/tmp/pfblog; /bin/mv -f /tmp/pfblog {$pfb['log']}"); } } # Record Log Messsages to pfBlockerNG Log File and/or Error Log File. function pfb_logger($log, $type) { global $g,$pfb,$pfbarr; $now = date("m/d/y G:i:s", time()); # Only log timestamp if new if (preg_match("/NOW/", $log)) { if ($now == $pfb['pnow']) { $log = str_replace("[ NOW ]", "", "{$log}"); } else { $log = str_replace("NOW", $now, "{$log}"); } $pfb['pnow'] = "{$now}"; } if ($type == 2) { @file_put_contents("{$pfb['log']}", "{$log}", FILE_APPEND); @file_put_contents("{$pfb['errlog']}", "{$log}", FILE_APPEND); } elseif ($type == 3) { @file_put_contents("{$pfb['geolog']}", "{$log}", FILE_APPEND); } else { @file_put_contents("{$pfb['log']}", "{$log}", FILE_APPEND); } } # Determine Folder Location for 'List' function pfb_determine_list_detail($list) { global $g,$pfb,$pfbarr; $pfbarr = array(); if (in_array($list,array('Match_Both','Match_Inbound','Match_Outbound','Alias_Match'))) { $pfbarr['skip'] = FALSE; $pfbarr['folder'] = "{$pfb['matchdir']}"; } elseif (in_array($list,array('Permit_Both','Permit_Inbound','Permit_Outbound','Alias_Permit'))) { $pfbarr['skip'] = FALSE; $pfbarr['folder'] = "{$pfb['permitdir']}"; } elseif ($list == "Alias_Native") { $pfbarr['skip'] = FALSE; $pfbarr['folder'] = "{$pfb['nativedir']}"; } else { # Deny $pfbarr['skip'] = TRUE; $pfbarr['folder'] = "{$pfb['denydir']}"; } // Collect proper Alias Table Description (Alias Only vs AutoRules) if (preg_match("/Alias/", $list)) { $pfbarr['descr'] = ""; } else { $pfbarr['descr'] = " Auto "; } return $pfbarr; } # Create Suppression Alias function pfb_create_suppression_alias() { global $config; // Collect existing pfsense alias(s) if (is_array($config['aliases']['alias'])) { foreach($config['aliases']['alias'] as $exalias) { $new_aliases[] = $exalias; } } // Create New pfBlockerNGSuppress Alias $new_aliases[] = array( "name" => "pfBlockerNGSuppress", "address" => "", "descr" => "pfBlockerNG Suppression List (24|32 CIDR only)", "type" => "network", "detail" => "" ); $config['aliases']['alias'] = $new_aliases; write_config(); } # Create Suppression file from Alias function pfb_create_suppression_file() { global $config,$pfb; // Find pfBlockerNGSuppress Array ID Number $pfb['found'] = FALSE; if (is_array($config['aliases']['alias'])) { $pfb_id = 0; foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $alias) { if ($alias['name'] == "pfBlockerNGSuppress") { $pfb['found'] = TRUE; break; } $pfb_id++; } if ($pfb['found']) { $pfb_suppress = str_replace(" ", "\n", $config['aliases']['alias'][$pfb_id]['address']); if (!empty($pfb_suppress)) { @file_put_contents("{$pfb['supptxt']}",$pfb_suppress, LOCK_EX); } else { unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['supptxt']}"); } } else { # Delete Suppression File if Alias is Empty. unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['supptxt']}"); } } // Call Function to Create Suppression Alias. if (!$pfb['found']) pfb_create_suppression_alias(); } // IPv6 Range to CIDR function used courtesey from: // https://github.com/stilez/pfsense-leases/blob/50cc0fa81dba5fe91bcddaea016c245d1b8479cc/etc/inc/util.inc function ip_range_to_subnet_array_temp2($ip1, $ip2) { if (is_ipaddrv4($ip1) && is_ipaddrv4($ip2)) { $proto = 'ipv4'; // for clarity $bits = 32; $ip1bin = decbin(ip2long32($ip1)); $ip2bin = decbin(ip2long32($ip2)); } elseif (is_ipaddrv6($ip1) && is_ipaddrv6($ip2)) { $proto = 'ipv6'; $bits = 128; $ip1bin = Net_IPv6::_ip2Bin($ip1); $ip2bin = Net_IPv6::_ip2Bin($ip2); } else return array(); // it's *crucial* that binary strings are guaranteed the expected length; do this for certainty even though for IPv6 it's redundant $ip1bin = str_pad($ip1bin, $bits, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $ip2bin = str_pad($ip2bin, $bits, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); if ($ip1bin === $ip2bin) return array($ip1 . '/' . $bits); if (strcmp($ip1bin, $ip2bin) > 0) list ($ip1bin, $ip2bin) = array($ip2bin, $ip1bin); // swap contents of ip1 <= ip2 $rangesubnets = array(); $netsize = 0; do { // at loop start, $ip1 is guaranteed strictly less than $ip2 (important for edge case trapping and preventing accidental binary wrapround) // which means the assignments $ip1 += 1 and $ip2 -= 1 will always be "binary-wrapround-safe" // step #1 if start ip (as shifted) ends in any '1's, then it must have a single cidr to itself (any cidr would include the '0' below it) if (substr($ip1bin, -1, 1) == '1') { // the start ip must be in a separate one-IP cidr range $new_subnet_ip = substr($ip1bin, $netsize, $bits - $netsize) . str_repeat('0', $netsize); $rangesubnets[$new_subnet_ip] = $bits - $netsize; $n = strrpos($ip1bin, '0'); //can't be all 1's $ip1bin = ($n == 0 ? '' : substr($ip1bin, 0, $n)) . '1' . str_repeat('0', $bits - $n - 1); // BINARY VERSION OF $ip1 += 1 } // step #2, if end ip (as shifted) ends in any zeros then that must have a cidr to itself (as cidr cant span the 1->0 gap) if (substr($ip2bin, -1, 1) == '0') { // the end ip must be in a separate one-IP cidr range $new_subnet_ip = substr($ip2bin, $netsize, $bits - $netsize) . str_repeat('0', $netsize); $rangesubnets[$new_subnet_ip] = $bits - $netsize; $n = strrpos($ip2bin, '1'); //can't be all 0's $ip2bin = ($n == 0 ? '' : substr($ip2bin, 0, $n)) . '0' . str_repeat('1', $bits - $n - 1); // BINARY VERSION OF $ip2 -= 1 // already checked for the edge case where end = start+1 and start ends in 0x1, above, so it's safe } // this is the only edge case arising from increment/decrement. // it happens if the range at start of loop is exactly 2 adjacent ips, that spanned the 1->0 gap. (we will have enumerated both by now) if (strcmp($ip2bin, $ip1bin) < 0) continue; // step #3 the start and end ip MUST now end in '0's and '1's respectively // so we have a non-trivial range AND the last N bits are no longer important for CIDR purposes. $shift = $bits - max(strrpos($ip1bin, '0'), strrpos($ip2bin, '1')); // num of low bits which are '0' in ip1 and '1' in ip2 $ip1bin = str_repeat('0', $shift) . substr($ip1bin, 0, $bits - $shift); $ip2bin = str_repeat('0', $shift) . substr($ip2bin, 0, $bits - $shift); $netsize += $shift; if ($ip1bin === $ip2bin) { // we're done. $new_subnet_ip = substr($ip1bin, $netsize, $bits - $netsize) . str_repeat('0', $netsize); $rangesubnets[$new_subnet_ip] = $bits - $netsize; continue; } // at this point there's still a remaining range, and either startip ends with '1', or endip ends with '0'. So repeat cycle. } while (strcmp($ip1bin, $ip2bin) < 0); // subnets are ordered by bit size. Re sort by IP ("naturally") and convert back to IPv4/IPv6 ksort($rangesubnets, SORT_STRING); $out = array(); foreach ($rangesubnets as $ip => $netmask) { if ($proto == 'ipv4') { $i = str_split($ip, 8); $out[] = implode('.', array( bindec($i[0]),bindec($i[1]),bindec($i[2]),bindec($i[3]))) . '/' . $netmask; } else $out[] = Net_IPv6::compress(Net_IPv6::_bin2Ip($ip)) . '/' . $netmask; } return $out; } // Archive Aliastables for NanoBSD and RAMDisk Installations function pfb_aliastables($mode) { global $g,$config,$pfb; $earlyshellcmd = "/usr/local/pkg/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.sh aliastables"; $msg = ""; // Only Execute function if Platform is NanoBSD or Ramdisks are used. if (($g['platform'] != "pfSense") || isset($config['system']['use_mfs_tmpvar'])) { conf_mount_rw(); if ($mode == "update") { // Archive Aliastable Folder exec ("cd {$pfb['aliasdir']}; ls -A pfB_*.txt && /usr/bin/tar -jcvf {$pfb['aliasarchive']} pfB_*.txt >/dev/null 2>&1"); $msg = "\n\nArchiving Aliastable Folder\n"; } elseif ($mode == "conf") { // Check conf file for earlyshellcmd if (is_array($config['system']['earlyshellcmd'])) { $a_earlyshellcmd = &$config['system']['earlyshellcmd']; if (!preg_grep("/pfblockerng.sh aliastables/", $a_earlyshellcmd)) { $a_earlyshellcmd[] = "{$earlyshellcmd}"; $msg = "\n** Adding earlyshellcmd **\n"; } } else { $config['system']['earlyshellcmd'] = "{$earlyshellcmd}"; $msg = "\n** Adding earlyshellcmd **\n"; } } conf_mount_ro(); } else { if (file_exists("{$pfb['aliasarchive']}")) { // Remove Aliastables archive if found. conf_mount_rw(); @unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['aliasarchive']}"); conf_mount_ro(); } // Remove earlyshellcmd if found. if (is_array($config['system']['earlyshellcmd'])) { $a_earlyshellcmd = &$config['system']['earlyshellcmd']; if (preg_grep("/pfblockerng.sh aliastables/", $a_earlyshellcmd)) { $a_earlyshellcmd = preg_grep("/pfblockerng.sh aliastables/", $a_earlyshellcmd, PREG_GREP_INVERT); $msg = "\n** Removing earlyshellcmd **\n"; } } } if ($msg != "") pfb_logger("{$msg}","1"); } # Main pfBlockerNG Function function sync_package_pfblockerng($cron = "") { global $g,$config,$pfb,$pfbarr; pfb_global(); # Detect Boot Process or Update via CRON if (isset($_POST) && $cron == "") { if (!preg_match("/\w+/",$_POST['__csrf_magic'])) { log_error("[pfBlockerNG] Sync terminated during boot process."); return; } } log_error("[pfBlockerNG] Starting sync process."); // Force Update - Set 'Save' variable when 'No Updates' found. if ($cron == "noupdates") { $pfb['save'] = TRUE; } # Start of pfBlockerNG Logging to 'pfblockerng.log' if ($pfb['enable'] == "on" && !$pfb['save']) { $log = " UPDATE PROCESS START [ NOW ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); } else { if ($cron != "noupdates") { $log = "\n**Saving Configuration [ NOW ] ...\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); } } // Call function for NanoBSD/Ramdisk processes. pfb_aliastables("conf"); # Collect pfSense Max Table Size Entry $pfb['table_limit'] = ($config['system']['maximumtableentries'] != "" ? $config['system']['maximumtableentries'] : "2000000"); # If Table limit not defined, set Default to 2M $config['system']['maximumtableentries'] = "{$pfb['table_limit']}"; # Collect local web gui configuration $pfb['weblocal'] = ($config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] != "" ? $config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] : "http"); $pfb['port'] = $config['system']['webgui']['port']; if ($pfb['port'] == "") { if ($config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] == "http") { $pfb['port'] = "80"; } else { $pfb['port'] = "443"; } } $pfb['weblocal'] .