\"Whitelist\"\n"; echo "Add List URL:
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "Purge All\n"; echo "\n"; function delLineFromFile($fileName, $lineNum){ // check the file exists if(!is_writable($fileName)) { // print an error print "The file $fileName is not writable"; // exit the function exit; } else { // read the file into an array $arr = file($fileName); } // the line to delete is the line number minus 1, because arrays begin at zero $lineToDelete = $lineNum-1; // check if the line to delete is greater than the length of the file if($lineToDelete > sizeof($arr)) { // print an error print "You have chosen a line number, [$lineNum], higher than the length of the file."; // exit the function exit; } //remove the line unset($arr["$lineToDelete"]); // open the file for reading if (!$fp = fopen($fileName, 'w+')) { // print an error print "Cannot open file ($fileName)"; // exit the function exit; } // if $fp is valid if($fp) { // write the array to the file foreach($arr as $line) { fwrite($fp,$line); } // close the file fclose($fp); } echo "done"; } $myFile = "lists.txt"; $content = $_REQUEST['content']; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'a+'); fwrite($fh, $content); if (strlen($content) > 1) { fwrite($fh, "\n"); } else { } fclose($fh); //echo (filesize($myFile)); if (filesize($myFile) > 1) { //$fh = fopen($myFile, 'r'); //$theData = fread($fh, filesize($myFile)); //fclose($fh); echo "
Current List(s):
"; // Get the whole file into a single string $fileContents = file_get_contents($myFile); // Explode the file contents string by each line $lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $fileContents); // Replace PHP_EOL with "\r\n" or "\n" or "\r" if you like // Iterate through each line and do what you need with it foreach ($lines as $line) { $i++; echo ""; echo " "; echo $line; //echo ""; // echo $i; echo "
"; } //echo $theData; } echo "

"; ?>