Describe your package here Describe your package requirements here Currently there are no FAQ items provided. OpenBGPD 1 Services: OpenBGPD /usr/local/pkg/ bgpd bgpd OpenBSD BGP Daemon /usr/local/www/ 077 /usr/local/www/ 077 /usr/local/pkg/ 077 /usr/local/pkg/ 077 /usr/local/pkg/ 077 OpenBGPD
Settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=openbgpd.xml&id=0 Neighbors /pkg.php?xml=openbgpd_neighbors.xml Groups /pkg.php?xml=openbgpd_groups.xml&id=0 Raw config /openbgpd_raw.php Status /openbgpd_status.php plugin_carp Autonomous Systems (AS) Number asnum Set the local autonomous system number to as-number. input Holdtime holdtime Set the holdtime in seconds. The holdtime is reset to its initial value every time either a KEEPALIVE or an UPDATE message is received from the neighbor. If the holdtime expires the session is dropped. The default is 90 seconds. Neighboring systems negotiate the holdtime used when the connection is established in the OPEN messages. Each neighbor announces its configured hold- time; the smaller one is then agreed upon. input fib-update fibupdate If set to no, do not update the Forwarding Information Base a.k.a. the kernel routing table. The default is yes. select Listen on IP listenip Specify the local IP address bgpd(8) should listen on, or leave blank to bind to all IPs. input Router IP routerid Set the router ID to the given IP address, which must be local to the machine. input CARP Status IP carpstatusip IP address used to determine the CARP status. When the VIP is in BACKUP status, bgpd will not be started. <br/>NOTE: On 2.1.x and before this requires changes to /etc/rc.carpmaster to start bgpd and /etc/rc.carpbackup to stop bgpd or it will not be fully effective. On pfSense 2.2.x and later, full support is automatic. input 25 Networks network rowhelper Announce the specified network as belonging to our AS. If set to "(inet|inet6)connected", inet or inet6 routes to directly attached networks will be announced. If set to "(inet|inet6) static", all inet or inet6 static routes will be announced. networks Network that you would like to advertise input 45 deinstall_openbgpd(); openbgpd_install_conf(); bgpd_validate_input();