Describe your package hereDescribe your package requirements hereCurrently there are no FAQ items provided.dansguardian1.0Services: Dansguardian/usr/local/pkg/dansguardian.incdansguardiandansguardiandansguardian and log/pkg_edit.php?xml=dansguardian_log.xml&id=0Sync/pkg_edit.php?xml=dansguardian_sync.xml&id=0Help/dansguardian_about.phpListening SettingslisttopicEnable dansguardianenablecheckboxI agree with dansguardian Terms and Conditions.]]>Listen Interface(s)interfaceLAN/loopback Select interface(s) that you want to dansguardian listen on. Note: Do NOT select more then one interface if you plan to use more then one authentication plugin.]]>interfaces_selectionListen portfilterportsinput108080 The port(s) that DansGuardian listens to.]]>Daemon Optionsdaemon_optionsselect3Min/Max Childrenchildreninput108/120
Sets the minimun and maximum number of processes to spawn to handle the incoming connections.
Max value usually 250 depending on OS.
On large sites you might want to try 32/180.]]>Min/Max Spare Childrensparechildreninput104/32
Sets the minimum and maximun number of processes to be kept ready to handle connections.
On large sites you might want to try 8/64.]]>Prefork Childrenpreforkchildreninput10
On large sites you might want to try 10]]>Max Age Childrenmaxagechildreninput10500
Sets the maximum age of a child process before it croaks it.
This is the number of connections they handle before exiting.
On large sites you might want to try 10000.]]>Max Ipsmaxipsinput100
Sets the maximum number client IP addresses allowed to connect at once.
Use this to set a hard limit on the number of users allowed to concurrently
browse the web. Set to 0 for no limit, and to disable the IP cache process.]]>Parent proxy SettingslisttopicProxy IPproxyipinput20127.0.0.1
Sets ip address for proxy server(usually squid).]]>Proxy Portproxyportinput103128
Sets port number for proxy server.]]>Proxy Time outproxytimeoutselect30
update_status("Checking Dansguardian Blacklists... One moment please...");
update_output_window("This operation may take quite some time, please be patient. Do not press stop or attempt to navigate away from this page during this process.");
dansguardian_validate_input($_POST, &$input_errors);