Portions Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Seth Mos All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ require_once("globals.inc"); require_once("config.inc"); require_once("filter.inc"); require_once("rrd.inc"); $graph_length = array( "eighthour" => 28800, "day" => 86400, "week" => 604800, "month" => 2764800, "quarter" => 8035200, "year" => 31622400, "fouryear" => 126489600); $logfile_friendly = array( "dhcpd" => "DHCP", "filter" => "Firewall (raw)", "gateways" => "Gateway Events", "installer" => "Installation", "ipsec" => "IPsec VPN", "l2tps" => "L2TP Server (raw)", "lighttpd" => "Web Server (lighttpd)", "ntpd" => "NTP", "openvpn" => "OpenVPN", "poes" => "PPPoE Server (raw)", "portalauth" => "Captive Portal Authentication", "ppp" => "PPP", "pptps" => "PPTP Server (raw)", "relayd" => "Load Balancer (relayd)", "resolver" => "DNS Resolver", "routing" => "Routing", "system" => "System", "vpn" => "PPTP/L2TP/PPPoE Server Login Events", "wireless" => "Wireless" ); function get_dates($curperiod, $graph) { global $graph_length; $now = time(); $end = $now; if($curperiod == "absolute") { $start = $end - $graph_length[$graph]; } else { $curyear = date('Y', $now); $curmonth = date('m', $now); $curweek = date('W', $now); $curweekday = date('N', $now) - 1; // We want to start on monday $curday = date('d', $now); $curhour = date('G', $now); switch($curperiod) { case "previous": $offset = -1; break; default: $offset = 0; } switch($graph) { case "eighthour": case "8hour": if($curhour < 24) $starthour = 16; if($curhour < 16) $starthour = 8; if($curhour < 8) $starthour = 0; switch($offset) { case 0: $houroffset = $starthour; break; default: $houroffset = $starthour + ($offset * 8); break; } $start = mktime($houroffset, 0, 0, $curmonth, $curday, $curyear); if($offset != 0) { $end = mktime(($houroffset + 8), 0, 0, $curmonth, $curday, $curyear); } break; case "day": $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $curmonth, ($curday + $offset), $curyear); if($offset != 0) $end = mktime(0, 0, 0, $curmonth, (($curday + $offset) + 1), $curyear); break; case "week": switch($offset) { case 0: $weekoffset = 0; break; default: $weekoffset = ($offset * 7) - 7; break; } $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $curmonth, (($curday - $curweekday) + $weekoffset), $curyear); if($offset != 0) $end = mktime(0, 0, 0, $curmonth, (($curday - $curweekday) + $weekoffset + 7), $curyear); break; case "month": $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, ($curmonth + $offset), 0, $curyear); if($offset != 0) $end = mktime(0, 0, 0, (($curmonth + $offset) + 1), 0, $curyear); break; case "quarter": $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, (($curmonth - 2) + $offset), 0, $curyear); if($offset != 0) $end = mktime(0, 0, 0, (($curmonth + $offset) + 1), 0, $curyear); break; case "year": $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, ($curyear + $offset)); if($offset != 0) $end = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, (($curyear + $offset) +1)); break; case "fouryear": case "4year": $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, (($curyear - 3) + $offset)); if($offset != 0) $end = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, (($curyear + $offset) +1)); break; } } // echo "start $start ". date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A', $start) .", end $end ". date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A', $end) ."
"; $dates = array(); $dates['start'] = $start; $dates['end'] = $end; return $dates; } function set_mail_report_cron_jobs($a_mailreports) { global $config, $g; if(!$config['cron']['item']) $config['cron']['item'] = array(); // Search for old report cron jobs and remove them all for ($x=0, $numjobs=sizeof($config['cron']['item']); $x < $numjobs; $x++) { if(strpos($config['cron']['item'][$x]['command'], "mail_reports_generate.php") !== FALSE) { unset($config['cron']['item'][$x]); } } // Add new cron jobs foreach($a_mailreports as $id => $report) { $cron_item = array(); $cron_item['minute'] = 0; $cron_item['hour'] = isset($report['timeofday']) ? $report['timeofday'] : 0; $cron_item['mday'] = isset($report['dayofmonth']) ? $report['dayofmonth'] : "*"; $cron_item['month'] = isset($report['monthofyear']) ? $report['monthofyear'] : "*";; $cron_item['wday'] = isset($report['dayofweek']) ? $report['dayofweek'] : "*"; $cron_item['who'] = "root"; $cron_item['command'] = "/usr/local/bin/mail_reports_generate.php {$id} &"; $config['cron']['item'][] = $cron_item; } } include('phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php'); function mail_report_send($headertext, $cmdtext, $logtext, $attachments) { global $config, $g; if (empty($config['notifications']['smtp']['ipaddress'])) return; $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->Host = $config['notifications']['smtp']['ipaddress']; $mail->Port = empty($config['notifications']['smtp']['port']) ? 25 : $config['notifications']['smtp']['port']; if ((isset($config['notifications']['smtp']['ssl']) && $config['notifications']['smtp']['ssl'] != "unchecked") || $config['notifications']['smtp']['ssl'] == "checked") $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; if ((isset($config['notifications']['smtp']['tls']) && $config['notifications']['smtp']['tls'] != "unchecked") || $config['notifications']['smtp']['tls'] == "checked") $mail->SMTPSecure = "tls"; if($config['notifications']['smtp']['username'] && $config['notifications']['smtp']['password']) { $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $config['notifications']['smtp']['username']; $mail->Password = $config['notifications']['smtp']['password']; } $mail->ContentType = 'text/html'; $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->AddReplyTo($config['notifications']['smtp']['fromaddress'], "Firewall Email Report"); $mail->SetFrom($config['notifications']['smtp']['fromaddress'], "Firewall Email Report"); $address = $config['notifications']['smtp']['notifyemailaddress']; $mail->AddAddress($address, "Report Recipient"); $mail->Subject = "{$config['system']['hostname']}.{$config['system']['domain']} Email Report: {$headertext}"; $mail->Body .= "This is a periodic report from your firewall, {$config['system']['hostname']}.{$config['system']['domain']}.

Current report: {$headertext}
\n"; if (!empty($cmdtext)) $mail->Body .= $cmdtext; if (!empty($logtext)) $mail->Body .= $logtext; if(is_array($attachments)) { foreach($attachments as $filename) { $shortname = basename($filename); $mail->AddEmbeddedImage($filename, $shortname, $shortname); $mail->Body .= "

\n"; } } if(!$mail->Send()) { echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo; } } function mail_report_generate_graph($database, $style, $graph, $start, $end) { // Yes, it's ugly, but I didn't want to move code around in includes this late in the 2.0 release cycle. require_once("globals.inc"); require_once("filter.inc"); require_once("shaper.inc"); require_once("rrd.inc"); require_once("util.inc"); global $g; $g['theme'] = get_current_theme(); $pgtitle = array(gettext("System"),gettext("RRD Graphs"),gettext("Image viewer")); if ($database) { $curdatabase = basename($database); } else { $curdatabase = "wan-traffic.rrd"; } if ($style) { $curstyle = $style; } else { $curstyle = "inverse"; } /* this is used for temp name */ if ($graph) { $curgraph = $graph; } else { $curgraph = "custom"; } $now = time(); if (is_numeric($start)) { if($start < ($now - (3600 * 24 * 365 * 5))) { $start = $now - (8 * 3600); } $start = $start; } else { $start = $now - (8 * 3600); } if (is_numeric($end)) { $end = $end; } else { $end = $now; } /* this should never happen */ if($end < $start) { log_error("start $start is greater than end $end"); $end = $now; } $seconds = $end - $start; $scales = array(); $scales[14400] = "MINUTE:5:MINUTE:10:MINUTE:30:0:%H%:%M"; $scales[57600] = "MINUTE:30:HOUR:1:HOUR:1:0:%H"; $scales[172800] = "HOUR:1:HOUR:6:HOUR:2:0:%H"; $scales[691200] = "HOUR:2:HOUR:12:DAY:1:0:%D %d"; $scales[2764800] = "DAY:1:WEEK:1:WEEK:1:0:Week %W"; $scales[16070400] = "WEEK:1:MONTH:1:MONTH:1:0:%b"; $scales[42854400] = "MONTH:1:MONTH:1:MONTH:1:0:%b"; $archives = array(); $archives[1] = 1000; $archives[5] = 