<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE packagegui SYSTEM "./schema/packages.dtd"> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="./xsl/package.xsl"?> <packagegui> <copyright> <![CDATA[ /* $Id$ */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* freeradiuseapconf.xml part of pfSense (http://www.pfSense.com) Copyright (C) 2011 - 2012 Alexander Wilke <nachtfalkeaw@web.de> All rights reserved. Based on m0n0wall (http://m0n0.ch/wall) Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Manuel Kasper <mk@neon1.net>. All rights reserved. */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* ========================================================================== */ ]]> </copyright> <description><![CDATA[Describe your package here]]></description> <requirements>Describe your package requirements here</requirements> <faq>Currently there are no FAQ items provided.</faq> <name>freeradiuseapconf</name> <version>none</version> <title>FreeRADIUS: EAP</title> <aftersaveredirect>pkg_edit.php?xml=freeradiuseapconf.xml&id=0</aftersaveredirect> <include_file>/usr/local/pkg/freeradius.inc</include_file> <tabs> <tab> <text>Users</text> <url>/pkg.php?xml=freeradius.xml</url> </tab> <tab> <text>MACs</text> <url>/pkg.php?xml=freeradiusauthorizedmacs.xml</url> </tab> <tab> <text>NAS / Clients</text> <url>/pkg.php?xml=freeradiusclients.xml</url> </tab> <tab> <text>Interfaces</text> <url>/pkg.php?xml=freeradiusinterfaces.xml</url> </tab> <tab> <text>Settings</text> <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=freeradiussettings.xml&id=0</url> </tab> <tab> <text>EAP</text> <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=freeradiuseapconf.xml&id=0</url> <active/> </tab> <tab> <text>SQL</text> <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=freeradiussqlconf.xml&id=0</url> </tab> <tab> <text>Certificates</text> <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=freeradiuscerts.xml&id=0</url> </tab> <tab> <text>LDAP</text> <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=freeradiusmodulesldap.xml&id=0</url> </tab> <tab> <text>View config</text> <url>/freeradius_view_config.php</url> </tab> <tab> <text>XMLRPC Sync</text> <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=freeradiussync.xml&id=0</url> </tab> </tabs> <fields> <field> <name>EAP</name> <type>listtopic</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Disable weak EAP types</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfdisableweakeaptypes</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[Here you disable the weak EAP types MD5, GTC and LEAP. You should do this if you want that only stronger EAP types like TLS, TTLS, PEAP, MSCHAPv2 should be allowed. This option does not affect the "tunneled EAP sessions".]]></description> <type>checkbox</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Default EAP Type</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfdefaulteaptype</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[Invoke the default supported EAP type when EAP-Identity response is received. If you disabled the weak EAP types you must not select here MD5. Try PEAP. (Default: md5)]]></description> <type>select</type> <default_value>md5</default_value> <options> <option><name>MD5</name><value>md5</value></option> <option><name>GTC</name><value>gtc</value></option> <option><name>LEAP</name><value>leap</value></option> <option><name>TLS</name><value>tls</value></option> <option><name>TTLS</name><value>ttls</value></option> <option><name>PEAP</name><value>peap</value></option> <option><name>MSCHAPv2</name><value>mschapv2</value></option> </options> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Expiration of EAP-Response / EAP-Request List</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconftimerexpire</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[A list is maintained to correlate EAP-Response packets with EAP-Request packets. Define the expire time of the list. (Default: 60)]]></description> <type>input</type> <default_value>60</default_value> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Ignore Unknown EAP Types</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfignoreunknowneaptypes</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[If the RADIUS does not know the EAP type it rejects it. If set to "yes" an other module <b>must</b> be configured to proxy the request to a further RADIUS server. (Default: no)]]></description> <type>select</type> <default_value>no</default_value> <options> <option><name>No</name><value>no</value></option> <option><name>Yes</name><value>yes</value></option> </options> </field> <field> <fielddescr>CISCO Accounting Username Bug</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfciscoaccountingusernamebug</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[CISCO AP1230B firmware 12.2(13)JA1 has a bug which can be workaround by setting this to "yes". (Default: no)]]></description> <type>select</type> <default_value>no</default_value> <options> <option><name>No</name><value>no</value></option> <option><name>Yes</name><value>yes</value></option> </options> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Maximum Sessions Tracking per Server</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfmaxsessions</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[Help to prevent DoS attacks by limiting the number of sessions that the server is tracking. (Default: 4096)]]></description> <type>input</type> <default_value>4096</default_value> </field> <field> <name>CERTIFICATES FOR TLS</name> <type>listtopic</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Choose Cert-Manager</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfchoosecertmanager</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[Choose your Cert manager. By default it is the freeradius cert manager because the server needs some default certs to start service. For more information take al look at "Certificates"-Tab.