Describe your package here Describe your package requirements here Currently there are no FAQ items provided. dansguardianconfig 1.0 Services: Dansguardian /usr/local/pkg/ Daemon /pkg_edit.php?xml=dansguardian.xml&id=0 General /pkg_edit.php?xml=dansguardian_config.xml&id=0 Limits /pkg_edit.php?xml=dansguardian_limits.xml&id=0 Blacklist /pkg_edit.php?xml=dansguardian_blacklist.xml&id=0 ACLs /pkg.php?xml=dansguardian_site_acl.xml LDAP /pkg.php?xml=dansguardian_ldap.xml Groups /pkg.php?xml=dansguardian_groups.xml Users /pkg_edit.php?xml=dansguardian_users.xml IPs /pkg_edit.php?xml=dansguardian_ips.xml Report and log /pkg_edit.php?xml=dansguardian_log.xml&id=0 Sync /pkg_edit.php?xml=dansguardian_sync.xml&id=0 Help /dansguardian_about.php Config Settings listtopic Auth Plugins auth_plugin Use CTRL + click for multiple select.
Note: Do NOT select more then one auth plugin if you plan to use more then one listening interface.]]>
select 7
Scan Options scan_options Use CTRL + click for multiple select.]]> select 10 Weighted phrase mode weightedphrasemode select Lower casing options preservecase However this can break Big5 and other 16-bit texts. If needed preserve the case.]]> select Phrase filter mode phrasefiltermode Smart is where the multiple spaces and HTML are removed before phrase filtering
Raw is where the raw HTML including meta tags are phrase filtered
Meta/Title is where only meta and title tags are phrase filtered (v. quick)
CPU usage can be effectively halved by using setting 0 or 1 compared to 2]]>
Url cache number urlcachenumber input 10 0 = off (recommended for ISPs with users with disimilar browsing)
1000 = recommended for most user
5000 = suggested max upper limit
If you're using an AV plugin then use at least 5000.]]>
Url cache age urlcacheage input 10 900 = 15 mins(recommended)
0 = never]]>
SSL man in the middle Filtering listtopic CA dca To create a CA on pfsense, go to system -> Cert Manager]]> select_source descr refid Cert dcert To create a Certificate on pfsense, go to system -> Cert Manager]]> select_source descr refid Content Scanner listtopic Content Scanners (antivirus) content_scanners select 3 freshclam frequency cron Every day
Select how often pfsense will update clamd virus database]]> select Content scanner timeout contentscannertimeout input 10 Default is 60

Some of the content scanners support using a timeout value to stop processing (eg AV scanning) the file if it takes too long.
If supported this will be used.
The default of 60 seconds is probably reasonable.]]> Content scan exceptions contentscanexceptions checkbox This is probably not desirable behavour as exceptions are supposed to be trusted and will increase load.
Correct use of grey lists are a better idea.]]>
ICAP URL icapurl input 40 icap://icapserver:1344/avscan
Use hostname rather than IP address and Always specify the port]]> Misc settings listtopic Misc Options misc_options select 4
dansguardian_php_install_command(); dansguardian_php_deinstall_command(); dansguardian_validate_input($_POST, &$input_errors); sync_package_dansguardian();