1000; $archives[60] = 1000; $archives[720] = 3000; $defOptions = array( 'to' => 1, 'parts' => 1, 'precision' => 'minute', 'distance' => FALSE, 'separator' => ', ' ); /* always set the average to the highest value as a fallback */ $average = 720 * 60; foreach($archives as $rra => $value) { $archivestart = $end - ($rra * 60 * $value); if($archivestart <= $start) { $average = $rra * 60; break; } } foreach($scales as $scalelength => $value) { if($scalelength >= $seconds) { $scale = $value; break; } } // log_error("start $start, end $end, archivestart $archivestart, average $average, scale $scale, seconds $seconds"); /* Deduce a interface if possible and use the description */ $curif = explode("-", $curdatabase); $curif[1] = str_replace(".rrd", "", $curif[1]); $friendly = convert_friendly_interface_to_friendly_descr(strtolower($curif[0])); if(!empty($friendly)) { $curif[0] = $friendly; } $prettydb = ucwords(implode(" :: ", $curif)); $curif = $curif[0]; $rrddbpath = "/var/db/rrd/"; $rrdtmppath = "/tmp/"; $rrdtool = "/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/bin/rrdtool"; $uptime = "/usr/bin/uptime"; $sed = "/usr/bin/sed"; $havg = timeDiff($average, $defOptions); $hperiod = timeDiff($seconds, $defOptions); $data = true; $rrddbpath = "/var/db/rrd/"; chdir($rrddbpath); $databases = glob("*.rrd"); rsort($databases); /* compare bytes/sec counters, divide bps by 8 */ read_altq_config(); if ($altq_list_queues[$curif]) { $altq =& $altq_list_queues[$curif]; switch ($altq->GetBwscale()) { case "Gb": $factor = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; break; case "Mb": $factor = 1024 * 1024; break; case "Kb": $factor = 1024; break; case "b": default: $factor = 1; break; } $upstream = (($altq->GetBandwidth()*$factor)/8); $downstream = $upstream; /* XXX: Ugly hack */ $upif = $curif; $downif = "lan"; /* XXX should this be set to something else?! */ } else { $altq = null; $downstream = 12500000; $upstream = 12500000; $upif = "wan"; $downif = "lan"; } $speedlimit = ($upstream + $downstream); /* Set default colors explicitly, the theme can then override them below. This prevents missing colors in themes from crashing the graphs. */ $colortrafficup = array("666666", "CCCCCC"); $colortrafficdown = array("990000", "CC0000"); $colortraffic95 = array("660000", "FF0000"); $colorpacketsup = array("666666", "CCCCCC"); $colorpacketsdown = array("990000", "CC0000"); $colorstates = array('990000','a83c3c','b36666','bd9090','cccccc','000000'); $colorprocessor = array('990000','a83c3c','b36666','bd9090','cccccc','000000'); $colormemory = array('990000','a83c3c','b36666','bd9090','cccccc','000000'); $colormbuf = array('990000','a83c3c','b36666','bd9090','cccccc','000000'); $colorqueuesup = array('000000','7B0000','990000','BB0000','CC0000','D90000','EE0000','FF0000','CC0000'); $colorqueuesdown = array('000000','7B7B7B','999999','BBBBBB','CCCCCC','D9D9D9','EEEEEE','FFFFFF','CCCCCC'); $colorqueuesdropup = array('000000','7B0000','990000','BB0000','CC0000','D90000','EE0000','FF0000','CC0000'); $colorqueuesdropdown = array('000000','7B7B7B','999999','BBBBBB','CCCCCC','D9D9D9','EEEEEE','FFFFFF','CCCCCC'); $colorqualityrtt = array('990000','a83c3c','b36666','bd9090','cccccc','000000'); $colorqualityloss = "ee0000"; $colorwireless = array('333333','a83c3c','999999'); $colorspamdtime = array('DDDDFF', 'AAAAFF', 'DDDDFF', '000066'); $colorspamdconn = array('00AA00BB', 'FFFFFFFF', '00660088', 'FFFFFF88', '006600'); $colorvpnusers = array('990000'); $colorcaptiveportalusers = array('990000'); /* select theme colors if the inclusion file exists */ $rrdcolors = "{$g['www_path']}/themes/{$g['theme']}/rrdcolors.inc.php"; if(file_exists($rrdcolors)) { include($rrdcolors); } else { log_error(sprintf(gettext("rrdcolors.inc.php for theme %s does not exist, using defaults!"),$g['theme'])); } switch ($curstyle) { case "absolute": $multiplier = 1; $AREA = "LINE1"; break; default: $multiplier = -1; $AREA = "AREA"; break; } if((strstr($curdatabase, "-traffic.rrd")) && (file_exists("$rrddbpath$curdatabase"))) { /* define graphcmd for traffic stats */ $graphcmd = "$rrdtool graph $rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png "; $graphcmd .= "--start $start --end $end --vertical-label \"bits/sec\" "; $graphcmd .= "--color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee "; $graphcmd .= "--title \"`hostname` - {$prettydb} - {$hperiod} - {$havg} average\" "; $graphcmd .= "--height 200 --width 620 "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:$curif-in_bytes_pass=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:inpass:AVERAGE "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:$curif-out_bytes_pass=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:outpass:AVERAGE "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:$curif-in_bytes_block=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:inblock:AVERAGE "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:$curif-out_bytes_block=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:outblock:AVERAGE "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-in_bits_pass=$curif-in_bytes_pass,8,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-out_bits_pass=$curif-out_bytes_pass,8,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-in_bits_block=$curif-in_bytes_block,8,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-out_bits_block=$curif-out_bytes_block,8,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-in_bytes=$curif-in_bytes_pass,$curif-in_bytes_block,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-out_bytes=$curif-out_bytes_pass,$curif-out_bytes_block,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-in_bits=$curif-in_bits_pass,$curif-in_bits_block,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-out_bits=$curif-out_bits_pass,$curif-out_bits_block,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-bits_io=$curif-in_bits,$curif-out_bits,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-out_bits_block_neg=$curif-out_bits_block,$multiplier,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-out_bits_pass_neg=$curif-out_bits_pass,$multiplier,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-bytes_in_pass=$curif-in_bytes_pass,0,$speedlimit,LIMIT,UN,0,$curif-in_bytes_pass,IF,$average,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-bytes_out_pass=$curif-out_bytes_pass,0,$speedlimit,LIMIT,UN,0,$curif-out_bytes_pass,IF,$average,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-bytes_in_block=$curif-in_bytes_block,0,$speedlimit,LIMIT,UN,0,$curif-in_bytes_block,IF,$average,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-bytes_out_block=$curif-out_bytes_block,0,$speedlimit,LIMIT,UN,0,$curif-out_bytes_block,IF,$average,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-bytes_pass=$curif-bytes_in_pass,$curif-bytes_out_pass,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-bytes_block=$curif-bytes_in_block,$curif-bytes_out_block,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-bytes_in_t_pass=$curif-in_bytes_pass,0,$speedlimit,LIMIT,UN,0,$curif-in_bytes_pass,IF,$seconds,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-bytes_out_t_pass=$curif-out_bytes_pass,0,$speedlimit,LIMIT,UN,0,$curif-out_bytes_pass,IF,$seconds,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-bytes_in_t_block=$curif-in_bytes_block,0,$speedlimit,LIMIT,UN,0,$curif-in_bytes_block,IF,$seconds,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-bytes_out_t_block=$curif-out_bytes_block,0,$speedlimit,LIMIT,UN,0,$curif-out_bytes_block,IF,$seconds,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-bytes_t_pass=$curif-bytes_in_t_pass,$curif-bytes_out_t_pass,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-bytes_t_block=$curif-bytes_in_t_block,$curif-bytes_out_t_block,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-bytes_t=$curif-bytes_in_t_pass,$curif-bytes_out_t_block,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "VDEF:\"$curif-in_bits_95=$curif-in_bits,95,PERCENT\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-out_bits_mul=$curif-out_bits,$multiplier,*\" "; $perc = $multiplier > 0 ? "95" : "5"; $graphcmd .= "VDEF:\"$curif-out_bits_95=$curif-out_bits_mul,{$perc},PERCENT\" "; $graphcmd .