSE) { continue; } // Remove suppressed domain names if (!in_array($line, $pfb_dnssupp)) { $domain_data .= "local-data: \"" . $line . " 60 IN A {$pfb['dnsbl_vip']}\"\n"; } } } fclose($fhandle); unset($csvline, $easylist); // Unset variables // Remove duplicates and save any IPs found in domain feed if (!empty($domain_data_ip)) { $domain_data_ip = implode("\n", array_unique($domain_data_ip)) . "\n"; @file_put_contents("{$pfbfolder}/{$header}.ip", $domain_data_ip, LOCK_EX); $ip_cnt = exec("{$pfb['grep']} -c ^ {$pfbfolder}/{$header}.ip"); } // Validate feed with Unbound-checkconf if (!empty($domain_data)) { $dnsbl_file = "{$pfbfolder}/{$header}"; $conf = "server:\n"; $conf .= "chroot: {$pfb['dnsbldir']}\n"; $conf .= "username: \"unbound\"\n"; $conf .= "directory: \"{$pfb['dnsbldir']}\"\n"; $conf .= "pidfile: \"/var/run/unbound.pid\"\n"; $conf .= "server:include: {$dnsbl_file}.bk"; @file_put_contents("{$pfb['dnsbldir']}/check.conf", $conf, LOCK_EX); @file_put_contents("{$dnsbl_file}.bk", $domain_data, LOCK_EX); pfb_logger('.', 1); // Bypass Alexa whitelist if user configured if ($list['filter_alexa'] == 'on' && file_exists("{$pfb['dbdir']}/pfbalexawhitelist.txt")) { $pfb_alexa = 'on'; } else { $pfb_alexa = 'Disabled'; } // Call script to process domain de-duplication/Alexa whitelisting exec("{$pfb['script']} domainduplicate {$header} {$pfb_alexa} {$elog}"); if ($ip_cnt > 0) { $log = "IP count={$ip_cnt}\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } $result = array(); exec("/usr/local/sbin/unbound-checkconf {$pfb['dnsbldir']}/check.conf 2>&1", $result); @unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dnsbldir']}/check.conf"); } else { $log = "\n No Domains Found\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); continue; } // Exit further processing of feed if parse error found. if (!preg_grep("/unbound-checkconf: no errors/", $result)) { @unlink_if_exists("{$dnsbl_file}.bk"); $log = "\n[ DNSBL FAIL ] [ Skipping : {$row['header']} ]\n\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 2); $log = htmlspecialchars(implode("\n", $result)); pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); continue; } else { // Save DNSBL feed $pfb['domain_update'] = $pfb['aliasupdate'] = $pfb['summary'] = TRUE; $lists_dnsbl_all[] = "{$row['header']}"; $lists_dnsbl_current[] = "{$row['header']}"; @rename("{$dnsbl_file}.bk", "{$dnsbl_file}.txt"); $list_cnt = exec("{$pfb['grep']} -c ^ {$dnsbl_file}.txt"); $alias_cnt = $alias_cnt + $list_cnt; // Print failed domain parsing info if ($csvfail > 0) { $log = " * Failed Lines: {$csvfail}\n |{$fail_list}\n\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } } } } } // If changes found update DNSBL alias if ($pfb['aliasupdate']) { // Create master alias file $pfb_output = fopen("{$pfb['dnsalias']}/{$alias}", 'w'); foreach ($lists_dnsbl_current as $clist) { if (($handle = fopen("{$pfbfolder}/{$clist}.txt", 'r')) !== FALSE) { while (($line = fgets($handle, 3072)) !== FALSE) { fwrite($pfb_output, $line); } } fclose($handle); } fclose($pfb_output); // Update domain alias statistics $dns_now = date('M d G:i', time()); $pfbfound = FALSE; foreach ($dnsbl_info as $key => $line) { // Update existing alias stats if ($line[0] == "{$alias}") { $pfbfound = TRUE; $dnsbl_info[$key][1] = "{$dns_now}"; $dnsbl_info[$key][2] = "{$alias_cnt}"; break; } } if (!$pfbfound) { $dnsbl_info[] = explode(',', "{$alias},{$dns_now},{$alias_cnt},0"); } } } else { // Record disabled alias statistics $pfbfound = FALSE; if (!empty($dnsbl_info)) { foreach ($dnsbl_info as $line) { if ($line[0] == "{$alias}") { $pfbfound = TRUE; break; } } } if (!$pfbfound) { $dns_now = date('M d G:i', time()); $dnsbl_info[] = explode(',', "{$alias},{$dns_now},disabled,0"); } } } } // Remove any unused DNSBL aliases $daliases = glob("{$pfb['dnsalias']}/*"); if (!empty($daliases)) { foreach ($daliases as $dlist) { if (!in_array(basename($dlist), $alias_dnsbl_all)) { unlink_if_exists ("{$dlist}"); } } } // Save alias statistics to file (Remove any feeds that are not referenced) $handle = fopen("{$pfb['dnsbl_info']}", 'w'); fwrite($handle, "# Keeping this file open in a file editor will interrupt DNSBL!\n"); foreach ($dnsbl_info as $alias) { if (in_array($alias[0], $alias_dnsbl_all)) { fputcsv($handle, $alias); } } fclose($handle); } // Create DNSBL firewall rules/alias if action permits if ($pfb['enable'] == 'on' && $pfb['dnsbl'] == 'on' && $pfb['dnsbl_ip'] != 'Disabled') { $new_aliases[] = array( 'name' => 'pfB_DNSBLIP', 'url' => "{$pfb['weblocal']}?pfb=pfB_DNSBLIP", 'updatefreq' => '32', 'address' => '', 'descr' => 'pfBlockerNG auto DNSBL IP Alias', 'type' => 'urltable', 'detail' => 'DO NOT EDIT THIS ALIAS' ); // Determine 'list' details (return array $pfbarr) pfb_determine_list_detail($list['action'], $header, 'pfblockerngdnsblsettings', '0'); // Define DNSBL_IP firewall rule settings if ($pfb['dnsbl_ip'] != 'Alias_Deny') { pfb_firewall_rule($pfb['dnsbl_ip'], 'pfB_DNSBLIP', '', $pfb['dnsblconfig']['aliaslog'], $pfbarr['adest'], $pfbarr['aports'], $pfbarr['aproto'], $pfb['dnsblconfig']['autonot']); } // Collect DNSBL IP addresses into 'pfB_DNSBLIP' aliastable $dnsbl_ip = glob("{$pfb['dnsdir']}/*.ip"); if (!empty($dnsbl_ip)) { if ($pfb['updateip'] || !file_exists("{$pfb['aliasdir']}/pfB_DNSBLIP.txt")) { $pfb_ips = fopen("{$pfb['aliasdir']}/pfB_DNSBLIP.txt", 'w'); foreach ($dnsbl_ip as $d_ip) { if (($handle = fopen("{$d_ip}", 'r')) !== FALSE) { while (($line = fgets($handle, 1024)) !== FALSE) { fwrite($pfb_ips, $line); } } fclose($handle); } fclose($pfb_ips); } // Update DNSBL_IPs aliastable if ($pfb['updateip'] && file_exists("{$pfb['aliasdir']}/pfB_DNSBLIP.txt")) { $result = ''; $list_cnt = exec("{$pfb['grep']} -c ^ {$pfb['aliasdir']}/pfB_DNSBLIP.txt"); exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -t pfB_DNSBLIP -T replace -f {$pfb['aliasdir']}/pfB_DNSBLIP.txt 2>&1", $result); $log = "\n[ DNSBL_IP ]\t\t Updating aliastable [ NOW ]\n------------------------------------------\n"; $log .= implode($result); $log .= "\nTotal IP count = {$list_cnt}\n------------------------------------------"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } } else { // Flush DNSBL IPs aliastable when empty exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -t pfB_DNSBLIP -T flush 2>&1", $result); // Add empty placeholder '' to aliastable exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -t pfB_DNSBLIP -T add"); @file_put_contents("{$pfb['aliasdir']}/pfB_DNSBLIP.txt", "\n", LOCK_EX); } } else { // Remove 'DNSBLIP' aliastable and files exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -t pfB_DNSBLIP -T kill 2>&1", $result); unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['aliasdir']}/pfB_DNSBLIP.txt"); } ######################################### # UPDATE Unbound DNS Database # ######################################### if ($pfb['domain_update']) { if (!empty($lists_dnsbl_all)) { pfb_logger("\n\n------------------------------------------\nAssembling database...", 1); $pfb_output = fopen("{$pfb['dnsbl_file']}.raw", 'w'); foreach ($lists_dnsbl_all as $current_list) { if (($handle = fopen("{$pfb['dnsdir']}/{$current_list}.txt", 'r')) !== FALSE) { while (($line = fgets($handle, 3072)) !== FALSE) { fwrite($pfb_output, $line); } } fclose($handle); } fclose($pfb_output); // Perform sort and uniq on DNSBL database File. Validation of file required before use. exec("{$pfb['cat']} {$pfb['dnsbl_file']}.raw | /usr/bin/sort | /usr/bin/uniq > {$pfb['dnsbl_file']}.tmp && /bin/rm -f {$pfb['dnsbl_file']}.raw"); } else { $log = "\nDNSBL not Updated!