2.0 sample sample.inc sample.js form sample_on_load_event sample_on_sync_event header textbox mytextbox This is a textbox. Welcome to the world of coregui 2.0 ipsec_select ipsec IPsec selection widget test. select sample_sel interfaces_select inter_sel textarea mytextarea Just testing descriptions... This widget can not be edited! checkbox mycheckbox Check this nice checkbox Now checkboxes can have a caption as well. _('hey, this is only meant for quick and dirty stuff, do NOT implement anything longer than 2 or 3 commands here! Btw, i was clicked.'); submit mysubmit Send something sample_on_submit_event button mybutton Cancel something The description for the last element in a group is the description that matters. _('Hi, don\'t abuse me, use include_javascript instead!'); textbox dummydummy checkbox anothercheckbox Enable Another checkbox, this time after a group, and disabled. table move,edit,delete,add sample_on_apply_event checkbox dummycheckbox port dummyport Enter a port here. 3128 textbox dummysetting This dummy setting will not show up in the table. textarea longfield Very very very very very long field. form header button mybutton Another silly button table