Copyright (C) 2008 Remco Hoef All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* include all configuration functions */ require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); $d_haproxyconfdirty_path = $g['varrun_path'] . "/haproxy.conf.dirty"; $a_acltypes = array(); $a_acltypes["host_starts_with"] = array('name' => 'Host starts with', 'mode' => 'http', 'syntax' => 'hdr_beg(host) -i %1$s'); $a_acltypes["host_ends_with"] = array('name' => 'Host ends with', 'mode' =>'http', 'syntax' => 'hdr_end(host) -i %1$s'); $a_acltypes["host_matches"] = array('name' => 'Host matches', 'mode' =>'http', 'syntax' => 'hdr(host) -i %1$s'); $a_acltypes["host_regex"] = array('name' => 'Host regex', 'mode' =>'http', 'syntax' => 'hdr_reg(host) -i %1$s'); $a_acltypes["host_contains"] = array('name' => 'Host contains', 'mode' => 'http', 'syntax' => 'hdr_dir(host) -i %1$s'); $a_acltypes["path_starts_with"] = array('name' => 'Path starts with', 'mode' => 'http', 'syntax' => 'path_beg -i %1$s'); $a_acltypes["path_ends_with"] = array('name' => 'Path ends with', 'mode' => 'http', 'syntax' => 'path_end -i %1$s'); $a_acltypes["path_matches"] = array('name' => 'Path matches', 'mode' => 'http', 'syntax' => 'path -i %1$s'); $a_acltypes["path_regex"] = array('name' => 'Path regex', 'mode' => 'http', 'syntax' => 'path_reg -i %1$s'); $a_acltypes["path_contains"] = array('name' => 'Path contains', 'mode' => 'http', 'syntax' => 'path_dir -i %1$s'); $a_acltypes["source_ip"] = array('name' => 'Source IP', 'mode' => '', 'syntax' => 'src %1$s'); $a_acltypes["backendservercount"] = array('name' => 'Minimum count usable servers', 'mode' => '', 'syntax' => 'nbsrv(%2$s) ge %1$d', 'parameters' => 'value,backendname'); // 'ssl_sni_matches' was added in HAProxy1.5dev17 $a_acltypes["ssl_sni_matches"] = array('name' => 'Server Name Indication TLS extension matches', 'mode' => 'https', 'syntax' => 'req_ssl_sni -i %1$s', 'advancedoptions' => "tcp-request inspect-delay 5s\n\ttcp-request content accept if { req_ssl_hello_type 1 }"); $a_checktypes = array(); $a_checktypes['none'] = array('name' => 'none', 'syntax' => '', 'descr' => 'No health checks will be performed.'); $a_checktypes['Basic'] = array('name' => 'Basic', 'syntax' => '', 'descr' => 'Basic socket connection check'); $a_checktypes['HTTP'] = array('name' => 'HTTP', 'syntax' => 'httpchk', 'descr' => 'HTTP protocol to check on the servers health, can also be used for HTTPS servers(requirs checking the SSL box for the servers).', 'parameters' => "uri,method,version"); // 'Agent' was added in HAProxy1.5dev18, and removed in 1.5dev20, in favor of the seperate agent-check option. $a_checktypes['Agent'] = array('name' => 'Agent', 'syntax' => 'lb-agent-chk', 'usedifferenport' => 'yes', 'descr' => 'Use a TCP connection to read an ASCII string of the form 100%,75%,drain,down (others in haproxy manual)', deprecated => true); $a_checktypes['LDAP'] = array('name' => 'LDAP', 'syntax' => 'ldap-check', 'descr' => 'Use LDAPv3 health checks for server testing'); $a_checktypes['MySQL'] = array('name' => 'MySQL', 'syntax' => 'mysql-check', 'descr' => 'Use MySQL health checks for server testing', 'parameters' => 'username'); $a_checktypes['PostgreSQL'] = array('name' => 'PostgreSQL', 'syntax' => 'pgsql-check', 'descr' => 'Use PostgreSQL health checks for server testing', 'parameters' => 'username'); $a_checktypes['Redis'] = array('name' => 'Redis', 'syntax' => 'redis-check', 'descr' => 'Test that the server correctly talks REDIS protocol.'); $a_checktypes['SMTP'] = array('name' => 'SMTP', 'syntax' => 'smtpchk HELO', 'descr' => 'Use SMTP HELO health checks for server testing', 'parameters' => 'domain'); $a_checktypes['ESMTP'] = array('name' => 'ESMTP', 'syntax' => 'smtpchk EHLO', 'descr' => 'Use ESMTP EHLO health checks for server testing', 'parameters' => 'domain'); $a_checktypes['SSL'] = array('name' => 'SSL', 'syntax' => 'ssl-hello-chk', 'descr' => 'Use SSLv3 client hello health checks for server testing.'); $a_httpcheck_method = array(); $a_httpcheck_method['OPTIONS'] = array('name' => 'OPTIONS', 'syntax' => 'OPTIONS'); $a_httpcheck_method['HEAD'] = array('name' => 'HEAD', 'syntax' => 'HEAD'); $a_httpcheck_method['GET'] = array('name' => 'GET', 'syntax' => 'GET'); $a_httpcheck_method['POST'] = array('name' => 'POST', 'syntax' => 'POST'); $a_httpcheck_method['PUT'] = array('name' => 'PUT', 'syntax' => 'PUT'); $a_httpcheck_method['DELETE'] = array('name' => 'DELETE', 'syntax' => 'DELETE'); $a_httpcheck_method['TRACE'] = array('name' => 'TRACE', 'syntax' => 'TRACE'); $a_closetypes = array(); $a_closetypes['none'] = array('name' => 