= "://{$pfb['port']}/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.php"; # Define Inbound/Outbound Action is not user selected. $pfb['deny_action_inbound'] = ($pfb['config']['inbound_deny_action'] != "" ? $pfb['config']['inbound_deny_action'] : "block"); $pfb['deny_action_outbound'] = ($pfb['config']['outbound_deny_action'] != "" ? $pfb['config']['outbound_deny_action'] : "reject"); # Validation check to see if the Original pfBlocker package is Enabled $pfb['validate']= $pfb['config']['pfblocker_cb']; # User Defined CRON Start Minute $pfb['min'] = $pfb['config']['pfb_min']; # Reloads Existing Blocklists without Downloading New Lists $pfb['reuse'] = $pfb['config']['pfb_reuse']; # Enable OpenVPN AutoRules $pfb['openvpn'] = $pfb['config']['openvpn_action']; # Enable/Disable Floating Auto-Rules $pfb['float'] = $pfb['config']['enable_float']; # Enable Remove of Duplicate IPs utilizing Grepcidr $pfb['dup'] = $pfb['config']['enable_dup']; # Order of the Auto-Rules $pfb['order'] = $pfb['config']['pass_order']; # Suffix used for Auto-Rules $pfb['suffix'] = $pfb['config']['autorule_suffix']; # Reputation Variables $pfb['config_rep'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngreputation']['config'][0]; # Enable/Disable Reputation $pfb['rep'] = $pfb['config_rep']['enable_rep']; # Enable/Disable 'pDup' $pfb['pdup'] = $pfb['config_rep']['enable_pdup']; # Enable/Disable 'dDup' $pfb['dedup'] = ($pfb['config_rep']['enable_dedup'] != "" ? $pfb['config_rep']['enable_dedup'] : "x"); # 'Max' variable setting for Reputation $pfb['max'] = ($pfb['config_rep']['p24_max_var'] != "" ? $pfb['config_rep']['p24_max_var'] : "x"); # 'dMax' variable setting for Reputation $pfb['dmax'] = ($pfb['config_rep']['p24_dmax_var'] != "" ? $pfb['config_rep']['p24_dmax_var'] : "x"); # 'pMax' variable setting for Reputation $pfb['pmax'] = ($pfb['config_rep']['p24_pmax_var'] != "" ? $pfb['config_rep']['p24_pmax_var'] : "x"); # Action for Whitelist Country Category $pfb['ccwhite'] = $pfb['config_rep']['ccwhite']; # Action for Blacklist Country Category $pfb['ccblack'] = $pfb['config_rep']['ccblack']; # List of Countries in the Whitelist Category $pfb['ccexclude']= ($pfb['config_rep']['ccexclude'] != "" ? $pfb['config_rep']['ccexclude'] : "x"); # Emerging Threats IQRisk Block Categories $pfb['etblock'] = ($pfb['config_rep']['etblock'] != "" ? $pfb['config_rep']['etblock'] : "x"); # Emerging Threats IQRisk Match Categories $pfb['etmatch'] = ($pfb['config_rep']['etmatch'] != "" ? $pfb['config_rep']['etmatch'] : "x"); # Perform a Force Update on ET Categories $pfb['etupdate']= $pfb['config_rep']['et_update']; # Variables # Starting Variable to Skip rep, pdup and dedeup functions if no changes are required $pfb['dupcheck'] = FALSE; ## $pfb['save'] is used to determine if User pressed "Save" Button to avoid Collision with CRON. ## This is defined in each pfBlockerNG XML Files # Validation Check to ensure pfBlocker and pfBlockerNG are not running at the same time. if ($pfb['validate'] == "") { # Collect pfBlocker Enabled Status from config file $pfb['validate_chk'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblocker']['config'][0]['enable_cb']; if ($pfb['validate_chk'] == "on") { $log = "\n The Package 'pfBlocker' is currently Enabled. Either Disable pfBlocker, or 'Disable Validation Check' in pfBlockerNG \n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); return; } } ################################# # Configure ARRAYS # ################################# $continents = array ( "Africa" => "pfB_Africa", "Antartica" => "pfB_Antartica", "Asia" => "pfB_Asia", "Europe" => "pfB_Europe", "North America" => "pfB_NAmerica", "Oceania" => "pfB_Oceania", "South America" => "pfB_SAmerica", "Top Spammers" => "pfB_Top", "Proxy and Satellite" => "pfB_PS" ); #create rules vars and arrays # Array used to Collect Changes to Aliases to be saved to Config $new_aliases = array(); $new_aliases_list = array(); $continent_existing = array(); $continent_new = array(); $permit_inbound = array(); $permit_outbound = array(); $deny_inbound = array(); $deny_outbound = array(); # An Array of all Aliases (Active and non-Active) $aliases_list = array(); # This is an Array of Aliases that Have Updated Lists via CRON/Force Update when 'Reputation' disabled. $pfb_alias_lists = array(); # This is an Array of All Active Aliases used when 'Reputation' enabled $pfb_alias_lists_all = array(); # Base Rule Array $base_rule_reg = array( "id" => "", "tag" => "", "tagged" => "", "max" => "", "max-src-nodes" => "", "max-src-conn" => "", "max-src-states"=> "", "statetimeout" => "", "statetype" => "keep state", "os" => "" ); # Floating Rules, Base Rule Array $base_rule_float = array("id" => "", "tag" => "", "tagged" => "", "quick" => "yes", "floating" => "yes", "max" => "", "max-src-nodes" => "", "max-src-conn" => "", "max-src-states"=> "", "statetimeout" => "", "statetype" => "keep state", "os" => "" ); ######################################### # Configure Rule Suffix # ######################################### # Discover if any Rules are AutoRules (If no AutoRules found, $pfb['autorules'] is FALSE, Skip Rules Re-Order ) # To configure Auto Rule Suffix. pfBlockerNG must be disabled to change Suffix and to avoid Duplicate Rules $pfb['autorules'] = FALSE; $pfb['found'] = FALSE; foreach ($continents as $continent => $pfb_alias) { if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng' . strtolower(preg_replace('/ /','',$continent))]['config'])) { $continent_config = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng' . strtolower(preg_replace('/ /','',$continent))]['config'][0]; if ($continent_config['action'] != "Disabled" && in_array($continent_config['action'],array('Deny_Both','Deny_Inbound','Deny_Outbound','Match_Both','Match_Inbound','Match_Outbound','Permit_Both','Permit_Inbound','Permit_Outbound'))) { $pfb['autorules'] = TRUE; $pfb['found'] = TRUE; break; } } } $list_type = array ("pfblockernglistsv4", "pfblockernglistsv6"); foreach ($list_type as $ip_type) { if ($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'] != "" && !$pfb['found']) { foreach($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'] as $list) { if ($list['action'] != "Disabled" && in_array($list['action'],array('Deny_Both','Deny_Inbound','Deny_Outbound','Match_Both','Match_Inbound','Match_Outbound','Permit_Both','Permit_Inbound','Permit_Outbound'))) { $pfb['autorules'] = TRUE; break; } } } } #Configure Auto Rule Suffix. pfBlockerNG must be disabled to change Suffix and to avoid Duplicate Rules # Count Number of Rules with 'pfB_' $count = 0; if (is_array($config['filter']['rule'])) { foreach ($config['filter']['rule'] as $rule) { # Collect any pre-existing Suffix if (preg_match("/pfB_\w+(\s.*)/",$rule['descr'], $pfb_suffix_real) && $count == 0) { $pfb_suffix_match = $pfb_suffix_real[1]; } # Query for Existing pfB Rules if (preg_match("/pfB_/",$rule['descr'])) { $count++; break; } } } # Change Suffix only if No pfB Rules Found and Auto Rules are Enabled. if ($pfb['autorules'] && $count == 0) { switch ($pfb['suffix']) { case "autorule": $pfb['suffix'] = " auto rule"; break; case "standard": $pfb['suffix'] = ""; break; case "ar": $pfb['suffix'] = " AR"; break; } } else { if ($pfb['autorules']) { # Use existing Suffix Match $pfb['suffix'] = $pfb_suffix_match; } else { # Leave Rule Suffix 'Blank' $pfb['suffix'] = ""; } } ######################################################### # Configure INBOUND/OUTBOUND INTERFACES # ######################################################### # Collect pfSense Interface Order $ifaces = get_configured_interface_list(); if (!empty($pfb['config']['inbound_interface'])) { # Sort Interface Array to match pfSense Interface order to allow Floating Rules to populate. $selected_interfaces = explode(",",$pfb['config']['inbound_interface']); # Sort pfBlockerNG Interface order to pfSense Interface Order $sort_interfaces = array_intersect($ifaces, $selected_interfaces); $implode_interfaces = ltrim(implode(",",$sort_interfaces), ","); # CSV String for Inbound Interfaces for 'pfB_' Match Rules $pfb['inbound_floating'] = $implode_interfaces; $pfb['inbound_interfaces_float'] = explode(" ",$implode_interfaces); # Assign Inbound Base Rule/Interfaces if ($pfb['float'] == "on") { # Define Base Firewall Floating Rules Settings $base_rule = $base_rule_float; $pfb['inbound_interfaces'] = $pfb['inbound_interfaces_float']; } else { # Define Base Firewall Rules Settings $base_rule = $base_rule_reg; $pfb['inbound_interfaces'] = explode(",",$pfb['config']['inbound_interface']); } } else { # Define Empty Variable/Array $pfb['inbound_interfaces_float'] = ""; $pfb['inbound_interfaces'] = array(); } if (!empty($pfb['config']['outbound_interface'])) { # Sort Interface Array to match pfSense Interface order to allow Floating Rules to populate. $selected_interfaces = explode(",",$pfb['config']['outbound_interface']); # Sort pfBlockerNG Interface order to pfSense Interface Order $sort_interfaces = array_intersect($ifaces, $selected_interfaces); // If OpenVPN Interfaces are not in dropdown menu if ($pfb['openvpn'] == "on" && $config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'] || $pfb['openvpn'] == "on" && $config['openvpn']['openvpn-client']) if (!in_array("openvpn",$sort_interfaces)) array_push($sort_interfaces, "openvpn"); $implode_interfaces = ltrim(implode(",",$sort_interfaces), ","); # CSV String for Outbound Interfaces for 'pfB_' Match Rules $pfb['outbound_floating'] = $implode_interfaces; $pfb['outbound_interfaces_float'] = explode(" ",$implode_interfaces); # Assign Outbound Base Rule/Interfaces if ($pfb['float'] == "on") { $base_rule = $base_rule_float; $pfb['outbound_interfaces'] = $pfb['outbound_interfaces_float']; } else { $base_rule = $base_rule_reg; $pfb['outbound_interfaces'] = explode(",",$pfb['config']['outbound_interface']); // If OpenVPN Interfaces are not in dropdown menu if ($pfb['openvpn'] == "on" && $config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'] || $pfb['openvpn'] == "on" && $config['openvpn']['openvpn-client']) if (!in_array("openvpn",$sort_interfaces)) array_push($pfb['outbound_interfaces'], "openvpn"); } } else { # Define Empty Variable/Array $pfb['outbound_interfaces_float'] = ""; $pfb['outbound_interfaces'] = array(); } ################################################# # Clear Removed Lists from Masterfiles # ################################################# # Process to keep Masterfiles in Sync with Valid Lists from config.conf file. $pfb['sync_master'] = TRUE; # Don't execute this function when pfBlockerNG is Disabled and 'Keep Blocklists' is enabled. if ($pfb['enable'] == "" && $pfb['keep'] == "on") $pfb['sync_master'] = FALSE; if ($pfb['sync_master']) { $pfb['existing']['match']['type'] = "match"; $pfb['existing']['permit']['type'] = "permit"; $pfb['existing']['deny']['type'] = "deny"; $pfb['existing']['native']['type'] = "native"; $pfb['existing']['match']['folder'] = "{$pfb['matchdir']}"; $pfb['existing']['permit']['folder'] = "{$pfb['permitdir']}"; $pfb['existing']['deny']['folder'] = "{$pfb['denydir']}"; $pfb['existing']['native']['folder'] = "{$pfb['nativedir']}"; $pfb['actual']['match']['type'] = "match"; $pfb['actual']['permit']['type'] = "permit"; $pfb['actual']['deny']['type'] = "deny"; $pfb['actual']['native']['type'] = "native"; $pfb['actual']['match']['folder'] = "{$pfb['matchdir']}"; $pfb['actual']['permit']['folder'] = "{$pfb['permitdir']}"; $pfb['actual']['deny']['folder'] = "{$pfb['denydir']}"; $pfb['actual']['native']['folder'] = "{$pfb['nativedir']}"; // Find all Enabled Continents Lists foreach ($continents as $continent => $pfb_alias) { if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng' . strtolower(preg_replace('/ /','',$continent))]['config']) && $pfb['enable'] == "on") { $continent_config = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng' . strtolower(preg_replace('/ /','',$continent))]['config'][0]; if ($continent_config['action'] != "Disabled") { $cont_type = array ("countries4" => "_v4", "countries6" => "_v6"); foreach ($cont_type as $c_type => $vtype) { if ($continent_config[$c_type] != "") { # Set Parameters for 'Match', 'Permit', 'Native' and 'Deny' if (in_array($continent_config['action'],array('Match_Both','Match_Inbound','Match_Outbound','Alias_Match'))) { $pfb['existing']['match'][] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"; } elseif (in_array($continent_config['action'],array('Permit_Both','Permit_Inbound','Permit_Outbound','Alias_Permit'))){ $pfb['existing']['permit'][] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"; } elseif ($continent_config['action'] == "Alias_Native") { $pfb['existing']['native'][] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"; } else { $pfb['existing']['deny'][] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype},"; // Add Trailing ',' } } } } } } # Find all Enabled IPv4/IPv6 Lists $list_type = array ("pfblockernglistsv4" => "_v4", "pfblockernglistsv6" => "_v6"); foreach ($list_type as $ip_type => $vtype) { if ($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'] != "" && $pfb['enable'] == "on") { foreach ($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'] as $list) { if (is_array($list['row']) && $list['action'] != "Disabled") { foreach ($list['row'] as $row) { if ($vtype == "_v4") { $pfb_alias = "{$row['header']}"; } else { $pfb_alias = "{$row['header']}_v6"; } # Collect Enabled Lists if ($row['url'] != "" && $row['state'] != "Disabled") { # Set Parameters for 'Match', 'Permit', 'Native' and 'Deny' if (in_array($list['action'],array('Match_Both','Match_Inbound','Match_Outbound','Alias_Match'))) { $pfb['existing']['match'][] = "{$pfb_alias}"; } elseif (in_array($list['action'],array('Permit_Both','Permit_Inbound','Permit_Outbound','Alias_Permit'))) { $pfb['existing']['permit'][] = "{$pfb_alias}"; } elseif ($list['action'] == "Alias_Native") { $pfb['existing']['native'][] = "{$pfb_alias}"; } else { $pfb['existing']['deny'][] = "{$pfb_alias},"; // Add Trailing ',' } } } } } } } # Find all Enabled IPv4 'Custom List' Header Names and Check if 'Emerging Threats Update' and 'Custom List Update' Needs Force Updating $list_type = array ("pfblockernglistsv4" => "_v4", "pfblockernglistsv6" => "_v6"); foreach ($list_type as $ip_type => $vtype) { if ($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'] != "" && $pfb['enable'] == "on") { $count = -1; foreach ($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'] as $list) { if (is_array($list['row']) && $list['action'] != "Disabled") { $count++; # Check if 'Emerging Threats Update' Needs Updating before next CRON Event. if (is_array($list['row']) && $row['state'] != "Disabled" && $pfb['etupdate'] == "enabled" && $vtype == "_v4") { foreach ($list['row'] as $row) { $aliasname = $row['header']; if ($row['format'] == "et") { unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['denydir']}/{$aliasname}.txt"); $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngreputation']['config'][0]['et_update'] = "disabled"; break; } } } } # Collect Enabled Custom List Box Aliases if (pfbng_text_area_decode($list['custom']) != "") { if ($vtype == "_v4") { $pfb_alias = "{$list['aliasname']}_custom"; } else { $pfb_alias = "{$list['aliasname']}_custom_v6"; } # Determine Folder Location for 'List' if (in_array($list['action'],array('Match_Both','Match_Inbound','Match_Outbound','Alias_Match'))) { $pfb['existing']['match'][] = "{$pfb_alias}"; $pfbfolder = "{$pfb['matchdir']}"; } elseif (in_array($list['action'],array('Permit_Both','Permit_Inbound','Permit_Outbound','Alias_Permit'))) { $pfb['existing']['permit'][] = "{$pfb_alias}"; $pfbfolder = "{$pfb['permitdir']}"; } elseif ($list['action'] == "Alias_Native") { $pfb['existing']['native'][] = "{$pfb_alias}"; $pfbfolder = "{$pfb['nativedir']}"; } else { $pfb['existing']['deny'][] = "{$pfb_alias},"; // Add Trailing ',' $pfbfolder = "{$pfb['denydir']}"; } # Determine if 'Custom List' Needs Force Updating before next CRON Event. if ($list['custom_update'] == "enabled") { unlink_if_exists("{$pfbfolder}/{$pfb_alias}.txt"); # Uncheck 'Enabled' in List 'Custom_update' Setting $config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'][$count]['custom_update'] = "disabled"; } } } } } # Collect all .txt file Names for each List Type $list_types = array('match' => $pfb['matchdir'], 'permit' => $pfb['permitdir'], 'deny' => $pfb['denydir'], 'native' => $pfb['nativedir']); foreach ($list_types as $type => $pfbfolder) { $pfb_files = glob("$pfbfolder/*.txt"); foreach ($pfb_files as $pfb_list) { $pfb_file = basename($pfb_list,".txt"); if ($type == "deny") { $pfb['actual'][$type][] = "{$pfb_file},"; // Add Trailing ',' } else { $pfb['actual'][$type][] = "{$pfb_file}"; } } } # Flag to execute pfctl and Rules Ordering $pfb['remove'] = FALSE; # Execute Final Summary as a List was Removed $pfb['summary'] = FALSE; # Process to Remove Lists from Masterfile/DB Folder if they do not Exist if (isset($pfb['existing'])) { foreach ($pfb['existing'] as $pfb_exist) { $existing_type = $pfb_exist['type']; $pfbfolder = $pfb_exist['folder']; foreach ($pfb['actual'] as $pfb_act) { $actual_type = $pfb_act['type']; if ($existing_type == $actual_type) { switch ($existing_type) { case "deny": $results = array_diff($pfb_act, $pfb_exist); $f_result = implode($results); if ($f_result != "") { $log = "[ Removing List(s) : {$f_result} ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); # Script to Remove un-associated Lists exec ("{$pfb['script']} remove x x x {$f_result} >> {$pfb['log']} 2>&1"); $pfb['summary'] = TRUE; $pfb['remove'] = TRUE; } break; case "match": case "permit": case "native": $results = array_diff($pfb_act, $pfb_exist); # This variable ($f_result) used in next section below. $f_result = implode($results); if (!empty($results)) { foreach ($results as $pfb_results) { $log = "[ Removing List(s) : {$pfb_results} ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); unlink_if_exists("{$pfbfolder}/{$pfb_results}.txt"); } $pfb['summary'] = TRUE; $pfb['remove'] = TRUE; } break; } # Allow Rebuilding of Changed Aliase to purge 'SKIP' Lists (when pfBlockerNG is Enabled) $list_type = array ("pfblockernglistsv4" => "_v4", "pfblockernglistsv6" => "_v6"); foreach ($list_type as $ip_type => $vtype) { if ($f_result != "" && $pfb['enable'] == "on") { foreach ($results as $removed_header) { if ($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'] != "" && $pfb['enable'] == "on") { foreach ($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'] as $list) { $alias = "pfB_" . preg_replace("/\W/","",$list['aliasname']); if (is_array($list['row'])) { foreach ($list['row'] as $row) { $removed = rtrim($removed_header, ','); if ($row['header'] == $removed) { $pfb['summary'] = TRUE; $pfb['remove'] = TRUE; # Add Alias to Update Array $pfb_alias_lists[] = "{$alias}"; $pfb_alias_lists_all[] = "{$alias}"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } ######################################################### # Clear Match/Pass/ET/Original Files/Folders # ######################################################### # When pfBlockerNG is Disabled and 'Keep Blocklists' is Disabled. if ($pfb['enable'] == "" && $pfb['keep'] == "" && !$pfb['install']) { $log = "\n Removing DB Files/Folders \n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dbdir']}/masterfile"); unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dbdir']}/mastercat"); unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['supptxt']}"); rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['origdir']}"); rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['matchdir']}"); rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['permitdir']}"); rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['denydir']}"); rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['nativedir']}"); rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['etdir']}"); } ######################################### # Create Suppression Txt File # ######################################### if ($pfb['enable'] == "on" && $pfb['supp'] == "on") pfb_create_suppression_file(); ################################# # Assign Countries # ################################# foreach ($continents as $continent => $pfb_alias) { if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng' . strtolower(preg_replace('/ /','',$continent))]['config'])) { $continent_config = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng' . strtolower(preg_replace('/ /','',$continent))]['config'][0]; if ($continent_config['action'] != "Disabled" && $pfb['enable'] == "on") { # Determine Folder Location for Alias (return array $pfbarr) pfb_determine_list_detail($continent_config['action']); $pfb['skip'] = $pfbarr['skip']; $pfb_descr = $pfbarr['descr']; $pfbfolder = $pfbarr['folder']; // Determine if Continent Lists require Action (IPv4 and IPv6) $cont_type = array ("countries4" => "_v4", "countries6" => "_v6"); foreach ($cont_type as $c_type => $vtype) { $continent = ""; if ($continent_config[$c_type] != "") { // Collect Selected ISO Country Files foreach (explode(",", $continent_config[$c_type]) as $iso) { if ($iso != "" && file_exists($pfb['ccdir'] .'/' . $iso . $vtype . '.txt')) { $continent .= file_get_contents ($pfb['ccdir'] . '/' . $iso . $vtype . '.txt'); } } if (file_exists($pfb['origdir'] . '/' . $pfb_alias . $vtype . '.orig')) $continent_existing = preg_replace('/\s/', '', file ($pfb['origdir'] . '/' . $pfb_alias . $vtype . '.orig')); // Collect New Continent Data for comparison. Cleanup Array for Comparison $continent_new = preg_split ('/$\R?^/m', $continent); $line = count ( $continent_new ) - 1; $match = $continent_new[$line]; $continent_new[$line] = rtrim($match, "\n"); # Check if pfBlockerNG pfctl Continent Tables are Empty (pfBlockerNG was Disabled w/ "keep", then Re-enabled) $pfctlck = exec ("/sbin/pfctl -vvsTables | grep -A1 {$pfb_alias}{$vtype} | awk '/Addresses/ {s+=$2}; END {print s}'"); if (empty($pfctlck) && file_exists($pfbfolder . '/' . $pfb_alias . $vtype . '.txt')) { $file_cont = file_get_contents($pfbfolder . '/' . $pfb_alias . $vtype . '.txt'); @file_put_contents($pfb['aliasdir'] . '/' . $pfb_alias . $vtype . '.txt',$file_cont, LOCK_EX); # PFCTL - Update Only Aliases that have been updated. ('Reputation' Disabled) $pfb_alias_lists[] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"; } # Collect Active Alias Lists (Used for pfctl Update when 'Reputation' is enabled). $pfb_alias_lists_all[] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"; // Compare Existing (Original File) and New Continent Data if ($continent_new === $continent_existing && !empty($pfctlck) && file_exists($pfbfolder . '/' . $pfb_alias . $vtype . '.txt') && $pfb['reuse'] == "") { # Format Log into clean Tab Spaces $string_final = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"; if (strlen($string_final) > 10) { $log_tab = "\t"; } else { $log_tab = "\t\t"; } if (!$pfb['save']) { $log = "\n[ {$pfb_alias}{$vtype} ] {$log_tab} exists, Reloading File [ NOW ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); } } else { // Do not proceed with Changes on User 'Save' if (!