ntop 3.0 Diagnostics: ntop Settings Change pkg_edit.php?xml=ntop.xml&id=0 ntop Settings Set ntop settings such as password and port.
ntop Access ntop
http://$myurl:3000 ntop
ntop ntop.sh ntop ntop Settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=ntop.xml&id=0 Access ntop http://$myurl:3000 ntop Admin Password password Enter the password for the NTOP Web GUI. Minimum 5 characters. password ntop Admin Password AGAIN passwordagain password Interface interface_array interfaces_selection 3 lan true Allow merging interfaces<br>(Def: Do not merge) allowmerge checkbox Track all traffic<br>(Def: IPv4 only) alltraffic checkbox "ntop.sh", "start" => $start, "stop" => "/usr/bin/killall ntop" ) ); stop_service("ntop"); if (empty($ntop_config['password'])) $ntop_config['password'] = "admin"; sleep(5); unlink_if_exists("/var/db/ntop/ntop_pw.db"); exec("/usr/local/bin/ntop --set-admin-password={$ntop_config['password']}); start_service("ntop"); conf_mount_ro(); config_unlock(); } ]]> sync_package_ntop(); sync_package_ntop(); sync_package_ntop(); exec("rm /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ntop*");