<?php /* $Id$ */ /* sqstat.class.php Squid Proxy Server realtime stat (c) Alex Samorukov, samm@os2.kiev.ua modification by 2011 Serg Dvoriancev, dv_serg@mail.ru Squid Proxy Server realtime stat part of pfSense (www.pfSense.com) Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // sqstat class DEFINE('SQSTAT_VERSION', '1.20'); DEFINE('SQSTAT_SHOWLEN', 60); class squidstat{ var $fp; # conection var $squidhost; var $squidport; # hosts var $hosts_file; var $hosts; # versions var $server_version; var $sqstat_version; # other var $group_by; var $resolveip; var $autorefresh; var $use_sessions = false; # cache manager var $cachemgr_passwd; # errors var $errno; var $errstr; function squidstat(){ $this->sqstat_version = SQSTAT_VERSION; $this->squidhost = ''; $this->squidport = '3128'; $This->group_by = 'host'; $this->resolveip = true; $this->hosts_file = ''; $this->autorefresh = 0; $this->cachemgr_passwd = ''; $errno = 0; $errstr = ''; if (!function_exists("preg_match")) { $this->errorMsg(5, 'You need to install <a href="http://www.php.net/pcre/" target="_blank">PHP pcre extension</a> to run this script'); $this->showError(); exit(5); } // we need session support to gather avg. speed if (function_exists("session_start")){ $this->use_sessions=true; } } function formatXHTML($body, $refresh, $use_js = false){ $text='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n". '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">'."\n" .'<html>' .'<head>' .'<link href="sqstat.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>'; if($refresh) $text.='<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="'.$refresh.'; URL='.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?refresh='.$refresh.'&config='.$GLOBALS["config"].'"/>'; $text.='<title>SqStat '.SQSTAT_VERSION.'</title>' .($use_js?'<script src="zhabascript.js" type="text/javascript"></script>':'').'</head>' .($use_js?'<body onload="jsInit();"><div id="dhtmltooltip"></div><img id="dhtmlpointer" src="arrow.gif">':'<body>') .$body.'</body></html>'; return $text; } function showError(){ $text='<h1>SqStat error</h1>'. '<h2 style="color:red">Error ('.$this->errno.'): '.$this->errstr.'</span>'; echo $this->formatXHTML($text,0); } function connect($squidhost, $squidport){ $this->fp = false; # connecting to the squidhost $this->fp = @fsockopen($squidhost, $squidport, $this->errno, $this->errstr, 10); if (!$this->fp) { # failed to connect return false; } return true; } # based @ (c) moritz at barafranca dot com function duration ($seconds) { $takes_time = array(604800,86400,3600,60,0); $suffixes = array("w","d","h","m","s"); $output = ""; foreach ($takes_time as $key=>$val) { ${$suffixes[$key]} = ($val == 0) ? $seconds : floor(($seconds/$val)); $seconds -= ${$suffixes[$key]} * $val; if (${$suffixes[$key]} > 0) { $output .= ${$suffixes[$key]}; $output .= $suffixes[$key]." "; } } return trim($output); } /** * Format a number of bytes into a human readable format. * Optionally choose the output format and/or force a particular unit * * @param int $bytes The number of bytes to format. Must be positive * @param string $format Optional. The output format for the string * @param string $force Optional. Force a certain unit. B|KB|MB|GB|TB * @return string The formatted file size */ function filesize_format($bytes, $format = '', $force = '') { $force = strtoupper($force); $defaultFormat = '%01d %s'; if (strlen($format) == 0) $format = $defaultFormat; $bytes = max(0, (int) $bytes); $units = array('b', 'Kb', 'Mb', 'Gb', 'Tb', 'Pb'); $power = array_search($force, $units); if ($power === false) $power = $bytes > 0 ? floor(log($bytes)/log(1024)) : 0; return sprintf($format, $bytes / pow(1024, $power), $units[$power]); } function makeQuery($pass = ""){ $raw = array(); # sending request if(!$this->fp) die("Please connect to server"); $out = "GET cache_object://localhost/active_requests HTTP/1.0\r\n"; if ($pass != "") $out .