havp Services: Antivirus proxy server (havp + clamav) -> Settings Status 1.7.1 havp.inc HTTP Antivirus Proxy server antivirus
http://www.pfsense.com/packages/config/havp/havp.inc Settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=havp.xml&id=0 Enable enable Check this for enable proxy. checkbox Use external interface listenextinterface Select this for use external interface, otherwise the proxy will use the internal interface ''. Cascade you other proxy to the HAVP as 'parent proxy' via '' ip. checkbox proxyiface Proxy interface proxyiface The interface(s) the proxy server will bind to. interfaces_selection lan Proxy port proxyport This is the port the proxy server will listen on. input 10 3128 Parent proxy parentproxy Enter the parent proxy as PROXY:PORT format or leave empty. input 90 Language lang Select the language in which the proxy server will display error messages to users. select en Max download size maxdownloadsize Enter value or leave empty. Value in bytes. Downloads larger than 'Max download size' will be blocked. Only if not Whitelisted! input 10 Disable X-Forward xforwardedfor If not set, proxy will include your system's IP address or name in the HTTP requests it forwards. checkbox Whitelist whitelist Enter each destination url on a new line that will be accessable to the users without scanning. Use '*' symbol for mask. Example: *.pfsense.com/*, *sourceforge.net/*clamav-*, */*.xml, */*.inc textarea 60 5 base64 Blacklist blacklist Enter each destination domain on a new line that will be accessable to the users that are allowed to use the proxy. textarea 60 5 base64 Block file if error scanning failscanerror If set, the proxy will block the files on which an error scanning. checkbox Scan max file size scanmaxsize Enter here value in bytes (5, 10, 15, 20) or leave empty. Files larger than this limit won't be scanned. Empty or 0 also disables the limit. NOTE: Setting limit is a security risk, because some archives like ZIP need all the data to be scanned properly! Use this only if you can't afford temporary space for big files. Also scanner settings will affect how many files will be scanned inside an archive etc. input 10 Scan images scanimg Check this for scan image files. checkbox Scan archives scanarc Check this for scan within archives and compressed files. checkbox Scan archive max file size scanarcmaxsize 10M Enter here value in megabytes (15M) or leave empty. Files in archives larger than this limit won't be scanned. Value of 0 also disables the limit. input 10 AV bases update havpavupdate <input name='submit' type='submit' value='Update_AV'> Press button for update AV database now. select hv_none Regional AV database update mirror dbregion Select regional database mirror. select Optional AV database update servers avupdateserver Enter here space separated AV update servers, or leave empty. textarea 60 5 Syslog syslog Check this for enable Syslog. checkbox Log log Check this for enable log. checkbox havp_validate_settings($_POST, &$input_errors); havp_resync();