= "AREA:\"$curif-in_bits_block#{$colortrafficdown[1]}:$curif-in-block\" "; $graphcmd .= "AREA:\"$curif-in_bits_pass#{$colortrafficdown[0]}:$curif-in-pass:STACK\" "; $graphcmd .= "{$AREA}:\"$curif-out_bits_block_neg#{$colortrafficup[1]}:$curif-out-block\" "; $graphcmd .= "{$AREA}:\"$curif-out_bits_pass_neg#{$colortrafficup[0]}:$curif-out-pass:STACK\" "; $graphcmd .= "HRULE:\"$curif-in_bits_95#{$colortraffic95[1]}:$curif-in (95%)\" "; $graphcmd .= "HRULE:\"$curif-out_bits_95#{$colortraffic95[0]}:$curif-out (95%)\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t maximum average current period 95th percentile\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"in-pass\t\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-in_bits_pass:MAX:%7.2lf %sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-in_bits_pass:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %Sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-in_bits_pass:LAST:%7.2lf %Sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-bytes_in_t_pass:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %sB i\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-in_bits_95:%7.2lf %sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"out-pass\t\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-out_bits_pass:MAX:%7.2lf %sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-out_bits_pass:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %Sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-out_bits_pass:LAST:%7.2lf %Sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-bytes_out_t_pass:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %sB o\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-out_bits_95:%7.2lf %sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"in-block\t\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-in_bits_block:MAX:%7.2lf %sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-in_bits_block:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %Sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-in_bits_block:LAST:%7.2lf %Sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-bytes_in_t_block:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %sB i\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"out-block\t\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-out_bits_block:MAX:%7.2lf %sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-out_bits_block:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %Sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-out_bits_block:LAST:%7.2lf %Sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-bytes_out_t_block:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %sB o\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`date +\"%b %d %H\:%M\:%S %Y\"`\" "; } elseif(strstr($curdatabase, "-throughput.rrd")) { /* define graphcmd for throughput stats */ /* this gathers all interface statistics, the database does not actually exist */ $graphcmd = "$rrdtool graph $rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png "; $graphcmd .= "--start $start --end $end "; $graphcmd .= "--vertical-label \"bits/sec\" "; $graphcmd .= "--color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee "; $graphcmd .= "--title \"`hostname` - {$prettydb} - {$hperiod} - {$havg} average\" "; $graphcmd .= "--height 200 --width 620 "; $iflist = get_configured_interface_list(); $g = 0; $operand = ""; $comma = ""; $graphtputbip = ""; $graphtputbop = ""; $graphtputbtp = ""; $graphtputbib = ""; $graphtputbob = ""; $graphtputbtb = ""; $graphtputbyip = ""; $graphtputbyop = ""; $graphtputbytp = ""; $graphtputbyib = ""; $graphtputbyob = ""; $graphtputbytb = ""; foreach($iflist as $ifname) { /* collect all interface stats */ $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"{$ifname}-in_bytes_pass={$rrddbpath}{$ifname}-traffic.rrd:inpass:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"{$ifname}-out_bytes_pass={$rrddbpath}{$ifname}-traffic.rrd:outpass:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"{$ifname}-in_bytes_block={$rrddbpath}{$ifname}-traffic.rrd:inblock:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"{$ifname}-out_bytes_block={$rrddbpath}{$ifname}-traffic.rrd:outblock:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-in_bytes={$ifname}-in_bytes_pass,{$ifname}-in_bytes_block,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-out_bytes={$ifname}-out_bytes_pass,{$ifname}-out_bytes_block,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-in_bits_pass={$ifname}-in_bytes_pass,8,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-out_bits_pass={$ifname}-out_bytes_pass,8,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-bits_io_pass={$ifname}-in_bits_pass,{$ifname}-out_bits_pass,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-in_bits_block={$ifname}-in_bytes,8,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-out_bits_block={$ifname}-out_bytes,8,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-bits_io_block={$ifname}-in_bits_block,{$ifname}-out_bits_block,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-bytes_in_pass={$ifname}-in_bytes_pass,0,$speedlimit,LIMIT,UN,0,{$ifname}-in_bytes_pass,IF,$average,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-bytes_out_pass={$ifname}-out_bytes_pass,0,$speedlimit,LIMIT,UN,0,{$ifname}-out_bytes_pass,IF,$average,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-bytes_in_block={$ifname}-in_bytes_block,0,$speedlimit,LIMIT,UN,0,{$ifname}-in_bytes_block,IF,$average,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-bytes_out_block={$ifname}-out_bytes_block,0,$speedlimit,LIMIT,UN,0,{$ifname}-out_bytes_block,IF,$average,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-bytes_pass={$ifname}-bytes_in_pass,{$ifname}-bytes_out_pass,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-bytes_block={$ifname}-bytes_in_pass,{$ifname}-bytes_out_block,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-bytes_in_t_pass={$ifname}-in_bytes,0,$speedlimit,LIMIT,UN,0,{$ifname}-in_bytes_pass,IF,$seconds,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-bytes_in_t_block={$ifname}-in_bytes,0,$speedlimit,LIMIT,UN,0,{$ifname}-in_bytes_block,IF,$seconds,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-bytes_out_t_pass={$ifname}-out_bytes,0,$speedlimit,LIMIT,UN,0,{$ifname}-out_bytes_pass,IF,$seconds,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-bytes_out_t_block={$ifname}-out_bytes,0,$speedlimit,LIMIT,UN,0,{$ifname}-out_bytes_block,IF,$seconds,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-bytes_t_pass={$ifname}-bytes_in_t_pass,{$ifname}-bytes_out_t_pass,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"{$ifname}-bytes_t_block={$ifname}-bytes_in_t_block,{$ifname}-bytes_out_t_block,+\" "; if ($g > 0) { $operand .= ",+"; $comma = ","; } $graphtputbip .= "{$comma}{$ifname}-in_bits_pass"; $graphtputbop .= "{$comma}{$ifname}-out_bits_pass"; $graphtputbtp .= "{$comma}{$ifname}-bits_io_pass"; $graphtputbib .= "{$comma}{$ifname}-in_bits_block"; $graphtputbob .= "{$comma}{$ifname}-out_bits_block"; $graphtputbtb .= "{$comma}{$ifname}-bits_io_block"; $graphtputbyip .= "{$comma}{$ifname}-bytes_in_t_pass"; $graphtputbyop .= "{$comma}{$ifname}-bytes_out_t_pass"; $graphtputbyib .= "{$comma}{$ifname}-bytes_in_t_block"; $graphtputbyob .= "{$comma}{$ifname}-bytes_out_t_block"; $graphtputbytp .= "{$comma}{$ifname}-bytes_t_pass"; $graphtputbytb .= "{$comma}{$ifname}-bytes_t_block"; $g++; } $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"tput-in_bits_pass={$graphtputbip}{$operand}\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"tput-out_bits_pass={$graphtputbop}{$operand}\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"tput-bits_io_pass={$graphtputbtp}{$operand}\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"tput-in_bits_block={$graphtputbib}{$operand}\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"tput-out_bits_block={$graphtputbob}{$operand}\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"tput-bits_io_block={$graphtputbtb}{$operand}\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"tput-out_bits_pass_neg=tput-out_bits_pass,$multiplier,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"tput-out_bits_block_neg=tput-out_bits_block,$multiplier,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"tput-bytes_in_t_pass={$graphtputbyip}{$operand}\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"tput-bytes_out_t_pass={$graphtputbyop}{$operand}\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"tput-bytes_t_pass={$graphtputbytp}{$operand}\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"tput-bytes_in_t_block={$graphtputbyib}{$operand}\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"tput-bytes_out_t_block={$graphtputbyob}{$operand}\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"tput-bytes_t_block={$graphtputbytb}{$operand}\" "; $graphcmd .