'none', 'syntax' => '', 'descr' => 'No close headers will be changed.'); $a_closetypes['httpclose'] = array('name' => 'httpclose', 'syntax' => 'httpclose', 'descr' => 'The "httpclose" option removes any "Connection" header both ways, and adds a "Connection: close" header in each direction. This makes it easier to disable HTTP keep-alive than the previous 4-rules block.'); $a_closetypes['http-server-close'] = array('name' => 'http-server-close', 'syntax' => 'http-server-close', 'descr' => 'By default, when a client communicates with a server, HAProxy will only analyze, log, and process the first request of each connection. Setting "option http-server-close" enables HTTP connection-close mode on the server side while keeping the ability to support HTTP keep-alive and pipelining on the client side. This provides the lowest latency on the client side (slow network) and the fastest session reuse on the server side to save server resources.'); $a_closetypes['forceclose'] = array('name' => 'forceclose', 'syntax' => 'forceclose', 'descr' => 'Some HTTP servers do not necessarily close the connections when they receive the "Connection: close" set by "option httpclose", and if the client does not close either, then the connection remains open till the timeout expires. This causes high number of simultaneous connections on the servers and shows high global session times in the logs. Note that this option also enables the parsing of the full request and response, which means we can close the connection to the server very quickly, releasing some resources earlier than with httpclose.'); $a_closetypes['http-keep-alive'] = array('name' => 'http-keep-alive', 'syntax' => 'http-keep-alive', 'descr' => 'By default, when a client communicates with a server, HAProxy will only analyze, log, and process the first request of each connection. Setting "option http-keep-alive" enables HTTP keep-alive mode on the client- and server- sides. This provides the lowest latency on the client side (slow network) and the fastest session reuse on the server side at the expense of maintaining idle connections to the servers. In general, it is possible with this option to achieve approximately twice the request rate that the "http-server-close" option achieves on small objects. There are mainly two situations where this option may be useful : - when the server is non-HTTP compliant and authenticates the connection instead of requests (eg: NTLM authentication) - when the cost of establishing the connection to the server is significant compared to the cost of retrieving the associated object from the server.'); $a_servermodes = array(); $a_servermodes["active"]['name'] = "active"; $a_servermodes["backup"]['name'] = "backup"; $a_servermodes["disabled"]['name'] = "disabled"; $a_servermodes["inactive"]['name'] = "inactive"; function haproxy_custom_php_deinstall_command() { exec("cd /var/db/pkg && pkg_delete `ls | grep haproxy`"); exec("rm /usr/local/pkg/haproxy*"); exec("rm /usr/local/www/haproxy*"); exec("rm /usr/local/etc/rc.d/"); exec("rm /etc/devd/haproxy.conf"); exec("/etc/rc.d/devd restart"); haproxy_install_cron(false); } function haproxy_custom_php_install_command() { global $g, $config; conf_mount_rw(); $freebsd_version = substr(trim(`uname -r`), 0, 1); if(!file_exists("/usr/bin/limits")) { exec("fetch -q -o /usr/bin/limits{$freebsd_version}/limits"); exec("chmod a+rx /usr/bin/limits"); } $haproxy = << ENDOFF } haproxy_check () { echo "Checking haproxy." /usr/bin/env \ PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin \ /usr/local/bin/php -q -d < ENDOFF } haproxy_stop () { echo "Stopping haproxy." killall haproxy } run_rc_command "\$1" EOD; $fd = fopen("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/", "w"); fwrite($fd, $haproxy); fclose($fd); exec("chmod a+rx /usr/local/etc/rc.d/"); $devd = << $be) { $a_backends[$id]['status'] = 'active'; } $id = 0; foreach ($a_oldservers as $oldserver) { $pool=$oldserver; /* make server sub array */ $server=array(); $server['name'] = $oldserver['name']; $server['address'] = $oldserver['address']; $server['port'] = $oldserver['port']; $server['weight'] = $oldserver['weight']; $a_servers=array(); $a_servers[]=$server; /* set new pool */ $pool['name'] = "pool$id"; $id++; $pool['ha_servers']['item']=$a_servers; /* link to frontend */ foreach ($a_backends as $id => $be) { if ($a_backends[$id]['name'] == $oldserver['backend']) { $a_backends[$id]['backend_serverpool'] = $pool['name']; $pool['monitor_uri'] = $be['monitor_uri']; unset($a_backends[$id]['monitor_uri']); break; } } unset($pool['backend']); unset($pool['address']); unset($pool['port']); unset($pool['weight']); $a_pools[] = $pool; } unset($config['installedpackages']['haproxy']['ha_servers']); $writeconfigupdate = true; } /* XML update to: pkg v1.3 and 'pool' changed to 'backend_serverpool' because 'pool' was added to listtags() in */ if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['haproxy']['ha_backends']['item'][0]['pool'])) { foreach($config['installedpackages']['haproxy']['ha_backends']['item'] as &$frontend) { $backend_serverpool = $frontend['pool'][0]; $frontend['backend_serverpool'] = $backend_serverpool; unset($frontend['pool']); } $writeconfigupdate = true; } //also move setting for existing 2.0 installations as only the new variable is used if (isset($config['installedpackages']['haproxy']['ha_backends']['item'][0]['pool'])) { foreach($config['installedpackages']['haproxy']['ha_backends']['item'] as &$frontend) { $backend_serverpool = $frontend['pool']; $frontend['backend_serverpool'] = $backend_serverpool; unset($frontend['pool']); } $writeconfigupdate = true; } // update config to "haproxy-devel 1.5-dev19 pkg v0.5" $a_backends = &$config['installedpackages']['haproxy']['ha_backends']['item']; if(is_array($a_backends)) { foreach ($a_backends as &$bind) { if($bind['httpclose'] && $bind['httpclose'] == "yes" ) { $bind['httpclose'] = "httpclose"; $writeconfigupdate = true; } if (!$bind['extaddr']){ $bind['extaddr'] = "wan_ipv4"; $writeconfigupdate = true; } if ($bind['extaddr'] == "localhost"){ $bind['extaddr'] = "localhost_ipv4"; $writeconfigupdate = true; } if ($bind['extaddr'] == "any"){ $bind['extaddr'] = "any_ipv4"; $writeconfigupdate = true; } } } if ($writeconfigupdate) write_config("haproxy, update xml config version"); conf_mount_ro(); exec("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start"); } function haproxy_install_cron($should_install) { global $config, $g; if($g['booting']==true) return; $is_installed = false; if(!$config['cron']['item']) return; $x=0; foreach($config['cron']['item'] as $item) { if(strstr($item['command'], "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/")) { $is_installed = true; break; } $x++; } switch($should_install) { case true: if(!$is_installed) { $cron_item = array(); $cron_item['minute'] = "*/2"; $cron_item['hour'] = "*"; $cron_item['mday'] = "*"; $cron_item['month'] = "*"; $cron_item['wday'] = "*"; $cron_item['who'] = "root"; $cron_item['command'] = "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ check"; $config['cron']['item'][] = $cron_item; parse_config(true); write_config("haproxy, install cron CARP job"); configure_cron(); } break; case false: if($is_installed == true) { if($x > 0) { unset($config['cron']['item'][$x]); parse_config(true); write_config("haproxy, remove cron CARP job"); } configure_cron(); } break; } } function haproxy_find_acl($name) { global $a_acltypes; if($a_acltypes) { foreach ($a_acltypes as $key => $acl) { if ($key == $name) return $acl; } } } function write_backend($fd, $name, $pool, $frontend) { if(!is_array($pool['ha_servers']['item']) && !$pool['stats_enabled']=='yes') return; global $a_checktypes; $a_servers = &$pool['ha_servers']['item']; unset($sslserverpresent); if (is_array($a_servers)) { foreach($a_servers as $be) { if (!$be['status'] == "inactive") continue; if ($be['ssl']) $sslserverpresent = true; } } fwrite ($fd, "backend " . $name . "\n"); if($pool['cookie_name'] && strtolower($frontend['type']) == "http") fwrite ($fd, "\tcookie\t\t\t" . $pool['cookie_name'] . " insert indirect\n"); // https is an alias for tcp for clarity purpouses if(strtolower($frontend['type']) == "https") { $backend_type = "tcp"; } else { $backend_type = $frontend['type']; } fwrite ($fd, "\tmode\t\t\t" . $backend_type . "\n"); unset($checkport); $check_type = $pool['check_type']; if ($check_type != 'none') { $optioncheck = $a_checktypes[$check_type]['syntax']; if ($check_type == "MySQL" || $check_type == "PostgreSQL") $optioncheck .= " user " . $pool['monitor_username']; if ($check_type == "SMTP" || $check_type == "ESMTP") $optioncheck .= " " . $pool['monitor_domain']; if ($check_type == "HTTP") { $uri = $pool['monitor_uri']; if (!$uri) $uri = "/"; $optioncheck .= " {$pool['httpcheck_method']} {$uri} {$pool['monitor_httpversion']}"; } if ($check_type == "Agent") { $checkport = " port " . $pool['monitor_agentport']; } } else { $optioncheck = "httpchk"; } if($pool['balance']) fwrite ($fd, "\tbalance\t\t\t" . $pool['balance'] . "\n"); if(!$pool['connection_timeout']) $pool['connection_timeout'] = 30000; fwrite ($fd, "\ttimeout connect\t\t" . $pool['connection_timeout'] . "\n"); if(!