= "Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode("cachemgr:$pass")."\r\n"; $out .= "\r\n"; fwrite($this->fp, $out); while (!feof($this->fp)) { $raw[] = trim(fgets($this->fp, 2048)); } fclose($this->fp); if (!preg_match("/^HTTP.* 200 OK$/", $raw[0])) { $this->errorMsg(1, "Cannot get data. Server answered: $raw[0]"); return false; } # parsing output; $header = 1; $connection = 0; $parsed["server_version"] = "Unknown"; foreach($raw as $key=>$v){ # cutoff http header if ($header==1 && $v=="") $header=0; if ($header) { if(substr(strtolower($v),0,7) == "server:") { # parsing server version $parsed["server_version"] = substr($v,8); } } else { if(substr($v,0,11) == "Connection:") { # parsing connection $connection = substr($v,12); } if ($connection) { # username field is avaible in Squid 2.6 stable if(substr($v,0,9) == "username ") $parsed["con"][$connection]["username"] = substr($v, 9); if(substr($v,0,5) == "peer:") $parsed["con"][$connection]["peer"] = substr($v, 6); if(substr($v,0,3) == "me:") $parsed["con"][$connection]["me"] = substr($v, 4); if(substr($v,0,4) == "uri ") $parsed["con"][$connection]["uri"] = substr($v, 4); if(substr($v,0,10) == "delay_pool") $parsed["con"][$connection]["delay_pool"] = substr($v, 11); if (preg_match('/out.offset \d+, out.size (\d+)/', $v, $matches)) { $parsed["con"][$connection]["bytes"] = $matches[1]; } if (preg_match('/start \d+\.\d+ \((\d+).\d+ seconds ago\)/', $v, $matches)){ $parsed["con"][$connection]["seconds"] = $matches[1]; } } } } return $parsed; } function implode_with_keys($array, $glue) { foreach ($array as $key => $v){ $ret[] = $key . '=' . htmlspecialchars($v); } return implode($glue, $ret); } function makeHtmlReport($data, $resolveip = false, $hosts_array = array(), $use_js = true) { global $group_by; if($this->use_sessions){ session_name('SQDATA'); session_start(); } $total_avg = $total_curr = 0; // resort data array $users=array(); switch($group_by){ case "host": $group_by_name="Host"; $group_by_key='return $ip;'; break; case "username": $group_by_name="User"; $group_by_key='return $v["username"];'; break; default: die("wrong group_by!"); } foreach($data["con"] as $key => $v){ if(substr($v["uri"],0,13)=="cache_object:") continue; // skip myself $ip=substr($v["peer"],0,strpos($v["peer"],":")); if(isset($hosts_array[$ip])){ $ip=$hosts_array[$ip]; } // i use ip2long() to make ip sorting work correctly elseif($resolveip){ $hostname=gethostbyaddr($ip); if($hostname==$ip) $ip=ip2long($ip);// resolve failed else $ip=$hostname; } else{ $ip=ip2long(substr($v["peer"],0,strpos($v["peer"],":"))); } $v['connection'] = $key; if(!isset($v["username"])) $v["username"]="N/A"; $users[eval($group_by_key)][]=$v; } ksort($users); $refresh=0; if(isset($_GET["refresh"]) && !isset($_GET["stop"])) $refresh=(int)$_GET["refresh"]; $text=''; if(count($GLOBALS["configs"])==1) $servers=$GLOBALS["squidhost"].':'.$GLOBALS["squidport"]; else{ $servers='<select onchange="this.form.submit();" name="config">'; foreach ($GLOBALS["configs"] as $key=>$v){ $servers.='<option '.($GLOBALS["config"]==$key?' selected="selected" ':'').' value="'.$key.'">'.htmlspecialchars($v).'</option>'; } $servers.='</select>'; } $text.='<div class="header"><form method="get" action="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'">'. 'Squid RealTime stat for the '.$servers.' proxy server ('.$data["server_version"].').<br/>'. 'Auto refresh: <input name="refresh" type="text" size="4" value="'.$refresh.'"/> sec. <input type="submit" value="Update"/> <input name="stop" type="submit" value="Stop"/> Created at: <tt>'.date("h:i:s d/m/Y").'</tt><br/>'. '</div>'. '<table class="result" align="center" width="100%" border="0">'. '<tr>'. '<th>'.$group_by_name.'</th><th>URI</th>'. ($this->use_sessions?'