\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } } ################################# # UNBOUND INTEGRATION # ################################# $pfbupdate = FALSE; if (file_exists("{$pfb['dnsbldir']}/unbound.conf")) { $conf = file("{$pfb['dnsbldir']}/unbound.conf"); } if ($pfb['enable'] == 'on' && $pfb['dnsbl'] == 'on' && $pfb['unbound_state'] == 'on') { // If new domain updates found, backup existing DNSBL domain feed if ($pfb['domain_update']) { if (file_exists ("{$pfb['dnsbl_file']}.conf")) { @copy("{$pfb['dnsbl_file']}.conf", "{$pfb['dnsbl_file']}.bk"); } @rename("{$pfb['dnsbl_file']}.tmp", "{$pfb['dnsbl_file']}.conf"); @file_put_contents("{$pfb['dnsbldir']}/unbound.tmp", $conf, LOCK_EX); } // Add 'include:' line in Unbound conf file if not found if (isset($conf) && !strstr(implode($conf), 'pfb_dnsbl.conf')) { if (file_exists("{$pfb['dnsbl_file']}.conf")) { $log = " Adding Unbound Server:Include line..."; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); $pfbupdate = TRUE; $conf[] = "# Unbound custom options\n\nserver:include: {$pfb['dnsbl_file']}.conf\n"; @file_put_contents("{$pfb['dnsbldir']}/unbound.tmp", $conf, LOCK_EX); } } // Validate new Unbound conf file before use. if ($pfb['domain_update'] || $pfbupdate) { pfb_validate_unbound('enabled'); } // Create DNSBL NAT and VIP and lighttpd web server conf if required. pfb_create_dnsbl('enable'); } else { // When DNSBL is disabled and not during an installation. if ($pfb['dnsbl'] == '' && !$pfb['install']) { // Remove 'Unbound' conf integration if (isset($conf) && stripos(implode($conf), 'pfb_dnsbl.conf') !== FALSE) { $pfbupdate = FALSE; foreach ($conf as $key => $line) { if (strpos($line, 'pfb_dnsbl.conf') !== FALSE) { $pfbupdate = TRUE; unset ($conf[$key]); } } if ($pfbupdate) { @file_put_contents("{$pfb['dnsbldir']}/unbound.tmp", $conf, LOCK_EX); // Validate new Unbound conf file before use. pfb_validate_unbound('disabled'); } } // Remove DNSBL NAT, VIP and lighttpd service pfb_create_dnsbl('disable'); // Remove 'DNSBL_IPs' aliastable exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -t pfB_DNSBLIP -T kill 2>&1", $result); unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['aliasdir']}/pfB_DNSBLIP.txt"); } // Use applicable log message if (!$pfbupdate) { if (!$pfb['save']) { $log = "\n** DNSBL Disabled **\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } } else { $log = "\n\n===[ DNSBL Disabled ]==========================================\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } } unset($conf); unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dnsbl_file']}.bk"); ################################# # Assign Countries # ################################# if (!$pfb['save']) { $log = "\n\n===[ Continent Process ]============================================\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } foreach ($pfb['continents'] as $continent => $pfb_alias) { if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $continent))]['config'])) { $continent_config = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $continent))]['config'][0]; $cc_name = 'pfblockerng' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $continent)); if ($continent_config['action'] != 'Disabled' && $pfb['enable'] == 'on') { // Determine if Continent lists require action (IPv4 and IPv6) $cont_type = array('countries4' => '_v4', 'countries6' => '_v6'); foreach ($cont_type as $c_type => $vtype) { // Determine 'list' details (return array $pfbarr) pfb_determine_list_detail($continent_config['action'], "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}", $cc_name, '0'); $pfbadv = $pfbarr['adv']; $pfbdescr = $pfbarr['descr']; $pfbfolder = $pfbarr['folder']; $pfborig = $pfbarr['orig']; $logtab = $pfbarr['logtab']; $aports = $pfbarr['aports']; $adest = $pfbarr['adest']; $aproto = $pfbarr['aproto']; $continent_ex = array(); // An array of existing Continent IPs $continent = array(); // An array of updated Continent IPs if (!empty($continent_config[$c_type])) { $ccfile = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"; // Collect selected ISO Country ISOs foreach (explode(',', $continent_config[$c_type]) as $iso) { $isofile = "{$pfb['ccdir']}/{$iso}{$vtype}.txt"; if (!empty($iso) && file_exists("{$isofile}")) { $cc_iso = file("{$isofile}", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); $continent = array_merge($continent, $cc_iso); } } // Collect existing Continent data if (file_exists("{$pfborig}/{$ccfile}.orig")) { $continent_ex = file("{$pfborig}/{$ccfile}.orig", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); } // Check if pfBlockerNG pfctl Continent tables are empty (pfBlockerNG was disabled w/ "keep", then re-enabled) $pfctlck = exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -vvsTables | {$pfb['grep']} -A1 {$pfb_alias}{$vtype} | {$pfb['awk']} '/Addresses/ {s+=$2}; END {print s}'"); if (empty($pfctlck) && file_exists("{$pfbfolder}/{$ccfile}.txt")) { @copy("{$pfbfolder}/{$ccfile}.txt", "{$pfb['aliasdir']}/{$ccfile}.txt"); // Collect updated alias lists ('Reputation' disabled) $pfb_alias_lists[] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"; } // Collect active alias lists (Used for pfctl update when 'Reputation' is enabled). $pfb_alias_lists_all[] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"; // Compare existing (original file) and new Continent data if ($continent === $continent_ex && !empty($pfctlck) && file_exists("{$pfbfolder}/{$ccfile}.txt") && $pfb['reuse'] == '') { if (!$pfb['save']) { $log = "\n[ {$pfb_alias}{$vtype} ]{$logtab} exists. [ NOW ]"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } } else { // Do not proceed with changes on user 'save' if (!$pfb['save']) { $log = "\n[ {$pfb_alias}{$vtype} ]{$logtab} Changes found... Updating\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); // Execute Reputation functions, when changes are found. $pfb['repcheck'] = TRUE; // Collect updated alias lists ('Reputation' disabled) $pfb_alias_lists[] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"; if (!empty($continent)) { $cont_string = ''; foreach ($continent as $ccline) { $cont_string .= "{$ccline}\n"; } // Save Continent data @file_put_contents("{$pfborig}/{$ccfile}.orig", rtrim($cont_string, "\n"), LOCK_EX); @copy("{$pfborig}/{$ccfile}.orig", "{$pfbfolder}/{$ccfile}.txt"); // Call Aggregate process if ($pfb['agg'] == 'on' && $vtype == '_v4') { exec("{$pfb['script']} cidr_aggregate {$ccfile} {$pfbfolder} {$elog}"); } // Call Duplication process if ($pfb['dup'] == 'on' && $vtype == '_v4' && $pfbadv) { exec("{$pfb['script']} continent {$ccfile} {$elog}"); } // Save Continent data to aliastable folder @copy("{$pfbfolder}/{$ccfile}.txt", "{$pfb['aliasdir']}/{$ccfile}.txt"); } // Check if file exists and is > 0 in size and save alias file $file_chk = 0; $cont_chk = "{$pfbfolder}/{$ccfile}.txt"; if (file_exists($cont_chk) && @filesize($cont_chk) > 0) { $file_chk = exec("{$pfb['grep']} -cv '^#\|^$' {$cont_chk}"); } if ($file_chk <= 1) { @file_put_contents("{$pfbfolder}/{$ccfile}.txt", "\n", LOCK_EX); @copy("{$pfbfolder}/{$ccfile}.txt", "{$pfb['aliasdir']}/{$ccfile}.txt"); $log = "[ {$pfb_alias}{$vtype} ] Found no unique IPs, adding '' to avoid empty file\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } } } if (file_exists("{$pfbfolder}/{$ccfile}.txt")) { // Create alias config $new_aliases_list[] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"; $new_aliases[] = array( 'name' => "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}", 'url' => "{$pfb['weblocal']}?pfb={$pfb_alias}{$vtype}", 'updatefreq' => '32', 'address' => '', 'descr' => "pfBlockerNG {$vtype} {$pfbdescr} Country Alias", 'type' => 'urltable', 'detail' => 'DO NOT EDIT THIS ALIAS' ); // Define firewall rule settings pfb_firewall_rule($continent_config['action'], $pfb_alias, $vtype, $continent_config['aliaslog'], $adest, $aports, $aproto, $continent_config['autonot']); } else { // unlink Continent list unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['aliasdir']}/{$ccfile}.txt"); } } } } } } // Unset variables unset ($continent, $continent_ex); ################################################# # Download and Collect IPv4/IPv6 lists # ################################################# // IPv4 REGEX Definitions $pfb['range'] = '/((?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))-((?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))/'; $pfb['ipv4'] = '/(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\/(3[012]|[12]?[0-9]))?