= "AREA:\"tput-in_bits_block#{$colortrafficdown[0]}:in-block \" "; $graphcmd .= "AREA:\"tput-in_bits_pass#{$colortrafficdown[1]}:in-pass \" "; $graphcmd .= "{$AREA}:\"tput-out_bits_block_neg#{$colortrafficup[1]}:out-block \" "; $graphcmd .= "{$AREA}:\"tput-out_bits_pass_neg#{$colortrafficup[0]}:out-pass \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t maximum average current period\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"in-pass\t\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"tput-in_bits_pass:MAX:%7.2lf %sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"tput-in_bits_pass:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %Sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"tput-in_bits_pass:LAST:%7.2lf %Sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"tput-bytes_in_t_pass:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %sB i\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"out-pass\t\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"tput-out_bits_pass:MAX:%7.2lf %sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"tput-out_bits_pass:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %Sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"tput-out_bits_pass:LAST:%7.2lf %Sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"tput-bytes_out_t_pass:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %sB o\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"in-block\t\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"tput-in_bits_block:MAX:%7.2lf %sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"tput-in_bits_block:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %Sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"tput-in_bits_block:LAST:%7.2lf %Sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"tput-bytes_in_t_block:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %sB i\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"out-block\t\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"tput-out_bits_block:MAX:%7.2lf %sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"tput-out_bits_block:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %Sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"tput-out_bits_block:LAST:%7.2lf %Sb/s\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"tput-bytes_out_t_block:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %sB o\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`date +\"%b %d %H\:%M\:%S %Y\"`\" "; } elseif((strstr($curdatabase, "-packets.rrd")) && (file_exists("$rrddbpath$curdatabase"))) { /* define graphcmd for packets stats */ $graphcmd = "$rrdtool graph $rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png "; $graphcmd .= "--start $start --end $end "; $graphcmd .= "--vertical-label \"packets/sec\" "; $graphcmd .= "--color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee "; $graphcmd .= "--title \"`hostname` - {$prettydb} - {$hperiod} - {$havg} average\" "; $graphcmd .= "--height 200 --width 620 "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"$curif-in_pps_pass=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:inpass:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"$curif-out_pps_pass=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:outpass:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"$curif-in_pps_block=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:inblock:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"$curif-out_pps_block=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:outblock:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-in_pps=$curif-in_pps_pass,$curif-in_pps_block,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-out_pps=$curif-out_pps_pass,$curif-out_pps_block,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-out_pps_pass_neg=$curif-out_pps_pass,$multiplier,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-out_pps_block_neg=$curif-out_pps_block,$multiplier,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-pps_in_pass=$curif-in_pps_pass,0,12500000,LIMIT,UN,0,$curif-in_pps_pass,IF,$average,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-pps_out_pass=$curif-out_pps_pass,0,12500000,LIMIT,UN,0,$curif-out_pps_pass,IF,$average,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-pps_in_block=$curif-in_pps_block,0,12500000,LIMIT,UN,0,$curif-in_pps_block,IF,$average,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-pps_out_block=$curif-out_pps_block,0,12500000,LIMIT,UN,0,$curif-out_pps_block,IF,$average,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-pps_io=$curif-in_pps,$curif-out_pps,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-pps_pass=$curif-pps_in_pass,$curif-pps_out_pass,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-pps_block=$curif-pps_in_block,$curif-pps_out_block,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-pps_in_t_pass=$curif-in_pps_pass,0,12500000,LIMIT,UN,0,$curif-in_pps_pass,IF,$seconds,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-pps_out_t_pass=$curif-out_pps_pass,0,12500000,LIMIT,UN,0,$curif-out_pps_pass,IF,$seconds,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-pps_in_t_block=$curif-in_pps_block,0,12500000,LIMIT,UN,0,$curif-in_pps_block,IF,$seconds,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-pps_out_t_block=$curif-out_pps_block,0,12500000,LIMIT,UN,0,$curif-out_pps_block,IF,$seconds,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-pps_t_pass=$curif-pps_in_t_pass,$curif-pps_out_t_pass,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-pps_t_block=$curif-pps_in_t_block,$curif-pps_out_t_block,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "AREA:\"$curif-in_pps_block#{$colorpacketsdown[1]}:$curif-in-block\" "; $graphcmd .= "AREA:\"$curif-in_pps_pass#{$colorpacketsdown[0]}:$curif-in-pass:STACK\" "; $graphcmd .= "$AREA:\"$curif-out_pps_block_neg#{$colorpacketsup[1]}:$curif-out-block\" "; $graphcmd .= "$AREA:\"$curif-out_pps_pass_neg#{$colorpacketsup[0]}:$curif-out-pass:STACK\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t maximum average current period\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"in-pass\t\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-in_pps_pass:MAX:%7.2lf %s pps\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-in_pps_pass:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %S pps\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-in_pps_pass:LAST:%7.2lf %S pps\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-pps_in_t_pass:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s pkts\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"out-pass\t\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-out_pps_pass:MAX:%7.2lf %s pps\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-out_pps_pass:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %S pps\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-out_pps_pass:LAST:%7.2lf %S pps\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-pps_out_t_pass:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s pkts\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"in-block\t\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-in_pps_block:MAX:%7.2lf %s pps\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-in_pps_block:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %S pps\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-in_pps_block:LAST:%7.2lf %S pps\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-pps_in_t_block:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s pkts\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"out-block\t\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-out_pps_block:MAX:%7.2lf %s pps\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-out_pps_block:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %S pps\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-out_pps_block:LAST:%7.2lf %S pps\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-pps_out_t_block:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s pkts\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`date +\"%b %d %H\:%M\:%S %Y\"`\" "; } elseif((strstr($curdatabase, "-wireless.rrd")) && (file_exists("$rrddbpath$curdatabase"))) { /* define graphcmd for wireless stats */ $graphcmd = "$rrdtool graph $rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png "; $graphcmd .