Describe your package hereDescribe your package requirements hereCurrently there are no FAQ items provided.dansguardianlists1.0Services: Dansguardian/usr/local/pkg/dansguardian.incDaemon/pkg_edit.php?xml=dansguardian.xml&id=0General/pkg_edit.php?xml=dansguardian_config.xml&id=0Limits/pkg_edit.php?xml=dansguardian_limits.xml&id=0Filter Groups/pkg.php?xml=dansguardian_lists.xmlReport and Log/pkg_edit.php?xml=dansguardian_log.xml&id=0XMLRPC Sync/pkg_edit.php?xml=dansguardian_sync.xml&id=0About/pkg_edit.php?xml=dansguardian.php&id=0Group namenameGroup modemodeDescriptiondescriptionActionactionUpdate FrequencycronDescriptionlisttopicFilter Group Namegroupname
Example: Badguys
Do not include pfBlocker name, it's done by package. International, special or space caracters will be ignored in pfsense alias name. ]]>input20Filter Group Modegroupmode
This mechanism replaces the "banneduserlist"]]>selectList Descriptiondescriptioninput90ValueslisttopicReporting Levelreport_level
If defined, this overrides the global setting in dansguardian.conf for members of this filter group.]]>selectWeighted phrase modeweightedphrasemode
See documentation for supported values in that file.]]>input10Naughtiness limitenaughtynesslimit
Phrases to do with good subjects will have negative values, and bad subjects will have positive values.
See the weightedphraselist file for examples.
As a guide: 50 is for young children, 100 for old children, 160 for young adults.]]>input10Search term limitsearchtermlimitDefault 30 The limit over which requests will be blocked for containing search terms which match the weightedphraselist.
This should usually be lower than the 'naughtynesslimit' value above, because the amount of text being filtered is only a few words, rather than a whole page.
A value of 0 here indicates that search terms should be extracted, for logging/reporting purposes, but no filtering should be performed on the resulting text.]]>input10Category display thresholdcategorydisplaythreshold
Defines the minimum score that must be accumulated within a particular category in order for it to show up on the block pages' category list.
All categories under which the page scores positively will be logged; those that were not displayed to the user appear in brackets.
-1 = display only the highest scoring category 0 = display all categories (default)
> 0 = minimum score for a category to be displayed]]>input10Embedded URL weightingembeddedurlweight
Each link to a banned page causes the amount set here to be added to the page's weighting.
The behaviour of this option with regards to multiple occurrences of a site/URL is affected by the weightedphrasemode setting.
Set to 0 to disable(default).
WARNING: This option is highly CPU intensive!]]>input10Temporary Denied Page Bypassbypass
You define the number of seconds the bypass will function for before the deny will appear again.
To allow the link on the denied page to appear you will need to edit the template.html or file for your language.
300 = enable for 5 minutes 0 = disable ( defaults to 0 )]]>input10Infection/Scan Error Bypassinfectionbypass
The option specifies the number of seconds for which the bypass link will be valid.
300 = enable for 5 minutes 0 = disable ( defaults to 0 )]]>input10ListslisttopicGroup Optionsgroup_optionsselect10Content filteringgroup_optionsselect14File type filteringfile_optionsselect7search engine filteringfile_optionsselect5Custom listlisttopicCIDRcustom
pfblocker_validate_input($_POST, &$input_errors);