Services: LCDproc 0.5.5 pkg v. 0.9.4lcdproc0.5.5 pkg v. 0.9.4Save/usr/local/pkg/lcdproc.incServer/pkg_edit.php?xml=lcdproc.xml&id=0Screens/pkg_edit.php?xml=lcdproc_screens.xml&id=0 DriverEnable LCDproc at startupenablecheckboxcomportCom PortSet the com port LCDproc should use.selectucom1sizeDisplay SizeSet the display size lcdproc should use.select16x2driverDriverSet the LCD driver LCDproc should use.selectpyramidrefresh_frequencyRefresh frequencySet the refresh frequency of the information on the LCD Panelselect5port_speedPort speedSet the port speed. Caution: not all the driver or panels support all the speeds, leave "default" if unsure.select0brightnessBrightnessSet the brightness of the LCD panel. This option is not supported by all the LCD panels, leave "default" if the off-brightness of the LCD panel. This value is used when the display is normally switched off in case LCDd is inactive. This option is not supported by all the LCD panels, leave "default" if the contrast of the LCD panel. This option is not supported by all the LCD panels, leave "default" if the backlight setting. If set to the default value, then the backlight setting of the display can be influenced by the clients. This option is not supported by all the LCD panels, leave "default" if unsure.selectdefaultoutputledsEnable Output LEDsEnable the Output LEDs present on some LCD panels. This feature is currently supported by the CFontz633 driver only. <br>
Each LED can be off or show two colors: RED (alarm) or GREEN (everything ok) and shows: <br>
LED1: NICs status (green: ok, red: at least one nic down);<br>
LED2: CARP status (green: master, red: backup, off: CARP not implemented);<br>
LED3: CPU status (green < 50, red > 50%);<br>
LED4: Gateway status (green: ok, red: at least one gateway not responding, off: no gateway configured).checkboxdefault
validate_form_lcdproc($_POST, &$input_errors);