$ifdetail) {
if (!isset($ifdetail['enable']))
if (!isset($ifdetail['ipaddr']))
$descr = $ifdetail['descr'];
if (!$descr){
if ($if == "wan" && !$ifdetail['descr'])
$descr = "WAN";
else if ($if == "lan" && !$ifdetail['descr'])
$descr = "LAN";
$descr = $if;
$item = array();
$item['ip'] = get_interface_ip($if);
$item['name'] = "$descr address (IPv4)";
$bindable[$if.'_ipv4'] = $item;
if (in_array('carp',$interfacetypes)){
$carplist = get_configured_carp_interface_list();
foreach ($carplist as $carpif => $carpip){
if (is_ipaddrv4($carpip)){
$item = array();
$item['ip'] = $carpip;
$item['name'] = $carpip." (".get_vip_descr($carpip).")";
$bindable[$carpip] = $item;
if (in_array('ipalias',$interfacetypes)){
$aliaslist = get_configured_ip_aliases_list();
foreach ($aliaslist as $aliasip => $aliasif){
if (is_ipaddrv4($aliasip)){
$item = array();
$item['ip'] = $aliasip;
$item['name'] = $aliasip." (".get_vip_descr($aliasip).")";
$bindable[$aliasip.'_ipv4'] = $item;
if (!isset($config['system']['ipv6allow']))
return $bindable;// skip adding the IPv6 addresses if those are not 'allowed'
if (in_array("ipv6",$ipverions)){
if (in_array('any',$interfacetypes)){
$item = array();
$item[ip] = '::';
$item[name] = 'any (IPv6)';
$bindable['any_ipv6'] = $item;
if (in_array('localhost',$interfacetypes)){
$item = array();
$item[ip] = '::1';
$item[name] = 'localhost (IPv6)';
$bindable['localhost_ipv6'] = $item;
if (in_array('real',$interfacetypes)){
foreach($config['interfaces'] as $if => $ifdetail) {
if (!isset($ifdetail['enable']))
if (!isset($ifdetail['ipaddrv6']))
$descr = $ifdetail['descr'];
if (!$descr){
if ($if == "wan" && !$ifdetail['descr'])
$descr = "WAN";
else if ($if == "lan" && !$ifdetail['descr'])
$descr = "LAN";
$descr = $if;
$item = array();
$item['ip'] = get_interface_ipv6($if);
$item['name'] = "$descr address (IPv6)";
$bindable[$if.'_ipv6'] = $item;
if (in_array('carp',$interfacetypes)){
$carplist = get_configured_carp_interface_list();
foreach ($carplist as $carpif => $carpip){
if (is_ipaddrv6($carpip)){
$item = array();
$item['ip'] = $carpip;
$item['name'] = $carpip." (".get_vip_descr($carpip).")";
$bindable[$carpip] = $item;
if (in_array('ipalias',$interfacetypes)){
$aliaslist = get_configured_ip_aliases_list();
foreach ($aliaslist as $aliasip => $aliasif){
if (is_ipaddrv6($aliasip)){
$item = array();
$item['ip'] = $aliasip;
$item['name'] = $aliasip." (".get_vip_descr($aliasip).")";
$bindable[$aliasip] = $item;
return $bindable;
function haproxy_get_cert_extensions($crt){
$cert = openssl_x509_parse(base64_decode($crt['crt']));
return $cert['extensions'];
function haproxy_get_cert_authoritykeyidentifier($cert)
$certextension = haproxy_get_cert_extensions($cert);
$lines = preg_split('/[\n]+/',$certextension['authorityKeyIdentifier']);
return substr($lines[0],6);// cut off the starting string 'keyid:'
function haproxy_get_cert_subjectKeyIdentifier($cert)
$certextension = haproxy_get_cert_extensions($cert);
$lines = preg_split('/[\n]+/',$certextension['subjectKeyIdentifier']);
return $lines[0];
function haproxy_cert_signed_by($cert, $signedbycert) {
// checks if $cert was signed by $signedbycert
// this does NOT validate a proper signature but only checks if the extension properties match.
$authoritykeyid = haproxy_get_cert_authoritykeyidentifier($cert);
$subjectid = haproxy_get_cert_subjectKeyIdentifier($signedbycert);
return $authoritykeyid == $subjectid;
function haproxy_recalculate_certifcate_chain(){
// and set "selfsigned" for certificates that where used to sign themselves
// recalculate the "caref" for all certificates where it is currently unkown.