/'; // IPv6 REGEX Definitions - Reference: http://labs.spritelink.net/regex $pfb['ipv6'] = '/((([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6}(:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){5}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,2})|:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){4}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,3})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})?:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){3}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,4})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,2}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){2}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,5})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,3}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){1}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,6})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,4}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(:(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,7})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,5}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:)))(%.+)?(\/[0-9][0-9]?|1([01][0-9]|2[0-8]))?/'; if ($pfb['enable'] == 'on' && !$pfb['save']) { $pfb['supp_update'] = FALSE; $runonce_v4 = $runonce_v6 = TRUE; $list_type = array('pfblockernglistsv4' => '_v4', 'pfblockernglistsv6' => '_v6'); $lists = array(); // Collect lists and custom list configuration and format into one array ($lists). foreach ($list_type as $ip_type => $vtype) { if (!empty($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'])) { foreach ($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'] as $list) { if ($vtype == '_v4') { $list['vtype'] = '_v4'; } else { $list['vtype'] = '_v6'; } // If only the 'customlist' is defined. Remove the 'List row' data. if (empty($list['row'][0]['url'])) { unset($list['row']); } if (!empty($list['custom'])) { $list['row'][] = array( 'header' => preg_replace("/\W/", '', $list['aliasname']) . '_custom', 'custom' => $list['custom'], 'state' => 'Enabled', 'update' => $list['custom_update'], 'url' => 'custom' ); } $lists[] = $list; } } } foreach ($lists as $list) { if ($runonce_v4 && $list['vtype'] == '_v4') { $runonce_v4 = FALSE; $log = "\n\n===[ IPv4 Process ]=================================================\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } elseif ($runonce_v6 && $list['vtype'] == '_v6') { $runonce_v6 = FALSE; $log = "\n\n===[ IPv6 Process ]=================================================\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } if ($list['action'] != 'Disabled' && isset($list['row'])) { // Capture alias name $alias = 'pfB_' . preg_replace("/\W/", '', $list['aliasname']); foreach ($list['row'] as $row) { if (!empty($row['url']) && $row['state'] != 'Disabled') { if ($list['vtype'] == '_v4') { $header = "{$row['header']}"; } else { $header = "{$row['header']}_v6"; } // If row is a custom_list, set flag. if (isset($row['custom'])) { $custom = TRUE; } else { $custom = FALSE; } // Determine 'list' details (return array $pfbarr) pfb_determine_list_detail($list['action'], $header, '', ''); $pfbadv = $pfbarr['adv']; $pfbfolder = $pfbarr['folder']; $pfborig = $pfbarr['orig']; $pfbreuse = $pfbarr['reuse']; $logtab = $pfbarr['logtab']; // Collect active alias list (Used for pfctl update when 'Reputation' is enabled. $pfb_alias_lists_all[] = "{$alias}"; if (file_exists("{$pfbfolder}/{$header}.txt") && $pfbreuse == '') { if ($row['state'] == 'Hold') { $log = "\n[ {$header} ]{$logtab} static hold. [ NOW ]"; } else { $log = "\n[ {$header} ]{$logtab} exists. [ NOW ]"; } pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } else { if ($pfbreuse == 'on' && file_exists("{$pfborig}/{$header}.orig")) { $log = "\n[ {$header} ]{$logtab} Reload [ NOW ]"; } else { $log = "\n[ {$header} ]{$logtab} Downloading update [ NOW ]"; } pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); $file_dwn = "{$pfborig}/{$header}"; if (!$custom) { pfb_logger(' .', 1); // Allow cURL SSL downgrade 'Flex' if user configured. $pflex = FALSE; if ($row['state'] == 'Flex') { $pflex = TRUE; } // Determine if list needs to be downloaded or reuse previously downloaded file. if ($pfbreuse == 'on' && file_exists("{$file_dwn}.orig")) { // File exists/reuse // Process Emerging Threats IQRisk if required if (strpos($row['url'], 'iprepdata.txt') !== FALSE) { exec("{$pfb['script']} et {$header} x x x x x {$pfb['etblock']} {$pfb['etmatch']} {$elog}"); } } else { // Download list if (!pfb_download($row['url'], $file_dwn, $pflex, $header, $row['format'], 1, $list['vtype'])) { // Determine reason for download failure pfb_download_failure($alias, $header, $pfbfolder, $list['vtype'], $row['url']); // Utilize previously download file (If 'fail' marker exists) if (file_exists("{$pfbfolder}/{$header}.fail") && file_exists("{$file_dwn}.orig")) { pfb_logger("\n Restoring previously downloaded file contents ", 2); } else { if ($pfbadv) { // Script to Remove failed lists from masterfile exec("{$pfb['script']} remove x x x {$header} {$elog}"); } continue; } } else { // Clear any previous download fail marker unlink_if_exists("{$pfbfolder}/{$header}.fail"); pfb_logger('.', 1); } } pfb_logger(' completed .', 1); } else { if ($list['whois_convert'] == 'on') { // Process Domain/AS based custom list $custom_list = str_replace("\n", ',', pfbng_text_area_decode($list['custom'])); exec("{$pfb['script']} whoisconvert {$header} {$list['vtype']} {$custom_list} {$elog}"); } else { // Process IP based custom list $custom_list = pfbng_text_area_decode($list['custom']); @file_put_contents("{$file_dwn}.orig", $custom_list, LOCK_EX); } pfb_logger(' . completed .', 1); } $ip_data = ''; // IPs collected from feed $parse_fail = 0; // Failed parsed lines from feed pfb_logger('.', 1); // Set 'auto' format for all lists, except for lists that require 'regex' parsing. if ($row['format'] == 'regex') { $pftype = 'regex'; } else { $url = pathinfo($row['url']); // Strip any text after '?' if (strpos($url['extension'], '?') !== FALSE) { $url['extension'] = strstr($url['extension'], '?', TRUE); } // Determine if list is an IBlock list if (strpos($url['dirname'], 'iblocklist') !== FALSE) { $url['extension'] = 'iblock'; } // Use 'regex' IP parser for non-standard IP lists. if (in_array($url['extension'], array('html', 'htm', 'php', 'aspx', 'cgi', 'csv', 'rules', ''))) { $pftype = 'regex'; } else { $pftype = 'auto'; } } if (($fhandle = fopen("{$file_dwn}.orig", 'r')) !== FALSE) { while (($line = fgets($fhandle, 1024)) !== FALSE) { // Record original line for regex matching, if required. $oline = $line; // Remove any leading/trailing whitespaces $line = trim($line); // Remove commentlines and blank lines if (substr($line, 0, 1) == '#' || empty($line)) { continue; } $parse_error = FALSE; if ($list['vtype'] == '_v4' && $pftype == 'auto') { // IBlock - parser sample ( JKS Media, LLC: ) // Remove leading domain name details if (strpos($line, '-') !== FALSE && strpos($line, ':') !== FALSE) { $line = str_replace(':', '', strstr($line, ':', FALSE)); } // If 'space' character found, remove characters after space if (strpos($line, ' ') !== FALSE) { $line = strstr($line, ' ', TRUE); } // If '#' character found, remove characters after '#' if (strpos($line, '#') !== FALSE) { $line = str_replace('#', '', strstr($line, '#', TRUE)); } // Remove any leading/trailing whitespaces $line = trim($line); // Range parser if (strpos($line, '-') !== FALSE) { $matches = explode('-', $line); if (count($matches) == 2) { $a_cidr = ip_range_to_subnet_array_temp($matches[0],$matches[1]); if (!empty($a_cidr)) { foreach ($a_cidr as $cidr) { $cidr = sanitize_ipaddr($cidr, $custom); if (!empty($cidr)) { if (validate_ipv4($cidr)) { $ip_data .= $cidr . "\n"; } else { $parse_error = TRUE; } } } if (!$parse_error) { continue; } } } else { $parse_error = TRUE; } } if (!$parse_error) { // Single address parser $parsed = sanitize_ipaddr($line, $custom); if (validate_ipv4($parsed)) { $ip_data .= $parsed . "\n"; continue; } else { $parse_error = TRUE; } } } if ($list['vtype'] == '_v4' && ($pftype == 'regex' || $parse_error)) { // Use regex as last alternative. if (strpos($oline, '-') !== FALSE) { // Network range if (preg_match($pfb['range'], $oline, $matches)) { $a_cidr = ip_range_to_subnet_array_temp($matches[1], $matches[2]); if (!empty($a_cidr)) { foreach ($a_cidr as $cidr) { $cidr = sanitize_ipaddr($cidr, $custom); if (validate_ipv4($cidr)) { $ip_data .= $cidr . "\n"; } else { $parse_fail++; } } } continue; } } // IPv4/CIDR format | if (preg_match_all($pfb['ipv4'], $oline, $matches)) { $matches = array_unique($matches[0]); foreach ($matches as $match) { $parsed = sanitize_ipaddr($match, $custom); if (validate_ipv4($parsed)) { $ip_data .