nut2.1.2Services: NUTChange/status_nut.php/usr/local/pkg/nut.incnutnut.shupsmonUPS monitoring daemonNUT Status/status_nut.phpNUT Settings/pkg_edit.php?xml=nut.xml/usr/local/pkg/ SettingslisttopicUPS MonitoringmonitorselectPower Down Instead of Haltpowerdowncheckboxups.conf optionscustom_upsconfWrite there any custom options for ups.conf. All options must be separated by semi-colons (;).textarea655upsd.conf optionscustom_upsdconfWrite there any custom options for upsd.conf. All options must be separated by semi-colons (;).textarea655upsd.users optionscustom_upsdusersWrite there any custom options for upsd.users. All options must be separated by semi-colons (;).textarea655upsmon.conf optionscustom_upsmonconfWrite there any custom options for upsmon.conf. All options must be separated by semi-colons (;).textarea655Remote Access Settings - Used for Local and SNMP Types to allow accesslisttopicRemote Access Address<strong>NOTE: Previous versions of NUT supported internal ACLs, these no longer work. The new default is to bind to localhost ONLY - you should add NAT rules for the NUT port (3493) to allow remote access. This field no longer has any effect, but was left intact for reference.</strong>allowaddrinputRemote Access UserallowuserinputRemote Acces PasswordallowpasspasswordLocal UPS Settingslisttopic<strong>Local UPS Name</strong>nameinput<strong>Local UPS Model</strong>driverIf generic or cable specified in parenthesis you need to select the appropriate option<strong>Local UPS Port</strong>portselectLocal UPS Generic TypeupstypeselectLocal UPS Cable TypecableselectRemote SNMP UPS Settingslisttopic<strong>SNMP UPS Name</strong>snmpnameinput<strong>SNMP UPS Address</strong> <br>(ex: UPS Community<br>(Def: public)snmpcommunityinputSNMP UPS Version<br>(Def: v2c)snmpversionselectSNMP UPS MIB<br>(Def: IETF)snmpmibselectSNMP UPS Polling Freq<br>(Def: 30)snmpfreqinputDisable transfer OIDs<br>(use on APCC Symmetras)snmpdisabletransfercheckboxRemote NUT UPS Settingslisttopic<strong>Remote NUT UPS Name</strong>remotenameinput<strong>Remote NUT UPS Address</strong> <br>(ex:<strong>Remote NUT UPS User</strong>remoteuserinput<strong>Remote NUT UPS Password</strong>remotepasspassword
validate_form_nut($_POST, $input_errors);