= "--start $start --end $end "; $graphcmd .= "--vertical-label \"snr/channel/rate\" "; $graphcmd .= "--color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee "; $graphcmd .= "--title \"`hostname` - {$prettydb} - {$hperiod} - {$havg} average\" "; $graphcmd .= "--height 200 --width 620 "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"$curif-snr=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:snr:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"$curif-rate=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:rate:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"$curif-channel=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:channel:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE2:\"$curif-snr#{$colorwireless[0]}:$curif-snr\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE2:\"$curif-rate#{$colorwireless[1]}:$curif-rate\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE2:\"$curif-channel#{$colorwireless[2]}:$curif-channel\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t maximum\t\t average\t current\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"SNR\t\t\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-snr:MAX:%7.2lf dBi \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-snr:AVERAGE:%7.2lf dBi \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-snr:LAST:%7.2lf dBi\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"RATE\t\t\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-rate:MAX:%7.2lf Mb \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-rate:AVERAGE:%7.2lf Mb \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-rate:LAST:%7.2lf Mb\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"Channel\t\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-channel:MAX:%7.2lf \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-channel:AVERAGE:%7.2lf \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-channel:LAST:%7.2lf\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`date +\"%b %d %H\:%M\:%S %Y\"`\" "; } elseif((strstr($curdatabase, "-vpnusers.rrd")) && (file_exists("$rrddbpath$curdatabase"))) { /* define graphcmd for vpn users stats */ $graphcmd = "$rrdtool graph $rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png "; $graphcmd .= "--start $start --end $end "; $graphcmd .= "--vertical-label \"users\" "; $graphcmd .= "--color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee "; $graphcmd .= "--title \"`hostname` - {$prettydb} - {$hperiod} - {$havg} average\" "; $graphcmd .= "--height 200 --width 620 "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"$curif-users=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:users:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE2:\"$curif-users#{$colorvpnusers[0]}:$curif-users\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t\t maximum\t\t average\t current\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"Users Online\t\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-users:MAX:%7.2lf \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-users:AVERAGE:%7.2lf \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-users:LAST:%7.2lf \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`date +\"%b %d %H\:%M\:%S %Y\"`\" "; } elseif((strstr($curdatabase, "-states.rrd")) && (file_exists("$rrddbpath$curdatabase"))) { /* define graphcmd for states stats */ $graphcmd = "$rrdtool graph $rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png "; $graphcmd .= "--start -$seconds -e -$average "; $graphcmd .= "--vertical-label \"states, ip\" "; $graphcmd .= "--color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee "; $graphcmd .= "--title \"`hostname` - {$prettydb} - {$hperiod} - {$havg} average\" "; $graphcmd .= "--height 200 --width 620 "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"$curif-pfrate=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:pfrate:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"$curif-pfstates=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:pfstates:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"$curif-pfnat=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:pfnat:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"$curif-srcip=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:srcip:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"$curif-dstip=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:dstip:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-pfrate_t=$curif-pfrate,0,1000000,LIMIT,UN,0,$curif-pfrate,IF,$seconds,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE1:\"$curif-pfrate#{$colorstates[0]}:$curif-pfrate\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE1:\"$curif-pfstates#{$colorstates[1]}:$curif-pfstates\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE1:\"$curif-pfnat#{$colorstates[2]}:$curif-pfnat\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE1:\"$curif-srcip#{$colorstates[3]}:$curif-srcip\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE1:\"$curif-dstip#{$colorstates[4]}:$curif-dstip\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t minimum average maximum current period\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"state changes\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-pfrate:MIN:%7.2lf %s cps\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-pfrate:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s cps\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-pfrate:MAX:%7.2lf %s cps\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-pfrate:LAST:%7.2lf %S cps\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-pfrate_t:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s chg\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"filter states\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-pfstates:MIN:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-pfstates:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-pfstates:MAX:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-pfstates:LAST:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"nat states \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-pfnat:MIN:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-pfnat:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-pfnat:MAX:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-pfnat:LAST:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"Source addr. \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-srcip:MIN:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-srcip:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-srcip:MAX:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-srcip:LAST:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"Dest. addr. \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-dstip:MIN:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-dstip:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-dstip:MAX:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-dstip:LAST:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`date +\"%b %d %H\:%M\:%S %Y\"`\" "; } elseif((strstr($curdatabase, "-processor.rrd")) && (file_exists("$rrddbpath$curdatabase"))) { /* define graphcmd for processor stats */ $graphcmd = "$rrdtool graph $rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png "; $graphcmd .