$pool['server_timeout']) $pool['server_timeout'] = 30000; fwrite ($fd, "\ttimeout server\t\t" . $pool['server_timeout'] . "\n"); if(!$pool['retries']) $pool['retries'] = 3; fwrite ($fd, "\tretries\t\t\t" . $pool['retries'] . "\n"); if ($pool['transparent_clientip']) fwrite ($fd, "\tsource usesrc clientip\n"); if($pool['stats_enabled']=='yes') { fwrite ($fd, "\tstats\t\t\tenable\n"); if($pool['stats_uri']) fwrite ($fd, "\tstats\t\t\turi ".$pool['stats_uri']."\n"); if($pool['stats_realm']) fwrite ($fd, "\tstats\t\t\trealm " . haproxy_escapestring($pool['stats_realm']) . "\n"); else fwrite ($fd, "\tstats\t\t\trealm .\n"); fwrite ($fd, "\tstats\t\t\tauth " . haproxy_escapestring($pool['stats_username']).":". haproxy_escapestring($pool['stats_password'])."\n"); if($pool['stats_admin']=='yes') fwrite ($fd, "\tstats\t\t\tadmin if TRUE" . "\n"); if($pool['stats_node_enabled']=='yes') fwrite ($fd, "\tstats\t\t\tshow-node " . $pool['stats_node'] . "\n"); if($pool['stats_desc']) fwrite ($fd, "\tstats\t\t\tshow-desc " . $pool['stats_desc'] . "\n"); if($pool['stats_refresh']) fwrite ($fd, "\tstats\t\t\trefresh " . $pool['stats_refresh'] . "\n"); } $uri = $pool['monitor_uri']; if ($pool['monitor_uri']) $uri = $pool['monitor_uri']; else $uri = "/"; if ($optioncheck) fwrite ($fd, "\toption\t\t\t{$optioncheck}\n"); if ($pool['advanced_backend']) { $adv_be = explode("\n", base64_decode($pool['advanced_backend'])); foreach($adv_be as $adv_line) { if ($adv_line != "") { fwrite($fd, "\t" . str_replace("\r", "", $adv_line) . "\n"); } } } if($pool['cookie'] && strtolower($frontend['type']) == "http") $cookie = " cookie {$pool['cookie']} "; else $cookie = ""; if($pool['advanced']) { $advanced = base64_decode($pool['advanced']); $advanced_txt = " " . $advanced; } else { $advanced_txt = ""; } if ($check_type != 'none') { if($pool['checkinter']) $checkinter = "check inter {$pool['checkinter']}"; else $checkinter = "check inter 1000"; } //agent-check requires at least haproxy v1.5dev20 if ($pool['agent_check']) $agentcheck = " agent-check agent-inter {$pool['agent_inter']} agent-port {$pool['agent_port']}"; if (is_array($a_servers)) { foreach($a_servers as $be) { if ($be['status'] == "inactive") continue; if (!$be['name']) $be['name'] = $be['address']; if(!$be['status'] || $be['status'] != 'active') { $isbackup = $be['status']; } else { $isbackup = ""; } $ssl = ""; if ($be['ssl'] == 'yes') { $ssl = $backend_type == "http" ? ' ssl' : ' check-ssl'; } fwrite ($fd, "\tserver\t\t\t" . $be['name'] . " " . $be['address'].":" . $be['port'] . "$ssl $cookie $checkinter$checkport$agentcheck $isbackup weight " . $be['weight'] . "{$advanced_txt} {$be['advanced']}\n"); } } fwrite ($fd, "\n"); } function haproxy_configure() { global $g; // reload haproxy haproxy_writeconf("{$g['varetc_path']}/haproxy"); return haproxy_check_run(1); } function haproxy_check_and_run(&$messages, $reload) { global $g; $configpath = "{$g['varetc_path']}/haproxy"; $testpath = "{$g['varetc_path']}/haproxy_test"; haproxy_writeconf($testpath); $retval = exec("haproxy -c -V -f $testpath/haproxy.cfg 2>&1", $output, $err); $messages = ""; if ($err > 1) $messages = "

FATAL ERROR CODE: $err while starting haproxy

"; elseif ($err == 1) $messages = "Errors found while starting haproxy"; if ((count($output) > 1) && $output[0] != "Configuration file is valid") { foreach($output as $line) $messages .= "
" . htmlspecialchars($line) . "\n"; } $ok = strstr($retval, "Configuration file is valid"); if ($ok && $reload) { global $haproxy_run_message; haproxy_writeconf($configpath); rmdir_recursive($testpath); $ok = haproxy_check_run(1) == 0; $messages = $haproxy_run_message; } return $ok; } function haproxy_write_certificate_file($filename, $certid) { $cert = lookup_cert($certid); $certcontent = base64_decode($cert['crt']); $certcontent .= "\r\n".base64_decode($cert['prv']); $certchaincontent = ca_chain($cert); if ($certchaincontent != "") { $certcontent .= "\r\n" . $certchaincontent; } unset($certchaincontent); file_put_contents($filename, $certcontent); unset($certcontent); unset($cert); } function haproxy_writeconf($configpath) { global $config; $configfile = $configpath . "/haproxy.cfg"; rmdir_recursive($configpath); make_dirs($configpath); $a_global = &$config['installedpackages']['haproxy']; $a_frontends = &$config['installedpackages']['haproxy']['ha_backends']['item']; $a_backends = &$config['installedpackages']['haproxy']['ha_pools']['item']; $fd = fopen($configfile, "w"); if(is_array($a_global)) { fwrite ($fd, "global\n"); if ($a_global['maxconn']) fwrite ($fd, "\tmaxconn\t\t\t".$a_global['maxconn']."