Jail management Disk space... Currently there are no FAQ items provided. pfJailctl 0.1 Jails Jails Jail management
Jails jails.sh All jails with autostart enabled. include("/usr/local/pkg/jailctl.inc"); jailctl_servicestatus(); ['installedpackages']['$packagename']['config'] /usr/local/pkg/ 0644 https://packages.pfsense.org/packages/config/jailctl/jailctl_defaults.xml /usr/local/pkg/ 0644 https://packages.pfsense.org/packages/config/jailctl/jailctl_settings.xml /usr/local/pkg/ 0644 https://packages.pfsense.org/packages/config/jailctl/jailctl.inc /usr/local/pkg/ 0644 https://packages.pfsense.org/packages/config/jailctl/jailctl-utils.inc /usr/local/pkg/ 0644 https://packages.pfsense.org/packages/config/jailctl/jailctl_list.inc /usr/local/sbin/ 0755 https://packages.pfsense.org/packages/config/jailctl/jailctl /usr/sbin/ 0755 https://packages.pfsense.org/packages/config/jailctl/sysinstall Jails /pkg.php?xml=jailctl.xml Global settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=jailctl_settings.xml&id=0 State jstate Jail name jname Jail IF jifdesc Jail IP jip Jail path jpath Actions jactions Jail hostname jname FQDN of the jail input Network interface jif Jail will be bound to this interface interfaces_selection IP address jip Must be in the same subnet as the parent interface input Autostart jail on boot? jautostart Start this jail automatically when the system boots? checkbox Jail templates jselect_templates listtopic Select a predefined template for your jail: Templates jtemplates Files from the templates will be read-only inside the jail. select jtemplate_default Use unionfs juse_unionfs Use unionfs instead of nullfs to mount the template contents into the jail checkbox Package sets jselect_sets listtopic OR select a distribution set to install: Distribution sets jdistset Select a standard set of distributions to install select Individual packages jselect_individual listtopic OR select individual distributions in addition to 'base': Individual distributions jdists Select individual distributions (multiple selection) select /usr/local/pkg/jailctl_list.inc sync_package_jailctl(); jailctl_delete(); sync_package_jailctl(); jailctl_install(); jailctl_deinstall(); jailctl_addinterfaces($config); jailctl_addtemplates($config);