= "--start $start --end $end "; $graphcmd .= "--vertical-label \"utilization, number\" "; $graphcmd .= "--color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee "; $graphcmd .= "--title \"`hostname` - {$prettydb} - {$hperiod} - {$havg} average\" "; $graphcmd .= "--height 200 --width 620 "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"user=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:user:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"nice=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:nice:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"system=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:system:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"interrupt=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:interrupt:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"processes=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:processes:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "AREA:\"user#{$colorprocessor[0]}:user\" "; $graphcmd .= "AREA:\"nice#{$colorprocessor[1]}:nice:STACK\" "; $graphcmd .= "AREA:\"system#{$colorprocessor[2]}:system:STACK\" "; $graphcmd .= "AREA:\"interrupt#{$colorprocessor[3]}:interrupt:STACK\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE2:\"processes#{$colorprocessor[4]}:processes\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t minimum average maximum current\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"User util. \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"user:MIN:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"user:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"user:MAX:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"user:LAST:%7.2lf %S \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"Nice util. \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"nice:MIN:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"nice:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"nice:MAX:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"nice:LAST:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"System util. \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"system:MIN:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"system:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"system:MAX:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"system:LAST:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"Interrupt \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"interrupt:MIN:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"interrupt:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"interrupt:MAX:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"interrupt:LAST:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"Processes \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"processes:MIN:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"processes:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"processes:MAX:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"processes:LAST:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`date +\"%b %d %H\:%M\:%S %Y\"`\" "; } elseif((strstr($curdatabase, "-memory.rrd")) && (file_exists("$rrddbpath$curdatabase"))) { /* define graphcmd for memory usage stats */ $graphcmd = "$rrdtool graph $rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png "; $graphcmd .= "--start $start --end $end "; $graphcmd .= "--vertical-label \"utilization, percent\" "; $graphcmd .= "--color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee "; $graphcmd .= "--title \"`hostname` - {$prettydb} - {$hperiod} - {$havg} average\" "; $graphcmd .= "--height 200 --width 620 "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"active=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:active:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"inactive=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:inactive:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"free=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:free:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"cache=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:cache:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"wire=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:wire:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE2:\"active#{$colormemory[0]}:active\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE2:\"inactive#{$colormemory[1]}:inactive\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE2:\"free#{$colormemory[2]}:free\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE2:\"cache#{$colormemory[3]}:cache\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE2:\"wire#{$colormemory[4]}:wire\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t minimum average maximum current\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"Active. \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"active:MIN:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"active:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"active:MAX:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"active:LAST:%7.2lf %S \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"Inactive. \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"inactive:MIN:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"inactive:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"inactive:MAX:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"inactive:LAST:%7.2lf %S \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"Free. \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"free:MIN:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"free:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"free:MAX:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"free:LAST:%7.2lf %S \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"Cached. \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"cache:MIN:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"cache:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"cache:MAX:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"cache:LAST:%7.2lf %S \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"Wired. \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"wire:MIN:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"wire:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"wire:MAX:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"wire:LAST:%7.2lf %S \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`date +\"%b %d %H\:%M\:%S %Y\"`\" "; } elseif((strstr($curdatabase, "-mbuf.rrd")) && (file_exists("$rrddbpath$curdatabase"))) { /* define graphcmd for mbuf usage stats */ $graphcmd = "$rrdtool graph $rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png "; $graphcmd .= "--start $start --end $end "; $graphcmd .= "--vertical-label \"utilization, percent\" "; $graphcmd .= "--color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee "; $graphcmd .= "--title \"`hostname` - {$prettydb} clusters - {$hperiod} - {$havg} average\" "; $graphcmd .