ntopng 0.8.0 Diagnostics: ntopng Settings /usr/local/pkg/ntopng.inc /usr/local/pkg/ https://packages.pfsense.org/packages/config/ntopng/ntopng.inc pkg_edit.php?xml=ntopng.xml ntopng Settings Set ntopng settings such as password and port.
ntopng Access ntopng
ntopng ntopng.sh ntopng ntopng Network Traffic Monitor ntopng Settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=ntopng.xml Access ntopng http://$myurl:3000 Enable ntopng enable Check this to enable ntopng. checkbox Keep Data/Settings keepdata Note: If 'Keep Data/Settings' is disabled, all settings and data will be wiped on package uninstall/reinstall/upgrade! ]]> checkbox on ntopng Admin Password redis_password Enter the password for the ntopng GUI. Minimum 5 characters. password true 20 Confirm ntopng Admin Password redis_passwordagain password true 20 Interface interface_array interfaces_selection 3 lan true loopback DNS Mode dns_mode
Additionally, GeoIP Data can provide location information about IP addresses.
This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com

select 0
Local Networks local_networks (Default: Consider all RFC1918 networks local) ]]> select rfc1918 Historical Data Storage dump_flows WARNING: This feature consumes HUGE amount of disk space. Also, browsing the historical data is VERY slow.
The historical interface is considered abandoned by upstream, pending more usable replacement.

WARNING: This will delete all ntopng graphs, traffic data and historical dump flows! ]]>
Disable Alerts disable_alerts Disables all alerts generated by ntopng, such as flooding notifications. checkbox
ntopng_sync_package(); ntopng_php_install_command(); ntopng_update_geoip(); ntopng_php_deinstall_command(); ntopng_validate_input($_POST, $input_errors);