$pfb['save']) { $log = "\n[ {$pfb_alias}{$vtype} ] {$log_tab} Changes Found... Updating \n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); # Test to Skip d-dup and p-dup functions when changes are found. $pfb['dupcheck'] = TRUE; $pfb_alias_lists[] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"; // Script to call Duplication Check Process only on IPv4 if ($pfb['dup'] == "on" && $pfb['skip'] && $vtype == "_v4") { // Copy Continent Data to 'lists' folder for duplication processing @file_put_contents($pfb['origdir'] . '/' . $pfb_alias . $vtype . '.orig',$continent, LOCK_EX); @file_put_contents($pfb['denydir'] . '/' . $pfb_alias . $vtype . '.txt',$continent, LOCK_EX); exec ("{$pfb['script']} continent {$pfb_alias}{$vtype} >> {$pfb['log']} 2>&1"); $continent = file_get_contents($pfbfolder . '/' . $pfb_alias . $vtype . '.txt'); @file_put_contents($pfb['aliasdir'] . '/' . $pfb_alias . $vtype . '.txt',$continent, LOCK_EX); } else { @file_put_contents($pfbfolder . '/' . $pfb_alias . $vtype . '.txt',$continent, LOCK_EX); @file_put_contents($pfb['origdir'] . '/' . $pfb_alias . $vtype . '.orig',$continent, LOCK_EX); @file_put_contents($pfb['aliasdir'] . '/' . $pfb_alias . $vtype . '.txt',$continent, LOCK_EX); } # Check if File Exists and is >0 in Size and Save alias file $file_chk = "0"; $cont_chk = "{$pfbfolder}/{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}.txt"; if (file_exists($cont_chk) && @filesize($cont_chk) >0) $file_chk = exec ("/usr/bin/grep -cv '^#\|^$' {$cont_chk}"); if ($file_chk == "0" || $file_chk == "1") { $new_file = "\n"; @file_put_contents($pfbfolder . '/' . $pfb_alias . $vtype . '.txt', $new_file, LOCK_EX); @file_put_contents($pfb['aliasdir'] . "/" . $pfb_alias . $vtype . ".txt", $new_file, LOCK_EX); $log = "[ {$pfb_alias}{$vtype} ] Found no Unique IPs, Adding '' to avoid Empty File\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); } } } if (file_exists($pfbfolder . '/' . $pfb_alias . $vtype . '.txt')) { #Create alias config $new_aliases_list[] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"; $pfb_contlog = $continent_config['aliaslog']; $new_aliases[] = array( "name" => "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}", "url" => "{$pfb['weblocal']}?pfb={$pfb_alias}{$vtype}", "updatefreq" => "32", "address" => "", "descr" => "pfBlockerNG {$vtype} {$pfb_descr} Country Alias", "type" => "urltable", "detail" => "DO NOT EDIT THIS ALIAS" ); #Create rule if action permits switch ($continent_config['action']) { case "Deny_Both": case "Deny_Outbound": $rule = $base_rule; $rule['type'] = "{$pfb['deny_action_outbound']}"; if ($vtype == "_v6") $rule['ipprotocol'] = "inet6"; if ($pfb['float'] == "on") $rule['direction'] = "any"; $rule['descr']= "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}{$pfb['suffix']}"; $rule['source'] = array("any" => ""); $rule['destination'] = array ("address" => "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"); if ($pfb['config']['enable_log'] == "on" || $pfb_contlog == "enabled") $rule['log'] = ""; $deny_outbound[] = $rule; if ($continent_config['action'] != "Deny_Both") break; case "Deny_Inbound": $rule = $base_rule; $rule['type'] = "{$pfb['deny_action_inbound']}"; if ($vtype == "_v6") $rule['ipprotocol'] = "inet6"; if ($pfb['float'] == "on") $rule['direction'] = "any"; $rule['descr'] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}{$pfb['suffix']}"; $rule['source'] = array("address" => "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"); $rule['destination'] = array ("any" => ""); if ($pfb['config']['enable_log'] == "on" || $pfb_contlog == "enabled") $rule['log'] = ""; $deny_inbound[] = $rule; break; case "Permit_Both": case "Permit_Outbound": $rule = $base_rule; $rule['type'] = "pass"; if ($vtype == "_v6") $rule['ipprotocol'] = "inet6"; if ($pfb['float'] == "on") $rule['direction'] = "any"; $rule['descr'] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}{$pfb['suffix']}"; $rule['source'] = array ("any" => ""); $rule['destination'] = array("address" => "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"); if ($pfb['config']['enable_log'] == "on" || $pfb_contlog == "enabled") $rule['log'] = ""; $permit_outbound[] = $rule; if ($continent_config['action'] != "Permit_Both") break; case "Permit_Inbound": $rule = $base_rule; $rule['type'] = "pass"; if ($vtype == "_v6") $rule['ipprotocol'] = "inet6"; if ($pfb['float'] == "on") $rule['direction'] = "any"; $rule['descr'] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}{$pfb['suffix']}"; $rule['source'] = array("address"=> "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"); $rule['destination'] = array ("any" => ""); if ($pfb['config']['enable_log'] == "on" || $pfb_contlog == "enabled") $rule['log'] = ""; $permit_inbound[] = $rule; break; case "Match_Both": case "Match_Outbound": $rule = $base_rule_float; $rule['type'] = "match"; if ($vtype == "_v6") $rule['ipprotocol'] = "inet6"; $rule['direction'] = "any"; $rule['descr'] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}{$pfb['suffix']}"; $rule['source'] = array ("any" => ""); $rule['destination'] = array ("address" => "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"); if ($pfb['config']['enable_log'] == "on" || $pfb_contlog == "enabled") $rule['log'] = ""; $match_outbound[] = $rule; if ($list['action'] != "Match_Both") break; case "Match_Inbound": $rule = $base_rule_float; $rule['type'] = "match"; if ($vtype == "_v6") $rule['ipprotocol'] = "inet6"; $rule['direction'] = "any"; $rule['descr'] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}{$pfb['suffix']}"; $rule['source'] = array ("address" => "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"); $rule['destination'] = array ( "any" => ""); if ($pfb['config']['enable_log'] == "on" || $pfb_contlog == "enabled") $rule['log'] = ""; $match_inbound[] = $rule; break; } } else { #unlink continent list if any unlink_if_exists($pfb['aliasdir'] . '/' . $pfb_alias . $vtype . '.txt'); } } } } #mark pfctl aliastable for cleanup if (!in_array($pfb_alias, $aliases_list)) { $aliases_list[] = "{$pfb_alias}{$vtype}"; } } } # UNSET variables unset ($continent, $continent_existing, $continent_new); ################################################# # Download and Collect IPv4/IPv6 lists # ################################################# # IPv4 REGEX Definitions $pfb['range'] = '/((?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))-((?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))/'; $pfb['block'] = '/(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[ 0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.([0]{1})\s+/'; $pfb['cidr'] = '/(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)?\/[0-9]{2}/'; $pfb['single'] = '/(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\s+/'; $pfb['s_html'] = '/(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)/'; # IPv4 preg_replace Regex Filter array $pfb_ipreg = array(); $pfb_ipreg[0] = '/\b0+(?=\d)/'; # Remove any Leading Zeros in each Octet $pfb_ipreg[1] = '/\s/'; # Remove any Whitespaces $pfb_ipreg[2] = '/127\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}/'; # Remove any Loopback Addresses 127/8 $pfb_ipreg[3] = '/0\.0\.0\.0\/32/'; # Remove $pfb_ipreg[4] = '/0\.0\.0\.0/'; # Remove # IPv6 REGEX Definitions -- ** Still Needs some Adjustment on Regex Definition for IPv6 ** # https://mebsd.com/coding-snipits/php-regex-ipv6-with-preg_match.html $pattern1 = '([A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}:){7}[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}'; $pattern2 = '[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}::([A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,5}[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}'; $pattern3 = '([A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}:){2}:([A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,4}[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}'; $pattern4 = '([A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}:){3}:([A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}'; $pattern5 = '([A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}:){4}:([A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,2}[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}'; $pattern6 = '([A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}:){5}:([A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,1}[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}'; $pattern7 = '([A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}:){6}:[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}'; $pattern8 = '[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}:[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}:[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}::\/[0-9]{2}'; $pattern9 = '[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}:([A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}::)\/[0-9]{2}'; $pattern10 = '[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}::\/[0-9]{2}'; $pfb['ipv6'] = "/($pattern1)|($pattern2)|($pattern3)|($pattern4)|($pattern5)|($pattern6)|($pattern7)|($pattern8)|($pattern9)|($pattern10)/"; $pfb['supp_update'] = FALSE; $list_type = array ("pfblockernglistsv4" => "_v4", "pfblockernglistsv6" => "_v6"); foreach ($list_type as $ip_type => $vtype) { if ($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'] != "") { foreach ($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'] as $list) { if ($list['action'] != "Disabled" && $pfb['enable'] == "on" && !$pfb['save'] && is_array($list['row'])) { # Capture Alias Name $alias = "pfB_" . preg_replace("/\W/","",$list['aliasname']); foreach ($list['row'] as $row) { if ($row['url'] != "" && $row['state'] != "Disabled") { # Determine Folder Location for Alias (return array $pfbarr) pfb_determine_list_detail($list['action']); $pfb['skip'] = $pfbarr['skip']; $pfbfolder = $pfbarr['folder']; if ($vtype == "_v4") { $header_url = "{$row['header']}"; } else { $header_url = "{$row['header']}_v6"; } # Format Log into clean Tab Spaces if (strlen($header_url) > 10) { $log_tab = "\t"; } else { $log_tab = "\t\t"; } // Empty Header Field Validation Check if (empty($header_url) || preg_match("/\W/",$header_url)) { $log = "\n [ {$row['url']} ]\n ** TERMINATED - Header contains Blank/International/Special or Spaces\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","2"); continue; } # Collect Active Alias List (Used for pfctl Update when 'Reputation' is enabled. $pfb_alias_lists_all[] = "{$alias}"; if (file_exists($pfbfolder . '/' . $header_url . '.txt') && $pfb['reuse'] == "") { if ($row['state'] == "Hold") { $log = "\n[ {$header_url} ] {$log_tab} Static Hold [ NOW ]\n"; } else { $log = "\n[ {$header_url} ] {$log_tab} exists, Reloading File [ NOW ]\n"; } pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); } else { if ($pfb['reuse'] == "on" && file_exists($pfb['origdir'] . '/' . $header_url . '.orig')) { $log = "\n[ {$header_url} ] {$log_tab} Using Previously Downloaded File [ NOW ]\n"; } else { $log = "\n[ {$header_url} ] {$log_tab} Downloading New File [ NOW ]\n"; } pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); # Perform Remote URL Date/Time Stamp checks $host = @parse_url($row['url']); $list_url = "{$row['url']}"; if ($row['format'] != "rsync" || $row['format'] != "html") { if ($host['host'] == "" || $host['host'] == $pfb['iplocal'] || empty($host['host'])) { $remote_tds = "local"; } else { $remote_tds = @implode(preg_grep("/Last-Modified/", get_headers($list_url))); $remote_tds = preg_replace("/^Last-Modified: /","", $remote_tds); } } $url_list = array(); if ($row['format'] == "gz" || $row['format'] == "gz_2") { $file_dwn = "{$pfb['origdir']}/{$header_url}.gz"; if ($pfb['reuse'] == "on" && file_exists($file_dwn)) { # File Exists/Reuse } else { $url_gz = "{$row['url']}"; $file_gz = @file_get_contents($url_gz); @file_put_contents($file_dwn, $file_gz, LOCK_EX); if ($remote_tds == "local") $remote_tds = gmdate ("D, d M Y H:i:s T", filemtime($file_dwn)); $remote_stamp = strtotime($remote_tds); if (!empty($remote_stamp) && file_exists($file_dwn)) touch ($file_dwn, $remote_stamp); } $url_list = @gzfile($file_dwn); } # IBlock Large Files mixed with IPs and Domains. PHP mem of 256M can't handle very large Files. if ($row['format'] == "gz_lg") { $file_dwn = "{$pfb['origdir']}/{$header_url}.gz"; if ($pfb['reuse'] == "on" && file_exists($file_dwn)) { # File Exists/Reuse } else { $url_gz = "{$row['url']}"; $file_gz = @file_get_contents($url_gz); @file_put_contents($file_dwn, $file_gz, LOCK_EX); exec ("/usr/bin/gunzip -c {$file_dwn} | /usr/bin/sed 's/^.*://' | /usr/bin/grep -v '[a-zA-Z]\|^$\|^#' > {$pfb['origdir']}/{$header_url}.orig"); if ($remote_tds == "local") $remote_tds = gmdate ("D, d M Y H:i:s T", filemtime($file_dwn)); $remote_stamp = strtotime($remote_tds); if (!empty($remote_stamp) && file_exists($file_dwn)) touch ($file_dwn, $remote_stamp); } $url_list = @file($pfb['origdir'] . '/' . $header_url . '.orig'); } elseif ($row['format'] == "zip") { $file_dwn = "{$pfb['origdir']}/{$header_url}.zip"; if ($pfb['reuse'] == "on" && file_exists($file_dwn)) { # File Exists/Reuse } else { $url_zip = "{$row['url']}"; if (!