<th>Curr. Speed</th><th>Avg. Speed</th>':''). '<th>Size</th><th>Time</th>'. '</tr>'; $ausers=$acon=0; unset($session_data); if (isset($_SESSION['time']) && ((time() - $_SESSION['time']) < 3*60) && isset($_SESSION['sqdata']) && is_array($_SESSION['sqdata'])) { //only if the latest data was less than 3 minutes ago $session_data = $_SESSION['sqdata']; } $table=''; foreach($users as $key=>$v){ $ausers++; $table.='<tr><td style="border-right:0;" colspan="2"><b>'.(is_int($key)?long2ip($key):$key).'</b></td>'. '<td style="border-left:0;" colspan="5"> </td></tr>'; $user_avg = $user_curr = $con_color = 0; foreach ($v as $con){ if(substr($con["uri"],0,7)=="http://" || substr($con["uri"],0,6)=="ftp://"){ if(strlen($con["uri"])>SQSTAT_SHOWLEN) $uritext=htmlspecialchars(substr($con["uri"],0,SQSTAT_SHOWLEN)).'</a> ....'; else $uritext=htmlspecialchars($con["uri"]).'</a>'; $uri='<a target="_blank" href="'.htmlspecialchars($con["uri"]).'">'.$uritext; } else $uri=htmlspecialchars($con["uri"]); $acon++; //speed stuff $con_id = $con['connection']; $is_time = time(); $curr_speed=0; $avg_speed=0; if (isset($session_data[$con_id]) && $con_data = $session_data[$con_id] ) { // if we have info about current connection, we do analyze its data // current speed $was_time = $con_data['time']; $was_size = $con_data['size']; if ($was_time && $was_size) { $delta = $is_time - $was_time; if ($delta == 0) { $delta = 1; } if ($con['bytes'] >= $was_size) { $curr_speed = ($con['bytes'] - $was_size) / 1024 / $delta; } } else { $curr_speed = $con['bytes'] / 1024; } //avg speed $avg_speed = $con['bytes'] / 1024; if ($con['seconds'] > 0) { $avg_speed /= $con['seconds']; } } $new_data[$con_id]['time'] = $is_time; $new_data[$con_id]['size'] = $con['bytes']; //sum speeds $total_avg += $avg_speed; $user_avg += $avg_speed; $total_curr += $curr_speed; $user_curr += $curr_speed; if($use_js) $js='onMouseout="hideddrivetip()" onMouseover="ddrivetip(\''.$this->implode_with_keys($con,'<br/>').'\')"'; else $js=''; $table.='<tr'.( (++$con_color % 2 == 0) ? ' class="odd"' : '' ).'><td id="white"></td>'. '<td nowrap '.$js.' width="80%" >'.$uri.'</td>'; if($this->use_sessions){ $table .= '<td nowrap align="right">'.( (round($curr_speed, 2) > 0) ? sprintf("%01.2f KB/s", $curr_speed) : '' ).'</td>'. '<td nowrap align="right">'.( (round($avg_speed, 2) > 0) ? sprintf("%01.2f KB/s", $avg_speed) : '' ). '</td>'; } $table .= '<td nowrap align="right">'.$this->filesize_format($con["bytes"]).'</td>'. '<td nowrap align="right">'.$this->duration($con["seconds"],"short").'</td>'. '</tr>'; } if($this->use_sessions){ $table.=sprintf("<tr><td colspan=\"2\"></td><td align=\"right\" id=\"highlight\">%01.2f KB/s</td><td align=\"right\" id=\"highlight\">%01.2f KB/s</td><td colspan=\"2\"></td>", $user_curr, $user_avg); } } $_SESSION['time'] = time(); if(isset($new_data)) $_SESSION['sqdata'] = $new_data; $stat_row=''; if($this->use_sessions){ $stat_row.=sprintf("<tr class=\"total\"><td><b>Total:</b></td><td align=\"right\" colspan=\"5\"><b>%d</b> users and <b>%d</b> connections @ <b>%01.2f/%01.2f</b> KB/s (CURR/AVG)</td></tr>", $ausers, $acon, $total_curr, $total_avg); } else { $stat_row.=sprintf("<tr class=\"total\"><td><b>Total:</b></td><td align=\"right\" colspan=\"5\"><b>%d</b> users and <b>%d</b> connections</td></tr>", $ausers, $acon); } if($ausers==0){ $text.='<tr><td colspan=6><b>No active connections</b></td></tr>'; } else { $text.=$stat_row.$table.$stat_row; } $text .= '</table>'. '<p class="copyleft">© <a href="mailto:samm@os2.kiev.ua?subject=SqStat '.SQSTAT_VERSION.'">Alex Samorukov</a>, 2006</p>'; return $this->formatXHTML($text,$refresh,$use_js); } function parseRequest($data, $group_by = 'host', $resolveip = false) { $parsed = array(); if ($this->use_sessions) { session_name('SQDATA'); session_start(); } # resort data array $users = array(); switch ($group_by) { case "username": $group_by_name = "User"; $group_by_key = "username"; break; case "host": default: $group_by_name = "Host"; $group_by_key = "peer"; break; } # resolve IP & group foreach ($data["con"] as $key => $v) { # skip myself if (substr($v["uri"], 0, 