<br> To use the firewall's built-in Cert Manager you have to create a CA and an Server Certificate first. (SYSTEM -> Cert Manager).<br><br> <b>uncheked</b>: FreeRADIUS Cert-Manager (not recommended) (Default: unchecked)<br> <b>cheked</b>: Firewall Cert-Manager (recommended)]]></description> <type>checkbox</type> <enablefields>ssl_ca_cert,ssl_server_cert,vareapconfenableclientp12</enablefields> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Private Key Password</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfprivatekeypassword</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[By default the certificates created by freeradius are protected with an "input/ouput" password from reading the certificate. The certificates created by the firewall's built-in Cert Manager are not protected so you must leave this field empty. (Default: whatever)]]></description> <type>password</type> <default_value>whatever</default_value> </field> <field> <fielddescr>SSL CA Certificate</fielddescr> <fieldname>ssl_ca_cert</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[Choose the SSL CA Certficate here which you created with the firewall's Cert Manager.<br> Choose "none" if you do not use any kind of certificates or the freeradius Cert Manager. (Default: none)]]></description> <type>select_source</type> <source><![CDATA[freeradius_get_ca_certs()]]></source> <source_name>descr</source_name> <source_value>refid</source_value> </field> <field> <fielddescr>SSL Server Certificate</fielddescr> <fieldname>ssl_server_cert</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[Choose the SSL Server Certficate here which you created with the firewall's Cert Manager.<br> Choose "none" if you do not use any kind of certificates or the freeradius Cert Manager. (Default: none)]]></description> <type>select_source</type> <source><![CDATA[freeradius_get_server_certs()]]></source> <source_name>descr</source_name> <source_value>refid</source_value> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Create client.p12 for export</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfenableclientp12</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[Choose if you would like to create a client.p12 to export it to a windows client. You need this file if you use EAP-TLS.]]></description> <type>checkbox</type> <enablefields>ssl_client_cert</enablefields> </field> <field> <fielddescr>SSL Client Certificate</fielddescr> <fieldname>ssl_client_cert</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[Choose the SSL Client Certficate here which you created with the firewall's Cert Manager.<br> Choose "none" if you do not use any kind of certificates or the freeradius Cert Manager. (Default: none)]]></description> <type>select_source</type> <source><![CDATA[freeradius_get_server_certs()]]></source> <source_name>descr</source_name> <source_value>refid</source_value> </field> <field> <name>EAP-TLS</name> <type>listtopic</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Include Length</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfincludelength</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[include_length is a flag which is by default set to yes If set to yes, Total Length of the message is included in EVERY packet we send. If set to no, Total Length of the message is included ONLY in the first packet of a fragment series. (Default: Yes)]]></description> <type>select</type> <default_value>yes</default_value> <options> <option><name>Yes</name><value>yes</value></option> <option><name>No</name><value>no</value></option> </options> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Fragment Size</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconffragmentsize</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[This can never exceed the size of a RADIUS packet (4096 bytes), and is preferably half that, to accomodate other attributes in RADIUS packet. On most APs the MAX packet length is configured between 1500 - 1600 In these cases, fragment size should be 1024 or less. (Default: 1024)]]></description> <type>input</type> <default_value>1024</default_value> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Check Cert Issuer</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfenablecheckcertissuer</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[If this is enabled then the server/client certificate must match the CA issuer. (Default: unchecked)]]></description> <type>checkbox</type> <enablefields>vareapconfcountry,vareapconfstate,vareapconfcity,vareapconforganization,vareapconfemail,vareapconfcommonname</enablefields> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Country</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfcountry</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[Enter the country of your CA. <b>Must</b> match the value you set in <b>SYSTEM => Cert Manager => CAs</b>. (e.g: US)]]></description> <type>input</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>State or Province</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfstate</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[Enter the state or province of your CA. <b>Must</b> match the value you set in <b>SYSTEM => Cert Manager => CAs</b>. (e.g: Texas)]]></description> <type>input</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>City</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfcity</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[Enter the