$file_zip = @file_get_contents($url_zip)) { $error = error_get_last(); $log = "\n [ {$header_url} ] {$error['message']} \n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","2"); } else { @file_put_contents($file_dwn, $file_zip, LOCK_EX); if ($remote_tds == "local") $remote_tds = gmdate ("D, d M Y H:i:s T", filemtime($file_dwn)); $remote_stamp = strtotime($remote_tds); if (!empty($remote_stamp) && file_exists($file_dwn)) touch ($file_dwn, $remote_stamp); } } $zip_out = "{$pfb['origdir']}/{$header_url}.orig"; exec ("/usr/bin/tar -xOf {$file_dwn} | tr ',' '\n' > {$zip_out}"); $url_list = @file($zip_out); } elseif ($row['format'] == "et") { $file_dwn = "{$pfb['origdir']}/{$header_url}.gz"; # Script to Call ET IQRISK Process if ($pfb['reuse'] == "on" && file_exists($file_dwn)) { # File Exists/Reuse } else { $url_et = "{$row['url']}"; $file_et = @file_get_contents($url_et); @file_put_contents($file_dwn, $file_et, LOCK_EX); if ($remote_tds == "local") $remote_tds = gmdate ("D, d M Y H:i:s T", filemtime($file_dwn)); $remote_stamp = strtotime($remote_tds); if (!empty($remote_stamp) && file_exists($file_dwn)) touch ($file_dwn, $remote_stamp); } exec ("{$pfb['script']} et {$header_url} x x x x x {$pfb['etblock']} {$pfb['etmatch']} >> {$pfb['log']} 2>&1"); $url_list = @file($pfb['origdir'] . '/' . $header_url . '.orig'); } elseif ($row['format'] == "xlsx") { $file_dwn = "{$pfb['origdir']}/{$header_url}.zip"; # Script to Call XLSX Process if ($pfb['reuse'] == "on" && file_exists($file_dwn)) { # File Exists/Reuse } else { $url_xlsx = "{$row['url']}"; $file_xlsx = @file_get_contents($url_xlsx); @file_put_contents($file_dwn, $file_xlsx, LOCK_EX); if ($remote_tds == "local") $remote_tds = gmdate ("D, d M Y H:i:s T", filemtime($file_dwn)); $remote_stamp = strtotime($remote_tds); if (!empty($remote_stamp) && file_exists($file_dwn)) touch ($file_dwn, $remote_stamp); } exec ("{$pfb['script']} xlsx {$header_url} >> {$pfb['log']} 2>&1"); $url_list = @file($pfb['origdir'] . '/' . $header_url . '.orig'); } elseif ($row['format'] == "txt") { $file_dwn = "{$pfb['origdir']}/{$header_url}.orig"; if ($pfb['reuse'] == "on" && file_exists($file_dwn)) { $url_list = @file($file_dwn); } else { $url_other = @file($row['url']); $url_list = $url_other; @file_put_contents($file_dwn, $url_other, LOCK_EX); if ($remote_tds == "local") $remote_tds = gmdate ("D, d M Y H:i:s T", filemtime($file_dwn)); $remote_stamp = strtotime($remote_tds); if (!empty($remote_stamp) && file_exists($file_dwn)) touch ($file_dwn, $remote_stamp); } } elseif ($row['format'] == "html" || $row['format'] == "block") { $file_dwn = "{$pfb['origdir']}/{$header_url}.raw"; if ($pfb['reuse'] == "on" && file_exists($file_dwn)) { # File Exists/Reuse $return = 0; } else { $url_html = "{$row['url']}"; exec ("/usr/bin/fetch -v -o {$file_dwn} -T 20 {$url_html}",$output,$return); } if ($return == 0) $url_list = @file($file_dwn); } elseif ($row['format'] == "rsync") { $file_dwn = "{$pfb['origdir']}/{$header_url}.orig"; if ($pfb['reuse'] == "on" && file_exists($file_dwn)) { # File Exists/Reuse } else { $url_rsync = "{$row['url']}"; exec ("/usr/local/bin/rsync --timeout=5 {$url_rsync} {$file_dwn}"); } $url_list = @file($file_dwn); } #extract range lists $new_file = ""; if (!empty($url_list)) { if ($row['format'] == "gz" && $vtype == "_v4") { foreach ($url_list as $line) { if (!preg_match("/^#/", $line)) { # Network range if (preg_match($pfb['range'],$line,$matches)) { $a_cidr = ip_range_to_subnet_array_temp2($matches[1],$matches[2]); if (!empty($a_cidr)) { foreach ($a_cidr as $cidr) { $new_file .= preg_replace($pfb_ipreg,'',$cidr) . "\n"; } } } } } } elseif ($row['format'] == "block" && $vtype == "_v4") { foreach ($url_list as $line) { if (!preg_match("/^#/", $line)) { # Block Type ' 24' if (preg_match($pfb['block'],$line,$matches)) { $new_file .= preg_replace($pfb_ipreg, '',$matches[0]) . "/24\n"; } } } } elseif ($row['format'] == "html" && $vtype == "_v4") { foreach ($url_list as $line) { if (!preg_match("/^#/", $line)) { # CIDR format if (preg_match($pfb['cidr'],$line,$matches)) { $new_file .= preg_replace($pfb_ipreg, '',$matches[0]) . "\n"; } # Single ip addresses elseif (preg_match($pfb['s_html'],$line,$matches)) { $new_file .= preg_replace($pfb_ipreg, '',$matches[0]) . "\n"; } } } } elseif ($vtype == "_v6") { foreach ($url_list as $line) { if (!preg_match("/^#/", $line)) { # IPv6 Regex Match if (preg_match($pfb['ipv6'],$line,$matches)) { $new_file .= preg_replace($pfb_ipreg, '',$matches[0]) . "\n"; } } } } else { foreach ($url_list as $line) { if (!preg_match("/^#/", $line)) { # CIDR format if (preg_match($pfb['cidr'],$line,$matches)) { $new_file .= preg_replace($pfb_ipreg, '',$matches[0]) . "\n"; } # Single ip addresses elseif (preg_match($pfb['single'],$line,$matches)) { $new_file .= preg_replace($pfb_ipreg, '',$matches[0]) . "\n"; } } } } } # Check to see if Blocklist actually Failed Download or has no IPs listed. if ($row['format'] == "html" || $row['format'] == "block") { $url_chk = $file_dwn; } else { $url_chk = "{$pfb['origdir']}/{$header_url}.orig"; } # Check if File Exists and is >0 in Size $file_chk = ""; if (file_exists($url_chk) && @filesize($url_chk) >0) $file_chk = exec ("/usr/bin/grep -cv '^#\|^$' {$url_chk}"); if ($file_chk == "0") { $new_file = "\n"; $url_other = $new_file; $log = "[ {$header_url} ] Found no IPs, Adding '' to avoid Download FAIL\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); } if ($new_file != "") { if ($row['format'] == "gz" || $row['format'] == "gz_2" || $row['format'] == "html" || $row['format'] == "block") { # Re-Save these formats as original file $url_other = $new_file; @file_put_contents($pfb['origdir'] . '/' . $header_url . '.orig',$url_other, LOCK_EX); } # Save List to '.txt' format in appropriate Folder @file_put_contents($pfbfolder . '/' .$header_url . '.txt',$new_file, LOCK_EX); if ($pfb['rep'] == "on" && $pfb['skip'] && $vtype == "_v4") { # Script to Call p24 Process exec ("{$pfb['script']} p24 {$header_url} {$pfb['max']} {$pfb['dedup']} {$pfb['ccexclude']} {$pfb['ccwhite']} {$pfb['ccblack']} >> {$pfb['log']} 2>&1"); } if ($pfb['dup'] == "on" && $pfb['skip'] && $vtype == "_v4") { # Script to call Duplication Check Process exec ("{$pfb['script']} duplicate {$header_url} >> {$pfb['log']} 2>&1"); } # PFCTL - Update Only Aliases that have been updated only. $pfb_alias_lists[] = "{$alias}"; # Launch d-dup and p-dup functions when changes are found. if ($pfb['skip'] && $vtype == "_v4") $pfb['dupcheck'] = TRUE; # Enable Suppression Process due to Updates if ($pfb['supp'] == "on" && $vtype == "_v4") $pfb['supp_update'] = TRUE; } else { # Log FAILED Downloads and Check if Firewall or Snort/Suricata is Blocking Host $log = "\n [ {$alias} {$header_url} ] Download FAIL [ NOW ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","2"); # Rebuild Previous List File from contents of Masterfile if ($pfb['skip'] && $vtype == "_v4") { # Search with trailing Whitespace to match exact Header in Masterfile $header_url2 = $header_url . "[[:space:]]"; $file_chk = exec ("/usr/bin/grep {$header_url2} {$pfb['master']} | grep -c ^"); if (!file_exists($pfbfolder . '/' . $header_url . '.txt') && @$file_chk > 0 && file_exists($pfb['master'])) { $log = " [ {$alias} {$header_url} ] Found: {$file_chk} Line(s), Restoring previous List from Master \n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","2"); exec ("/usr/bin/grep {$header_url2} {$pfb['master']} | cut -d' ' -f2 > {$pfbfolder}/{$header_url}.txt"); } } # A "Space" string Variable $sp = " "; $ip = @gethostbyname($host['host']); $ip2 = preg_replace("/(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3})/", "\"^$1\.$2\.$3\.\"", $ip); # Only Perform these Checks if they are not "localfiles" if ($host['host'] == "" || $host['host'] == $pfb['iplocal'] || empty($host['host'])) { $log = " [ {$alias} {$header_url} ] Local File Failure \n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","2"); } else { # only perform these steps if an 'IP' is found. if (!empty($ip)) { // Query for Exact IP Match $result_b1 = array(); $pfb_b1 = exec ("/usr/bin/grep ^{$ip} {$pfbfolder}/*", $result_b1); // Query for First Three IP Octet Matches $result_b2 = array(); $pfb_b2 = exec ("/usr/bin/grep {$ip2} {$pfbfolder}/*", $result_b2); // Query Snort/Suricata snort2c IP Block Table $snort_pfb = exec("/sbin/pfctl -t snort2c -T show | grep {$ip}"); # If an exact IP Match is not found report any First Three IP Octets. if (!empty($result_b1)) { $final_b1 = implode("\n ", $result_b1); $log = " [ {$alias} {$header_url}, {$ip} ] Firewall IP Block Found in : \n{$sp}{$final_b1}\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","2"); } else { if (!empty($result_b2)) { $final_b2 = implode("\n ", $result_b2); $log = " [ {$alias} {$header_url}, {$ip} ] *Potential* Firewall IP Block Found in : \n{$sp}{$final_b2}\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","2"); } } if (!empty($snort_pfb)) { $log = " [ {$alias} {$header_url}, {$ip} ] snort2c IP Block Found in : [ {$snort_pfb} ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","2"); } } else { $log = " [ {$alias} {$header_url} ] No host IP found \n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","2"); } } } # UNSET variables unset ($file_gz,$file_zip,$file_et,$file_xlsx,$url_other,$url_list); } } } #check custom network list if (pfbng_text_area_decode($list['custom']) != "") { if ($vtype == "_v4") { $aliascustom = "{$list['aliasname']}_custom"; } else { $aliascustom = "{$list['aliasname']}_custom_v6"; } # Format Log into clean Tab Spaces if (strlen($aliascustom) > 10) { $log_tab = "\t"; } else { $log_tab = "\t\t"; } # Collect Active Alias List (Used for pfctl Update when 'Reputation' is enabled. $pfb_alias_lists_all[] = "{$alias}"; # Determine Folder Location for Alias (return array $pfbarr) pfb_determine_list_detail($list['action']); $pfb['skip'] = $pfbarr['skip']; $pfbfolder = $pfbarr['folder']; if (file_exists($pfbfolder . '/' . $aliascustom . '.txt') && $pfb['reuse'] == "") { $log = "\n[ {$aliascustom} ] {$log_tab} exists, Reloading File [ NOW ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); } else { $url_list = array(); $log = "\n[ {$aliascustom} ] {$log_tab} Loading Custom File [ NOW ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); $custom_list = pfbng_text_area_decode($list['custom']) . "\n"; @file_put_contents($pfb['origdir'] . '/' . $aliascustom . '.orig', $custom_list, LOCK_EX); $url_list = @file($pfb['origdir'] . '/' . $aliascustom . '.orig'); $new_file = ""; if (!empty($url_list)) { foreach ($url_list as $line) { if ($vtype == "_v4") { # CIDR format if (preg_match($pfb['cidr'],$line,$matches)) { $new_file .= preg_replace($pfb_ipreg, '',$matches[0]) . "\n"; } # Single ip addresses elseif (preg_match($pfb['s_html'],$line,$matches)) { $new_file .= preg_replace($pfb_ipreg, '',$matches[0]) . "\n"; } # Network range elseif (preg_match($pfb['range'],$line,$matches)) { $a_cidr = ip_range_to_subnet_array_temp2($matches[1],$matches[2]); if (!empty($a_cidr)) { foreach ($a_cidr as $cidr) { $new_file .= preg_replace($pfb_ipreg, '',$cidr) . "\n"; } } } } else { # IPv6 Regex if (preg_match($pfb['ipv6'],$line,$matches)) { $new_file .