= $parsed . "\n"; } } continue; } } if ($list['vtype'] == '_v6') { // Auto IPv6 parser if ($pftype == 'auto') { if (strpos($line, ':') !== FALSE) { if (is_ipaddrv6($line) || is_subnet($line)) { $ip_data .= $line . "\n"; continue; } } } // IPv6 Regex parser if (preg_match_all($pfb['ipv6'], $oline, $matches)) { $matches = array_unique($matches[0]); foreach ($matches as $match) { if (is_ipaddrv6($match) || is_subnet($match)) { $ip_data .= $match . "\n"; } } } } } // Check for parse failures if (!empty($line) && !preg_match('/[a-zA-Z,;|\"\'?]/', $line)) { $parse_fail++; $log = "[!] Parse Errors [ {$parse_fail} ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 2); } } fclose($fhandle); pfb_logger("\n", 1); if (!$custom) { // Check to see if list actually failed download or has no IPs listed. $file_chk = ''; if (file_exists("{$file_dwn}.orig") && @filesize("{$file_dwn}.orig") > 0) { $file_chk = exec("{$pfb['grep']} -cv '^#\|^$' {$file_dwn}.orig"); } if ($file_chk == 0) { $ip_data = "\n"; $log = " Empty file, Adding '' to avoid download failure.\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } } if (!empty($ip_data)) { // Save List to '.txt' format in appropriate folder @file_put_contents("{$pfbfolder}/{$header}.txt", "{$ip_data}", LOCK_EX); // Call 'shell script' functions (Deny Actions only) if ($pfbadv && $list['vtype'] == '_v4') { $args = ''; // Call Process255 if ($pfb['dup'] == 'on' || $pfb['agg'] == 'on') { $args = '_255'; } // Call Aggregate process if ($pfb['agg'] == 'on') { $args .= '_agg'; } // Call Reputation Max process if ($pfb['rep'] == 'on') { $args .= '_rep'; } // Call Duplication process if ($pfb['dup'] == 'on') { $args .= '_dup'; } if (!empty($args)) { exec("{$pfb['script']} {$args} {$header} {$pfb['max']} {$pfb['drep']} {$pfb['ccexclude']} {$pfb['ccwhite']} {$pfb['ccblack']} {$elog}"); } } if (!$pfbadv && $list['vtype'] == '_v4') { // Call Aggregate process if ($pfb['agg'] == 'on') { exec("{$pfb['script']} cidr_aggregate {$header} {$pfbfolder} {$elog}"); } } // Collect updated alias lists ('Reputation' disabled) $pfb_alias_lists[] = "{$alias}"; if ($pfbadv && $list['vtype'] == '_v4') { // Execute Reputation functions, when changes are found. $pfb['repcheck'] = TRUE; // Enable suppression process due to updates if ($pfb['supp'] == 'on') { $pfb['supp_update'] = TRUE; } } } else { if (!$custom) { $log = "[ {$alias} {$header} ] List Error ]\n"; } else { $log = "[ {$alias} {$header} ] Custom List Error ]\n"; } pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } // Unset variables unset($ip_data); } } } } } } ################################# # REPUTATION PROCESSES # ################################# // IP Reputation processes (pMax and dMax) if ($pfb['prep'] == 'on' && $pfb['repcheck'] && !$pfb['save'] && $pfb['enable'] == 'on') { // Script to run prep process exec("{$pfb['script']} pmax x {$pfb['pmax']} {$elog}"); } if ($pfb['drep'] == 'on' && $pfb['repcheck'] && !$pfb['save'] && $pfb['enable'] == 'on') { // Script to run drep process exec("{$pfb['script']} dmax x {$pfb['dmax']} {$pfb['drep']} {$pfb['ccexclude']} {$pfb['ccwhite']} {$pfb['ccblack']} {$elog}"); } ################################################# # CONFIGURE ALIASES AND FIREWALL RULES # ################################################# $list_type = array('pfblockernglistsv4' => '_v4', 'pfblockernglistsv6' => '_v6'); foreach ($list_type as $ip_type => $vtype) { if (!empty($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config']) && $pfb['enable'] == 'on') { $pfbrunonce = TRUE; foreach ($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'] as $key => $list) { $alias = 'pfB_' . preg_replace("/\W/", '', $list['aliasname']); // Skip any Alias that are 'enabled' but Lists/customlists are not defined. if (empty($list['row'][0]['url']) && empty($list['custom'])) { exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -t {$alias} -T kill 2>&1", $result); continue; } // Determine 'list' details (return array $pfbarr) pfb_determine_list_detail($list['action'], '', $ip_type, $key); $pfbadv = $pfbarr['adv']; $pfbdescr = $pfbarr['descr']; $pfbfolder = $pfbarr['folder']; $aports = $pfbarr['aports']; $adest = $pfbarr['adest']; $aproto = $pfbarr['aproto']; // Only Save aliases that have been updated. // When 'Reputation' is used, all aliases need to be updated. $final_alias = array(); if ($pfb['drep'] == 'on' || $pfb['prep'] == 'on') { if (!empty($pfb_alias_lists_all)) { $final_alias = array_unique($pfb_alias_lists_all); } } else { if (!empty($pfb_alias_lists)) { $final_alias = array_unique($pfb_alias_lists); } } if ($list['action'] != 'Disabled') { $pfbupdate = FALSE; $alias_ips = ''; // IP Collection of all Lists in the Alias if (isset($list['row'])) { foreach ($list['row'] as $row) { if (!empty($row['url']) && $row['state'] != 'Disabled') { if ($vtype == '_v4') { $header = "{$row['header']}"; } else { $header = "{$row['header']}_v6"; } $pfctlck = exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -vvsTables | {$pfb['grep']} -A1 {$alias} | {$pfb['awk']} '/Addresses/ {s+=$2}; END {print s}'"); // Update alias if list file exists and its been updated or if the alias URL table is empty. if (file_exists("{$pfbfolder}/{$header}.txt") && (in_array($alias, $final_alias) || empty($pfctlck))) { // Script to run suppression process (print header only) if ($pfbrunonce && $pfb['supp'] == 'on' && $vtype == '_v4' && $pfb['supp_update']) { exec("{$pfb['script']} suppress x x x suppressheader {$elog}"); // Process suppression for DNSBL IP table if ($pfb['dnsbl'] == 'on' && $pfb['dnsbl_ip'] != 'Disabled') { exec("{$pfb['script']} suppress x x x pfB_DNSBLIP\|{$pfb['aliasdir']}/ {$elog}"); } $pfbrunonce = FALSE; } // Script to run suppression process (body) if ($pfb['supp'] == 'on' && $vtype == '_v4' && $pfb['supp_update'] && $pfbadv) { if ($pfb['dup'] == 'on') { exec("{$pfb['script']} suppress x x x {$header}\|{$pfbfolder}/ {$elog}"); } else { exec("{$pfb['script']} suppress x x off {$header}\|{$pfbfolder}/ {$elog}"); } } $alias_ips .= file_get_contents("{$pfbfolder}/{$header}.txt"); $pfbupdate = TRUE; } } } } // check custom network list if ($vtype == '_v4') { $aliasname = "{$list['aliasname']}_custom"; } else { $aliasname = "{$list['aliasname']}_custom_v6"; } // Update alias if list file exists and its been updated or if the alias URL table is empty. $pfctlck = exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -vvsTables | {$pfb['grep']} -A1 {$alias} | {$pfb['awk']} '/Addresses/ {s+=$2}; END {print s}'"); if (!empty($list['custom'])) { if (file_exists("{$pfbfolder}/{$aliasname}.txt") && in_array($alias, $final_alias) || file_exists("{$pfbfolder}/{$aliasname}.txt") && empty($pfctlck)) { $alias_ips .= file_get_contents("{$pfbfolder}/{$aliasname}.txt"); $pfbupdate = TRUE; } } // Determine validity of alias URL tables/rules. ie: Don't create empty URL tables or aliases if (empty($alias_ips) && empty($pfctlck)) { unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['aliasdir']}/{$alias}.txt"); } else { // Save only aliases that have been updated. if ($pfbupdate) { @file_put_contents("{$pfb['aliasdir']}/{$alias}.txt", $alias_ips, LOCK_EX); } // Add '[s]' to Alias descriptions (Bypass States removal feature) $adescr = "pfBlockerNG {$pfbdescr} List Alias"; if ($list['stateremoval'] == 'disabled') { $adescr = "pfBlockerNG {$pfbdescr} List Alias [s]"; } // Create alias $new_aliases_list[] = "{$alias}"; $new_aliases[] = array( 'name' => "{$alias}", 'url' => "{$pfb['weblocal']}?pfb={$alias}", 'updatefreq' => '32', 'address' => '', 'descr' => "{$adescr}", 'type' => 'urltable', 'detail' => 'DO NOT EDIT THIS ALIAS' ); // Define firewall rule settings pfb_firewall_rule($list['action'], $alias, '', $list['aliaslog'], $adest, $aports, $aproto, $list['autonot']); } } else { // unlink previous pfblockerNG alias list unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['aliasdir']}/{$alias}.txt"); } } } } // Clear variables $alias_ips = ''; ######################################### # UPDATE pfSense ALIAS TABLES # ######################################### // Reload config.xml to get any recent changes $config = parse_config(true); $exist_aliases = $config['aliases']['alias']; if (isset($config['aliases']['alias'])) { foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $cbalias) { // Skip DNSBL IP aliastable as its updated independently if ($cbalias['name'] == 'pfB_DNSBLIP') { continue; } if (substr($cbalias['name'], 0, 4) == 'pfB_') { // Remove unreferenced pfB aliastable files if (!in_array($cbalias['name'], $new_aliases_list)) { unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['aliasdir']}/{$cbalias['name']}.