\n"); if($a_global['remotesyslog']) fwrite ($fd, "\tlog\t\t\t{$a_global['remotesyslog']}\t{$a_global['logfacility']}\t{$a_global['loglevel']}\n"); fwrite ($fd, "\tstats socket /tmp/haproxy.socket level admin\n"); if(!use_transparent_clientip_proxying()) fwrite ($fd, "\tuid\t\t\t80\n"); fwrite ($fd, "\tgid\t\t\t80\n"); // Set numprocs if defined or use system default (#cores) if($a_global['nbproc']) $numprocs = $a_global['nbproc']; else $numprocs ="1"; fwrite ($fd, "\tnbproc\t\t\t$numprocs\n"); fwrite ($fd, "\tchroot\t\t\t/var/empty\n"); fwrite ($fd, "\tdaemon\n"); fwrite ($fd, "\tssl-server-verify none\n"); // Keep the advanced options on the bottom of the global settings, to allow additional sections to be easely added if($a_global['advanced']) { $adv = explode("\n", base64_decode($a_global['advanced'])); foreach($adv as $adv_line) { fwrite($fd, "\t" . str_replace("\r", "", $adv_line) . "\n"); } } fwrite ($fd, "\n"); } // Try and get a unique array for address:port as frontends can duplicate $a_bind = array(); if(is_array($a_frontends)) { foreach ($a_frontends as $frontend) { if($frontend['status'] != 'active') { unlink_if_exists("var/etc/{$frontend['name']}.{$frontend['port']}.crt"); continue; } if(!$frontend['backend_serverpool']) { unlink_if_exists("var/etc/{$frontend['name']}.{$frontend['port']}.crt"); continue; } $bname = get_frontend_ipport($frontend); //check ssl info if (strtolower($frontend['type']) == "http" && $frontend['ssloffload']){ //ssl crt ./server.pem ca-file ./ca.crt verify optional crt-ignore-err all crl-file ./ca_crl.pem $filename = "$configpath/{$frontend['name']}.{$frontend['port']}.pem"; $ssl_crt = " crt $filename"; haproxy_write_certificate_file($filename, $frontend['ssloffloadcert']); $subfolder = "$configpath/{$frontend['name']}.{$frontend['port']}"; $certs = $frontend['ha_certificates']['item']; if (is_array($certs)){ if (count($certs) > 0){ make_dirs($subfolder); foreach($certs as $cert){ haproxy_write_certificate_file("$subfolder/{$cert['ssl_certificate']}.pem", $cert['ssl_certificate']); } $ssl_crt .= " crt $subfolder"; } } }else{ $ssl_crt=""; unlink_if_exists("var/etc/{$frontend['name']}.{$frontend['port']}.crt"); } if (!is_array($a_bind[$bname])) { $a_bind[$bname] = array(); $a_bind[$bname]['config'] = array(); // Settings which are used only from the primary frontend $primaryfrontend = get_primaryfrontend($frontend); $a_bind[$bname]['name'] = $primaryfrontend['name']; $a_bind[$bname]['extaddr'] = $primaryfrontend['extaddr']; $a_bind[$bname]['port'] = $primaryfrontend['port']; $a_bind[$bname]['type'] = $primaryfrontend['type']; $a_bind[$bname]['forwardfor'] = $primaryfrontend['forwardfor']; $a_bind[$bname]['httpclose'] = $primaryfrontend['httpclose']; $a_bind[$bname]['max_connections'] = $primaryfrontend['max_connections']; $a_bind[$bname]['client_timeout'] = $primaryfrontend['client_timeout']; $a_bind[$bname]['advanced'] = $primaryfrontend['advanced']; $a_bind[$bname]['ssloffload'] = $primaryfrontend['ssloffload']; $a_bind[$bname]['advanced_bind'] = $primaryfrontend['advanced_bind']; } $b = &$a_bind[$bname]; if (($frontend['secondary'] != 'yes') && ($frontend['name'] != $b['name'])) { // only 1 frontend can be the primary for a set of frontends that share 1 address:port. $input_errors[] = "Multiple primary frondends for $bname"; } if ($ssl_crt != "") { if ($b['ssl_info'] == "") $b['ssl_info'] = "ssl {$frontend['dcertadv']}"; $b['ssl_info'] .= $ssl_crt; } // pointer to each frontend $b['config'][] = $frontend; } } $a_pendingpl = array(); // Construct and write out configuration for each "frontend" if(is_array($a_bind)) { foreach ($a_bind as $bind) { if (count($bind['config']) > 1) $frontendinfo = "frontend {$bind['name']}-merged\n"; else $frontendinfo = "frontend {$bind['name']}\n"; $advancedextra = array(); // Prepare ports for processing by splitting $portss = "{$bind['port']},"; $ports = split(",", $portss); $ssl_info = $bind['ssl_info']; $advanced_bind = $bind['advanced_bind']; // Initialize variable $listenip = ""; // Process and add bind directives for ports $ip = haproxy_interface_ip($bind['extaddr']); if ($ip){ foreach($ports as $port) { if($port) { $listenip .