igmpproxy Services: IGMP proxy /usr/local/pkg/igmpproxy.inc igmpproxy igmpproxy.sh igmpproxy IGMP(multicast) proxy. http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/igmpproxy/igmpproxy.inc /usr/local/pkg/ 0755 http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/igmpproxy/firewall_rules_edit.tmp /tmp/ 0755 http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/igmpproxy/filter.tmp /tmp/ 0755 http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/igmpproxy/igmpproxy.tbz /usr/local/pkg/ 0755 An IGMP(multicast) proxy member has been deleted. An IGMP(multicast) proxy member has been created/modified. igmpname Name igmptype Type description Description igmpname Interface interfaces_selection description Description input igmptype Type The upstream network interface is the outgoing interface which is responsible for communicating to available multicast data sources. There can only be one upstream interface. Downstream network interfaces are the distribution interfaces to the destination networks, where multicast clients can join groups and receive multicast data. One or more downstream interfaces must be configured. select upstream igmpthreshold Threshold Defines the TTL threshold for the network interface. Packets with a lower TTL than the threshols value will be ignored. This setting is optional, and by default the threshold is 1. input Networks none rowhelper Network Address input 25 igmpnetaddr igmpproxy_resync(); igmpproxy_install();