*"); } } else { $new_aliases[] = $cbalias; } } } // Update config.xml, if changes required if ($exist_aliases != $new_aliases) { $config['aliases']['alias'] = $new_aliases; write_config('pfBlockerNG: saving Aliases'); } // Unset variables unset($new_aliases, $exist_aliases); ######################### # Assign Rules # ######################### // Only execute if autorules are defined or if an alias has been removed. if ($pfb['autorules'] || $pfb['enable'] == '' || $pfb['remove']) { $message = ''; if (count($pfb['deny_inbound']) > 0 || count($pfb['permit_inbound']) > 0 || count($pfb['match_inbound']) > 0) { if (empty($pfb['inbound_interfaces'])) { $message = " Unable to apply rules. Inbound interface option not configured."; } } if (count($pfb['deny_outbound']) > 0 || count($pfb['permit_outbound']) > 0 || count($pfb['match_outbound']) > 0) { if (empty($pfb['outbound_interfaces'])) { $message .= "\n Unable to apply rules. Outbound interface option not configured."; } } if (empty($message)) { $new_rules = $permit_rules = $match_rules = $other_rules = $fpermit_rules = $fmatch_rules = $fother_rules = array(); // Reload config.xml to get any recent changes $config = parse_config(true); // New vs old rules array comparison $orig_rules_nocreated = $new_rules_nocreated = array(); // Collect all existing rules $rules = $config['filter']['rule']; // Collect existing pfSense rules 'pass', 'match' and 'other' pfSense rules into new arrays. if (!empty($rules)) { foreach ($rules as $key => $rule) { // Remove DNSBL floating rule if ($rule['descr'] == 'pfB_DNSBL_Allow_access_to_VIP') { // Remove 'created' tag $orig_rules_nocreated[] = $rule; unset($orig_rules_nocreated[$key]['created']); continue; } // Remove all exisiting rules that start with 'pfB_' in the Rule Description if (substr($rule['descr'], 0, 4) != 'pfB_') { // Floating rules collection 'Floating Pass/Match', balance to 'other' if ($pfb['float'] == 'on') { if ($rule['type'] == 'pass' && $rule['floating'] == 'yes') { $fpermit_rules[] = $rule; } elseif ($rule['type'] == 'match' && $rule['floating'] == 'yes') { $fmatch_rules[] = $rule; } elseif ($rule['floating'] == 'yes') { $fother_rules[] = $rule; } else { $other_rules[] = $rule; } } else { // Collect only 'selected inbound and outbound interfaces'. balance to 'other' if (in_array($rule['interface'], $pfb['inbound_interfaces']) || in_array($rule['interface'], $pfb['outbound_interfaces'])) { // Floating rules 'off'. Collect 'floating other', pass, balance to 'other' if ($rule['floating'] == 'yes') { $fother_rules[] = $rule; } elseif ($rule['type'] == 'pass') { if ($pfb['order'] == 'order_0') { $other_rules[] = $rule; } else { $permit_rules[] = $rule; } } else { $other_rules[] = $rule; } } else { if ($rule['floating'] == 'yes') { $fother_rules[] = $rule; } else { $other_rules[] = $rule; } } } } // Remove 'created' tag $orig_rules_nocreated[] = $rule; unset($orig_rules_nocreated[$key]['created']); } } ################################################################################# # PASS/MATCH RULES ORDER(p/m) # # ORDER 0 - pfBlockerNG / All other Rules # # ORDER 1 - pfSense (p/m) / pfBlockerNG (p/m) / pfBlockerNG Block/Reject # # ORDER 2 - pfBlockerNG (p/m) / pfSense (p/m) / pfBlockerNG Block/Reject # # ORDER 3 - pfBlockerNG (p/m) / pfBlockerNG Block/Reject / pfSense (p/m) # ################################################################################# if ($pfb['float'] == '') { if (!empty($fother_rules)) { foreach ($fother_rules as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } } else { if ($pfb['order'] == 'order_1') { foreach (array($fpermit_rules, $fmatch_rules, $fother_rules) as $rtype) { if (!empty($rtype)) { foreach ($rtype as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } } } } // Define DNSBL 'Floating' pass rule for selected 'OPT' segments to be able to access the LAN DNSBL VIP if ($pfb['enable'] == 'on' && $pfb['dnsbl'] == 'on' && $pfb['dnsbl_rule'] != 'Disabled' && !empty($pfb['dnsblconfig']['dnsbl_allow_int'])) { if (isset($implode_interfaces) && isset($pfb['dnsbl_vip'])) { $rule = $pfb['base_rule_float']; $rule['tracker'] = pfb_tracker('pfB_DNSBL_Allow_access_to_VIP'); $rule['type'] = 'pass'; $rule['direction'] = 'any'; $rule['interface'] = $implode_interfaces; $rule['descr'] = 'pfB_DNSBL_Allow_access_to_VIP'; $rule['source'] = array('any' => ''); $rule['destination'] = array('address' => "{$pfb['dnsbl_vip']}"); $rule['created'] = array('time' => (int)microtime(true), 'username' => 'Auto'); $new_rules[] = $rule; } } // Define inbound interface rules if (!empty($pfb['inbound_interfaces'])) { $pfbrunonce = TRUE; foreach ($pfb['inbound_interfaces'] as $inbound_interface) { if ($pfb['order'] == 'order_1' && !empty($permit_rules)) { foreach ($permit_rules as $cb_rules) { if ($cb_rules['interface'] == $inbound_interface) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } } // Match inbound rules defined as floating only. if ($pfbrunonce && !empty($pfb['match_inbound'])) { foreach ($pfb['match_inbound'] as $cb_rules) { $cb_rules['interface'] = $pfb['inbound_floating']; $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; $pfbrunonce = FALSE; } } if ($pfb['order'] != 'order_0' && !empty($pfb['permit_inbound'])) { foreach ($pfb['permit_inbound'] as $cb_rules) { $cb_rules['interface'] = $inbound_interface; $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if ($pfb['order'] == 'order_2') { foreach (array($fpermit_rules, $fmatch_rules) as $rtype) { if (!empty($rtype)) { foreach ($rtype as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } } if (!empty($permit_rules)) { foreach ($permit_rules as $cb_rules) { if ($cb_rules['interface'] == $inbound_interface) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } } } if (!empty($pfb['deny_inbound'])) { foreach ($pfb['deny_inbound'] as $cb_rules) { $cb_rules['interface'] = $inbound_interface; $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if ($pfb['order'] == 'order_0' && !empty($pfb['permit_inbound'])) { foreach ($pfb['permit_inbound'] as $cb_rules) { $cb_rules['interface'] = $inbound_interface; $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } } } // Define outbound interface rules if (!empty($pfb['outbound_interfaces'])) { $pfbrunonce = TRUE; foreach ($pfb['outbound_interfaces'] as $outbound_interface) { if ($pfb['order'] == 'order_1' && !empty($permit_rules)) { foreach ($permit_rules as $cb_rules) { if ($cb_rules['interface'] == $outbound_interface) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } } // Match outbound rules defined as floating only. if ($pfbrunonce && !empty($pfb['match_outbound'])) { foreach ($pfb['match_outbound'] as $cb_rules) { $cb_rules['interface'] = $pfb['outbound_floating']; $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; $pfbrunonce = FALSE; } } if ($pfb['order'] != 'order_0' && !empty($pfb['permit_outbound'])) { foreach ($pfb['permit_outbound'] as $cb_rules) { $cb_rules['interface'] = $outbound_interface; $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if ($pfb['order'] == 'order_2' && !empty($permit_rules)) { foreach ($permit_rules as $cb_rules) { if ($cb_rules['interface'] == $outbound_interface) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } } if (!empty($pfb['deny_outbound'])) { foreach ($pfb['deny_outbound'] as $cb_rules) { $cb_rules['interface'] = $outbound_interface; $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if ($pfb['order'] == 'order_0' && !empty($pfb['permit_outbound'])) { foreach ($pfb['permit_outbound'] as $cb_rules) { $cb_rules['interface'] = $outbound_interface; $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } } } if ($pfb['float'] == 'on' && in_array($pfb['order'], array('order_0', 'order_3'))) { if ($pfb['order'] == 'order_0') { $rule_order = array($fother_rules, $fpermit_rules, $fmatch_rules); } else { $rule_order = array($fpermit_rules, $fmatch_rules, $fother_rules); } foreach ($rule_order as $rtype) { if (!empty($rtype)) { foreach ($rtype as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } } } if ($pfb['float'] == 'on' && $pfb['order'] == 'order_2' && !empty($fother_rules)) { foreach ($fother_rules as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if ($pfb['order'] == 'order_3' && !empty($permit_rules)) { foreach ($permit_rules as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if (!empty($other_rules)) { foreach ($other_rules as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } } // Unset arrays unset($pfb['permit_inbound'], $pfb['permit_outbound'], $pfb['deny_inbound'], $pfb['deny_outbound'], $pfb['match_inbound'], $pfb['match_outbound']); unset($cb_rules, $other_rules, $fother_rules, $permit_rules, $fpermit_rules, $match_rules, $fmatch_rules); // Remove 'created' tag (New vs old rules array comparison) foreach ($new_rules as $key => $rule) { $new_rules_nocreated[] = $rule; unset($new_rules_nocreated[$key]['created']); } // Update config.xml, if changes required if ($pfb['autorules'] && $orig_rules_nocreated != $new_rules_nocreated) { $config['filter']['rule'] = $new_rules; write_config('pfBlockerNG: saving Firewall rules'); } } else { $log = "\n\n{$message}\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } ################################# # pfSense Integration # ################################# // If 'Rule Changes' are found, utilize the 'filter_configure()' function, if not, utilize 'pfctl replace' command if ($pfb['autorules'] && $orig_rules_nocreated != $new_rules_nocreated || $pfb['enable'] == '' || $pfb['remove']) { require_once('filter.inc'); if (!$pfb['save']) { $log = "\n===[ Aliastables / Rules ]================================\n\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); $log = "Firewall Rule Changes found, Applying Filter Reload\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } // Remove all pfB aliastables exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -s Tables | grep '^pfB_'", $pfb_tables); if (isset($pfb_tables)) { foreach ($pfb_tables as $pfb_table) { exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -t {$pfb_table} -T kill 2>&1", $result); } } filter_configure(); // Load filter_configure which will create the pfctl tables $pfb_filter_configure = TRUE; // Flag to skip State removal function due to pf reloading // Call function for NanoBSD/Ramdisk processes. pfb_aliastables('update'); } else { // Don't execute on user 'save' if (!$pfb['save']) { $log = "\n\n===[ Aliastables / Rules ]==========================================\n\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); $log = "No Changes to Firewall Rules, Skipping Filter Reload\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); // Only Save Aliases that have been updated. // When 'Reputation' is used, all aliases need to be updated when any alias has been updated. $final_alias = array(); if ($pfb['repcheck'] && ($pfb['drep'] == 'on' || $pfb['prep'] == 'on')) { if (!empty($pfb_alias_lists_all)) { $final_alias = array_unique($pfb_alias_lists_all); } } else { if (!empty($pfb_alias_lists)) { $final_alias = array_unique($pfb_alias_lists); } } if (!empty($final_alias)) { foreach ($final_alias as $final) { $log = "\n Updating: {$final}\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); $result = ''; if (file_exists("{$pfb['aliasdir']}/{$final}.txt")) { exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -t {$final} -T replace -f {$pfb['aliasdir']}/{$final}.txt 2>&1", $result); $log = implode($result); } else { $log = "Aliastable file not found\n"; } pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } pfb_logger("\n", 1); // Call function for NanoBSD/Ramdisk processes. pfb_aliastables('update'); } else { $log = "No Changes to Aliases, Skipping pfctl Update\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } } } // Unset arrays unset($rules, $new_rules, $orig_rules_nocreated, $new_rules_nocreated); ################################# # SAVE CONFIGURATION # ################################# // Uncheck reusing existing downloads check box if (!$pfb['save'] && $pfb['enable'] == 'on' && $pfb['config']['pfb_reuse'] == 'on') { $pfb_config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng']['config'][0]['pfb_reuse'] = ''; $pfb['conf_mod'] = TRUE; } // Only save config.xml, if changes are found. if ($pfb['conf_mod'] && isset($pfb_config)) { // Reload config.xml to get any recent changes and merge/save changes. $config = parse_config(true); $config = array_replace_recursive($config, $pfb_config); write_config('pfBlockerNG: save settings'); } ################################# # KILL STATES # ################################# if ($pfb['kstates'] && !$pfb_filter_configure) { $log = "\n===[ Kill States ]==================================================\n\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); $tablesin = $tablesout = array(); if (!empty($config['filter']['rule'])) { foreach ($config['filter']['rule'] as $rule) { // Collect all 'pfB_' Rules that are 'Block/Reject' and do not have bypass states enabled if (strpos($rule['descr'], '[s]') === FALSE && ($rule['type'] == 'block' || $rule['type'] == 'reject') && (strpos($rule['source']['address'], 'pfB_') !== FALSE || strpos($rule['destination']['address'], 'pfB_') !== FALSE)) { if (isset($rule['source']['address'])) { $tablesin[] = $rule['source']['address']; } else { $tablesout[] = $rule['destination']['address']; } } } } $pfb_supp = array(); // List of IPs to suppress // Collect pfBlockerNGSuppress alias IPs $pfb_suppalias = array(); if (isset($config['aliases']['alias'])) { foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $key => $alias) { if ($alias['name'] == 'pfBlockerNGSuppress') { // Strip any '/32' CIDR values $pfb_suppalias = str_replace('/32', '', explode(' ', $config['aliases']['alias'][$key]['address'])); } } // Convert '/24' CIDRs if (!empty($pfb_suppalias)) { $pfb_suppaliascidr = array(); foreach ($pfb_suppalias as $key => $subnet) { if (strpos($subnet, '/24') !== FALSE) { $pfb_suppaliascidr = subnetv4_expand($subnet); unset($pfb_suppalias[$key]); } } $pfb_supp = array_merge($pfb_supp, $pfb_suppaliascidr); } $pfb_supp = array_merge($pfb_supp, $pfb_suppalias); } $pfb_supp[] = ''; // Add to suppression array // Collect Gateway IP addresses to suppress $int_gateway = get_interfaces_with_gateway(); if (isset($int_gateway)) { foreach ($int_gateway as $gateway) { $convert = get_interface_ip($gateway); $pfb_supp[] = $convert; } } // Collect DNS servers to suppress $pfb_dnsservers = get_dns_servers(); if (!empty($pfb_dnsservers)) { $pfb_supp = array_merge($pfb_supp, $pfb_dnsservers); } // Remove any duplicate IPs $pfb_supp = array_unique($pfb_supp); $statesin = $statesout = array(); exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -s state", $s_matches); if (!empty($s_matches)) { foreach ($s_matches as $key => $sline) { // SAMPLE : em0 udp -> MULTIPLE:MULTIPLE // SAMPLE : pppoe0 udp ( -> MULTIPLE:MULTIPLE // SAMPLE : em0 tcp 2001:65c:1398:101:124[443] <- 2001:170:2f:3e:a4c4:7b23:fe5f:b36e[52725] FIN_WAIT_2:FIN_WAIT_2 // Remove '( text )' from state line if (strpos($sline, '(') !== FALSE) { $s_pos1 = strpos($sline, '('); $s_pos2 = strpos($sline, ')'); $s_len = $s_pos2 - $s_pos1 + 2; $sline = substr_replace($sline, '', $s_pos1, $s_len); } if (!empty($sline)) { list($int, $proto, $dir1, $sdirection, $dir2) = explode(' ', $sline); if ($sdirection == '<-') { // Inbound State $s_ip = $dir1; } else { // Outbound State $s_ip = $dir2; } // Strip port if (strpos($s_ip, '[') !== FALSE) { // Strip IPv6 port $s_ip = strstr($s_ip, '[', TRUE); } else { if (strpos($s_ip, ':') !