city of your CA. <b>Must</b> match the value you set in <b>SYSTEM => Cert Manager => CAs</b>. (e.g: Austin)]]></description> <type>input</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Organization</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconforganization</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[Enter the organization of your CA. <b>Must</b> match the value you set in <b>SYSTEM => Cert Manager => CAs</b>. (e.g: My Company Ltd)]]></description> <type>input</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>E-Mail Address</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfemail</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[Enter the e-mail address of your CA. <b>Must</b> match the value you set in <b>SYSTEM => Cert Manager => CAs</b>. (e.g: My Company Ltd)]]></description> <type>input</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Common Name</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfcommonname</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[Enter the common name of your CA. <b>Must</b> match the value you set in <b>SYSTEM => Cert Manager => CAs</b>. (e.g: My Company Ltd)]]></description> <type>input</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Check Client Certificate CN</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfenablecheckcertcn</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[If this is enabled then the common name of the client certificate must match the username you set in <b>FreeRADIUS => Users</b>. (Default: unchecked)]]></description> <type>checkbox</type> </field> <field> <name>EAP-TLS - ENABLE CACHE</name> <type>listtopic</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Enable cache</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfcacheenablecache</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[Session resumption / fast reauthentication cache.<br> The cache contains the following information:<br><br> session Id - unique identifier, managed by SSL User-Name - from the Access-Accept Stripped-User-Name - from the Access-Request Cached-Session-Policy - from the Access-Accept<br><br> The "Cached-Session-Policy" is the name of a policy which should be applied to the cached session. This policy can be used to assign VLANs, IP addresses, etc. It serves as a useful way to re-apply the policy from the original Access-Accept to the subsequent Access-Accept for the cached session.<br><br> On session resumption, these attributes are copied from the cache, and placed into the reply list. You probably also want "use_tunneled_reply = yes" when using fast session resumption. (Default: Disable)]]></description> <type>select</type> <default_value>no</default_value> <options> <option><name>Enable</name><value>yes</value></option> <option><name>Disable</name><value>no</value></option> </options> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Lifetime</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfcachelifetime</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[Lifetime of the cached entries, in hours. The sessions will be deleted after this time. (Default: 24)]]></description> <type>input</type> <default_value>24</default_value> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Max Entries</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfcachemaxentries</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[The maximum number of entries in the cache. Set to "0" for "infinite". This could be set to the number of users who are logged in... which can be a LOT. (Default: 255)]]></description> <type>input</type> <default_value>255</default_value> </field> <field> <name>EAP-TLS with OCSP support</name> <type>listtopic</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Enable OCSP</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfocspenable</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[Choose if you like to enable or disable OCSP support. (Default: Disable)]]></description> <type>select</type> <default_value>no</default_value> <options> <option><name>Disable</name><value>no</value></option> <option><name>Enable</name><value>yes</value></option> </options> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Override OCSP Responder URL</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfocspoverridecerturl</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[The OCSP responder URL is extracted from the certificate. You can override it below. (Default: no)]]></description> <type>select</type> <default_value>no</default_value> <options> <option><name>No</name><value>no</value></option> <option><name>Yes</name><value>yes</value></option> </options> </field> <field> <fielddescr>OCSP Responder</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfocspurl</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[Enter the URL of the OCSP responder. OCSP <b>must</b> be enabled for this to work. (Default:]]></description> <type>input</type> <default_value></default_value> </field> <field> <name>EAP-TTLS</name> <type>listtopic</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Default EAP Type</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfttlsdefaulteaptype</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[The tunneled EAP session needs a default EAP type which is separate from the one for the non-tunneled EAP module. Inside of the TTLS tunnel, we recommend using EAP-MD5. If the request does not contain an EAP conversation, then this configuration entry is ignored. (Default: MD5)]]></description> <type>select</type> <default_value>md5</default_value> <options> <option><name>MD5</name><value>md5</value></option> <option><name>GTC</name><value>gtc</value></option> <option><name>OTP</name><value>otp</value></option> <option><name>TLS</name><value>tls</value></option> <option><name>MSCHAPv2</name><value>mschapv2</value></option> </options> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Copy Request to Tunnel</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfttlscopyrequesttotunnel</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[The tunneled authentication request does not usually contain useful attributes like 'Calling-Station-Id', etc. These attributes are outside of the tunnel, and normally unavailable to the tunneled authentication request.