13) == "cache_object:") continue; $ip = substr($v["peer"], 0, strpos($v["peer"], ":")); $v["peer"] = $ip; # name from hosts if (isset($this->hosts[$ip])) { $ip = $this->hosts[$ip]; } else # i use ip2long() to make ip sorting work correctly if ($resolveip) { $hostname = gethostbyaddr($ip); if ($hostname == $ip) $ip = ip2long($ip); # resolve failed. use (ip2long) key else $ip = $hostname; } else { $ip = ip2long(substr($v["peer"], 0, strpos($v["peer"], ":"))); } $v['con_id'] = $key; $v["username"] = isset($v["username"]) ? $v["username"] : "N/A"; # users [key => conn_array] $users[$v[$group_by_key]][] = $v; } ksort($users); unset($session_data); if (isset($_SESSION['time']) && ((time() - $_SESSION['time']) < 3*60) && isset($_SESSION['sqdata']) && is_array($_SESSION['sqdata'])) { # only if the latest data was less than 3 minutes ago $session_data = $_SESSION['sqdata']; } # users count & con cont $ausers = $acon = 0; $total_avg = $total_curr = 0; foreach ($users as $key => $v) { $ausers++; $user_avg = $user_curr = $con_color = 0; foreach ($v as $con_key => $con){ $cres = array(); $acon++; $uritext = $con["uri"]; if (substr($con["uri"], 0, 7) == "http://" || substr($con["uri"], 0, 6) == "ftp://") { if (strlen($uritext) > SQSTAT_SHOWLEN) $uritext = htmlspecialchars(substr($uritext, 0, SQSTAT_SHOWLEN)) . ' ....'; } else $uritext = htmlspecialchars($uritext); $cres['uritext'] = $uritext; $cres['uri'] = $con["uri"]; # speed stuff $con_id = $con['connection']; $is_time = time(); $curr_speed = $avg_speed = 0; if (isset($session_data[$con_id]) && $con_data = $session_data[$con_id] ) { # if we have info about current connection, we do analyze its data # current speed $was_time = $con_data['time']; $was_size = $con_data['size']; if ($was_time && $was_size) { $delta = $is_time - $was_time; if ($delta == 0) { $delta = 1; } if ($con['bytes'] >= $was_size) { $curr_speed = ($con['bytes'] - $was_size) / 1024 / $delta; } } else { $curr_speed = $con['bytes'] / 1024; } # avg speed $avg_speed = $con['bytes'] / 1024; if ($con['seconds'] > 0) { $avg_speed /= $con['seconds']; } } $cres['cur_speed'] = $curr_speed; $cres['avg_speed'] = $avg_speed; $cres['seconds'] = $con["seconds"]; $cres['bytes'] = $con["bytes"]; # groupped parsed[key => conn_key] $parsed['users'][$key]['con'][$con_key] = $cres; # for sessions $new_data[$con_id]['time'] = $is_time; $new_data[$con_id]['size'] = $con['bytes']; # sum speeds $total_avg += $avg_speed; $user_avg += $avg_speed; $total_curr += $curr_speed; $user_curr += $curr_speed; } # total per user $parsed['users'][$key]['user_curr'] = $user_curr; $parsed['users'][$key]['user_avg'] = $user_avg; } # total info $parsed['ausers'] = $ausers; $parsed['acon'] = $acon; $parsed['total_avg'] = $total_avg; $parsed['total_curr'] = $total_curr; # update session info $_SESSION['time'] = time(); if (isset($new_data)) $_SESSION['sqdata'] = $new_data; return $parsed; } function errorMsg($errno, $errstr) { $this->errno = $errno; $this->errstr = $errstr; } function load_hosts() { # loading hosts file $hosts_array = array(); if (!empty($this->hosts_file)) { if (is_file($this->hosts_file)) { $handle = @fopen($this->hosts_file, "r"); if ($handle) { while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer = fgets($handle, 4096); unset($matches); if (preg_match('/^([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})[ \t]+(.+)$/i', $buffer, $matches)) { $hosts_array[$matches[1]]=$matches[2]; } } fclose($handle); } $this->hosts = $hosts_array; } else { #error $this->errorMsg(4, "Hosts file not found. Cant read <tt>'{$this->hosts_file}'</tt>."); return $this->errno; } } return 0; } function query_exec() { $data = ""; $this->server_version = '(unknown)'; if ($this->connect($this->squidhost, $this->squidport)) { $data = $this->makeQuery($this->cachemgr_passwd); if ($this->errno == 0) { $this->server_version = $data['server_version']; $data = $this->parseRequest($data, 'host', true); } } return $data; } } ?>