= "\tbind\t\t\t$ip:{$port} {$ssl_info} {$advanced_bind}\n"; } } } fwrite ($fd, "{$frontendinfo}"); fwrite ($fd, "{$listenip}"); // Advanced pass thru if($bind['advanced']) { $advanced = explode("\n", base64_decode($bind['advanced'])); foreach($advanced as $adv_line) { if ($adv_line != "") { fwrite($fd, "\t" . str_replace("\r", "", $adv_line) . "\n"); } } } // https is an alias for tcp for clarity purpouses if($bind['type'] == "https") { $backend_type = "tcp"; } else { $backend_type = $bind['type']; } fwrite ($fd, "\tmode\t\t\t" . $backend_type . "\n"); fwrite ($fd, "\tlog\t\t\tglobal\n"); fwrite ($fd, "\toption\t\t\tdontlognull\n"); if ($backend_type == 'http') { if($bind['httpclose'] && $bind['httpclose'] != "none" ) fwrite ($fd, "\toption\t\t\t{$bind['httpclose']}\n"); if($bind['forwardfor']) { fwrite ($fd, "\toption\t\t\tforwardfor\n"); if($bind['ssloffload'] == "yes") fwrite ($fd, "\treqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https\n"); else fwrite ($fd, "\treqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ http\n"); } } if($bind['max_connections']) fwrite ($fd, "\tmaxconn\t\t\t" . $bind['max_connections'] . "\n"); if(!$bind['client_timeout']) $bind['client_timeout'] = 30000; fwrite ($fd, "\ttimeout client\t\t" . $bind['client_timeout'] . "\n"); // Combine the rest of the frontend configs $default_backend = ""; $i = 0; foreach ($bind['config'] as $frontend) { $a_acl=&$frontend['ha_acls']['item']; if(!is_array($a_acl)) $a_acl=array(); $poolname = $frontend['backend_serverpool'] . "_" . strtolower($frontend['type']); // Create different pools if the svrport is set if ($frontend['svrport'] > 0) $poolname .= "_" . $frontend['svrport']; if (!isset($a_pendingpl[$poolname])) { $a_pendingpl[$poolname] = array(); $a_pendingpl[$poolname]['name'] = $poolname; $a_pendingpl[$poolname]['frontend'] = $frontend; } if (strtolower($bind['type']) == "http" && $frontend['ssloffload']) { $aclname = "SNI_" . $poolname; if ($frontend['ssloffloadacl']){ $cert = lookup_cert($frontend['ssloffloadcert']); $cert_cn = cert_get_cn($cert['crt']); $descr = haproxy_escape_acl_name($cert['descr']); $a_acl[] = array('name' => "{$aclname}_{$descr}",'expression' => 'host_matches', 'value' => $cert_cn); unset($cert); } if ($frontend['ssloffloadacladditional']){ $certs = $frontend['ha_certificates']['item']; if (is_array($certs)){ if (count($certs) > 0){ foreach($certs as $certref){ $cert = lookup_cert($certref['ssl_certificate']); $cert_cn = cert_get_cn($cert['crt']); $descr = haproxy_escape_acl_name($cert['descr']); $a_acl[] = array('name' => "{$aclname}_{$descr}",'expression' => 'host_matches', 'value' => $cert_cn); unset($cert); } } } } } // Write this out once, and must be before any backend config text if (($default_backend == "" || $frontend['secondary'] != 'yes') && count($a_acl) == 0 ) { $default_backend = $poolname; } // combine acl's with same name to allow for 'combined checks' to check for example hostname and fileextension together.. $a_acl_combine = array(); foreach ($a_acl as $entry) { $name = $entry['name']; $a_acl_combine[$name][] = $entry; } foreach ($a_acl_combine as $a_usebackend) { $aclnames = ""; foreach ($a_usebackend as $entry) { $acl = haproxy_find_acl($entry['expression']); if (!$acl) continue; // Filter out acls for different modes if ($acl['mode'] != '' && $acl['mode'] != strtolower($bind['type'])) continue; $expr = sprintf($acl['syntax'],$entry['value'],$poolname); $aclname = $i . "_" . $entry['name']; $aclnames .= $aclname." "; fwrite ($fd, "\tacl\t\t\t" . $aclname . "\t" . $expr . "\n"); if ($acl['advancedoptions'] != '') $advancedextra[$acl['syntax']] = $acl['advancedoptions']."\n"; $i++; } fwrite ($fd, "\tuse_backend\t\t" . $poolname . " if " . $aclnames . "\n"); } } if ($default_backend) fwrite ($fd, "\tdefault_backend\t\t" . $default_backend . "\n"); foreach($advancedextra as $extra) fwrite ($fd, "\t".$extra."\n"); fwrite ($fd, "\n"); } } // Construct and write out configuration for each "backend" if (is_array($a_pendingpl) && is_array($a_backends)) { foreach ($a_pendingpl as $pending) { foreach ($a_backends as $pool) { if ($pending['frontend']['backend_serverpool'] == $pool['name']) { write_backend($fd, $pending['name'], $pool, $pending['frontend']); } } } } fwrite ($fd, "\n"); // close config file fclose($fd); if ($input_errors) { require_once(""); print_input_errors($input_errors); } else { // Only sync to xmlrpc backup machine if no errors are found in config if(isset($config['installedpackages']['haproxy']['enablesync'])) { haproxy_do_xmlrpc_sync(); } } if (isset($a_global['carpdev'])) haproxy_install_cron(true); else haproxy_install_cron(false); } function haproxy_is_running() { $running = (shell_exec("/bin/pgrep -x haproxy") != ''); return $running; } function haproxy_load_modules() { // On FreeBSD 8 ipfw is needed to allow 'transparent' proxying (getting reply's to a non-local ip to pass back to the client-socket).. // On FreeBSD 9 it is probably possible to do the same with the pf option "divert-reply" mute_kernel_msgs(); if (!is_module_loaded("ipfw.ko")) { mwexec("/sbin/kldload