bindzone none BIND: Zones Settings /usr/local/pkg/ Settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=bind.xml ACLs /pkg.php?xml=bind_acls.xml Views /pkg.php?xml=bind_views.xml Zones /pkg.php?xml=bind_zones.xml&id=0 Sync /pkg_edit.php?xml=bind_sync.xml ['installedpackages']['bindzone']['config'] Status disabled Disabled Enabled Name name Type type View(s) view Serial serial Description description on listtopic Domain Zone Configuration temp01 Disable This Zone disabled Do not include this zone in BIND config files. checkbox Zone Name name For reverse zones, include zone IP in reverse order. (e.g. 1.168.192)
Note: IN-ADDR.ARPA will be automaticaly included in config files when reverse zone option is checked. ]]>
Description description Enter a description for this zone. input 70 Zone Type type Select zone type. select on_type_zone_changed() View view Select (CTRL+click) the views that this zone will belong to. select_source name name 02 Reverse Zone reverso Check if this is a reverse zone. checkbox reversv6o IPv6 Reverse Zone reversv6o Check if this is an IPv6 reverse zone. Reverse Zone must also be enabled. checkbox Custom Option custom You can put your own custom options here. textarea 75 5 base64 listtopic DNSSEC temp04 Inline Signing dnssec backupkeys Enable inline DNSSEC signing for this zone. ]]> checkbox Backup Keys backupkeys Enable this option to include all DNSSEC key files in XML. checkbox DSSET dsset Upload this DSSET to your domain root server. ]]> textarea 75 3 base64 listtopic Slave Zone Configuration temp04 Master Zone IP slaveip If this is a slave zone, enter the IP address of the master DNS server. input listtopic Forward Zone Configuration temp04 Forwarders forwarders Enter forwarder IPs for this domain. Separate by semicolons (;). input 70 listtopic Master Zone Configuration temp03 TLL tll Default expiration time of all resource records without their own TTL value. input Name Server nameserver Enter nameserver for this zone. input Base Domain IP ipns nslookup return.) ]]> input Mail Admin Zone mail Enter mail admin zone. input Serial serial Parsed value for the slave to update the DNS zone. input Refresh refresh Slave refresh (Default: 1 day) input 1d Retry retry Slave retry time in case of a problem (Default: 2 hours) input 2h Expire expire Slave expiration time (Default: 4 weeks) input 4w Minimum minimum Maximum caching time in case of failed lookups (Default: 1 hour) input 1h allow-update allowupdate The allow-update statement defines a match list of IP address(es) that are allowed  to submit dynamic updates for 'master' zones - i.e., it enables Dynamic DNS (DDNS). ]]> select_source name name 03 Enable update-policy enable_updatepolicy The update-policy statement replaces the allow-update statement. ]]> checkbox updatepolicy update-policy updatepolicy Note: Do NOT include the surrounding { } when using multiple statements! ]]> input 75 allow-query allowquery The allow-query statement defines a match list of IP address(es) which are allowed to issue queries to the server. ]]> select_source name name 03 allow-transfer allowtransfer The allow-transfer statement defines a match list of IP address(es) that are allowed to transfer  (copy) the zone information from the server (master or slave for the zone). While on its face this may  seem an excessively friendly default, DNS data is essentially public (that's why its there) and the bad guys  can get all of it anyway.

However, if the thought of anyone being able to transfer your precious zone file is repugnant, or  (and this is far more significant) you are concerned about possible DoS attack initiated by XFER requests,  then you should use the following policy. ]]>
select_source name name 03
listtopic Zone Domain records temp02 Enter Domain Records "Record" is the name or last octet of an IP. (Example: www, pop, smtp)
"Type" is the type of the record. (Example: A, CNAME, MX, NS)
"Priority" is used only in MX records to define their priority.
"Alias or IP address" is the destination host or IP address.

Note: You can order the elements on this list with drag and drop. ]]>
none rowhelper Record hostname Enter the Host Name (Example: www) input 10 Type hosttype Select record type for this host. select Priority hostvalue Priority for MX record. (Example: 10 or 20) input 3 Alias or IP address hostdst Enter the IP address or FQDN destination for domain's MX (Example: or input 35 on
regdhcpstatic Register DHCP Static Mappings If this option is set, then DHCP static mappings will be registered in DNS, so that their name can be resolved. checkbox listtopic Custom Zone Domain Records temp02 customzonerecords This can be used for a fast migration setup. ]]> textarea 84 10 base64 listtopic Resulting Zone Config File resultconfig Resulting BIND config file for this zone. textarea 84 15 base64
bind_print_javascript_type_zone2(); bind_print_javascript_type_zone(); bind_sync(); bind_sync();