//Custom JavaScript Functions by Shawn Olson //Copyright 2006-2008 //http://www.shawnolson.net //If you copy any functions from this page into your scripts, you must provide credit to Shawn Olson & http://www.shawnolson.net //******************************************* function stripCharacter(words,character) { //documentation for this script at http://www.shawnolson.net/a/499/ var spaces = words.length; for(var x = 1; x<spaces; ++x){ words = words.replace(character, ""); } return words; } function changecss(theClass,element,value) { //Last Updated on June 23, 2009 //documentation for this script at //http://www.shawnolson.net/a/503/altering-css-class-attributes-with-javascript.html var cssRules; var added = false; for (var S = 0; S < document.styleSheets.length; S++){ if (document.styleSheets[S]['rules']) { cssRules = 'rules'; } else if (document.styleSheets[S]['cssRules']) { cssRules = 'cssRules'; } else { //no rules found... browser unknown } for (var R = 0; R < document.styleSheets[S][cssRules].length; R++) { if (document.styleSheets[S][cssRules][R].selectorText == theClass) { if(document.styleSheets[S][cssRules][R].style[element]){ document.styleSheets[S][cssRules][R].style[element] = value; added=true; break; } } } if(!added){ if(document.styleSheets[S].insertRule){ document.styleSheets[S].insertRule(theClass+' { '+element+': '+value+'; }',document.styleSheets[S][cssRules].length); } else if (document.styleSheets[S].addRule) { document.styleSheets[S].addRule(theClass,element+': '+value+';'); } } } } function checkUncheckAll(theElement) { var theForm = theElement.form, z = 0; for(z=0; z<theForm.length;z++){ if(theForm[z].type == 'checkbox' && theForm[z].name != 'checkall'){ theForm[z].checked = theElement.checked; } } } function checkUncheckSome(controller,theElements) { //Programmed by Shawn Olson //Copyright (c) 2006-2007 //Updated on August 12, 2007 //Permission to use this function provided that it always includes this credit text // http://www.shawnolson.net //Find more JavaScripts at http://www.shawnolson.net/topics/Javascript/ //theElements is an array of objects designated as a comma separated list of their IDs //If an element in theElements is not a checkbox, then it is assumed //that the function is recursive for that object and will check/uncheck //all checkboxes contained in that element var formElements = theElements.split(','); var theController = document.getElementById(controller); for(var z=0; z<formElements.length;z++){ theItem = document.getElementById(formElements[z]); if(theItem.type){ if (theItem.type=='checkbox') { theItem.checked=theController.checked; } } else { theInputs = theItem.getElementsByTagName('input'); for(var y=0; y<theInputs.length; y++){ if(theInputs[y].type == 'checkbox' && theInputs[y].id != theController.id){ theInputs[y].checked = theController.checked; } } } } } function changeImgSize(objectId,newWidth,newHeight) { imgString = 'theImg = document.getElementById("'+objectId+'")'; eval(imgString); oldWidth = theImg.width; oldHeight = theImg.height; if(newWidth>0){ theImg.width = newWidth; } if(newHeight>0){ theImg.height = newHeight; } } function changeColor(theObj,newColor){ eval('var theObject = document.getElementById("'+theObj+'")'); if(theObject.style.backgroundColor==null){theBG='white';}else{theBG=theObject.style.backgroundColor;} if(theObject.style.color==null){theColor='black';}else{theColor=theObject.style.color;} //alert(theObject.style.color+' '+theObject.style.backgroundColor); switch(theColor){ case newColor: switch(theBG){ case 'white': theObject.style.color = 'black'; break; case 'black': theObject.style.color = 'white'; break; default: theObject.style.color = 'black'; break; } break; default: theObject.style.color = newColor; break; } } //Below script added to prevent my work from being used //on websites that are not child-safe var restrictWords = new Array('free sex','amateurmatch.com','free porn'); function badSites(word){ //this function helps keep this script from being used on inappropriate websites var badword = false; var word = new String(word); word = word.toLowerCase(); for (var i = 0; i<restrictWords.length; i++){ if (word.match(restrictWords[i])){ badword = true; alert("This website is improperly using a script from www.shawnolson.net.\n\nWhile the script is free ... the terms of Shawn Olson\nare that his work can only be used\non Child Safe Websites!\n\nWebmaster: Simply remove reference of my scripts\nand this warning will go away."); } } if (badword==true){document.location='http://www.fbi.gov/hq/cid/cac/states.htm';} return badword; } var siteCheckArray = new Array(document.title,document.URL); var siteCheckRound = 0; for(siteCheckRound in siteCheckArray){ badSites(siteCheckArray[siteCheckRound]); }