= "--height 200 --width 620 "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"current=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:current:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"cache=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:cache:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"total=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:total:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"max=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:max:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE2:\"current#{$colormbuf[0]}:current\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE2:\"cache#{$colormbuf[1]}:cache\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE2:\"total#{$colormbuf[2]}:total\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE2:\"max#{$colormbuf[3]}:max\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t minimum average maximum current\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"Current. \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"current:MIN:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"current:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"current:MAX:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"current:LAST:%7.2lf %S \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"Cache. \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"cache:MIN:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"cache:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"cache:MAX:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"cache:LAST:%7.2lf %S \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"Total. \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"total:MIN:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"total:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"total:MAX:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"total:LAST:%7.2lf %S \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"Max. \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"max:MIN:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"max:AVERAGE:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"max:MAX:%7.2lf %s \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"max:LAST:%7.2lf %S \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`date +\"%b %d %H\:%M\:%S %Y\"`\" "; } elseif((strstr($curdatabase, "-queues.rrd")) && (file_exists("$rrddbpath$curdatabase"))) { /* define graphcmd for queue stats */ $graphcmd = "$rrdtool graph $rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png "; $graphcmd .= "--start $start --end $end "; $graphcmd .= "--vertical-label \"bits/sec\" "; $graphcmd .= "--color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee "; $graphcmd .= "--title \"`hostname` - {$prettydb} - {$hperiod} - {$havg} average\" "; $graphcmd .= "--height 200 --width 620 "; if ($altq) { $a_queues =& $altq->get_queue_list(); $t = 0; } else { $a_queues = array(); $i = 0; $t = 0; } foreach ($a_queues as $name => $q) { $color = "$colorqueuesup[$t]"; if($t > 0) { $stack = ":STACK"; } $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"$name=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:$name:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$name-bytes_out=$name,0,$speedlimit,LIMIT,UN,0,$name,IF\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$name-bits_out=$name-bytes_out,8,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "$AREA:\"$name-bits_out#${color}:$name\" "; $t++; if($t > 7) { $t = 0; } } $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`date +\"%b %d %H\:%M\:%S %Y\"`\" "; } elseif((strstr($curdatabase, "-queuedrops.rrd")) && (file_exists("$rrddbpath$curdatabase"))) { /* define graphcmd for queuedrop stats */ $graphcmd = "$rrdtool graph $rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png "; $graphcmd .= "--start $start --end $end "; $graphcmd .= "--vertical-label \"drops / sec\" "; $graphcmd .= "--color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee "; $graphcmd .= "--title \"`hostname` - {$prettydb} - {$hperiod} - {$havg} average\" "; $graphcmd .= "--height 200 --width 620 "; if ($altq) { $a_queues =& $altq->get_queue_list(); $t = 0; } else { $a_queues = array(); $i = 0; $t = 0; } foreach ($a_queues as $name => $q) { $color = "$colorqueuesdropup[$t]"; if($t > 0) { $stack = ":STACK"; } $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"$name=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:$name:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$name-bytes_out=$name,0,$speedlimit,LIMIT,UN,0,$name,IF\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$name-bits_out=$name-bytes_out,8,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$name-bits_out_neg=$name-bits_out,$multiplier,*\" "; $graphcmd .= "$AREA:\"$name-bits_out_neg#${color}:$name\" "; $t++; if($t > 7) { $t = 0; } } $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`date +\"%b %d %H\:%M\:%S %Y\"`\" "; } elseif((strstr($curdatabase, "-quality.rrd")) && (file_exists("$rrddbpath$curdatabase"))) { /* make a link quality graphcmd, we only have WAN for now, others too follow */ $graphcmd = "$rrdtool graph $rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png \\ --start $start --end $end \\ --title \"`hostname` - {$prettydb} - {$hperiod} - {$havg} average\" \\ --color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee \\ --vertical-label \"ms / %\" \\ --height 200 --width 620 \\ --lower-limit 0 \\ DEF:delayraw=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:delay:AVERAGE \\ DEF:loss=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:loss:AVERAGE \\ \"CDEF:delay=delayraw,1000,*\" \\ \"CDEF:roundavg=delay,PREV(delay),+,2,/\" \\ \"CDEF:loss10=loss,$multiplier,*\" \\ \"CDEF:r0=delay,20,MIN\" \\ \"CDEF:r1=delay,60,MIN\" \\ \"CDEF:r2=delay,180,MIN\" \\ \"CDEF:r3=delay,420,MIN\" \\ COMMENT:\"\t\t\t\t\tDelay\t\t\tPacket loss\\n\" \\ AREA:delay#$colorqualityrtt[0]:\"> 420 ms\" \\ GPRINT:delay:MIN:\"\t\tMin\\: %7.2lf ms\" \\ GPRINT:loss:MIN:\"\tMin\\: %3.1lf %%\\n\" \\ AREA:r3#$colorqualityrtt[1]:\"180-420 ms\" \\ GPRINT:delay:AVERAGE:\"\t\tAvg\\: %7.2lf ms\" \\ GPRINT:loss:AVERAGE:\"\tAvg\\: %3.1lf %%\\n\" \\ AREA:r2#$colorqualityrtt[2]:\"60-180 ms\" \\ GPRINT:delay:MAX:\"\t\tMax\\: %7.2lf ms\" \\ GPRINT:loss:MAX:\"\tMax\\: %3.1lf %%\\n\" \\ AREA:r1#$colorqualityrtt[3]:\"20-60 ms\\n\" \\ AREA:r0#$colorqualityrtt[4]:\"< 20 ms\" \\ GPRINT:delay:LAST:\"\t\tLast\\: %7.2lf ms\" \\ GPRINT:loss:LAST:\"\tLast\: %3.1lf %%\\n\" \\ AREA:loss10#$colorqualityloss:\"Packet loss\\n\" \\ LINE1:delay#$colorqualityrtt[5]:\"Delay average\\n\" \\ COMMENT:\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`date +\"%b %d %H\:%M\:%S %Y\"`\""; } elseif((strstr($curdatabase, "spamd.rrd")) && (file_exists("$rrddbpath$curdatabase"))) { /* graph a spamd statistics graph */ $graphcmd = "$rrdtool graph $rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png \\ --start $start --end $end \\ --title \"`hostname` - {$prettydb} - {$hperiod} - {$havg} average\" \\ --color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee \\ --vertical-label=\"Conn / Time, sec.\" \\ --height 200 --width 620 --no-gridfit \\ --lower-limit 0 \\ DEF:consmin=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:conn:MIN \\ DEF:consavg=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:conn:AVERAGE \\ DEF:consmax=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:conn:MAX \\ DEF:timemin=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:time:MIN \\ DEF:timeavg=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:time:AVERAGE \\ DEF:timemax=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:time:MAX \\ \"CDEF:timeminadj=timemin,0,86400,LIMIT,UN,0,timemin,IF\" \\ \"CDEF:timeavgadj=timeavg,0,86400,LIMIT,UN,0,timeavg,IF\" \\ \"CDEF:timemaxadj=timemax,0,86400,LIMIT,UN,0,timemax,IF\" \\ \"CDEF:t1=timeminadj,timeavgadj,+,2,/,timeminadj,-\" \\ \"CDEF:t2=timeavgadj,timemaxadj,+,2,/,timeminadj,-,t1,-\" \\ \"CDEF:t3=timemaxadj,timeminadj,-,t1,-,t2,-\" \\ AREA:timeminadj \\ AREA:t1#$colorspamdtime[0]::STACK \\ AREA:t2#$colorspamdtime[1]::STACK \\ AREA:t3#$colorspamdtime[2]::STACK \\ LINE2:timeavgadj#$colorspamdtime[3]:\"Time \" \\ GPRINT:timeminadj:MIN:\"Min\\:%6.2lf\\t\" \\ GPRINT:timeavgadj:AVERAGE:\"Avg\\:%6.2lf\\t\" \\ GPRINT:timemaxadj:MAX:\"Max\\:%6.2lf\\n\" \\ AREA:consmax#$colorspamdconn[0] \\ AREA:consmin#$colorspamdconn[1] \\ LINE1:consmin#$colorspamdconn[2] \\ LINE1:consmax#$colorspamdconn[3] \\ LINE1:consavg#$colorspamdconn[4]:\"Cons \" \\ GPRINT:consmin:MIN:\"Min\\:%6.2lf\\t\" \\ GPRINT:consavg:AVERAGE:\"Avg\\:%6.2lf\\t\" \\ GPRINT:consmax:MAX:\"Max\\:%6.2lf\\n\" \\ COMMENT:\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`date +\"%b %d %H\:%M\:%S %Y\"`\" "; } elseif((strstr($curdatabase, "-cellular.rrd")) && (file_exists("$rrddbpath$curdatabase"))) { $graphcmd = "$rrdtool graph $rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png "; $graphcmd .= "--start $start --end $end "; $graphcmd .= "--vertical-label \"signal\" "; $graphcmd .= "--color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee "; $graphcmd .= "--title \"`hostname` - {$prettydb} - {$hperiod} - {$havg} average\" "; $graphcmd .