= preg_replace($pfb_ipreg, '',$matches[0]) . "\n"; } } } } if ($new_file != "") { # PFCTL - Collect Only Aliases that have been updated only. $pfb_alias_lists[] = "{$alias}"; # Collect Updated lists for Suppression Process @file_put_contents($pfbfolder . '/'. $aliascustom . '.txt',$new_file, LOCK_EX); # Enable Suppression Process due to Updates if ($pfb['supp'] == "on" && $vtype == "_v4") $pfb['supp_update'] = TRUE; if ($pfb['rep'] == "on" && $pfb['skip'] && $vtype == "_v4") { # Script to Call p24 Process exec ("{$pfb['script']} p24 {$aliascustom} {$pfb['max']} {$pfb['dedup']} {$pfb['ccexclude']} {$pfb['ccwhite']} {$pfb['ccblack']} >> {$pfb['log']} 2>&1"); } if ($pfb['dup'] == "on" && $pfb['skip'] && $vtype == "_v4") { # Script to call Duplication Check Process exec ("{$pfb['script']} duplicate {$aliascustom} >> {$pfb['log']} 2>&1"); } } else { $log = "[ {$aliascustom} ] Custom List Error ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); } } } } } } } ################################# # REPUTATION PROCESSES # ################################# # IP Reputation processes (pdup and ddup) if ($pfb['pdup'] == "on" && $pfb['dupcheck'] && !$pfb['save'] && $pfb['enable'] == "on") { # Script to run pdup process exec ("{$pfb['script']} pdup x {$pfb['pmax']} >> {$pfb['log']} 2>&1"); } if ($pfb['dedup'] == "on" && $pfb['dupcheck'] && !$pfb['save'] && $pfb['enable'] == "on") { # Script to run dedup process exec ("{$pfb['script']} dedup x {$pfb['dmax']} {$pfb['dedup']} {$pfb['ccexclude']} {$pfb['ccwhite']} {$pfb['ccblack']} >> {$pfb['log']} 2>&1"); } ################################# # CONFIGURE ALIASES # ################################# $list_type = array ("pfblockernglistsv4" => "_v4", "pfblockernglistsv6" => "_v6"); foreach ($list_type as $ip_type => $vtype) { if ($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'] != "" && $pfb['enable'] == "on") { $runonce = 0; foreach ($config['installedpackages'][$ip_type]['config'] as $list) { $alias = "pfB_" . preg_replace("/\W/","",$list['aliasname']); # Determine Folder Location for Alias (return array $pfbarr) pfb_determine_list_detail($list['action']); $pfb['skip'] = $pfbarr['skip']; $pfb_descr = $pfbarr['descr']; $pfbfolder = $pfbarr['folder']; // Re-Save Only Aliases that have been updated only. // When 'Reputation' is used, all Aliases need to be Updated. $final_alias = array(); if ($pfb['dedup'] == "on" || $pfb['pdup'] == "on") { if (!empty($pfb_alias_lists_all)) $final_alias = array_unique($pfb_alias_lists_all); } else { if (!empty($pfb_alias_lists)) $final_alias = array_unique($pfb_alias_lists); } if ($list['action'] != "Disabled") { #remove empty lists files if any if (is_array($list['row'])) { $update = 0; ${$alias} = ""; foreach ($list['row'] as $row) { if ($row['url'] != "" && $row['state'] != "Disabled") { if ($vtype == "_v4") { $header_url = "{$row['header']}"; } else { $header_url = "{$row['header']}_v6"; } $pfctlck = exec ("/sbin/pfctl -vvsTables | grep -A1 {$alias} | awk '/Addresses/ {s+=$2}; END {print s}'"); # Update Alias if List File Exists and its been updated or if the Alias URL Table is Empty. if (file_exists($pfbfolder . "/" . $header_url . ".txt") && in_array($alias, $final_alias) || file_exists($pfbfolder . "/" . $header_url . ".txt") && empty($pfctlck)) { # Script to run Suppression process (Print Header Only) if ($pfb['supp'] == "on" && $vtype == "_v4" && $runonce == 0 && $pfb['supp_update']) { exec ("{$pfb['script']} suppress x x x suppressheader >> {$pfb['log']} 2>&1"); $runonce++; } # Script to run Suppression Process (Body) if ($pfb['supp'] == "on" && $vtype == "_v4" && $pfb['supp_update']) { if ($pfb['dup'] == "on" || !$pfb['skip']) { # Execute if Duplication Process is Enabled or List is Permit or Match exec ("{$pfb['script']} suppress x x x {$header_url}\|{$pfbfolder}/ >> {$pfb['log']} 2>&1"); } else { # Execute if Duplication Process is Disabled exec ("{$pfb['script']} suppress x x off {$header_url}\|{$pfbfolder}/ >> {$pfb['log']} 2>&1"); } } ${$alias} .= file_get_contents($pfbfolder . '/' . $header_url . '.txt'); $update++; } } } } #check custom network list if ($vtype == "_v4") { $aliasname = "{$list['aliasname']}_custom"; } else { $aliasname = "{$list['aliasname']}_custom_v6"; } # Update Alias if List File Exists and its been updated or if the Alias URL Table is Empty. $pfctlck = exec ("/sbin/pfctl -vvsTables | grep -A1 {$alias} | awk '/Addresses/ {s+=$2}; END {print s}'"); if (pfbng_text_area_decode($list['custom']) != "") { if (file_exists($pfbfolder . "/" . $aliasname . ".txt") && in_array($alias, $final_alias) || file_exists($pfbfolder . "/" . $aliasname . ".txt") && empty($pfctlck)) { ${$alias} .= file_get_contents($pfbfolder . '/' . $aliasname . '.txt'); $update++; } } # Determine Validity of Alias URL Tables/Rules. ie: Don't create Empty URL Tables or Aliases if (${$alias} == "" && empty($pfctlck)) { unlink_if_exists($pfb['aliasdir'] . '/' . $alias. '.txt'); } else { // Save Only Aliases that have been updated. if ($update > 0) { @file_put_contents($pfb['aliasdir'] . '/' . $alias. '.txt',${$alias}, LOCK_EX); } $alias_log = $list['aliaslog']; #create alias $new_aliases_list[] = "{$alias}"; $new_aliases[] = array( "name" => "{$alias}", "url" => "{$pfb['weblocal']}?pfb={$alias}", "updatefreq" => "32", "address" => "", "descr" => "pfBlockerNG {$pfb_descr} List Alias", "type" => "urltable", "detail" => "DO NOT EDIT THIS ALIAS" ); #Create rule if action permits switch ($list['action']) { case "Deny_Both": case "Deny_Outbound": $rule = $base_rule; $rule['type'] = "{$pfb['deny_action_outbound']}"; if ($vtype == "_v6") $rule['ipprotocol'] = "inet6"; if ($pfb['float'] == "on") $rule['direction'] = "any"; $rule['descr'] = "{$alias}{$pfb['suffix']}"; $rule['source'] = array ("any" => ""); $rule['destination'] = array ("address" => "{$alias}"); if ($pfb['config']['enable_log'] == "on" || $alias_log == "enabled") $rule['log'] = ""; $deny_outbound[] = $rule; if ($list['action'] != "Deny_Both") break; case "Deny_Inbound": $rule = $base_rule; $rule['type'] = "{$pfb['deny_action_inbound']}"; if ($vtype == "_v6") $rule['ipprotocol'] = "inet6"; if ($pfb['float'] == "on") $rule['direction'] = "any"; $rule['descr'] = "{$alias}{$pfb['suffix']}"; $rule['source'] = array("address" => "{$alias}"); $rule['destination'] = array ("any" => ""); if ($pfb['config']['enable_log'] == "on" || $alias_log == "enabled") $rule['log'] = ""; $deny_inbound[] = $rule; break; case "Permit_Both": case "Permit_Outbound": $rule = $base_rule; $rule['type'] = "pass"; if ($vtype == "_v6") $rule['ipprotocol'] = "inet6"; if ($pfb['float'] == "on") $rule['direction'] = "any"; $rule['descr'] = "{$alias}{$pfb['suffix']}"; $rule['source'] = array ("any" => ""); $rule['destination'] = array ("address" => "{$alias}"); if ($pfb['config']['enable_log'] == "on" || $alias_log == "enabled") $rule['log'] = ""; $permit_outbound[] = $rule; if ($list['action'] != "Permit_Both") break; case "Permit_Inbound": $rule = $base_rule; $rule['type'] = "pass"; if ($vtype == "_v6") $rule['ipprotocol'] = "inet6"; if ($pfb['float'] == "on") $rule['direction'] = "any"; $rule['descr'] = "{$alias}{$pfb['suffix']}"; $rule['source'] = array ("address" => "{$alias}"); $rule['destination'] = array ("any" => ""); if ($pfb['config']['enable_log'] == "on" || $alias_log == "enabled") $rule['log'] = ""; $permit_inbound[] = $rule; break; case "Match_Both": case "Match_Outbound": $rule = $base_rule_float; $rule['type'] = "match"; if ($vtype == "_v6") $rule['ipprotocol'] = "inet6"; $rule['direction'] = "any"; $rule['descr'] = "{$alias}{$pfb['suffix']}"; $rule['source'] = array ("any" => ""); $rule['destination'] = array ("address" => "{$alias}"); if ($pfb['config']['enable_log'] == "on" || $alias_log == "enabled") $rule['log'] = ""; $match_outbound[] = $rule; if ($list['action'] != "Match_Both") break; case "Match_Inbound": $rule = $base_rule_float; $rule['type'] = "match"; if ($vtype == "_v6") $rule['ipprotocol'] = "inet6"; $rule['direction'] = "any"; $rule['descr'] = "{$alias}{$pfb['suffix']}"; $rule['source'] = array ("address" => "{$alias}"); $rule['destination'] = array ("any" => ""); if ($pfb['config']['enable_log'] == "on" || $alias_log == "enabled") $rule['log'] = ""; $match_inbound[] = $rule; break; } } #mark pfctl aliastable for cleanup if (!in_array($alias, $aliases_list)) { $aliases_list[] = "{$alias}"; } } else { #unlink previous pfblockerNG alias list if any unlink_if_exists($pfb['aliasdir'] . '/' . $alias . '.txt'); } } } } # Clear Variables ${$alias} = ""; ######################################### # UPDATE pfSense ALIAS TABLES # ######################################### #update pfsense alias table if (is_array($config['aliases']['alias'])) { foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $cbalias) { if (preg_match("/pfB_/",$cbalias['name'])) { #mark pfctl aliastable for cleaning if (!in_array($cbalias['name'], $aliases_list)) { $aliases_list[] = $cbalias['name']; #mark aliastable for cleaning } #remove previous aliastable file if alias is not defined any more if (!in_array($cbalias['name'], $new_aliases_list)) { unlink_if_exists($pfb['aliasdir'] . '/' . $cbalias['name'] . ".txt"); } } else { $new_aliases[] = $cbalias; # Check Table Size if (file_exists($pfb['aliasdir'] . '/' . $alias . '.txt') && $message == "") { preg_match("/(\d+)/",exec("/usr/bin/grep -c ^ " . $pfb['aliasdir'] . '/' . $alias . '.txt'),$matches); } if (($matches[1] * 2.1) >= $pfb['table_limit']) { #alias table too large $message = "{$alias} alias table is too large. Reduce networks in list or increase 'Firewall Maximum Table Entries' value to at least " . (int)($matches[1] * 2.1) . ' in "system - advanced - Firewall/NAT" . '; } } } } #apply new alias table to xml if ($message == "") { $config['aliases']['alias'] = $new_aliases; } # UNSET Variables unset($new_aliases, $cbalias); ######################### # Assign Rules # ######################### # Only Execute if AutoRules are defined or if an Alias has been removed. if ($pfb['autorules'] || $pfb['enable'] == "" || $pfb['remove']) { if (count($deny_inbound) > 0 || count($permit_inbound) > 0 || count($match_inbound) > 0) { if ($pfb['inbound_interfaces'] == "") { $message = "Unable to apply rules. Inbound Interface option not configured."; } } if (count($deny_outbound) > 0 || count($permit_outbound) > 0 || count($match_outbound) > 0) { if ($pfb['outbound_interfaces'] == "") { $message = "Unable to apply rules. Outbound Interface option not configured."; } } if ($message == "") { $new_rules = array(); $permit_rules = array(); $match_rules = array(); $other_rules = array(); $fpermit_rules = array(); $fmatch_rules = array(); $fother_rules = array(); # Collect All Existing Rules $rules = $config['filter']['rule']; # Collect Existing pfSense Rules 'Pass', 'Match' and 'Other' pfSense rules into new Arrays. if (!empty($rules)) { foreach ($rules as $rule) { if (!preg_match("/pfB_.