All rights reserved. Based on m0n0wall ( Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Manuel Kasper . All rights reserved. */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* ========================================================================== */ ]]> Describe your package requirements here Currently there are no FAQ items provided. freeradius 2.2.0 FreeRADIUS: Users /usr/local/pkg/ FreeRADIUS Modify FreeRADIUS users, clients, and settings.
radiusd radiusd Users /pkg.php?xml=freeradius.xml MACs /pkg.php?xml=freeradiusauthorizedmacs.xml NAS / Clients /pkg.php?xml=freeradiusclients.xml Interfaces /pkg.php?xml=freeradiusinterfaces.xml Settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=freeradiussettings.xml&id=0 EAP /pkg_edit.php?xml=freeradiuseapconf.xml&id=0 SQL /pkg_edit.php?xml=freeradiussqlconf.xml&id=0 Certificates /pkg_edit.php?xml=freeradiuscerts.xml&id=0 LDAP /pkg_edit.php?xml=freeradiusmodulesldap.xml&id=0 View config /freeradius_view_config.php XMLRPC Sync /pkg_edit.php?xml=freeradiussync.xml&id=0 /usr/local/pkg/ 0755 /usr/local/www/ 0755 /usr/local/pkg/ 0755 /usr/local/pkg/ 0755 /usr/local/pkg/ 0755 /usr/local/pkg/ 0755 /usr/local/pkg/ 0755 /usr/local/pkg/ 0755 /usr/local/pkg/ 0755 /usr/local/pkg/ 0755 /usr/local/pkg/ 0755 Username varusersusername Use One Time Password varusersmotpenable Simult. Connections varuserssimultaneousconnect IP Address varusersframedipaddress Expiration Date varusersexpiration Session Timeout varuserssessiontimeout Possible Login Times varuserslogintime VLAN ID varusersvlanid Description description on GENERAL CONFIGURATION listtopic sortable sortable 0 sorting Usernamevarusersusername/%FILTERTEXT%/i One-Time-Passwordvarusersmotpenable/%FILTERTEXT%/i Simultaneous Connectionsvaruserssimultaneousconnect/%FILTERTEXT%/i IP Addressvarusersframedipaddress/%FILTERTEXT%/i Expiration Datevarusersexpiration/%FILTERTEXT%/i Session Timeoutvaruserssessiontimeout/%FILTERTEXT%/i Possible Login Timesvaruserslogintime/%FILTERTEXT%/i VLAN IDvarusersvlanid/%FILTERTEXT%/i Descriptiondescription/%FILTERTEXT%/i Username varusersusername input Password varuserspassword password Password encryption varuserspasswordencryption select Cleartext-Password Enable One-Time-Password for this user varusersmotpenable
IMPORTANT: You need to enabled mOTP first in FreeRADIUS => Settings (Default: unchecked)]]>
checkbox varusersmotpinitsecret,varusersmotppin,varusersmotpoffset
Init-Secret varusersmotpinitsecret password PIN varusersmotppin password Time Offset varusersmotpoffset
1. Write down the first 9 digits of the Epoch-Time on the client.
2. Check with date +%s the Epoch-Time on your FreeRADIUS server and write down the first 9 digits.
3. Subtract both values, multiply the result with 10 and enter the value in this field. (Default: 0)]]>
input 0
MISCELLANEOUS CONFIGURATION listtopic Number of simultaneous connections varuserssimultaneousconnect input Redirection URL varuserswisprredirectionurl input Description description input NETWORK CONFIGURATION listtopic IP Address varusersframedipaddress Framed-IP-Address must be supported by NAS.

If you want this user to be assigned a specific IP address from radius, enter the IP address here.
Continuous IP address is available with "+" suffix (e.g. Could be useful for simultaneous connections.

IMPORTANT: You must enter an IP address here if you checked "RADIUS issued IP" on VPN PPTP or VPN PPPoE configuration.]]>
Subnet Mask varusersframedipnetmask Framed-IP-Netmask must be supported by NAS. (e.g.]]> input Gateway varusersframedroute Framed-Route must be supported by NAS. Format is: Subnet Gateway Metric (e.g. 1).]]> input VLAN ID varusersvlanid Must be supported by the NAS.
This setting can be used for a NAS that supports the following RADIUS parameters:

Tunnel-Type = VLAN
Tunnel-Medium-Type = IEEE-802
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = "THIS IS YOUR INPUT"]]>
TIME CONFIGURATION listtopic Expiration Date varusersexpiration input Session Timeout varuserssessiontimeout input Possible Login Times varuserslogintime Every time string contains a day (Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su) or all weekdays which is from monday till friday (Wk).
All weekdays plus weekend which means all days from monday till sunday is (Al).


This means weekdays after 8:55 AM and before 11:05 PM | any time on saturday | sunday after 10:30 PM and before 02:30 AM.]]>
Amount of Time varusersamountoftime input Time Period varuserspointoftime select daily TRAFFIC AND BANDWIDTH listtopic Amount of Download and Upload Traffic varusersmaxtotaloctets MegaByte (MB). There is a bug in CP (pfSense v2.0.x) which counts the real traffic many times faster and incorrect.]]> input Time Period varusersmaxtotaloctetstimerange select daily Maximum Bandwidth Down varusersmaxbandwidthdown KiloBits per second.]]> input Maximum Bandwidth Up varusersmaxbandwidthup KiloBits per second.]]> input Accounting Interim Interval varusersacctinteriminterval input ADVANCED CONFIGURATION listtopic Additional RADIUS Attributes on the TOP of this entry varuserstopadditionaloptions You may append custom RADIUS options to this user account. If the syntax needs it, you have to set quotes and commas.
To put a command in a new line use a vertical bar (|).

Example: DEFAULT Auth-Type = System

IMPORTANT: If you don't format this field correctly freeRADIUS will not start because of syntax errors.
Verify your changes by checking users file (View config -> users).]]>
textarea 4 75
Additional RADIUS Attributes (CHECK-ITEM). varuserscheckitemsadditionaloptions You may append custom RADIUS options to this user account. If the syntax needs it, you have to set quotes and commas.
To put a command in a new line use a vertical bar (|).

Example: Max-Daily-Session := 36000

IMPORTANT: If you don't format this field correctly freeRADIUS will not start because of syntax errors.
Verify your changes by checking users file (View config -> users).]]>
textarea 4 75
Additional RADIUS Attributes (REPLY-ITEM). varusersreplyitemsadditionaloptions You may append custom RADIUS options to this user account. If the syntax needs it, you have to set quotes and commas.
To put a command in a new line use a vertical bar (|).

Example: Service-Type == Login-User,|Login-Service == Telnet,|Login-IP-Host ==

IMPORTANT: If you don't format this field correctly freeRADIUS will not start because of syntax errors.
Verify your changes by checking users file (View config -> users).]]>
textarea 4 75
freeradius_users_resync(); freeradius_users_resync(); freeradius_install_command(); freeradius_deinstall_command();