$allcertificates = haproxy_get_certificates('ca,server,user',true);
$items_recalculated = 0;
foreach($allcertificates as &$cert){
if (!isset($cert['selfsigned'])){
if (!isset($cert['caref']))
else {
$ca = lookup_ca($cert['caref']);
if (!$ca)
if ($recalculate){
foreach($allcertificates as &$signedbycert){
if(haproxy_cert_signed_by($cert, $signedbycert)){
if ($cert['refid'] == $signedbycert['refid']){
$cert['selfsigned'] = true;
} else {
$cert['caref'] = $signedbycert['refid'];
if ($items_recalculated > 0)
write_config("Services: HAProxy: Recalculated $items_recalculated certificate chains.");
return $items_recalculated;
function get_certificat_usage($refid) {
$usage = array();
$cert = lookup_cert($refid);
if (is_cert_revoked($cert))
$usage[] = "*Revoked";
if (is_webgui_cert($refid))
$usage[] = "webConfigurator";
if (is_user_cert($refid))
$usage[] = "User Cert";
if (is_openvpn_server_cert($refid))
$usage[] = "OpenVPN Server";
if (is_openvpn_client_cert($refid))
$usage[] = "OpenVPN Client";
if (is_ipsec_cert($refid))
$usage[] = "IPsec Tunnel";
if (function_exists("is_captiveportal_cert"))
if (is_captiveportal_cert($refid))
$usage[] = "Captive Portal";
return $usage;
function haproxy_get_certificate_descriptivename($cert) {
$usage = get_certificat_usage($cert['crt']);
foreach($usage as $use){
$usagestr .= " " . $use;
if ($usagestr != "")
$usagestr = " (".trim($usagestr).")";
$purpose = cert_get_purpose($cert['crt']);
$certserverpurpose = $purpose['server'] == 'Yes' ? " [Server cert]" : "";
$caname = "";
$ca = lookup_ca($cert['caref']);
if ($ca)
$caname = " (CA: {$ca['descr']})";
return $cert['descr'] . $caname . $certserverpurpose . $usagestr;
function haproxy_get_certificates($type = 'server,user', $get_includeWebCert=false) {
// $type one or multiple of these separated by a comma: ca,server,user
// $get_includeWebCert if the webgui certificate may be included.
// This function (is intended to) provide a uniform way to retrieve a list of server certificates
global $config;
$type = ",$type,";
$certificates = array();
if (strpos($type,',server,') !== false || strpos($type,',user,') !== false ) {
$a_cert = &$config['cert'];
foreach ($a_cert as $cert) {
$purpose = cert_get_purpose($cert['crt']);
$ok = false;
$ok |= stristr($type,',server,') && $purpose['server'] == 'Yes';
$ok |= stristr($type,',user,') && $purpose['server'] != 'Yes';
if (!$ok)
if ($get_includeWebCert == false && is_webgui_cert($cert['refid']))
$certificates[$cert['refid']]['name'] = haproxy_get_certificate_descriptivename($cert);
if (strpos($type,',ca,') !== false) {
$a_cert = &$config['ca'];
foreach ($a_cert as $cert) {
$certificates[$cert['refid']]['name'] = haproxy_get_certificate_descriptivename($cert);
uasort($certificates, haproxy_compareByName);
return $certificates;
function haproxy_get_crls() {
global $config;
foreach ($config['crl'] as $crl) {
$caname = "";
$ca = lookup_ca($crl['caref']);
if ($ca)
$caname = " (CA: {$ca['descr']})";
$certificates[$crl['refid']]['name'] = $crl['descr'] . $caname;
uasort($certificates, haproxy_compareByName);
return $certificates;
function phparray_to_javascriptarray_recursive($nestID, $path, $items, $nodeName, $includeitems) {
$offset = str_repeat(' ',$nestID);
$itemName = "item$nestID";
echo "{$offset}$nodeName = {};\n";
if (is_array($items))
foreach ($items as $key => $item)
if (in_array($path.'/'.$key, $includeitems))
$subpath = $path.'/'.$key;
$subpath = $path.'/*';
if (in_array($subpath, $includeitems) || in_array($path.'/*', $includeitems)) {
if (is_array($item)) {
$subNodeName = "item$nestID";
phparray_to_javascriptarray_recursive($nestID+1, $subpath, $items[$key], $subNodeName, $includeitems);
echo "{$offset}{$nodeName}['{$key}'] = $itemName;\n";
} else {
$item = json_encode($item);
echo "{$offset}{$nodeName}['$key'] = $item;\n";
function phparray_to_javascriptarray($items, $javaMapName, $includeitems) {
phparray_to_javascriptarray_recursive(1,'',$items, $javaMapName, $includeitems);
function haproxy_html_select_options($keyvaluelist, $selected="") {
$result = "";
foreach($keyvaluelist as $key => $desc){
$selectedhtml = $key == $selected ? "selected" : "";
if ($desc['deprecated'] && $key != $selected){
$name = htmlspecialchars($desc['name']);
$result .= "";
return $result;
function haproxy_js_select_options($keyvaluelist, $selected="") {
$result = "";
foreach($keyvaluelist as $key => $desc){
$selectedhtml = $key == $selected ? "selected" : "";
if ($desc['deprecated'] && $key != $selected){
$name = htmlspecialchars($desc['name']);
$result .= "