*" . $pfb['suffix'] . "/",$rule['descr'])) { // Floating rules collection 'Floating Pass/Match'. Balance to 'other' if ($pfb['float'] == "on") { if ($rule['type'] == "pass" && $rule['floating'] == "yes") { $fpermit_rules[] = $rule; } elseif ($rule['type'] == "match" && $rule['floating'] == "yes") { $fmatch_rules[] = $rule; } elseif ($rule['floating'] == "yes") { $fother_rules[] = $rule; } else { $other_rules[] = $rule; } } else { // Collect only 'Selected Inbound and Outbound Interfaces'. Balance to 'Other' if (in_array($rule['interface'],$pfb['inbound_interfaces']) || in_array($rule['interface'],$pfb['outbound_interfaces'])) { // Floating Rules 'off'. Collect 'Floating Other', Balance to 'Other' if ($rule['floating'] == "yes") { $fother_rules[] = $rule; } elseif ($rule['type'] == "pass") { if ($pfb['order'] == "order_0") { $other_rules[] = $rule; } else { $permit_rules[] = $rule; } } elseif ($rule['type'] == "match") { if ($pfb['order'] == "order_0") { $other_rules[] = $rule; } else { $match_rules[] = $rule; } } else { $other_rules[] = $rule; } } else { if ($rule['floating'] == "yes") { $fother_rules[] = $rule; } else { $other_rules[] = $rule; } } } } } } ################################################################################# # PASS/MATCH RULES ORDER(p/m) # # ORDER 0 - pfBlockerNG / All other Rules # # ORDER 1 - pfSense (p/m) / pfBlockerNG (p/m) / pfBlockerNG Block/Reject # # ORDER 2 - pfBlockerNG (p/m) / pfSense (p/m) / pfBlockerNG Block/Reject # # ORDER 3 - pfBlockerNG (p/m) / pfBlockerNG Block/Reject / pfSense (p/m) # ################################################################################# if ($pfb['float'] == "") { if (!empty($fother_rules)) { foreach ($fother_rules as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } } if (!empty($fpermit_rules) && $pfb['order'] == "order_1") { foreach ($fpermit_rules as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if (!empty($fmatch_rules) && $pfb['order'] == "order_1") { foreach ($fmatch_rules as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } # Define Inbound Interface Rules if (!empty($pfb['inbound_interfaces'])) { $counter = 0; foreach ($pfb['inbound_interfaces'] as $inbound_interface) { if (!empty($permit_rules) && $pfb['order'] == "order_1") { foreach ($permit_rules as $cb_rules) { if ($cb_rules['interface'] == $inbound_interface) $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if (!empty($match_rules) && $pfb['order'] == "order_1") { foreach ($match_rules as $cb_rules) { if ($cb_rules['interface'] == $inbound_interface) $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } # Match Inbound Rules defined as Floating Only. if (!empty($match_inbound) && $counter == 0) { foreach ($match_inbound as $cb_rules) { $cb_rules['interface'] = $pfb['inbound_floating']; $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; $counter ++; } } if (!empty($permit_inbound)) { foreach ($permit_inbound as $cb_rules) { $cb_rules['interface'] = $inbound_interface; $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if (!empty($fpermit_rules) && $pfb['order'] == "order_2") { foreach ($fpermit_rules as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if (!empty($fmatch_rules) && $pfb['order'] == "order_2") { foreach ($fmatch_rules as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if (!empty($permit_rules) && $pfb['order'] == "order_2") { foreach ($permit_rules as $cb_rules) { if ($cb_rules['interface'] == $inbound_interface) $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if (!empty($match_rules) && $pfb['order'] == "order_2") { foreach ($match_rules as $cb_rules) { if ($cb_rules['interface'] == $inbound_interface) $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if (!empty($deny_inbound)) { foreach ($deny_inbound as $cb_rules) { $cb_rules['interface'] = $inbound_interface; $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } } } # Define Outbound Interface Rules if (!empty($pfb['outbound_interfaces'])) { $counter = 0; foreach ($pfb['outbound_interfaces'] as $outbound_interface) { if (!empty($permit_rules) && $pfb['order'] == "order_1") { foreach ($permit_rules as $cb_rules) { if ($cb_rules['interface'] == $outbound_interface) $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if (!empty($match_rules) && $pfb['order'] == "order_1") { foreach ($match_rules as $cb_rules) { if ($cb_rules['interface'] == $outbound_interface) $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } # Match Outbound Rules defined as Floating Only. if (!empty($match_outbound) && $counter == 0) { foreach ($match_outbound as $cb_rules) { $cb_rules['interface'] = $pfb['outbound_floating']; $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; $counter++; } } if (!empty($permit_outbound)) { foreach ($permit_outbound as $cb_rules) { $cb_rules['interface'] = $outbound_interface; $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if (!empty($permit_rules) && $pfb['order'] == "order_2") { foreach ($permit_rules as $cb_rules) { if ($cb_rules['interface'] == $outbound_interface) $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if (!empty($match_rules) && $pfb['order'] == "order_2") { foreach ($match_rules as $cb_rules) { if ($cb_rules['interface'] == $outbound_interface) $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if (!empty($deny_outbound)) { foreach ($deny_outbound as $cb_rules) { $cb_rules['interface'] = $outbound_interface; $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } } } if (!empty($fpermit_rules) && $pfb['order'] == "order_0") { foreach ($fpermit_rules as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if (!empty($fmatch_rules) && $pfb['order'] == "order_0") { foreach ($fmatch_rules as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if (!empty($fpermit_rules) && $pfb['order'] == "order_3") { foreach ($fpermit_rules as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if (!empty($fmatch_rules) && $pfb['order'] == "order_3") { foreach ($fmatch_rules as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if (!empty($permit_rules) && $pfb['order'] == "order_3") { foreach ($permit_rules as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if (!empty($match_rules) && $pfb['order'] == "order_3") { foreach ($match_rules as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } if ($pfb['float'] == "on") { if (!empty($fother_rules)) { foreach ($fother_rules as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } } if (!empty($other_rules)) { foreach ($other_rules as $cb_rules) { $new_rules[] = $cb_rules; } } # Save New Rule Order to Config $config['filter']['rule'] = $new_rules; } $log = "\n {$message} \n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); # UNSET arrays unset ($cb_rules,$permit_inbound,$permit_outbound,$deny_inbound,$deny_outbound,$match_inbound,$match_outbound); unset ($other_rules,$fother_rules,$permit_rules,$fpermit_rules,$match_rules,$fmatch_rules); } ################################# # Closing Processes # ################################# #uncheck Reusing Existing Downloads Check box if (!$pfb['save'] && $pfb['enable'] == "on") $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng']['config'][0]['pfb_reuse'] = ""; # Save all Changes to pfSense config file write_config(); # If 'Rule Changes' are found, utilize the 'filter_configure()' function, if not, utilize 'pfctl replace' command if ($pfb['autorules'] && $rules != $new_rules || $pfb['enable'] == "" || $pfb['remove']) { require_once("filter.inc"); if (!$pfb['save']) { $log = "\n===[ Aliastables / Rules ]================================\n\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); $log = "Firewall Rule Changes Found, Applying Filter Reload \n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); } # Remove all pfBlockerNG Alias tables if (!empty($aliases_list)) { foreach ($aliases_list as $table) { exec ("/sbin/pfctl -t " . escapeshellarg($table) . " -T kill 2>&1", $pfb_null); } } #load filter file which will create the pfctl tables filter_configure(); // Call function for NanoBSD/Ramdisk processes. pfb_aliastables("update"); } else { # Don't Execute on User 'Save' if (!$pfb['save']) { $log = "\n===[ Aliastables / Rules ]================================\n\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); $log = "No Changes to Firewall Rules, Skipping Filter Reload \n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); // Re-Save Only Aliases that have been updated only. // When 'Reputation' is used, all Aliases Need to be Updated. $final_alias = array(); if ($pfb['dedup'] == "on" || $pfb['pdup'] == "on") { if (!empty($pfb_alias_lists_all)) $final_alias = array_unique($pfb_alias_lists_all); } else { if (!empty($pfb_alias_lists)) $final_alias = array_unique($pfb_alias_lists); } if (!empty($final_alias)) { foreach ($final_alias as $final) { $log = "\n Updating: {$final} \n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); $result_pfctl = ""; exec ("/sbin/pfctl -t " . escapeshellarg($final) . " -T replace -f " . $pfb['aliasdir'] . "/" . escapeshellarg($final) . ".txt 2>&1", $result_pfctl); $log = implode($result_pfctl); pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); } // Call function for NanoBSD/Ramdisk processes. pfb_aliastables("update"); } else { $log = "\nNo Changes to Aliases, Skipping pfctl Update \n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); } } } # UNSET Variables unset($rules, $new_rules); #sync config pfblockerng_sync_on_changes(); ################################# # FINAL REPORTING # ################################# # Only run with CRON or Force Invoked Process if ((!$pfb['save'] && $pfb['dupcheck'] && $pfb['enable'] == "on") || $pfb['summary']) { # Script to run Final Script Processes. exec ("{$pfb['script']} closing {$pfb['dup']} >> {$pfb['log']} 2>&1"); } if ($pfb['enable'] == "on" && !$pfb['save']) { $log = "\n\n UPDATE PROCESS ENDED [ NOW ]\n"; pfb_logger("{$log}","1"); } ######################################### # Define/Apply CRON Jobs # ######################################### # Clear any existing pfBlockerNG Cron Jobs install_cron_job("pfblockerng.php cron", false); # Replace Cron job with any User Changes to $pfb_min if ($pfb['enable'] == "on") { # Define pfBlockerNG CRON Job $pfb_cmd = "/usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.php cron >> {$pfb['log']} 2>&1"; # $pfb['min'] ( User Defined Variable. Variable defined at start of Script ) $pfb_hour = "*"; $pfb_mday = "*"; $pfb_month = "*"; $pfb_wday = "*"; $pfb_who = "root"; install_cron_job($pfb_cmd, true, $pfb['min'], $pfb_hour, $pfb_mday, $pfb_month, $pfb_wday, $pfb_who); } # Clear any existing pfBlockerNG MaxMind CRON Job install_cron_job("pfblockerng.php dc", false); if ($pfb['enable'] == "on") { # Define pfBlockerNG MaxMind CRON Job $pfb_gcmd = "/usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.php dc >> {$pfb['geolog']} 2>&1"; # MaxMind GeoIP Cron Hour is randomized between 0-23 Hour to minimize effect on MaxMind Website $pfb_gmin = "0"; $pfb_ghour = rand(0,23); $pfb_gmday = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7"; $pfb_gmonth = "*"; $pfb_gwday = "2"; $pfb_gwho = "root"; install_cron_job($pfb_gcmd, true, $pfb_gmin, $pfb_ghour, $pfb_gmday, $pfb_gmonth, $pfb_gwday, $pfb_gwho); } } function pfblockerng_validate_input($post, &$input_errors) { global $config; foreach ($post as $key => $value) { if (empty($value)) continue; if ($key == "message_size_limit" && !is_numeric($value)) $input_errors[] = "Message size limit must be numeric."; if ($key == "process_limit" && !is_numeric($value)) $input_errors[] = "Process limit must be numeric."; if ($key == "freq" && (!preg_match("/^\d+(h|m|d)$/",$value) || $value == 0)) $input_errors[] = "A valid number with a time reference is required for the field 'Frequency'"; if (substr($key, 0, 2) == "dc" && !is_hostname($value)) $input_errors[] = "{$value} is not a valid host name."; if (substr($key, 0, 6) == "domain" && is_numeric(substr($key, 6))) { if (!is_domain($value)) $input_errors[] = "{$value} is not a valid domain name."; } else if (substr($key, 0, 12) == "mailserverip" && is_numeric(substr($key, 12))) { if (empty($post['domain' . substr($key, 12)])) $input_errors[] = "Domain for {$value} cannot be blank."; if (!is_ipaddr($value) && !is_hostname($value)) $input_errors[] = "{$value} is not a valid IP address or host name."; } } } function pfblockerng_php_install_command() { require_once("/usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.php"); global $config,$pfb; pfb_global(); // Remove previously used CC folder location if exists @rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['dbdir']}/cc"); # Uncompress Country Code File @copy("{$pfb['dbdir']}/countrycodes.tar.bz2", "{$pfb['ccdir']}/countrycodes.tar.bz2"); exec("/usr/bin/tar -jx -C {$pfb['ccdif']} -f {$pfb['ccdir']}/countrycodes.tar.bz2"); # Download MaxMind Files and Create Country Code files and Build Continent XML Files update_output_window(gettext("Downloading MaxMind Country Databases. This may take a minute...")); exec("/bin/sh /usr/local/pkg/pfblockerng/geoipupdate.sh all >> {$pfb['geolog']} 2>&1"); update_output_window(gettext("MaxMind Country Database downloads completed...")); update_output_window(gettext("Converting MaxMind Country Databases for pfBlockerNG. This may take a few minutes...")); pfblockerng_uc_countries(); update_output_window(gettext("Creating pfBlockerNG Continenet XML Files...")); pfblockerng_get_countries(); update_output_window(gettext("Completed Creating pfBlockerNG Continenet XML Files...")); // Remove Original Maxmind Database Files @unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dbdir']}/GeoIPCountryCSV.zip"); @unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dbdir']}/GeoIPCountryWhois.csv"); @unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dbdir']}/GeoIPv6.csv"); @unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dbdir']}/country_continent.csv"); # Add Widget to Dashboard update_output_window(gettext("Adding pfBlockerNG Widget to Dashboard.")); if ($pfb['keep'] == "on" && !empty($pfb['widgets'])) { // Restore previous Widget setting if "Keep" is enabled. $config['widgets']['sequence'] = $pfb['widgets']; } else { $widgets = $config['widgets']['sequence']; if (!preg_match("/pfblockerng-container/", $widgets)) { if (empty($widgets)) { $config['widgets']['sequence'] = "pfblockerng-container:col2:show"; } else { $config['widgets']['sequence'] .