== FALSE) { // Strip IPv4 port $s_ip = strstr($s_ip, ':', TRUE); } } // Exclude private, reserved and loopback IPs if (filter_var($s_ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE | FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE) && filter_var($s_ip, FILTER_CALLBACK, array('options' => 'FILTER_FLAG_NO_LOOPBACK_RANGE'))) { if ($sdirection == '<-') { $statesin[] = $s_ip; } else { $statesout[] = $s_ip; } } } } } $statesin = array_unique($statesin); natsort($statesin); $statesout = array_unique($statesout); natsort($statesout); $pfbfound = FALSE; foreach (array('<-' => $statesin, '->' => $statesout) as $s_type => $s_state_ips) { foreach ($s_state_ips as $s_ip) { if (!in_array($s_ip, $pfb_supp)) { if ($s_type == '<-') { $type = '-Inbound'; $s_tables = $tablesin; } else { $type = '-Outbound'; $s_tables = $tablesout; } foreach ($s_tables as $s_table) { $result = substr(exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -t {$s_table} -T test {$s_ip} 2>&1"), 0, 1); if ($result > 0) { $pfbfound = TRUE; $log = " [ {$s_table}{$type} ] Removed state(s) for [ {$s_ip} ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); foreach ($s_matches as $s_line) { if (strpos($s_line, $s_type) !== FALSE && strpos($s_line, $s_ip) !== FALSE) { pfb_logger(" {$s_line}\n", 1); } } // Remove states if ($s_type == '<-') { // Kill all state entries originating from $s_ip exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -k {$s_ip}"); } else { // Kill all state entries to the target $s_ip exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -k -k {$s_ip}"); } } } } } } if ($pfbfound) { pfb_logger("\n======================================================================\n", 1); } else { pfb_logger(" No matching states found\n======================================================================\n", 1); } } ######################################### # XMLRPC - sync process # ######################################### if (!platform_booting() && !$g['pfblockerng_install']) { pfblockerng_sync_on_changes(); } ######################################### # Define/Apply CRON Jobs # ######################################### // Replace CRON job with any user changes to $pfb_min if ($pfb['enable'] == 'on') { // Define pfBlockerNG CRON job $pfb_cmd = "/usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.php cron >> {$pfb['log']} 2>&1"; // $pfb['min'] ( User defined variable. Variable defined at start of script ) // Define CRON hour (CRON interval & start hour) if ($pfb['interval'] == 1) { $pfb_hour = '*'; } elseif ($pfb['interval'] == 24) { $pfb_hour = $pfb['24hour']; } else { $pfb_hour = implode(',', pfb_cron_base_hour()); } $pfb_mday = '*'; $pfb_month = '*'; $pfb_wday = '*'; $pfb_who = 'root'; // Determine if CRON job requires updating if (!pfblockerng_cron_exists($pfb_cmd, $pfb['min'], $pfb_hour)) { install_cron_job($pfb_cmd, true, $pfb['min'], $pfb_hour, $pfb_mday, $pfb_month, $pfb_wday, $pfb_who); } } else { // Clear any existing pfBlockerNG CRON jobs install_cron_job('pfblockerng.php cron', false); } if ($pfb['enable'] == 'on') { // Define pfBlockerNG MaxMind CRON job $pfb_gcmd = "/usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.php dc >> {$pfb['extraslog']} 2>&1"; // MaxMind GeoIP CRON hour is randomized between 0-23 Hour to minimize effect on MaxMind website $pfb_gmin = '0'; $pfb_ghour = rand(0,23); $pfb_gmday = '1,2,3,4,5,6,7'; $pfb_gmonth = '*'; $pfb_gwday = '2'; $pfb_gwho = 'root'; // Determine if CRON job requires updating if (!pfblockerng_cron_exists($pfb_gcmd, $pfb_gmin, 'maxmind')) { install_cron_job($pfb_gcmd, true, $pfb_gmin, $pfb_ghour, $pfb_gmday, $pfb_gmonth, $pfb_gwday, $pfb_gwho); } } else { // Clear any existing pfBlockerNG CRON jobs install_cron_job('pfblockerng.php dc', false); } ################################# # FINAL REPORTING # ################################# // Only run with CRON or Force invoked process if ((!$pfb['save'] && $pfb['repcheck'] && $pfb['enable'] == 'on') || $pfb['summary']) { // Script to run final script processes. exec("{$pfb['script']} closing {$pfb['dup']} {$elog}"); } if ($pfb['enable'] == 'on' && !$pfb['save'] || $pfb['summary']) { $log = "\n UPDATE PROCESS ENDED [ NOW ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}", 1); } } function pfblockerng_validate_input($post, &$input_errors) { global $config; foreach ($post as $key => $value) { if (substr($key, 0, 3) == 'url' && is_numeric( substr($key, 3, (strlen($key) - 3))) ) { if (empty($value)) { $input_url_empty = TRUE; continue; } if (substr($value, 0, 1) == ' ') { $input_errors[] = 'Leading whitespace not allowed in URL field'; } } if (substr($key, 0, 6) == 'header' && is_numeric( substr($key, 6, (strlen($key) - 6))) ) { if ($input_url_empty && empty($value)) { $input_url_empty = FALSE; continue; } if ($input_url_empty && !empty($value)) { $input_errors[] = 'No URL Defined.'; } if (substr($value, 0, 1) == ' ' || empty($value)) { $input_errors[] = 'Header field must be defined.'; } } if ($key == 'pfb_dnsbl' && $value == 'on') { $pfb_dnsbl_state = TRUE; } if ($pfb_dnsbl_state) { if ($key == 'pfb_dnsvip' && empty($value)) { $input_errors[] = 'DNSBL VIP address must be defined.'; } if ($key == 'pfb_dnsport' && empty($value) || $key == 'pfb_dnsport_ssl' && empty($value)) { $input_errors[] = 'DNSBL Port must be defined.'; } if ($key == 'pfb_dnsport' && !is_port($value) || $key == 'pfb_dnsport_ssl' && !is_port($value)) { $input_errors[] = 'DNSBL Port must be a valid port in the range of 1 - 65535'; } } } } // Function to De-Install pfBlockerNG function pfblockerng_php_deinstall_command() { require_once('config.inc'); global $config, $pfb, $static_output; // Set these two variables to disable pfBlockerNG on de-install $pfb['save'] = TRUE; $pfb['install'] = TRUE; sync_package_pfblockerng(); rmdir_recursive('/usr/local/pkg/pfblockerng'); rmdir_recursive('/usr/local/www/pfblockerng'); // Maintain pfBlockerNG settings and database files if $pfb['keep'] is ON. if ($pfb['keep'] != 'on') { // Remove pfBlockerNG log and DB folder rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['dbdir']}"); rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['logdir']}"); // Remove aliastables archive and earlyshellcmd if found. @unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['aliasarchive']}"); if (isset($config['system']['earlyshellcmd'])) { $a_earlyshellcmd = &$config['system']['earlyshellcmd']; if (preg_grep("/pfblockerng.sh aliastables/", $a_earlyshellcmd)) { $a_earlyshellcmd = preg_grep("/pfblockerng.sh aliastables/", $a_earlyshellcmd, PREG_GREP_INVERT); } } // Remove settings from config if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng']); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngglobal'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngglobal']); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngsync'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngsync']); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngreputation'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngreputation']); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockernglistsv4'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockernglistsv4']); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockernglistsv6'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockernglistsv6']); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsbl'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsbl']); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsblsettings'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsblsettings']); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsbleasylist'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsbleasylist']); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngafrica'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngafrica']); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngantartica'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngantartica']); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngasia'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngasia']); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngeurope'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngeurope']); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngnorthamerica'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngnorthamerica']); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngoceania'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngoceania']); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngsouthamerica'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngsouthamerica']); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngtopspammers'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngtopspammers']); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngproxyandsatellite'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngproxyandsatellite']); unlink_if_exists('/usr/local/sbin/lighttpd_pfb'); unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dnsbl_conf']}"); unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dnsbl_cert']}"); unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dnsbl_info']}"); unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['aliasarchive']}"); } // Remove widget (code from Snort deinstall) $pfb['widgets'] = $config['widgets']['sequence']; if (!empty($pfb['widgets'])) { $widgetlist = explode(',', $pfb['widgets']); foreach ($widgetlist as $key => $widget) { if (strpos($widget, 'pfblockerng-container') !