<br> By setting this configuration entry to 'yes', any attribute which NOT in the tunneled authentication request, but which IS available outside of the tunnel, is copied to the tunneled request. (Default: no)]]></description> <type>select</type> <default_value>no</default_value> <options> <option><name>No</name><value>no</value></option> <option><name>Yes</name><value>yes</value></option> </options> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Use Tunneled Reply</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfttlsusetunneledreply</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[The reply attributes sent to the NAS are usually based on the name of the user 'outside' of the tunnel (usually 'anonymous'). If you want to send the reply attributes based on the user name inside of the tunnel, then set this configuration entry to 'yes', and the reply to the NAS will be taken from the reply to the tunneled request. (Default: no)]]></description> <type>select</type> <default_value>no</default_value> <options> <option><name>No</name><value>no</value></option> <option><name>Yes</name><value>yes</value></option> </options> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Include Length</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfttlsincludelength</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[include_length is a flag which is by default set to yes If set to yes, Total Length of the message is included in EVERY packet we send. If set to no, Total Length of the message is included ONLY in the first packet of a fragment series. (Default: Yes)]]></description> <type>select</type> <default_value>yes</default_value> <options> <option><name>Yes</name><value>yes</value></option> <option><name>No</name><value>no</value></option> </options> </field> <field> <name>EAP-PEAP</name> <type>listtopic</type> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Default EAP Type</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfpeapdefaulteaptype</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[The tunneled EAP session needs a default EAP type which is separate from the one for the non-tunneled EAP module. Inside of the PEAP tunnel, we recommend using MS-CHAPv2, as that is the default type supported by Windows clients. (Default: MSCHAPv2)]]></description> <type>select</type> <default_value>mschapv2</default_value> <options> <option><name>MD5</name><value>md5</value></option> <option><name>GTC</name><value>gtc</value></option> <option><name>OTP</name><value>otp</value></option> <option><name>TLS</name><value>tls</value></option> <option><name>MSCHAPv2</name><value>mschapv2</value></option> </options> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Copy Request to Tunnel</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfpeapcopyrequesttotunnel</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[The tunneled authentication request does not usually contain useful attributes like 'Calling-Station-Id', etc. These attributes are outside of the tunnel, and normally unavailable to the tunneled authentication request.<br> By setting this configuration entry to 'yes', any attribute which NOT in the tunneled authentication request, but which IS available outside of the tunnel, is copied to the tunneled request. (Default: no)]]></description> <type>select</type> <default_value>no</default_value> <options> <option><name>No</name><value>no</value></option> <option><name>Yes</name><value>yes</value></option> </options> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Use Tunneled Reply</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfpeapusetunneledreply</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[The reply attributes sent to the NAS are usually based on the name of the user 'outside' of the tunnel (usually 'anonymous'). If you want to send the reply attributes based on the user name inside of the tunnel, then set this configuration entry to 'yes', and the reply to the NAS will be taken from the reply to the tunneled request. (Default: no)]]></description> <type>select</type> <default_value>no</default_value> <options> <option><name>No</name><value>no</value></option> <option><name>Yes</name><value>yes</value></option> </options> </field> <field> <fielddescr>Microsoft Statement of Health (SoH) Support</fielddescr> <fieldname>vareapconfpeapsohenable</fieldname> <description><![CDATA[You can accept/reject clients if they have not actual windows updates and more. You need to change server-file for your needs. It cannot be changed from GUI and will be deleted after package (re)installation. (/usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-available/soh). (Default: no)]]></description> <type>select</type> <default_value>Disable</default_value> <options> <option><name>Disable</name><value>Disable</value></option> <option><name>Enable</name><value>Enable</value></option> </options> </field> </fields> <custom_delete_php_command> freeradius_eapconf_resync(); </custom_delete_php_command> <custom_php_resync_config_command> freeradius_eapconf_resync(); </custom_php_resync_config_command> </packagegui>