ipfw"); /* make sure ipfw is not on pfil hooks */ mwexec("/sbin/sysctl net.inet.ip.pfil.inbound=\"pf\" net.inet6.ip6.pfil.inbound=\"pf\"" . " net.inet.ip.pfil.outbound=\"pf\" net.inet6.ip6.pfil.outbound=\"pf\""); } /* Activate layer2 filtering */ mwexec("/sbin/sysctl"); unmute_kernel_msgs(); } function use_transparent_clientip_proxying() { global $config; $a_backends = &$config['installedpackages']['haproxy']['ha_pools']['item']; if (is_array($a_backends)) { foreach ($a_backends as $backend) { if ($backend["transparent_clientip"] == 'yes') { return true; break; } } } return false; } function load_ipfw_rules() { // On FreeBSD 8 pf does not support "divert-reply" so ipfw is needed. global $g, $config; $ipfw_zone_haproxy = "haproxy"; $a_backends = &$config['installedpackages']['haproxy']['ha_pools']['item']; haproxy_load_modules(); $transparent_interfaces = array(); $transparent_backends = array(); foreach ($a_backends as $backend) { if ($backend["transparent_clientip"] != 'yes') continue; $real_if = get_real_interface($backend["transparent_interface"]); $a_servers = &$backend['ha_servers']['item']; foreach($a_servers as $server) { if (is_array($a_servers)) { foreach($a_servers as $be) { if (!$be['status'] == "inactive") continue; if (!is_ipaddr($be['address'])) continue; $item = array(); $item['address'] = $be['address']; $item['port'] = $be['port']; $item['interface'] = $real_if; $transparent_backends[] = $item; $transparent_interfaces[$real_if] = 1; } } } } mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/ipfw_context -a $ipfw_zone_haproxy", true); foreach($transparent_interfaces as $transparent_if => $value) { mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/ipfw_context -a $ipfw_zone_haproxy -n $transparent_if", true); } $rulenum = 64000; // why that high? also does it... $rules = "flush\n"; foreach($transparent_backends as $transparent_be) { $rules .= "add $rulenum fwd localhost tcp from {$transparent_be["address"]} {$transparent_be["port"]} to any in recv {$transparent_be["interface"]}\n"; $rulenum++; } file_put_contents("{$g['tmp_path']}/ipfw_{$ipfw_zone_haproxy}.haproxy.rules", $rules); mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/ipfw_context -s $ipfw_zone_haproxy", true); mwexec("/sbin/ipfw -x $ipfw_zone_haproxy -q {$g['tmp_path']}/ipfw_{$ipfw_zone_haproxy}.haproxy.rules", true); } function haproxy_check_run($reload) { global $config, $g, $haproxy_run_message; $a_global = &$config['installedpackages']['haproxy']; $configpath = "{$g['varetc_path']}/haproxy"; exec("/usr/bin/limits -n 300014"); if(use_transparent_clientip_proxying()) load_ipfw_rules(); else mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/ipfw_context -d haproxy", true); if(isset($a_global['enable'])) { if (isset($a_global['carpdev'])) { $status = get_carp_interface_status($a_global['carpdev']); if ($status != "MASTER") { if (haproxy_is_running()) { log_error("Stopping haproxy on CARP backup."); //exec("/bin/pkill -F /var/run/ haproxy");//doesnt work for multiple pid's in a pidfile haproxy_kill(); } return (0); } else if (haproxy_is_running() && $reload == 0) { return (0); } log_error("Starting haproxy on CARP master."); /* fallthrough */ } else if ($reload == 0) return (0); if (haproxy_is_running()) { if (isset($a_global['terminate_on_reload'])) $sf_st = "-st";//terminate old process as soon as the new process is listening else $sf_st = "-sf";//finish serving existing connections exit when done, and the new process is listening exec("/usr/local/sbin/haproxy -f {$configpath}/haproxy.cfg -p /var/run/ $sf_st `cat /var/run/` 2>&1", $output, $errcode); } else { exec("/usr/local/sbin/haproxy -f {$configpath}/haproxy.cfg -p /var/run/ -D 2>&1", $output, $errcode); } foreach($output as $line) $haproxy_run_message .= "
" . htmlspecialchars($line) . "\n"; return ($errcode); } else { if ($reload && haproxy_is_running()) { //exec("/bin/pkill -F /var/run/ haproxy");//doesnt work for multiple pid's in a pidfile haproxy_kill(); } return (0); } } function haproxy_kill($killimmediately = true) { if ($killimmediately) $signal = "KILL"; // stop now else $signal = "USR1"; // stop when all connections are closed killprocesses("haproxy", "/var/run/", $signal); } function killprocesses($processname, $pidfile, $signal = "KILL") { exec("kill -$signal `pgrep -x $processname | grep -w -f $pidfile`"); } function haproxy_sync_xmlrpc_settings() { global $config; // preserve 'old' sync settings, that should not be overwritten by xmlrpc-sync. $enable = isset($config['installedpackages']['haproxy']['enablesync']); $config['installedpackages']['haproxy'] = $config['installedpackages']['haproxysyncpkg']; unset($config['installedpackages']['haproxysyncpkg']); // restore 'old' settings. $config['installedpackages']['haproxy']['enablesync'] = $enable ? true : false; write_config("haproxy, xmlrpc config synced"); // Write new 'merged' configuration } function haproxy_do_xmlrpc_sync() { $syncinfo = array(); $syncinfo['sync_logname'] = "HAProxy"; $syncinfo['data'] = haproxy_xmlrpc_sync_prepare_config(); $syncinfo['sync_include'] = "/usr/local/pkg/"; $syncinfo['sync_done_execute'] = "haproxy_xmlrpc_sync_configure"; xmlrpc_sync_execute($syncinfo); } function haproxy_xmlrpc_sync_prepare_config() { /* xml will hold the sections to sync */ global $config; $xml = array(); $xml['haproxysyncpkg'] = $config['installedpackages']['haproxy']; return $xml; } function haproxy_xmlrpc_sync_configure() { // this function is called by xmlrpc after config has been synced. haproxy_sync_xmlrpc_settings(); haproxy_configure(); // Configure HAProxy config files to use the new configuration. // sync 2nd and further nodes in the chain if applicable. if(isset($config['installedpackages']['haproxy']['enablesync'])) { haproxy_do_xmlrpc_sync(); } } function get_frontend_id($name) { global $config; $a_backend = &$config['installedpackages']['haproxy']['ha_backends']['item']; $i = 0; foreach($a_backend as $backend) { if ($backend['name'] == $name) return $i; $i++; } return null; } function get_primaryfrontend($frontend) { global $config; $a_backend = &$config['installedpackages']['haproxy']['ha_backends']['item']; if ($frontend['secondary'] == 'yes') $mainfrontend = $a_backend[get_frontend_id($frontend['primary_frontend'])]; else $mainfrontend = $frontend; return $mainfrontend; } function get_frontend_ipport($frontend,$userfriendly=false) { $mainfrontend = get_primaryfrontend($frontend); $result = haproxy_interface_ip($mainfrontend['extaddr'],$userfriendly); if ($userfriendly and is_ipaddrv6($result)) $result = "[{$result}]"; return $result . ":" . $mainfrontend['port']; } function haproxy_check_config() { global $config; $a_backends = &$config['installedpackages']['haproxy']['ha_backends']['item']; $result = false; $activefrontends = array(); $issues = array(); foreach($a_backends as $frontend) { if (($frontend['status'] != 'active') || ($frontend['secondary'] == 'yes')) continue; $ipport = get_frontend_ipport($frontend); if (isset($activefrontends[$ipport])) $issues['P_'.$ipport] = "Multiple primary frontends with IP:Port \"$ipport\""; else $activefrontends[$ipport] = true; } foreach($a_backends as $frontend) { if (($frontend['status'] != 'active') || ($frontend['secondary'] != 'yes')) continue; $ipport = get_frontend_ipport($frontend); if (!isset($activefrontends[$ipport])) $issues['S_'.$frontend['name']] = "Secondary frontend \"{$frontend['name']}\" without active primary frontend."; } foreach ($issues as $item) $result .= ($result == false ? "" : "
") . $item; return $result; } function get_haproxy_frontends($excludeitem="") { global $config; $a_frontend = &$config['installedpackages']['haproxy']['ha_backends']['item']; $result = array(); foreach($a_frontend as &$frontend) { if ($frontend['secondary']) continue; if ($frontend['name'] == $excludeitem) continue; $serveradress = "{$frontend['extaddr']}:{$frontend['port']}"; $result[$frontend['name']]['name'] = "{$frontend['name']} - {$frontend['type']} ({$serveradress})"; $result[$frontend['name']]['ref'] = &$frontend; } asort($result, SORT_STRING); return $result; } function get_frontend_acls($frontend) { $result = array(); $a_acl = &$frontend['ha_acls']['item']; if (is_array($a_acl)) { foreach ($a_acl as $entry) { $acl = haproxy_find_acl($entry['expression']); if (!$acl) continue; // Filter out acls for different modes if ($acl['mode'] != '' && $acl['mode'] != strtolower($frontend['type'])) continue; $acl_item = array(); $acl_item['descr'] = $acl['name'] . ": " . $entry['value']; $acl_item['ref'] = $entry; $result[] = $acl_item; } } return $result; } function get_backend($name) { global $config; $a_backend = &$config['installedpackages']['haproxy']['ha_pools']['item']; foreach($a_backend as $key => $backend) { if ($backend['name'] == $name) return $backend; } return null; } function haproxy_escapestring($configurationsting) { $result = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $configurationsting); $result = str_replace(' ', '\\ ', $result); return str_replace('#', '\\#', $result); } function haproxy_escape_acl_name($aclname) { return preg_replace_callback('([^A-Za-z0-9\._\-\:])', function($match){return "_".dechex(ord($match[0]));}, $aclname); } ?>