== FALSE) { unset($widgetlist[$key]); } } $config['widgets']['sequence'] = implode(',', $widgetlist); write_config('pfBlockerNG: Remove widget'); } $static_output .= 'pfBlockerNG has been uninstalled.'; update_output_window($static_output); } /* Uses XMLRPC to synchronize the changes to a remote node */ function pfblockerng_sync_on_changes() { global $config; // Create array of sync settings and exit if sync is disabled. if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngsync']['config'][0])) { $pfb_sync = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngsync']['config'][0]; if ($pfb_sync['varsynconchanges'] == 'disabled' || empty($pfb_sync['varsynconchanges'])) { return; } $synctimeout = $pfb_sync['varsynctimeout'] ?: '150'; } else { return; } syslog(LOG_NOTICE, '[pfBlockerNG] XMLRPC sync is starting.'); if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngsync']['config'])) { switch ($pfb_sync['varsynconchanges']) { case 'manual': if (isset($pfb_sync['row'])) { $rs = $pfb_sync['row']; } else { log_error('[pfBlockerNG] Manual XMLRPC sync is enabled but there are no replication targets configured.'); return; } break; case 'auto': if (isset($config['hasync'])) { $system_carp = $config['hasync']; $rs[0]['varsyncipaddress'] = $system_carp['synchronizetoip']; $rs[0]['varsyncusername'] = $system_carp['username']; $rs[0]['varsyncpassword'] = $system_carp['password']; $rs[0]['varsyncdestinenable'] = FALSE; // XMLRPC sync is currently only supported over connections using the same protocol and port as this system if ($config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] == 'http') { $rs[0]['varsyncprotocol'] = 'http'; $rs[0]['varsyncport'] = $config['system']['webgui']['port'] ?: '80'; } else { $rs[0]['varsyncprotocol'] = 'https'; $rs[0]['varsyncport'] = $config['system']['webgui']['port'] ?: '443'; } if (empty($system_carp['synchronizetoip'])) { log_error('[pfBlockerNG] Auto XMLRPC sync is enabled but there is no sync IP address configured.'); return; } else { $rs[0]['varsyncdestinenable'] = TRUE; } } else { log_error('[pfBlockerNG] Auto XMLRPC sync is enabled but there are no replication targets configured.'); return; } break; default: return; break; } if (isset($rs)) { foreach ($rs as $sh) { // Only sync enabled replication targets if ($sh['varsyncdestinenable']) { $sync_to_ip = $sh['varsyncipaddress']; $port = $sh['varsyncport']; $password = $sh['varsyncpassword']; $protocol = $sh['varsyncprotocol']; $username = $sh['varsyncusername'] ?: 'admin'; $validate = TRUE; $error = '| '; if (empty($password)) { $error .= 'Password parameter missing. | '; $validate = FALSE; } if (!is_ipaddr($sync_to_ip) && !is_hostname($sync_to_ip) && !is_domain($sync_to_ip)) { $error .= 'Mis-configured Target IP/Host address. | '; $validate = FALSE; } if (!is_port($port)) { $error .= 'Mis-configured Target Port setting. |'; $validate = FALSE; } if ($validate) { pfblockerng_do_xmlrpc_sync($sync_to_ip, $port, $protocol, $username, $password, $synctimeout); if ($success) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "[pfBlockerNG] XMLRPC sync to [ {$sync_to_ip}:{port} ] completed successfully."); } } else { log_error("[pfBlockerNG] XMLRPC sync to [ {$sync_to_ip}:{port} ] terminated due to the following error(s): {$error}"); } } } } } } /* Do the actual XMLRPC sync */ function pfblockerng_do_xmlrpc_sync($sync_to_ip, $port, $protocol, $username, $password, $synctimeout) { global $config, $g; $success = TRUE; // Take care of IPv6 literal address if (is_ipaddrv6($sync_to_ip)) { $sync_to_ip = "[{$sync_to_ip}]"; } $url = "{$protocol}://{$sync_to_ip}"; /* xml will hold the sections to sync */ $xml = array(); // If User Disabled, remove 'General Tab Customizations' from Sync if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngsync']['config'][0]['syncinterfaces'])) { if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng'])) $xml['pfblockerng'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng']; if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsblsettings'])) $xml['pfblockerngdnsblsettings']= $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsblsettings']; } if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngreputation'])) $xml['pfblockerngreputation'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngreputation']; if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockernglistsv4'])) $xml['pfblockernglistsv4'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockernglistsv4']; if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockernglistsv6'])) $xml['pfblockernglistsv6'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockernglistsv6']; if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngtopspammers'])) $xml['pfblockerngtopspammers'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngtopspammers']; if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngafrica'])) $xml['pfblockerngafrica'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngafrica']; if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngantartica'])) $xml['pfblockerngantartica'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngantartica']; if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngasia'])) $xml['pfblockerngasia'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngasia']; if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngeurope'])) $xml['pfblockerngeurope'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngeurope']; if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngnorthamerica'])) $xml['pfblockerngnorthamerica'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngnorthamerica']; if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngoceania'])) $xml['pfblockerngoceania'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngoceania']; if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngsouthamerica'])) $xml['pfblockerngsouthamerica'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngsouthamerica']; if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngproxyandsatellite'])) $xml['pfblockerngproxyandsatellite'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngproxyandsatellite']; if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsbleasylist'])) $xml['pfblockerngdnsbleasylist'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsbleasylist']; if (isset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsbl'])) $xml['pfblockerngdnsbl'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngdnsbl']; /* assemble xmlrpc payload */ $params = array(XML_RPC_encode($password), XML_RPC_encode($xml)); /* set a few variables needed for sync code borrowed from filter.inc */ $method = 'pfsense.merge_installedpackages_section_xmlrpc'; $msg = new XML_RPC_Message($method, $params); $cli = new XML_RPC_Client('/xmlrpc.php', $url, $port); $cli->setCredentials($username, $password); if ($g['debug']) { $cli->setDebug(1); } /* send our XMLRPC message and timeout after defined sync timeout value */ $resp = $cli->send($msg, $synctimeout); if (!$resp) { log_error("[pfBlockerNG] XMLRPC communications error occurred while attempting sync with {$url}:{$port}."); file_notice('sync_settings', $error, 'pfBlockerNG Settings Sync', ''); $success = FALSE; } elseif ($resp->faultCode()) { $cli->setDebug(1); $resp = $cli->send($msg, $synctimeout); log_error("[pfBlockerNG] XMLRPC Error received while attempting sync with {$url}:{$port} - Code " . $resp->faultCode() . ": " . $resp->faultString()); file_notice('sync_settings', $error, 'pfBlockerNG Settings Sync', ''); $success = FALSE; } return $success; } ?>