FreeSWITCH is an open source telephony platform designed to facilitate the creation of voice and chat driven products scaling from a soft-phone up to a soft-switch. It can be used as a simple switching engine, a PBX, a media gateway or a media server to host IVR applications using simple scripts or XML to control the callflow.Describe your package requirements hereCurrently there are no FAQ items provided.Settings0.9.7.25Settings/usr/local/pkg/v_config.incfreeswitchfreeswitch.shfreeswitchFreeSWITCH is an open source telephony platform designed to facilitate the creation of voice and chat driven products scaling from a soft-phone up to a soft-switch. It can be used as a simple switching engine, a PBX, a media gateway or a media server to host IVR applications using simple scripts or XML to control the callflow. Settings/packages/freeswitch/v_settings.phpDialplan/packages/freeswitch/v_dialplan_includes.phpExtensions/packages/freeswitch/v_extensions.phpFeatures/packages/freeswitch/v_features.phpGateways/packages/freeswitch/v_gateways.phpProfiles/packages/freeswitch/v_profiles.phpPublic/packages/freeswitch/v_public_includes.phpStatus/packages/freeswitch/v_status.phpVars/packages/freeswitch/v_vars.phpinstalledpackages->package->$packagename->configuration->freeswitchsettings/usr/local/pkg/0755 Plannumbering_planEnter the numbering plan here. example: USinputDefault Gatewaydefault_gatewayEnter the default gateway name here.inputDefault Area Codedefault_area_codeEnter the area code here. example: 918inputEvent Socket Portevent_socket_portEnter the event socket port here. default: 8021inputEvent Socket Passwordevent_socket_passwordEnter the event socket password here. default: ClueConpasswordXML RPC HTTP Portxml_rpc_http_portEnter the XML RPC HTTP Port here. default: 8787inputXML RPC Auth Realmxml_rpc_auth_realmEnter the XML RPC Auth Realm here. default: freeswitchinputXML RPC Auth Userxml_rpc_auth_userEnter the XML RPC Auth User here. default: freeswitchinputXML RPC Auth Passwordxml_rpc_auth_passEnter the XML RPC Auth Password here. default: workspasswordAdmin PIN Numberadmin_pinEnter a admin pin number. Used to authenticate the admin from the phone.passwordSMTP HostsmtphostEnter the SMTP host address. If you using a different port append it on the end with a colon. e.g. SecuresmtpsecureSelect the SMTP security. None, TLS, SSLselectSMTP AuthsmtpauthUse SMTP Authentication true or false.selectSMTP UsernamesmtpusernameEnter the SMTP authentication username.inputSMTP PasswordsmtppasswordEnter the SMTP authentication password.passwordSMTP FromsmtpfromEnter the SMTP From email address.inputSMTP From NamesmtpfromnameEnter the SMTP From Name.inputMod Shout Decodermod_shout_decoderEnter the Decoder. default: i386inputMod Shout Volumemod_shout_volumeEnter the Volume. default: 0.3input