= "--height 200 --width 620 "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"$curif-signal1=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:signal1:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"$curif-signal2=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:signal2:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE2:\"$curif-signal1#{$colorwireless[0]}:$curif-signal1\" "; $graphcmd .= "LINE2:\"$curif-signal2#{$colorwireless[1]}:$curif-signal2\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t maximum\t\t average\t current\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"Signal1\t\t\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-signal1:MAX:%7.2lf dBm \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-signal1:AVERAGE:%7.2lf dBm \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-signal1:LAST:%7.2lf dBm\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"Signal2\t\t\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-signal2:MAX:%7.2lf dBm \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-signal2:AVERAGE:%7.2lf dBm \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-signal2:LAST:%7.2lf dBm\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`date +\"%b %d %H\:%M\:%S %Y\"`\" "; } elseif((strstr($curdatabase, "-loggedin.rrd")) && (file_exists("$rrddbpath$curdatabase"))) { /* define graphcmd for online Captive Portal users stats */ $graphcmd = "$rrdtool graph $rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png "; $graphcmd .= "--start $start --end $end "; $graphcmd .= "--vertical-label \"Captive Portal Users\" "; $graphcmd .= "--color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee "; $graphcmd .= "--base=1000 "; $graphcmd .= "--lower-limit=0 "; $graphcmd .= "--slope-mode "; $graphcmd .= "--title \"`hostname` - {$prettydb} - {$hperiod} - {$havg} average\" "; $graphcmd .= "--height 200 --width 620 "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"$curif-loggedinusers=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:loggedinusers:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-totalusers_t=PREV,UN,0,PREV,IF,$curif-loggedinusers,+\" "; $graphcmd .= "CDEF:\"$curif-totalusers_d=$curif-totalusers_t,FLOOR\" "; $graphcmd .= "AREA:\"$curif-totalusers_d#{$colorcaptiveportalusers[0]}:Total logged in users\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-totalusers_d:MAX:%8.0lf \\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`date +\"%b %d %H\:%M\:%S %Y\"`\" "; } elseif((strstr($curdatabase, "-concurrent.rrd")) && (file_exists("$rrddbpath$curdatabase"))) { /* define graphcmd for online Captive Portal users stats */ $graphcmd = "$rrdtool graph $rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png "; $graphcmd .= "--start $start --end $end "; $graphcmd .= "--vertical-label \"Captive Portal Users\" "; $graphcmd .= "--color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee "; $graphcmd .= "--title \"`hostname` - {$prettydb} - {$hperiod} - {$havg} average\" "; $graphcmd .= "--base=1000 "; $graphcmd .= "--lower-limit=0 "; $graphcmd .= "--slope-mode "; $graphcmd .= "--height 200 --width 620 "; $graphcmd .= "DEF:\"$curif-concurrentusers=$rrddbpath$curdatabase:concurrentusers:AVERAGE\" "; $graphcmd .= "AREA:\"$curif-concurrentusers#{$colorcaptiveportalusers[0]}:Concurrent Users\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t\t current\t\t average\t maximum\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"Users Online\t\" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-concurrentusers:LAST:%8.0lf \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-concurrentusers:AVERAGE:%8.0lf \" "; $graphcmd .= "GPRINT:\"$curif-concurrentusers:MAX:%8.0lf \" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\\n\" "; $graphcmd .= "COMMENT:\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`date +\"%b %d %H\:%M\:%S %Y\"`\" "; } else { $data = false; log_error(sprintf(gettext("Sorry we do not have data to graph for %s"),$curdatabase)); } /* check modification time to see if we need to generate image */ if (file_exists("$rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png")) { if((time() - filemtime("$rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png")) >= 5 ) { if($data) exec("$graphcmd 2>&1", $graphcmdoutput, $graphcmdreturn); $graphcmdoutput = implode(" ", $graphcmdoutput) . $graphcmd; flush(); usleep(500); } } else { if($data) exec("$graphcmd 2>&1", $graphcmdoutput, $graphcmdreturn); $graphcmdoutput = implode(" ", $graphcmdoutput) . $graphcmd; flush(); usleep(500); } if(($graphcmdreturn <> 0) || (! $data)) { log_error(sprintf(gettext('Failed to create graph with error code %1$s, the error is: %2$s'),$graphcmdreturn,$graphcmdoutput)); if(strstr($curdatabase, "queues")) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("failed to create graph from %s%s, removing database"),$rrddbpath,$curdatabase)); exec("/bin/rm -f $rrddbpath$curif$queues"); flush(); usleep(500); enable_rrd_graphing(); } if(strstr($curdatabase, "queuesdrop")) { log_error(sprintf(gettext("failed to create graph from %s%s, removing database"),$rrddbpath,$curdatabase)); exec("/bin/rm -f $rrddbpath$curdatabase"); flush(); usleep(500); enable_rrd_graphing(); } header("Content-type: image/png"); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); $file= "/usr/local/www/themes/{$g['theme']}/images/misc/rrd_error.png"; return($file); } else { $file = "$rrdtmppath$curdatabase-$curgraph.png"; if(file_exists("$file")) { header("Content-type: image/png"); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); return($file); } } } function timeDiff($time, $opt = array()) { // The default values $defOptions = array( 'to' => 0, 'parts' => 1, 'precision' => 'second', 'distance' => TRUE, 'separator' => ', ' ); $opt = array_merge($defOptions, $opt); // Default to current time if no to point is given (!$opt['to']) && ($opt['to'] = time()); // Init an empty string $str = ''; // To or From computation $diff = ($opt['to'] > $time) ? $opt['to'] - $time : $time - $opt['to']; // An array of label => periods of seconds; $periods = array( 'decade' => 315569260, 'year' => 31539600, 'month' => 2629744, 'week' => 604800, 'day' => 86400, 'hour' => 3600, 'minute' => 60, 'second' => 1 ); // 31539600, 31556926, 31622400 // Round to precision if ($opt['precision'] != 'second') $diff = round(($diff / $periods[$opt['precision']])) * $periods[$opt['precision']]; // Report the value is 'less than 1 ' precision period away (0 == $diff) && ($str = 'less than 1 ' . $opt['precision']); // Loop over each period foreach ($periods as $label => $value) { // Stitch together the time difference string (($x = round($diff / $value)) && $opt['parts']--) && $str .= ($str ? $opt['separator'] : '') . ($x .' '. $label. ($x > 1 ? 's' : '')); // Stop processing if no more parts are going to be reported. if ($opt['parts'] == 0 || $label == $opt['precision']) break; // Get ready for the next pass $diff -= $x * $value; } $opt['distance'] && $str .= ($str && $opt['to'] >= $time) ? ' ago' : ' away'; return $str; } function mail_report_get_log($logfile, $tail, $grepfor) { global $g, $config; $logfile = "{$g['varlog_path']}/{$logfile}"; $logarr = ""; $grepline = " "; if(is_array($grepfor)) $grepline = " | /usr/bin/egrep " . escapeshellarg(implode("|", $grepfor)); if($config['system']['disablesyslogclog']) { exec("cat {$logfile}{$grepline} | /usr/bin/tail -n {$tail}", $logarr); } else { if(isset($config['system']['usefifolog'])) { exec("/usr/sbin/fifolog_reader {$logfile}{$grepline} | /usr/bin/tail -n {$tail}", $logarr); } else { if (is_executable("/usr/local/sbin/clog")) { exec("/usr/local/sbin/clog {$logfile}{$grepline}| grep -v \"CLOG\" | grep -v \"\033\" | /usr/bin/tail -n {$tail}", $logarr); } elseif (is_executable("/usr/sbin/clog")) { exec("/usr/sbin/clog {$logfile}{$grepline}| grep -v \"CLOG\" | grep -v \"\033\" | /usr/bin/tail -n {$tail}", $logarr); } else { $logarr = array("Cannot locate clog which is required for reading log files."); } } } return($logarr); } function get_friendly_log_name($logfile) { global $logfile_friendly; $friendly = str_replace(".log", "", $logfile); if (!empty($logfile_friendly[$friendly])) $friendly = $logfile_friendly[$friendly]; return $friendly; } function fixup_graph_timespan($timespan) { switch ($timespan) { case "8hour": return "eighthour"; case "4year": return "fouryear"; default: return $timespan; } } ?>