= ",pfblockerng-container:col2:show"; } } } } function pfblockerng_php_deinstall_command() { require_once("config.inc"); global $config,$pfb; # Set these two variables to Disable pfBlockerNG on De-Install $pfb['save'] = TRUE; $pfb['install'] = TRUE; sync_package_pfblockerng(); rmdir_recursive("/usr/local/pkg/pfblockerng"); rmdir_recursive("/usr/local/www/pfblockerng"); # Maintain pfBlockerNG Settings and Database Files if $pfb['keep'] is ON. if ($pfb['keep'] != "on") { # Remove pfBlockerNG Log and DB Folder rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['dbdir']}"); rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['logdir']}"); // Remove Aliastables archive and earlyshellcmd if found. @unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['aliasarchive']}"); if (is_array($config['system']['earlyshellcmd'])) { $a_earlyshellcmd = &$config['system']['earlyshellcmd']; if (preg_grep("/pfblockerng.sh aliastables/", $a_earlyshellcmd)) { $a_earlyshellcmd = preg_grep("/pfblockerng.sh aliastables/", $a_earlyshellcmd, PREG_GREP_INVERT); } } # Remove Settings from Config if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng']); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngglobal'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngglobal']); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngsync'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngsync']); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngreputation'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngreputation']); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockernglistsv4'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockernglistsv4']); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockernglistsv6'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockernglistsv6']); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngafrica'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngafrica']); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngantartica'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngantartica']); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngasia'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngasia']); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngeurope'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngeurope']); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngnorthamerica'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngnorthamerica']); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngoceania'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngoceania']); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngsouthamerica'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngsouthamerica']); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngtopspammers'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngtopspammers']); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngproxyandsatellite'])) unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngproxyandsatellite']); } # Remove Widget (code from Snort deinstall) $pfb['widgets'] = $config['widgets']['sequence']; if (!empty($pfb['widgets'])) { $widgetlist = explode(",", $pfb['widgets']); foreach ($widgetlist as $key => $widget) { if (strstr($widget, "pfblockerng-container")) { unset($widgetlist[$key]); break; } } $config['widgets']['sequence'] = implode(",", $widgetlist); } update_output_window(gettext("pfBlockerNG has been Uninstalled")); } /* Uses XMLRPC to synchronize the changes to a remote node */ function pfblockerng_sync_on_changes() { global $config, $g, $pfb_sync; // Create Array of Sync Settings and exit if Sync is Disabled. if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngsync']['config'][0])) { $pfb_sync = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngsync']['config'][0]; if ($pfb_sync['varsynconchanges'] == "disabled" || $pfb_sync['varsynconchanges'] == "") return; $synctimeout = $pfb_sync['varsynctimeout']; } else { return; } log_error("[pfBlockerNG] XMLRPC sync is starting."); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngsync']['config'])) { switch ($pfb_sync['varsynconchanges']) { case "manual": if (is_array($pfb_sync[row])) { $rs = $pfb_sync[row]; } else { log_error("[pfBlockerNG] XMLRPC sync is enabled but there are no replication targets configured."); return; } break; case "auto": if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['carpsettings']) && is_array($config['installedpackages']['carpsettings']['config'])){ $system_carp = $config['installedpackages']['carpsettings']['config'][0]; $rs[0]['varsyncipaddress'] = $system_carp['synchronizetoip']; $rs[0]['varsyncusername'] = $system_carp['username']; $rs[0]['varsyncpassword'] = $system_carp['password']; // XMLRPC sync is currently only supported over connections using the same protocol and port as this system if ($config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] == "http") { $rs[0]['varsyncprotocol'] = "http"; } else { $rs[0]['varsyncprotocol'] = "https"; } if ($system_carp['synchronizetoip'] == "") { log_error("[pfBlockerNG] XMLRPC sync is enabled but there are no replication targets configured."); return; } } else { log_error("[pfBlockerNG] XMLRPC sync is enabled but there are no replication targets configured."); return; } break; default: return; break; } if (is_array($rs)) { foreach ($rs as $sh) { // Only Sync Enabled Replication Targets if ($sh['varsyncdestinenable'] == "ON") { $sync_to_ip = $sh['varsyncipaddress']; $port = $sh['varsyncport']; $password = htmlspecialchars($sh['varsyncpassword']); $protocol = $sh['varsyncprotocol']; if (!empty($sh['varsyncusername'])) { $username = $sh['varsyncusername']; } else { $username = "admin"; } pfblockerng_do_xmlrpc_sync($sync_to_ip, $port, $protocol, $username, $password, $synctimeout); } } if ($success) log_error("[pfBlockerNG] XMLRPC sync completed successfully."); } } } /* Do the actual XMLRPC sync */ function pfblockerng_do_xmlrpc_sync($sync_to_ip, $port, $protocol, $username, $password, $synctimeout) { global $config, $g, $pfb_sync; $success = TRUE; /* Exit on missing parameters */ if (empty($sync_to_ip) || empty($password)) { log_error("[pfBlockerNG] XMLRPC sync parameter missing (host IP or password) ... aborting xmlrpc sync"); $success = FALSE; return $success; } /* Do not attempt a package sync while booting up or installing package */ if ($g['booting'] || $g['pfblockerng_postinstall']) { log_error("[pfBlockerNG] XMLRPC sync to Replication targets terminated during boot up or during package reinstallation."); $success = FALSE; return $success; } // Validate Replication Target IP Address and Port Settings if (!is_ipaddr($sync_to_ip) || !is_port($port)) { log_error("[pfBlockerNG] XMLRPC sync terminated due to mis-configured Replication Target IP Address or Port settings."); $success = FALSE; return $success; } /* Test key variables and set defaults if empty */ if (empty($synctimeout)) $synctimeout = 150; $url = "{$protocol}://{$sync_to_ip}"; if ($port == "") { $port = $config['system']['webgui']['port']; }; /* If port is empty lets rely on the protocol selection */ if ($port == "") { if ($config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] == "http") { $port = "80"; } else { $port = "443"; } } /* xml will hold the sections to sync */ $xml = array(); // If User Disabled, remove 'General Tab Customizations' from Sync if ($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngsync']['config'][0]['syncinterfaces'] == "") $xml['pfblockerng'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerng']; $xml['pfblockerngreputation'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngreputation']; $xml['pfblockernglistsv4'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockernglistsv4']; $xml['pfblockernglistsv6'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockernglistsv6']; $xml['pfblockerngtopspammers'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngtopspammers']; $xml['pfblockerngafrica'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngafrica']; $xml['pfblockerngantartica'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngantartica']; $xml['pfblockerngasia'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngasia']; $xml['pfblockerngeurope'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngeurope']; $xml['pfblockerngnorthamerica'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngnorthamerica']; $xml['pfblockerngoceania'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngoceania']; $xml['pfblockerngsouthamerica'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngsouthamerica']; $xml['pfblockerngproxyandsatellite'] = $config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngproxyandsatellite']; /* assemble xmlrpc payload */ $params = array( XML_RPC_encode($password), XML_RPC_encode($xml) ); /* set a few variables needed for sync code borrowed from filter.inc */ log_error("[pfBlockerNG] XMLRPC syncing to {$url}:{$port}."); $method = 'pfsense.merge_installedpackages_section_xmlrpc'; $msg = new XML_RPC_Message($method, $params); $cli = new XML_RPC_Client('/xmlrpc.php', $url, $port); $cli->setCredentials($username, $password); if ($g['debug']) { $cli->setDebug(1); } /* send our XMLRPC message and timeout after defined sync timeout value */ $resp = $cli->send($msg, $synctimeout); $error = ""; if (!$resp) { log_error("[pfBlockerNG] XMLRPC communications error occurred while attempting sync with {$url}:{$port}."); file_notice("sync_settings", $error, "pfBlockerNG Settings Sync", ""); $success = FALSE; return $success; } elseif ($resp->faultCode()) { $cli->setDebug(1); $resp = $cli->send($msg, $synctimeout); log_error("[pfBlockerNG] XMLRPC Error received while attempting sync with {$url}:{$port} - Code " . $resp->faultCode() . ": " . $resp->faultString()); file_notice("sync_settings", $error, "pfBlockerNG Settings Sync", ""); $success = FALSE; return $success; } else { log_error("[pfBlockerNG] XMLRPC sync successfully completed with {$url}:{$port}."); } return $success; } ?>