
Countries - Check the country that you would like to block completely.
                   Choose if you want to block outbound access and if you want to log attempts.
                   Click "Commit Countries" to store your settings.

Settings - Click the setting you want and save
                 Block outbound blocks all outbound traffic. You will not be able to browse a website hosted in one of these countries.
                 Enable Logging will log all attempted traffic in/out to any of your selected countries. Logs show in the Firewall secion

Whitelist - Add networks you don't want blocked and save
                 Add a CIDR Range and press +

Interfaces - Select which interfaces to block on
                    All selected countries will be blocked from the interfaces you slected.
                    By Default all interfaces are selected.
                    It's highly recommended that you keep all interfaces selected

Cron Jobs - Setup a cron job for countryblock
                    To run countryblock as a cron job use /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
                    *Before the cron job will work, countryblock must be run via the webGUI atleast once

Warning! - Apply after every firewall change or state reset. Use at your own risk.

'0') echo "Running"; else echo "NOT running"; //Get Errors if exists ob_start(); $results = exec("tail -r errorOUT.txt"); ob_end_clean(); echo "
"; echo $results; echo ""; //Get IP Count echo "
You are blocking "; ob_start(); $results = exec("pfctl -T show -t countryblock |grep -v -c Z"); ob_end_clean(); echo $results; echo " Networks"; ?>