Darkstat 3.1 Diagnostics: Darkstat Darkstat Settings Setup darkstat specific settings.
darkstat darkstat.sh darkstat Darkstat bandwidth monitoring daemon installedpackages->package->$packagename->configuration->settings Darkstat Settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=darkstat.xml&id=0 Access Darkstat http://$myurl:666 enabled Enable darkstat enable checkbox Interface(s) to capture traffic on capture_interfaces (Default is LAN.) ]]> interfaces_selection loopback 3 true lan true Darkstat web interface should listen on bind_interfaces (The default is to listen on all interfaces.) ]]> interfaces_selection 3 true Enable the "local network" feature localnetworkenable (The default behaviour is to only graph traffic to and from the local host.) ]]> checkbox localnetworkonly localnetworkonly Make the web interface ONLY display hosts on the "local network" localnetworkonly will only display hosts on the "local network" defined below. ]]> checkbox Define a "local network" localnetwork Traffic from/to the network/netmask of the selected interface will be considered as "local network". interfaces_selection (wan|loopback) Do not use promiscuous mode to capture nopromisc or may later enter promiscuous mode, due to circumstances beyond darkstat's control.
This cannot be used when the "local network" feature is enabled above. ]]>
Do not resolve IPs to host names nodns as an extra process is created for DNS resolution. ]]> checkbox Do not display MAC addresses in the hosts table nomacs checkbox Do not display the last seen time in the hosts table nolastseen checkbox Maximum hosts count hostsmax This is used to limit how much accounting data will be kept in memory.
(If filled in, the number must be greater than 'Maximum number of hosts to keep' below.) ]]>
input 5
Maximum number of hosts to keep hostskeep we clean out the hosts table, keeping only the top number of hosts, sorted by total traffic.
(If filled in, the number must be lower than 'Maximum hosts count' above.) ]]>
input 5
Maximum ports count portsmax This is used to limit how much accounting data will be kept in memory.
(If filled in, the number must be greater than 'Maximum number of ports to keep' below.) ]]>
input 5
Maximum number of ports to keep portskeep (If filled in, the number must be lower than 'Maximum ports count' above.) ]]> input 5 Advanced traffic filtering options advfilter
Example 1: We only want to account for SSH traffic.
Filter expression: port 22

Example 2: We don't want to account for traffic between internal IPs.
Filter expression: not (src net 192.168.0 and dst net 192.168.0)

NOTE: Filter syntax is beyond the scope of this description; please refer to tcpdump(1), pcap-filter(7) and darkstat(8) documentation.
WARNING: You are completely on your own with this! If misconfigured, darkstat will malfunction or even not start at all. ]]>
textarea base64 65 5
0) && ($hostsmax > $hostskeep)) { $start .= " --hosts-max {$hostsmax}"; } if (($hostskeep > 0) && ($hostskeep < $hostsmax)) { $start .= " --hosts-keep {$hostskeep}"; } $portsmax = $darkstat_config['portsmax']; $portskeep = $darkstat_config['portskeep']; if (($portsmax > 0) && ($portsmax > $portskeep)) { $start .= " --ports-max {$portsmax}"; } if (($portskeep > 0) && ($portskeep < $portsmax)) { $start .= " --ports-keep {$portskeep}"; } $advfilter = $darkstat_config['advfilter']; if ($advfilter != "") { $start .= " -f " . escapeshellarg(base64_decode($advfilter)); } write_rcfile(array( "file" => "darkstat.sh", "start" => $start, "stop" => "/usr/bin/killall darkstat" ) ); /* If the service is (being) disabled, stop it (if running) and do nothing else */ if (!($darkstat_config['enable'])) { if (is_process_running("darkstat")) { stop_service("darkstat"); } return; } else { restart_service("darkstat"); } conf_mount_ro(); } function validate_input_darkstat($post, &$input_errors) { if (($_POST['port']) && ($_POST['port'] < 1 || $_POST['port'] < 65535 || !is_numericint($_POST['port']))) { $input_errors[] .= gettext("The value for 'Maximum number of ports' to keep' must be a positive integer between 1 and 65535."); } if (($_POST['hostsmax']) && ($_POST['hostsmax'] < 1 || !is_numericint($_POST['hostsmax']))) { $input_errors[] = gettext("The value for 'Maximum hosts count' must be a positive integer."); } if (($_POST['hostskeep']) && ($_POST['hostskeep'] < 1 || !is_numericint($_POST['hostskeep']))) { $input_errors[] .= gettext("The value for 'Maximum number of hosts to keep' must be a positive integer."); } if ($_POST['hostsmax'] || $_POST['hostskeep']) { if ($_POST['hostsmax'] <= $_POST['hostskeep']) { $input_errors[] .= gettext("'Maximum hosts count' must be greater than 'Maximum number of hosts to keep'."); } } if (($_POST['portsmax']) && ($_POST['portsmax'] < 1 || !is_numericint($_POST['portsmax']))) { $input_errors[] .= gettext("The value for 'Maximum ports count' must be a positive integer."); } if (($_POST['portskeep']) && ($_POST['portskeep'] < 1 || !is_numericint($_POST['portskeep']))) { $input_errors[] .= gettext("The value for 'Maximum number of ports' to keep' must be a positive integer."); } if ($_POST['portsmax'] || $_POST['portskeep']) { if ($_POST['portsmax'] <= $_POST['portskeep']) { $input_errors[] .= gettext("'Maximum ports count' must be greater than 'Maximum number of ports to keep'."); } } if ($_POST['localnetworkenable'] && $_POST['nopromisc'] != "") { $input_errors[] .= gettext("'Do not use promiscuous mode to capture' cannot be used when the 'local network' feature is enabled."); } if ($_POST['localnetwork']) { $int = convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name($post['localnetwork']); $ip = find_interface_ip($int); if (!is_ipaddrv4($ip)) { $input_errors[] .= gettext("The selected 'local network' interface has no IPv4 configured. Configured IPv4 is required."); } } if (($post['advfilter']) && !preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\-\=\(\):. ]*$/", $post['advfilter'])) { $input_errors[] .= gettext('Advanced traffic filtering options may only contain characters matching ^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\-\=\(\):. ]*$ regexp.'); } } ]]> sync_package_darkstat(); sync_package_darkstat(); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/darkstat.sh"); validate_input_darkstat($_POST, $input_errors);